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Games Entertainment

G-Spy - A Gaming Meta News Site 32

Guy In A Labcoat writes "I just discovered a "gaming meta news site" called G-Spy. Looks like someone's trying to get something like Google News going for gaming. They claim to scan roughly 40 gaming news sites periodically, in order to get an objective index of what's hot in the world of games at the very moment. Looks interesting!" It's also reminiscent of a gaming version of the weblog-orientated Daypop Top 40.
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G-Spy - A Gaming Meta News Site

Comments Filter:
  • G-Spotting. Hmmm, that certainly is some sort of game ...
  • But I think it needs somes filters. IE, I'm Gamecube and GBA only, so I don't really care about the upcoming releases for X Box. Also, (a typical /. response) fix them colors! :)
    OT, I like the color scheme!
  • sounds interesting but we will see how accurate it is
  • That someone had not done this already. Since the Gaming industry is a multi-Billion dollar a year business, I would think that there would sites like that and more pages like this I also am a bit suprised that there are not more posts here. But then again, gamers are playing games not reading /.
  • Some sectioning would be good. The "Error" links are nice.

    Good job :)
  • Remember when... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ehushagen ( 658426 )
    Anybody else remember when changed from a generic "About Gamespy Industries" page to what it is today? I was a paid newsposter for GSI at the time on one of their Planet sites, and it was hailed as a new revolution in gaming news. It was, at the time, supposed to be exactly this - your one-stop-shop for all gaming news. Look what it turned into...
  • Interesting... (Score:4, Informative)

    by syr ( 647840 ) on Tuesday April 29, 2003 @07:27PM (#5838877)
    There is definitely room for improvement in the world of gaming news. It takes far too much time to find quality news for titles you are interested in.

    As far as gaming news sites go, I just go to GameTab news [] as they have feeds updated every 10 minutes from the top news sites.
  • by quiddity ( 106640 ) on Tuesday April 29, 2003 @07:44PM (#5838976)
    a few other good sites include: games.ars [], gamegirl advance [], [], got game? [], how they got game [], ludology [], or for regular gaming news, the friendlier ones are bluesnews [], gamespy [], games are fun [] and shacknews []. where do you go?
  • How is this different from someone dumping a bunch of RDF files on a page?

  • Not all that impressed by the G-Spy site. I think there are plenty of sites out there with content, so what makes the decision for me is the display. I love the slashdot interface, so until lately I've been reading Ain't It Cool GamesM [], also... Shacknews [], and IGN [], and now this site.

    G-Spy is terribly organized, reguardless of how many sites it might profile.
  • Wow! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Daetrin ( 576516 ) on Tuesday April 29, 2003 @08:22PM (#5839214)
    I want to hear more about the new and mysterious game called "Error" that they keep talking about!
  • Bluesnews? (Score:3, Informative)

    by fadeaway ( 531137 ) on Tuesday April 29, 2003 @08:29PM (#5839255)
    I don't know about you guys, but [] does as good a job of covering all the major news as I can imagine. They do a daily roundup of all interviews, reviews, hardware news, etc., etc. They manage to hit just about everything that'ss worth reading..

    • And the amazing part is that "they" is just one person. I've got a lot of respect for Blue - it can't be easy keeping it up this long.

      I've been a reader since "Blue's Quake Rag". Jeezus, I'm old.

      • Heh, I hope this doesn't dent your respect for Blue.. because it's well placed.. but it's actually a team effort. Frans also posts, and I'm pretty sure a few others guys do as well.

        You can read all about it here []. All of these guys deserve a round of applause as far as I'm concerned.
  • GameRankings (Score:3, Informative)

    by angle_slam ( 623817 ) on Tuesday April 29, 2003 @08:37PM (#5839310)
    It isn't a news site, but [] is a great way to find out what the highly rated games are. They compile a list of reviews of games for both consoles and PC and rank [] the games. They also provide links to the actual reviews. You can filter the rankings by game platform, game genre, and release date. Ever wanted to know what the best baseball game for the PS2 is? Now it's easy to find out which game has the best reviews, so you get a good start.
    • Metacritic also has a meta-review section. []

      Good coverage of all platforms and, IMO, a cleaner interface.

  • G-Spy site looks ugly to me, and I go to Blue's News for all my gaming information. They have everything there. There's no real reason to scour web sites for this info, because it's all on Blue's News or GameSpy's me flamebait, but this seems like a waste to me.
  • They were going to call it "G-Spot" but, alas, the URL was already taken []. =) [Not safe for work!]

  • Though Blues [] have been mentioned here in other posts, I'd also like to mention [], another great site that summarises a lot of other news sites.
  •, the absolute best source for movie information and reviews is also getting a gaming meta-site going too. I'd like to see it take off as much as the actual site, but it is still lacking a lot of information. I'll be rooting for them to pick it up.

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