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Microsoft Entertainment Games

Could Doom 3 be a Xbox Exclusive? 441

acehole writes "Doom III, id's latest and greatest in the realm of first-person shooters, may be coming out as an Xbox exclusive... if Microsoft has its way." This story is very brief, has no real evidence, and should be treated as entirely speculative. I'd be sad if Doom 3 required me to use the X-Box's controller. It's just not right without a mouse!
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Could Doom 3 be a Xbox Exclusive?

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  • I am sure Id will make it available for other platforms.
    • It's quite obvious where Id's market lies...not with Microsoft products...I don't think this posting was necessary on Slashdot, it insults the reader's intelligence.
    • I will say ID is cool as for example releasing the source code for doom. At least count I know you could get Doom for PC/PS-One/Gameboy and also Symbian phones. One way or another we will all see Doom III at some point :)

    • by Hangtime ( 19526 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:29AM (#5721090) Homepage
      Don't be too sure. id knows how powerful its games are in the computer world. When a new game is released Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, a mini-worldwide upgrade in hardware generally comes as well. I got to talk with Todd Hollenshead one time and he seems like a pretty shrewd dude in terms of business. They will weigh the pros and cons of only releasing to one console platform and it come out a little something like this.

      ((Total Projected Sales of units between each of the other consoles) * 25%??? exclusivitiy bonus for the XBox) - (Development Costs to Port to other systems)

      If MS is offering more then that then they probably do it. id is powerful enough to demand that sort of deal and MSFT is rich and desperate enough to make that kind of deal. Guarantee you they hit a number like that, they would make it an X-Box exclusive.
      • by EpsCylonB ( 307640 ) <eps&epscylonb,com> on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:51AM (#5721187) Homepage
        As somebody already ported out ID were unlikey to port it to the PS2 as the number of comprimises they would have to make wouldn't justify it being connected to the PC version. (Not to start a flame war or anything but the PS2 can't really compete graphics wise with the GC or xbox anymore).

        An xbox version would be easy to port due to the fact that it basically a pc and uses directx.

        A gamecube version might possibly be worthwhile but it is very different architecture from the PC and Xbox, and chances are that MS will offer up more than enough money than could be realistically made by a GC port.
        • by kesuki ( 321456 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @07:01PM (#5723947) Journal
          You're forgetting one thing, a GC port is possible, because the CPU is very similar to the Mac. True, it has a custom ArtX (now owned by ATI) gpu, but, assuming that Doom 3 supports macs, porting it to GC is plausible. And the other question is how long is the deal that Id has to sign with microsoft. they could have an exclusive xbox port for a year or two, and maybe then port to GC, which will still be around, as nintendo won't drop support until after they have a next gen console established to replace it.
    • Well... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by 0x0d0a ( 568518 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:47AM (#5721167) Journal
      Keep in mind that Microsoft has a long and rich tradition of buying anyone that makes better products than they do that they can't otherwise quash.

      Remember Bungie, once pretty much the only significant Mac-only gaming company?

      IIRC, id is a privately-owned company, but what if *you* were Carmack and MS offered to fund *your* rocket-making experiment, plus more Ferraris? Would you at least consider an exclusive license on one game?

      I mean, here's what I'm saying. Carmack is a really damn good software engineer, and id is a really good company. Carmack's done tons and tons of work for Linux and other platforms -- he's been a powerful OpenGL ally, he's pushed Linux gaming, wrote large portions of the XFree86 GLX 3d driver for my Matrox card as volunteer work, has released all his games crossplatform (and I think id has consistently lost money on Linux releases). Lots of interest in Linux gaming came about *because* of his work, so he's indirectly responsible for much Linux gaming.

      Yet, does him doing all this justify everyone expecting him to say no to lots of money *again*?
      • Re:Well... (Score:4, Interesting)

        by drzhivago ( 310144 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @10:08AM (#5721261)
        But this rumor isn't that they are buying id Software, it is that Microsoft wants Doom 3 exclusive to the Xbox. It would be no small coup if it happens, either.

        This happens ALL the time in the console world. Sony is particularly fond of this tactic, paying off companies like Square and Eidos (Tomb Raider) so that these companies' games will be released first for the Playstation/PS2 and 6-months later if at all for competitors' systems.

        In fact, I'm pretty sure that Microsoft has already engaged in this practice with Konami for Metal Gear Solid 2:Substance. Just now is the game being released for Playstation 2, yet it has been available for the Xbox for a long time.
      • ...for his rocket experiments, then he would be doing the right thing.

        Exploration of space is much more important than monopoly issues on the entertainment market.

      • If anything, i'd ask Nintendo or Sony if they want to give me money for the rights just to stuff it in Microsofts monopolistic face. Carmack has enough sense to see the poor monopoly marketing MS is doing with the XBox (Selling at a huge loss, posting lame announcements bashing other consoles whenever possible, giving away free consoles everywhere trying to artificially inflate their numbers, etc) .. He knows if he gives them exclusive rights he'll be directly supporting a monopoly.
  • hmm (Score:5, Informative)

    by abhisarda ( 638576 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:12AM (#5720984) Journal
    Where Is Doom III Going?
    An article in the current issue of Wired magazine confirms what a lot of gamers were suspecting already: Microsoft is actively courting id Software for the exclusive console rights to Doom III. According to the article--a feature on current developments in the jaw-dropping PC FPS--the company behind the Xbox is offering an undisclosed amount of money to id in exchange for the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.)
    The folks at id reportedly haven't made a decision on the matter yet--it seems a reasonable enough assumption (lead programmer John Carmack has made comments in the past that seem to show a preference for the Xbox), but we'll see how it turns out. The PC game will likely be playable at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next month in Los Angeles.

    The Wired article also had one more interesting bit on the PC version: in addition to the multiplayer expansion pack Carmack hinted at earlier, plans are also in the works for a new single-player expansion pack, due to be released some time after the final product hits stores. We'll have more details for you soon, so stay tuned.

    • Re:hmm (Score:5, Informative)

      by los furtive ( 232491 ) <ChrisLamothe@@@gmail...com> on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:30AM (#5721092) Homepage

      An article in the current issue of Wired magazine confirms what a lot of gamers were suspecting already: Microsoft is actively courting id Software for the exclusive console rights to Doom III.

      That's what I figured. Thanks /. for getting peoples panties in a knot for nothing.

      • by Hellkitten ( 574820 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:53AM (#5721193)

        And even better yet:

        "money to id in exchange for the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.)"

        I can live with people commenting without having read the articles, but now the editors add their clever comment without having read (or understood) the article

      • Re:hmm (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Paladin128 ( 203968 ) <aaron.traas@org> on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:55AM (#5721202) Homepage
        Frankly, I don't know if either the PS2 or GC could handle Doom III. The PS2 doesn't have as much horsepower, and the GC's graphics core is rather fixed-function. Frankly, even on the XBox, the graphics will be diminished, as the XBox's GF3 core is a far cry from the GeForceFX and the Radeon 9700/9800 cores, which are more or less required to have decent performance with all the options on. Doom III has a ridiculous list of features, including stencil shadows, which generally triple the polycount of a given scene.

        I personally could care less if ANY of the consoles get Doom III. I'm a big console fan, but some genres (namely FPS's and RTS's) are just better with PC-style input devices. By the same token, I'd probably never buy Soul Calibur or DOA or Zelda for the PC, if they ever came out.
        • Re:hmm (Score:2, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward
          Metroid Prime proves that the Gamecube easily is up to par with the XBox, but frankly, I don't think that any of the consoles will be able to do an adequate job with a Doom 3 port.

          Give me the PC version... And the Linux port. ;)
        • Re:hmm (Score:4, Informative)

          by Glyndwr ( 217857 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @10:51AM (#5721469) Homepage Journal
          Go and read Carmack's .plan file, archived here [webdog.org]; he's already said the Xbox can run Doom3 equivalently to a PC. Doom3 only has no support for high level shaders used in DX9 class hardware.
        • Re:hmm (Score:5, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 13, 2003 @11:13AM (#5721552)
          Carmack has said a few things in regard to this:

          1. He can increase performance by 50% by optimizing for a fixed plattform (Xbox)
          2. Doom3 was designed with NV20 (GeForce 3) level features as the baseline--the NV20 rendering path has all the eye-candy of the ARB2 or NV30 rendering path (see this interview with JC over at Beyond3D [beyond3d.com]).
          3. A NV20 (GeForce 3) will be able to run Doom3 at 30FPS with max detail at 1024x768. It's a single-player game as well, so 60FPS+ isn't that big of a concern. With R300/350/NV30/35, you'll be able to get much higher framerates and use of anisotropic filtering and antialiasing. BUT, the game will be playable on a GF3.
          4. The only thing that would have to be cut for an Xbox version would be some of the higher-res textures because of the Xbox's memory constraints--however, those textures would also be completely unnoticeable because of the much lower resolution on a TV compared to a PC (unless you're playing on an HDTV, of course).

          So yeah. Xbox IS a PC, and not an altogether bad one at that. Plus the NV2X core in the Xbox is faster than a GF3, or so most people believe (but not as fast as a GF4).
        • Re:hmm (Score:2, Interesting)

          by MWelchUK ( 585458 )
          You only read the first article and no further huh?

          From the link in the article:

          The PC version of Doom III was running all over the QuakeCon floor on 2.3GHz Pentium 4 systems equipped with ATI's next-gen Radeon 9700 card. However, Carmack commented that the game was designed more for the GeForce2 generation of cards and will likely require a 1GHz machine at the very least.

          So the XBox's graphics engine will probably (unfortunately) be sufficient and the processor no doubt will be able to cope once the cod
    • OpenGL (Score:4, Interesting)

      by alphapartic1e ( 260735 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @11:34AM (#5721668)
      Umm... id Software games have always been OpenGL based. Seeing how the XBox only supports Direct3D, and I don't seen why John Carmack would waste the time porting the entire codebase to Direct3D.
      • Re:OpenGL (Score:4, Informative)

        by MisterFancypants ( 615129 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @06:23PM (#5723727)
        Umm... id Software games have always been OpenGL based. Seeing how the XBox only supports Direct3D, and I don't seen why John Carmack would waste the time porting the entire codebase to Direct3D.

        The XBOX supports whatever software is on the DVD. It would be trivial for Microsoft and NVidia to port NVidia's OpenGL drivers from Win2000 to the XBOX and stick them on the DVD.

        DirectX *isn't* built into the XBOX. It is just software libs on the DVD of each game. The OpenGL driver would work exactly the same.

        This isn't an issue that Microsoft couldn't fix (with NVidia's help) in the span of a week.

  • Read the article (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:13AM (#5720989)
    It's coming to PC no matter what, this is just for exclusivity on consoles. Perhaps you should have read the article...
  • These are in regards to console rights only. Doom 3 will of course be released on the pc. You will be able to play it with your mouse. Sheesh.
  • Arrgh (Score:2, Insightful)

    by luna1ix ( 549450 )
    the company behind the Xbox is offering an undisclosed amount of money to id in exchange for the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.) Please! At least the Submitters should read their stories!
  • Not Xbox exclusive! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Galvatron ( 115029 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:15AM (#5720999)
    All Microsoft is negotiating for are the exclusive console rights. Dooom 3 will still be on PC, it's just that the Xbox may be the only console it's released for. In fact, the article specifically mentions that 2 expansion packs are planned for the PC version.

    This makes a lot of sense, as the Xbox is the most like a PC of the 3 consoles. It won't take as much work for id to port, and if Microsoft is willing to pay them a bunch of money on top of that, all the better.

  • They want XBox to be the only console that gets DoomIII. It would still be available for the PC. It plainly says so in the article.
  • It says quite plainly, that Microsoft is courting ID software for exclusive CONSOLE rights. It goes further to say that the PC version is likely going to be playable at the E3 exposition next month.

    Jeez... never thought I'd see the day when a story submitter didn't read the article. Then again... this is /.
  • I hope that they do it for the MS side, but release it for Linux and OSX as well.
  • Summary: I'd be sad if Doom 3 required me to use the X-Box's controller. It's just not right without a mouse!

    Article: the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.)

    Taco as you said the article is brief, you should have found it. Not reading the comments is one thing, not reading the _articles_ is the reason for the incredible amount of dupes here.

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  • I wouldn't believe for a minute that the PS2 could handle graphics anything like what Doom III is supposed to have. That even the XBox can handle it without significantly reducing the detail would supprise me. So MS is trying to keep Nintendo from producing a crippled port of their own. We care again...why?
  • I don't think so (Score:2, Informative)

    1) No Mouse
    2) No Keyboard
    3) Slow GFX Chip
    4) Slow CPU
    5) No Hires GFX

    If it comes out for xbox it will have nothing to do with the alpha version we have seen ... errr .. heared of.

    • 1) No Mouse

      2) No Keyboard

      FPS suck on consoles because of this. But it can be done. Halo, Goldeneye, and Metroid Prime are good examples. Although you can successfully argue that MP is not an FPS.

      There isn't supposed to be a huge multiplayer element to Doom3. So computer gamers blowing away Live! users won't be a concern.

      3) Slow GFX Chip

      4) Slow CPU

      I'm not sure what's sitting in your boxen, but I have an Athlon 1333 and an NV22 (GeForce3 Ti 500). But a game on the XBox should be able to outperfo

  • by rf0 ( 159958 )
    This is an exclusive for *console* only. However even if was just for X-BOX you don't think MS would stop it being released on PC? Theoretically porting from X-BOX should be relatively easily taking the use of DirectX etc.

    However the PC is the real home of Doom. You need a mouse and keyboard for full control. Also with the easy online access is really needed for he online multiplayer expirence

  • by CaseyB ( 1105 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:22AM (#5721045)
    "Console Exclusive" is the term used in the industry for excluding other consoles from a game. It doesn't include the PC. GTA3 is "console exclusive" on the PS2, and but there is a PC version.

    It may well be the technology that dictates where DOOM3 can play, as it's going to be very dependent on hardware pixel and vertex shaders. It could likely only make it to Gamecube and Xbox anyway, unless they cripple the engine just to get it running on PS2.

  • Cant be true, two reasons.

    Doom stated on the PC, it is only logical, taht with such a huge fan base using the PC platform to release it for the PC first. Woul not make good business sense not to.

    Second why would they go through all the R&D of making a PC Alpha (I have seen it) and then scrap it?
    • Sure it can. It all depends on how much money Microsoft is willing to throw at iD. If we're talking billions, then it suddenly makes very good business sense to scrap all that R&D and make Doom 3 an XBox only game.

      I don't think it's going to happen, but what if MS goes to Id and says "How much money do you want to make D3 an Xbox exculsive", and Id quotes them an outrageous figure, and MS writes out the check?

  • by abelsson ( 21706 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:24AM (#5721059) Homepage
    It talks about *console* version only being for the xbox and even says: "It'd still come out on the PC, of course."

    Hey, I got a novel idea: How about if the editors acctually read the linked article before they post stories?
    • I guess his only excuse is that it's not the easiest site to read - dark grey on black, plus a truncated message in pop-up saying "we haven't tested our site on your browser. Javascript W...".

      What is it with web designers these days? Light background, dark text is pretty much universal and easy to read (like, say, in these strange items called books ).
  • Microsoft is actively courting id Software for the exclusive console rights to Doom III. According to the article--a feature on current developments in the jaw-dropping PC FPS--the company behind the Xbox is offering an undisclosed amount of money to id in exchange for the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.)

    And just where does the OS on most PCs come from?

    Yes, the article is short on facts and long on speculation
    • "In a sense, Microsoft would be buying up a monopoly on Doom III."

      And in a legal sense, this is not a monopoly. If Doom3 was the only game out there, you'd have an argument, but it's not. If MS had bought out all games' licenses, it would be a monopoly. They have not.

    • by OldMiner ( 589872 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @10:44AM (#5721435) Journal
      Does it make sense for id to create software for one console, when there are several choices out there? Microsoft would have to pony up a lot of cash to make up for lost revenue from other consoles, which we are all well aware that they can certainly do.

      Having not pried into the numbers of this field which are what ultimately determine whether any of your or my points are valid, allow me to offer a converse assertion.

      Porting costs can be very high. Each additional platform Doom3 goes on will require (1) rewriting potentially large chunks of graphics code, if not other things if it turns out some things have to be squeezed a little extra to fit inside the console; (2) perhaps more expensive, extensive play testing to confirm the new hardware doesn't cause strange new problems; (3) creating a production line for creating media and packaging; (4) negotiating with stores shelf-space for an additional title; (5) providing tech support for yet another platform.

      You seem to assert that for every additional platform the game is available for will mean more incoming revenue. Whether you meant this or not, it is not the case. Many people have multiple platforms -- XBox and a PC, PS2 and a GameCube, etc. Once more, some people may buy a new console simply for the newst, hot game out. And Doom3 will be coming out with a rather large amount of fan fare. If these two groups are a significant portion of the purchasers of Doom3, you start seeing diminishing returns very quicly -- perhaps even after supporting only two platforms (e.g. Windows and XBox)

      Further, the game is already going to run in a Windows environment, doubtlessly. This means that XBox will be the easiest to port to, both because of a minimal amount of code rewrite being necessary and because the mostly stock hardware means that not as much XBox specific testing would be necessary.

  • ... I will personally assassinate Bill Gates and firebomb the entire campus at One Microsoft Way.
  • The result (Score:5, Funny)

    by handsomepete ( 561396 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:33AM (#5721104) Journal
    The result of such a move would be that hundreds of slashdotters would change their .sigs to:

    Carmack: Bad (mostly due to giving exclusive Doom 3 rights to Microsoft)
  • by MrNop ( 609524 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:34AM (#5721107)
    So, do you mean Doom III will only work on xbox linux ? :-)
  • Too bad GamePro, Slashdot and other sites feel for it.

  • Could we all start submitting stories with links to sites that have absolutely nothing to do with them, seeing as how the eds just seem to make sure the link points to something containing the right keywords? We could have our own April Fools whenever we wanted!

    I'm more excited about the licensed games using Doom 3's engine than Doom 3. Also, as Warbucket [warbucket.com] pointed out [warbucket.com], to get the "full" Doom 3 experience (legally), you're going to have to drop about a hundred bucks US. (Trust me, those links actually go
  • by hpavc ( 129350 )
    1) sell (exclusively license) doom3 to microsoft
    2) profit
    3) change intro screen
    4) release doom4
    5) profit
  • Is this April 1st ?
  • I'll donate all my money to the little baby orphans.
  • April Fools!!!!
  • Hope this doesn't get tossed into "troll land", but I think it deserves pointing out.

    Game consoles are entirely commercial endeavours, designed first and foremost to pry the maximum amount of money from your wallet for games played on them.

    Whether you prefer Playstation 2, X-Box, Nintendo, or something else - I haven't seen any freeware or "try before you buy, $10 shareware" packages released for any of them.

    Pretty much everything I've seen run on them could (and *usually* is) done about as well (if not
    • **Whether you prefer Playstation 2, X-Box, Nintendo, or something else - I haven't seen any freeware or "try before you buy, $10 shareware" packages released for any of them.** on the contrary, console mags ship regularly with discs of game demos, game salesmen regularly give store owners such discs.
  • by EpsCylonB ( 307640 ) <eps&epscylonb,com> on Sunday April 13, 2003 @09:56AM (#5721210) Homepage
    Could Doom 3 be a Xbox Exclusive?

    The answer (included within the article submitted) would appear to be No.
  • "...the company behind the Xbox is offering an undisclosed amount of money to id in exchange for the right to make their latest game an Xbox-only title as far as consoles are concerned. (It'd still come out on the PC, of course.)"
  • ...and according to the article, it's not going to be, would that be that bad? It would not be the end of the world.
    Halo seemed like a great game at the time, I would have bought it. But then it was an x-box exclusive. And as such it just wasn't an interesting game for me anymore. I just forgot all about it and played some other good PC games.
  • The first sentence clearly states "Microsoft is actively courting id Software for the exclusive console rights to Doom III". Duh, no biggie I never really expected a direct PS2 port, did you? It will still come out for PC and Linux but perhaps the only console with a port is XBox. Read the first sentence of the articles you post, at the least.
  • Someone needs to edit flawed submissions. I thought for a minute there'd be no PC version which to me smacked of idiocy.

    However, making it a console only version for the XBox while releasing it on the PC.

    Eh, I dont' care. To me, FPS on a Console suck. I prefer the KB/Mouse method of input not the little slow to respond pads (in FPS modes, in other mods, the pads rock).

    However, I'll never own an XBox so I don't care. Gamecube and PS2 are for me. MS isn't getting near my TV if I can avoid it.

    No, I
  • I have this one mod point left, and I'd really like to mod the parent down as "Troll", but for some reason I can't find the drop-down box...
  • by paradesign ( 561561 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @10:37AM (#5721404) Homepage
    the cube has better texture support, and doom 3 relys heavily on texturing for its graphics. also the ppc architechture of the cube would make it more efficient for running the game, better than that x86 generocrap in the xbox.

    /ends fanboy rant

    i dont plan on buying it for console, but i will purchase both the OSX and PC versions, cause you DO need a mouse and keyboard.

  • by John Siracusa ( 4209 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @10:49AM (#5721455) Homepage
    From the May 2003 print edition of Wired, page 153:

    "We're being offered a pretty significant amount of money to sit on it until an Xbox port is done." -- John Carmack

    "It" meaning Doom 3, of course. So MS is trying to get Id to delay Doom 3 for all platforms until an Xbox port is done. (Presumably, it'd come out for the PC first without any outside influence.) Do you really want to sit around while Id finishes the Xbox port, knowing that the PC version of Doom 3 is done?
    • As long as that clause does not also include "no Linux version" or something similar, I really don't care.
    • by Jagasian ( 129329 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @12:33PM (#5722001)
      It would be smart for Id to sit on Doom 3 until the XBOX port is done because they will still be making money, cuz Microsoft is paying them, AND during that time, they can tweak, fix bugs, and add more polish to the PC version of Doom 3. It would be bad to delay the game for a long peroid of time, but if it is just a few months... Microsoft is basically paying them to add more polish to the PC version of Doom 3.
  • Console doom players are just gonna get so owned on public internet servers.. muahahaha...

    Any experienced doomster playing behind a keyboard and mouse is going to just massively _destroy_ the kids playing with one of those piddly little joystick gamepad thingies..

    We'll have to invent a whole new term for the cannon fodder they'll be to those playing behind a PC...... hrmmm... lessee.. how bout:

    xbox krispies, nice and chewey and so easy to make...
  • Microsoft must have paid Carmack to make all the ports besides Xbox painfully slow. That must be why the Doom III Alpha ran at 20fps on my geforce 4..
  • If Microsoft had its way all games would be xbox exclusives. If Sony had its way, all games would be ps2 exclusives. etc.... So the fact that Microsoft would have Doom III be an xbox exclusive is fairly stupid.
  • First like half of the posts pointed out, it only applies to consoles, not the PC Version. Microsoft would have to pay ID Bill Gates total income for the next five years before they would make it THAT exclusive

    Second, Even if Microsoft didn't give ID the "Bag of Money" to make it XBOX exclusive for consoles it would make the most sense to put it on the XBOX anyway because
    1) The mean age of owners is much higher on the XBOX. In fact it's around the age that ID is targeting.
    2) The XBOX gamers are more FPS sa
  • DNF (Score:3, Funny)

    by stud9920 ( 236753 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @12:27PM (#5721956)
    Is this also the reason Duke Nukem Forever is being delayed ?
  • by Trogre ( 513942 ) on Sunday April 13, 2003 @04:25PM (#5723100) Homepage
    I wonder what the outcome would be if iD released Doom3 exclusivly for Linux.

    I know that Linux ports have never been profitable for iD in the past, but that seems to be primarily because there was a more accepted alternative: buy the Windows version and then patch it to run on Linux.

    It's a given that Doom3 is going to be immensly popular when it comes out, regardless of what platform it's, so I would reason that this move would cause a massive surge in popularity of Linux among gamers.

    It would be a good way for Carmack to give MS the big finger once and for all.

    Besides, I'm not sure how OpenGL compliant the XBox drivers are. The only OGL software I've seen on the XBox is under Linux (which of course doesn't require the MS drivers). Wouldn't that be a kicker - you can play Doom3 on the XBox, but only if you install Linux on it.

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