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Galactic Civilizations Demo Released 17

Galactic Civilizations is a recently released PC space-based strategy game (see our earlier story on it, or check out an elegant review at Gamespot), notable for favorable comparisons against the none too favorably received Master Of Orion 3. There's now a Windows demo (51mb) of Galactic Civilizations available, originally released via Gamespot, but also downloadable from Gamershell, Fileshack, and from Gametab's BitTorrents page. Not bad for a game originally developed for OS/2 back in 1994.
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Galactic Civilizations Demo Released

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  • Annoying... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by phoenixTMW ( 106271 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2003 @07:08PM (#5906569)
    The demo exit sequence is a bit annoying. Normally, you can skip through the parts where they tell you about how good their game is. I couldn't, in this demo. While this has nothing to do with how good the actual game is, annoying stunts like this don't help the user's impression. I didn't check whether the intro could be skipped though. Hmph.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This game is really very fun, except it has a couple deep flaws that prevent it from being a classic.

    I played constantly for about 3 weeks, until it got reptitive and tiring.
    • What flaws are these then ? I'm considering getting the game so I'd like to know..
    • This game is really very fun, except it has a couple deep flaws that prevent it from being a classic. I played constantly for about 3 weeks, until it got repetitive and tiring.

      A game you play constantly for three weeks sounds like a great game. In this statement the bar for "classic" seems to be set pretty high, and the severity that makes a flaw "deep" seems pretty low. What, did the control scheme give you carpal-tunnel syndrome?

      Or do you mean that the flaws are so obscure that it requires deep under

      • If I burn out on a game after only 3 weeks then it hasn't even made it from the ok to good camp. If I still play the game regularly after having it for 3 months then it's probably in the great camp, and, if a year leater, I still play it regularly, it's in the classic camp.

        A quick survey of the other five gamers present nets similar (though not identicle) responses, but we may just be weird.
  • by Zork the Almighty ( 599344 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2003 @11:45PM (#5908032) Journal
    The original Galactic Civilizations was a great game. It was fairly simple to get started in it (and beat the computer on patsy setting), but with a large universe and hard opponents, the game was incredibly deep. Any fan of strategy games should give this game their serious consideration. Now, if only I could get it on linux.
  • A great 4X game (Score:3, Informative)

    by ckessel ( 607295 ) <ckessel@t[ ] ['rip' in gap]> on Thursday May 08, 2003 @10:30AM (#5910452)
    I played the original on OS2 so I'm biased, but this is one of the best 4X games I've ever played. You can win militarily, you can go tech, you can win an interesting cultural victory. It also doesn't have the "critical mass" problem many 4x games do where you know you'll win, or have no chance, once you reach a certain critical mass. The other AI's either help you or join against you, heavily based on their evil/good sympathies. I've come back from a bad position when other "saintly" AI players came to may aid during a war. I've also lost from a position where I was waaay ahead technologically, but fairly suddenly 3 AI's banded together and whacked me with some coordination. A big surprise after the largely uncoordinated moves from other 4X games. In MOO being at war with 3 different races meant fighting 3 individual foes. In GalCiv it's more like fighting an alliance of foes. They trade techs, and ships, for their mutual good. Anyway, it's not a graphics-lovefest, though it's not bad graphically, but it does have great gameplay.
  • I've got it... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Jaysyn ( 203771 )
    ... and I must say it's a great game, they still have a few issues to iron out, but it's very playable (and fun if you like 4x games).

    The support from StarDock however is awesome. They will be updating the game for an entire year after its release, and are giving away a free expansion pack for GalCIV in June (I think). Not to mention this is one of the most moddable games I've ever played, most of the data is kept in text files. GalCivs AI is one of the best I've ever played against. They will come fro

Thus spake the master programmer: "Time for you to leave." -- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"
