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Max Payne Live-Action Short Movie Completed 46

potaz writes "3D Realms is reporting that an officially-sanctioned Max Payne short movie has been completed. It's a student project called "Max Payne: Hero" and is available - complete - for download from" While we're waiting for the next Max Payne game installment (and, indeed, the next game from his friend Duke), this seems like a neat way to wile away the time.
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Max Payne Live-Action Short Movie Completed

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  • What's the appeal?

    Granted, I only played the game for a few hours but there was little more substance than found in a hackneyed detective story.

    The same can be said about Duke Nukem. Why make a movie?
  • Now it will be good and slashdotted for the next few days. And I can't even try to get it until I get home. If someone nabs it and has extra bandwidth, post a mirror!
    • Re:D'oh!! (Score:3, Informative)

      by potaz ( 211754 )
      Well, actually the files are hosted on fileplanet, so it should be pretty ok.

      Try here [] or here [].
      • What the heck!? I have to register just to see the movie? What kind of stupid such-and-such is this? Spam and a thanks.

        If he really wanted people to have access without hesitation why not make it available with BitTorrent or even (shudder) KaZaA?

    • Does someone want to seed a .tor?
    • It doesn't seem to matter.. Fileplanet and fileshack both have it...

      What that means to us? Plenty of bandwith, but 1 outa 3 downloads will pass the CRC

      yay ! E:\Downloads\ CRC failed in maxpaynehero.avi. The file is corrupt

      download 1 complete... another hour to get the one that works.
      • Re:D'oh!! (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Oriumpor ( 446718 ) *
        YAY only took 2 times to get a working file

        The acting was sub par, the shots (in some cases the explosions set off in the background did not at all match the angle of the blanks being shot at them.
        (Things exploding directly behind the hero while he is being shot at..... not exactly perfect, but hey when you only got enough money for 1 take of explosions It's probably much better than all that.)
        I was looking forward to some high speed camerawork but alas, I can't get all I want. (Besides it's really friggen
  • by Captain Beefheart ( 628365 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @03:23PM (#5846942)
    ...When one source is FileShack (subcription) and the other is FilePlanet (Communist File Queue of DOOM).
  • Is there a BitTorrent link for this? I couldn't find one on []
    • Re:BitTorrent? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @03:49PM (#5847266)
      I just added one here []. Let's hope the tracker can handle the load. :)

      Remember, leave your BitTorrent windows open so everyone else can download too!

  • First off, the guy playing Max Payne doesn't come close to portraying the hard ass we know (perhaps love, however unlikely) from the game. Sure its cool to see someone doing indy film projects relating to games, but bottom line the short offers nothing creative or even interesting to the story. The 10 second clip of his murdered family is well done, but saying that is even kinda a stretch. Bottom line, in order for something like this to be sucessful (or interesting for that matter), it needs substance,
    • Yeah. Agreed. I appreciate the indy effort, but only a few things are cool or well done. I happened to like Max Payne the game, and thought the director did a good job of keeping to the story of the game. I did like the murdered family scene. But the music? Honestly, that's terrible. I mean it detracts _so much_ from the short. The slow mo stuff looked amateur. But hey, 5 years ago maybe those effects would be impressive. Also, not being knowledgeable about direction and camera work, there is prob
  • by Grinn ( 669779 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @04:08PM (#5847508)
    Not too bad. Fight scene is better then you'd see on a Showtime 3:00am movie, can't really comment on the "acting" Its a short, so the fact that there's not much story to it isn't so bad. The music.. whatever. It was a short. Basically takes the element of Max Payne that was cool ( slow motion shoot out ) and makes a live action version of JUST that. I've put it on Kazaa, but I don't know how long I'll keep it there. Do a search for Grinn.
  • by Nathan Ramella ( 629875 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @04:29PM (#5847764) Homepage
    I'd rather paypal the author $1 than register with yet another e-mail harvesting 'service'. :(
  • you don't have to frickin register for
  • I went to the Max Payne movie site linked, went to a link off of and it sent me to a link for an Anachronox movie. That movie wasn't too bad, but I wanted Max Payne and was confused. I finally found it though.
  • I actually spent time to download that thing. I would advise you not to do so...
  • for those of you so inclined:

    CHK@fWoX96ph98S3fw6xnuA8PMcKgQwPAwI,iOLxdUpeRNRr0m uzkg17zA/ [] (you need freenet [] for this link to work)

    If there's one good thing about downloading from freenet, it's that it's more fun than waiting in line at FilePlanet after a /.ing. :P

    • Thanks, I really appreciate the freenet link... When freenet works, it's SO much better. downloading now, hopefully it'll find the blocks too. :P

      Also an edonkey link here [ed2k].

      Not my share, so no guarantees.

      For *nix, there's at least Lmule [] and Mldonkey [] to get a hold of it.
  • ...but without the awful dialogue and hammy voice acting. When you get right down to it, Max Payne was a hum-drum first person shooter with a bullet-time gimmick and some writing that tried so hard to be good that it was just bad. If Max Payne hadn't had bullet-time, then I doubt that people would have given it a second thought.

    It really doesn't surprise me that the creators of Max Payne sanctioned this. They were lauded for their effort and this movie rises to the same level of skill. Oh well.
    • Exactly, after about 15 minutes, the game became very very repetative for me. I stopped playing it vowing that I would return and actually finish, but that was several months ago and I have since then restarted my Diablo II love affair.

      Also, can I take this time to mention how much I hate sites like fileshack and fileplanet? Well, I do. A lot.
      • Erm...I'll give you that Max Payne can become very repetitive, but how exactly do you manage to segue from that to being addicted to Diablo II. I mean the Diablo games are just as (if not more) repetitive as Max Payne.

        Max Paynes main drawback was that it was short. I beat it in a little over 10 hours.
        • True, in the game play it can be very repetitive, but in building your characters there is always something that you can do a little different, different items that you can use, so each character is actually different. Plus, having a mode like hardcore, where when you die you are dead and can't come back really makes a game fun for me (makes me cuss a lot too).
  • Really should contribute to some sort of open source Spam Trap service where people share one mail account with the specific intention of using mail harvesting sites to sniff out their own spammers.

    But hey, it's always easier to complain than do anything. Says homer simpson, al bundy, and the 8 billion people who don't donate to the EFF and complain about the DMCA
  • Ah yes, let's get back to popping pain killers and shooting druggies people. Let's not forget about nightmares where you walk on babies blood... mmmmm.... blood
  • Max Payne was a good game because the gameplay was cool. The story only set up the action and was mediocre at best...but the gameplay transformed that into a great b-movie quality story.

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