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XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

New Halo 2 Details 53

Grinn writes "Gamesarefun.com has obtained some new information about Halo 2. Most interesting is the ability to hold two weapons at once, each operating individually on the left trigger or the right." Although apparently sourced via a German site, this may be similar info to that contained in the new June issue of the US Official Xbox Magazine. And even if it's not due for a while, the Halo series continues to be a serious killer app for Microsoft's console.
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New Halo 2 Details

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  • Ha! (Score:2, Troll)

    by daeley ( 126313 )
    This just in, it will most likely never ever ever [macworld.com] run on a Mac. ;)
  • John Woo style HALO with AI that can drive...should make Warthog that much more fun...probably will add to the game a bit more. Imagine 3 or 4 Warthogs in a single area all filled with marines destroying stuff...this could be very interesting. Hopefully HALO2 won't suffer the same FPS problems that HALO 1 did. That's all I wish for!
  • killer app (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Zed2K ( 313037 )
    Shouldn't that be: Halo series continues to be THE ONLY serious killer app for Microsofts console.
  • by The Evil Couch ( 621105 ) on Thursday May 01, 2003 @06:00PM (#5857076) Homepage
    Well, the player doesn't have to worry about being the driver anymore. AI controlled marines will now also take command of vehicles. But, watch out... they seem to have gotten their licenses from a box of Cracker Jacks. They'll drive erratically and in fairly dangerous ways. Much like drivers on the LA freeway during rush hour.

    Virtually every game I've seen that has both driving and walking AI characters, the ones driving are either total pussies or complete psychos behind the wheel. Battlefield 1942, the entire GTA series, Operation Flashpoint, the botpilot mod for Tribes 2, all of them are either a danger to themselves and their own team or they're so timid that they can't bring themselves to do anything useful.

    I would think that the path-finding AI involved would remain precisely the same as on foot. The only additional processes involved would be trying to compensate for a larger bounding box and not trying to roll the thing.

    anyone else got any ideas on what's going on with this crazy bots?
    • AI has to operate by constantly checking the environment, running through a series of checks, then decide what it should do. Sometimes what it should do is continue what it was doing before, other times it should start something completely new. Now picture yourself playing a game with driving and walking. When you walk, you can quickly jerk the stick in the opposite direction, and (with the exception of some slight skidding) change directions. Therefore the ai can make these same quick decisions. Now,
  • What's the big deal? (Score:3, Informative)

    by WildBeast ( 189336 ) on Thursday May 01, 2003 @06:37PM (#5857471) Journal
    I own an Xbox and there's nothing so great about Halo. It's just another shooter, nothing to see here. Halo is the game I play the least on my Xbox. Sorry if I shocked you :) But seriously, I prefer playing Splinter Cell, Buffy, etc. I'm tired of shooters.
  • Most interesting is the ability to hold two weapons at once, each operating individually on the left trigger or the right.

    I've been able to do this for a great many years now by playing Marathon [bungie.org], Bungie's FPS for the Mac. (Here's a screenshot [logn.net] of me doing it.) Though I guess Halo2 will let you hold a different weapon in each hand, which would be new and cool.

    BTW... I know that Marathon is old and ugly compared to newer 3D games, but I have a soft spot for it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think it's mor

    • well, seriously, what does it promise of a game that such marvelous innovations as having 2 different kinds of fire at once is brought up as such a great feature?

      like, yikes "According to sources, depending on the level, certain buildings, as well as vehicles, can be destroyed. Maybe we'll actually see a Warthog blow up this time?".

      cool, haven't seen a car explode before in a video game.

      "Depending on the environment, weapon shots will sound different; there will be echoes; and all the sound effects for t
    • What bums me out is that Marathon was the last FPS for the Mac that came with a map editor. I used to have a blast making Marathon and DoomII maps back in the day. There was Quiver for Quake(I think Scott Kevill wrote it), but I don't think he ever completed it.
  • for whether Halo for the PC will come out before Halo 2 =P
  • And even if it's not due for a while, the Halo series continues to be a serious killer app for Microsoft's console.

    In other news, Sony are hyping Final Fantasy 17 for the PS4. While they accept that neither game nor console are out yet, they don't see why Microsoft should have all the fun claiming killer apps that aren't anywhere near release.

    The graphics are reported to be in a different league to anything X-Box users have ever dreamed of.
  • two hands, two guns (Score:3, Interesting)

    by goon america ( 536413 ) on Thursday May 01, 2003 @09:57PM (#5859010) Homepage Journal
    The gun-in-each-hand thing is something Bungie did with its earlier shooter, Marathon 2. One of the guns was a shotgun... the readme file had a little joke about how it was "too complicated to detail" how actually you could reload it without using your other hand.
    • Please refer to the movie Equilibrium for how to load a gun without using your other hand... has something to do with attaching clips for the guns to your pants and waving your arm so that the clip goes right into the gun. Easy, right?
  • by mrseigen ( 518390 ) on Thursday May 01, 2003 @10:32PM (#5859226) Homepage Journal
    On Marathon, one of Bungie's earlier (and IMO better) games, you could use the spacebar to fire the right weapon and the option/alt key to fire the one in your left hand. Red Faction II also just did this, allowing you to fire with either trigger.
  • Does this mean the original Halo will be available for the PC?

    Doesn't anyone still hold a grudge because Halo was supposed to be the game to take the throne from Tribes on the PC, but was denied from us by the XBox-exclusive release?

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