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Deee-lite Singer Sues Sega Over Space Channel 5 44

According to this story at, the former singer of Deee-lite, Lady Miss Kier, is suing Sega for borrowing her image and style for the game Space Channel 5. She's seeking more than $750,000 for misuse of her likeness, and claims that Sega originally tried to negotiate a deal with her during 2000, but she declined. This calls to mind Nintendo's brush with Uri Geller.
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Deee-lite Singer Sues Sega Over Space Channel 5

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  • space channel 5 isn't exactly new..... this is frivolity... also, I don't see the resemblence.
    • by mbogosian ( 537034 ) <> on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @03:42AM (#5841308) Homepage
      space channel 5 isn't exactly new..... this is frivolity... also, I don't see the resemblence.

      Except that, according to the story, "The singer further claims that between May and July 2000 Sega asked to license her likeness, image and name for the games for roughly $15,000, but she declined." If this is true, then Sega thought it was close enough to seek a license....

      Then again, maybe why you don't see the resemblance now is because Sega was forced to change the game...which of course would make the lawsuit a little opportunistic.
      • I imagine if she had sold them her image, Ulala would look a lot more like her.

        Anyways, I doubt any normal person will mistake the two, so how can this damage her.
      • Except that, according to the story, "The singer further claims that between May and July 2000 Sega asked to license her likeness, image and name for the games for roughly $15,000, but she declined." If this is true, then Sega thought it was close enough to seek a license....

        If it is true, it could also mean that since they ended up with a character which reminded them of her, they figured they might as well change it to be her if she'd sell them the rights.

        Considering how many good songs Dee-Lite

  • Did it involve spoons? I wonder if it wasn't just the guy they call Spoonman [] [Google Cache]
  • I don't see it. Would a judge?
  • Contrast and compare (Score:3, Informative)

    by Allison Geode ( 598914 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @12:36AM (#5840634)
    Deelite: rt/DeeeLite_VeryBestOf.jpg Space Channel 5: pacechannel5.jpg (forgive my crappy formatting, I don't feel like html tonight.. I'm still sort of learning as I go along, doing the website at work, and don't want to mess it up and feel more foolish if I do it wrong)
  • Some comparisons... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Chris Coster ( 143884 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @12:50AM (#5840682) Homepage
    After a quick Google image search, I'd say SC5 [] has more of a resemblance to the classic sci-fi B-movie Barbarella [] (spaceships and laser guns) or the movie CQ [] than Deee-lite []. Oh, and does that mean she's going to try and sue Monolith for the game No-One Lives Forever [] (and the latest Austin Powers franchise while she's at it?)

    If there's any resemblance, it's because Dee copied Barb's look - which is only that cliched 60's view of the future anyway. I vaguely remember a DeeLite video featured aliens playing a keyboard. If it wasn't a straight rip-off of the Star Wars canteena band - I'm not sure what isn't. Although really the only similarity I can see is that they both Dee and Ulala have RED (or PINK) hair. Shocking!

    I'd be suprised if SC5 actually made a profit for Sega given the nature of most games (and the Dreamcast's nosedive). I'm sure if Dee would like to take her fair share of the negative profits, Sega would be only too happy... :)

    Popular fact #1: SC5 contained "spydance" (and was actually quite funky), as opposed to "shit pop music" that should have died in the early 90's.

    Popular fact #2: Michael Jackson (yes that Michael) played a walk-on role and sung some backing vocals in SC5 if you rescued him from the aliens. The rumour is that he approched Sega and offered to appear for free (but I might be making that up).
    • I also note a resemblance in the shoes. But yeah, the music is not at _all_ alike.

      The credits say "Thanks, Michael" I believe, so, yeah, it would make sense if he offered.
  • LMK vs Ulala (Score:4, Insightful)

    by numberthree ( 596117 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @01:38AM (#5840937) Homepage
    It isn't just the look, but the movement, voice and persona of LMK that Ulala has. The first time I played Space Channel 5, I was immediately reminded of LMK of Deee-Lite. A good example is her name, Ulala. On Deee-Lite's Sampadelic Relics and Dancefloor Oddities, there's a sample of LMK saying "Ooo la la, la la la la la la" and then speaking a bunch of French. The whole game is just a funky hodgepodge of dancing, style and flare, which is more or less what LMK has always seemed to convey.

    Still, I think it's ridiculous that LMK thinks she owns the rights to a certain look. You don't see the first guy who started wearing khaki shorts and sandals suing everyone who has made a late 90's frat movie. Or, perhaps more appropriately, a 70's disco diva suing Lady Miss Kier.
    • Re:LMK vs Ulala (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Still, I think it's ridiculous that LMK thinks she owns the rights to a certain look.

      If that "look" is sufficiently distinctive, and her livelihood is related to her use of that "look," then of course she should have the exclusive right to it.

      A better question would be whether or not it's a good thing that we live in a society in which a person's livelihood can depend on whether or not that person dresses or behaves uniquely. Seems like a funny set of priorities we have, if you ask me.
  • a bit of short on cash, non?

    Although, if I was going to start vexatious litigation I might not plump for Sega given their fortunes of late.

    I've only ever played the first couple of minutes of SC5, and whilst I was certainly confused as to why anybody would want to buy the game, I wasn't confused about who the principal avatar was.

    Sure, the design has a nod and a wink to 60's kitsch, Dee-lite and a million other things, but I don't think it's ripping off her identity or trading on the LMK "brand".
  • It was fun game on the dreamcast. Bit short, But I don't really think she has a shot at winning.
  • My friends have told me I look like a bunch of video game characters so instead of posting on /. the rest of the day, I am off to start filing some class-action law suits, mainly against Nintendo because I am a plumber and Luigi's moustache is the same type as mine. They didn't ask me before they designed him. What were they thinking? They should send out a mass email to the world before designing characters so that they might not look like anyone. Well, wish me luck. I'm off to get lots of money for f
  • If there is anyone out there like me who was curious about what the pokemon that looks like Uri Geller was, here's a link [] to the pic of "kadabra" the character he claimed imitated him.
  • Clue please? (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by Hard_Code ( 49548 )
    Ok, I read the article but I still don't understand what Space Channel 5 is, or Chu Chu Rocket, or any of these games or what they have to do with each other. WTF is the "rhythm music" genre, or "rhythm action title"? Is this a GAME genre or what?
    • no, they are just all DDR clones and the like. :P I dunno, I guess it's the new rave with really bored people, they wanna mash buttons when they hear the bass.
    • rhythm music games are a small genre. They include not only games like Dance Dance Revolution where you have to physically dance on a dance pad, but also games where you just tap buttons to the rhythm. Some of these are Rez, Bust-a-Groove, Parappa the Rappa, and Space Channel 5.
  • I can't seem to find any good photos of her; they are all dead links off of
  • ...I guess that's the only way to make any money.

    Oh, did I say that out loud?
    • I love it when Has-beens pop up and are all of the sudden worried about the misuse of their "images". I see no resemblence really, unless we want to give full credit to dee-lite for go-go boots and orange dresses. Maybe se should sue the 60's while shes at it. That whole decade ripped off her style.
  • "The similarities and likenesses are so close that viewers, listeners, and consumers were and are confused or likely to become confused between Ulala and plaintiff."

    and if anyone actually remembered the plaintiff, then that would be possible.
    • >and if anyone actually remembered the plaintiff, >then that would be possible I remember the plaintiff and have played the game and didn't even make the connection until I read this article.
  • by The Evil Couch ( 621105 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @12:21PM (#5844597) Homepage
    distinctive? come the fuck on, that discribes half of all european and asian teenage girls. just take your damn royalty checks for "groove is in the heart" and leave Sega alone. I mean, at least Sega is something from the 80's that's still good
  • I have met Lady Miss Kier and talked to her for about 20 mins. She looks nothing like the video game character or vice versa. LMK is like 4 foot nothing tall. If you look at the bottom screen shot, that character is about the same height as everyone. There is a kid to the left and that is about what LMK's height is compared to other people. Its a shame too. She was really cool.
  • The problem is that Dee-lite was a Retro Rip-off band. They were a good one, and did it well, but they were trying to recreate a pre-existing look. So it's not her look. She's already borrowing it, so how can she own it?

    The problem is Ulala looks like a lot of cute generic pop-rock girls (and Japan has a hell of a lot of those). If someone makes a game with a character who wears the same polo shirt and khakis that I wear at work can I sue them? Probably not unless it is clearly supposed to be a liken

  • I assume Sega asked to license her name/likeness/etc. before they started development. If anything, the creators of Barbarella or some group of now-pushing-eighty gogo dancers should be suing LMK.

    From the article:

    "The similarities and likenesses include the same or nearly the same distinctive make-up, large eyelashes, doe eyes, red/pink hair, pony tails, cute backpacks, mini-skirts, knee-socks, knee-high boots, and platform shoes"

    Does that make you think retro, drag queen, Japanese kid in Harajuku or D
  • but who is Deelite? if i and probably half of the rest of the Sega game playing world doesnt know who she is how can this affect her?

    IMHO this is just another hollywood get rich quick scheme, She isnt very famous so she sues a huge company to get her name recognised again
  • "The similarities and likenesses include the same or nearly the same distinctive make-up, large eyelashes, doe eyes, red/pink hair, pony tails, cute backpacks, mini-skirts, knee-socks, knee-high boots, and platform shoes..."

    Isn't she guilty of ripping off every Japanese pop idol girl? And the ultrashiek 60's "oh-lah-lah i'm so French" look?

    I like Dee-lite as an act, but one must admit she is popular as a diva stereotype and not as an original. Sinead 'O Conner has a distinct look. Kiss has a distinct
    • LMAO, did you re-lyric that song yourself? Funny! And it matches the original tempo wise as well..and you only re-used 1 original section..nice job!

      Now get outside or away from the computer! :D

      This lawsuit aside, the world clique album (whaaa....whats an album?) is a great listen....

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
