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XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

Dead or Alive Online Announced 21

Tim Grube writes "Gaming Horizon is running a story revealing Dead or Alive Online for the Microsoft Xbox. An anthology is planned, and the original graphics for Dead or Alive will stay as if it was being played on the Saturn, plus DoA 2 will contain improved graphics." Of course, half the fun of DoA is getting my ass kicked by my Lei Fang wielding wife, but I guess then, she could kick my ass when I'm out of town on business too.
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Dead or Alive Online Announced

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  • and I bet the original price tag stays with the original graphics too
  • Why (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Iammadmak ( 460794 )
    Couldn't they just make DOA3 online instead of milking the old games for all they're worth?
  • Odd Choice For Tecmo (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Babbster ( 107076 ) <> on Wednesday May 07, 2003 @11:04PM (#5907550) Homepage
    I've really got to question Tecmo's wisdom in choosing DOA1 and DOA2 to receive the Xbox Live treatment. On the one hand, I really enjoyed DOA2 (missed the first one) and this could provide some limited enjoyment with the enhanced graphics, but on the other hand if I'm already a bit sick of even DOA3 why would I play the previous version, even online?

    It's even more odd that Tecmo would go in this direction considering the fact that Itagaki's (Team Ninja's head honcho) preference for the Xbox is based on the technical superiority of that system over the PS2 and Gamecube, which superiority they've used to great effect with Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (whatever you think of the latter as a game, in graphical terms it's friggin' beautiful). Going backwards and trying to get extra life out of old games/engines seems like the last thing someone so concerned about system specs would want to do.

    I have no doubt that these two games will be as good as the games were originally, and maybe even better graphically. And, yes, the online component is interesting and could attract people who haven't played the games before. But the positives of online play seem to me outweighed (especially in terms of the wider market, as opposed to DOA fans) by the fact that DOA and DOA2 are now, by video game standards, ancient.

    Speaking as an owner of an Xbox, DOA3 and DOA:XBV - and someone who enjoys all three - there's no way I'll buy this package unless they've improved the DOA2 engine to such a degree that it matches up with DOA3 (and if they had, wouldn't they just make it DOA3 online?). Even then, and even with online play, it'll still have a hard time getting more than 25 of my gaming dollars when Soulcalibur 2 - a game whose import version has already met with critical and gamer acclaim - is right around the corner.

  • hrm (Score:4, Interesting)

    by rhuntley12 ( 621658 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2003 @11:49PM (#5907796)
    Hopefully if they do this right, they'll only charge like 20$ for these, and wont spend much time on it. Maybe just a cheap item to keep people busy until their next titles. Really hope they don't spend a whole lot of time on this, people really want DOA4, Code Cronus, and Ninja Gaiden out, and well some info atleast on first two. Although I did REALLY love DOA2, man I played the hell out of that on DC
  • More DoA News (Score:3, Insightful)

    by syr ( 647840 ) on Thursday May 08, 2003 @12:37AM (#5908000)
    Lots of DoA news has been hitting the Internet recently. The next week should see even more information on the online version. Over at GameTab news you can see a listing [] of all related news postings from around the net.
  • But I think it's great you got married. It's a
    great accomplishment. I enjoyed marriage so much
    I've done it three times. I don't think anyone
    would mind if you didn't reference it every other
    post though. :)
  • DoA Online is a beat-em-up right? (ex. Kaillera)

    So what other online beat-em-ups can we compare it to?

    I wonder if it really plays well multiplayer; me being a beat'em up lover who felt I should stop now I'm of age :/
  • Now all they need is about 20 more iterations of part 2, another version with cutesy versions of the characters, a great puzzle game, and some Game Boy versions of the first 2 games...

    They're certainly milking it for all its worth, aren't they?

    • You said it. They'd need AT LEAST 20 more iterations to be like Capcom. It's also worth noting that several of Capcom's iterations have had such small variations as the addition/removal of just one or two characters. In this particular case, Tecmo is releasing two games that are not available at all on the console (and they are both indeed different from DOA3, particularly the first) with functionality that Xbox DOA fans will probably really enjoy. If they were simply re-releasing DOA1&2 with one ad
      • Yeah, Nintendo is just as bad, probably even worse considering their games are pushed to kids.

        Let's not also forget the recent Rygar (which I haven't had the chance to play yet but I hear is really good). Lots of folks are probably clamoring for another Tecmo Bowl, but just keep Mighty Bomb Jack dead and buried, and we're okay...

  • Like the post implies, most of the fun of fighting games, especially DOA, comes from the human interaction element. It's wonderful to beat the crap, or have the crap beaten out of you, by the person sitting right next to you; slinging profanities back and fourth, etc... I don't think playing online with someone you can't see will be quite the same. That said, I can't think of any online fighting games to base my assumptions on, so perchance I'll be proven wrong.
  • by DonkeyJimmy ( 599788 ) on Thursday May 08, 2003 @06:55PM (#5914695)
    Of course, half the fun of DoA is getting my ass kicked by my Lei Fang wielding wife, but I guess then, she could kick my ass when I'm out of town on business too.

    Sorry man, when you're out of town on business your wife is too ummm... busy to play DoA.

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