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First Person Shooters (Games) Entertainment Games

Unreal Tournament 2003 Mac Demo Unleashed 38

An anonymous reader writes "The Unreal Tournament 2003 demo for Mac has been released - see the story at" The demo has 5 maps, requires OS X, and download mirrors, as always, are hard to come by - try 3D Gamers and Fileshack, also here's unofficial BitTorrent link-age [verified, correct file -Jamie]. It's good to see the Mac community being supported with high-profile titles like this - but what other games would you like to see ported to the Apple-icious platform?
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Unreal Tournament 2003 Mac Demo Unleashed

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  • FINALLY...
    I've got another FPS to play besides tenebrae quake on X. bout time too..

    now only if maxis'll get their act together and port me simcity 4000... then I'll be happy.

  • i just got my 900MHz iBook yesterday... *clicks torrent link*
    • Honestly, how's it run? I have 500mhz iBook, and cannot play heroes 4 and dumb as that sounds.

      It is SO choppy.

      Anyway, just curious.
      • 900MHz G3 iBook
        640mb ram
        ati radeon 7500/32mb

        runs suprisingly well... smooth and all. just kinda hard to play w/ a touchpad... ;)
  • by Hadlock ( 143607 ) on Thursday May 08, 2003 @05:58AM (#5908954) Homepage Journal
    first off, i f-ing hate the slashdot games section color scheme.

    secondly, bit torrent does work on a 550 mhz G4 powerbook w/16 MB agp vid card, 512 MB ram. so does UT2003. on OS X 10.2.5 no less.

    if you're up for UT2003 slideshow.

    Granted, with a minimum system requirement of a 700mhz processor, and a 32 meg video card, the fact that it ran on my system at all is impressive. I get about 0.5FPS by my guess, durring "the action", while I got a decent(?!) 10 or so fps when walking through low poly areas, with everything turned to low, very low, or off.

    what does this mean? basically that if you bought your computer in the last 8-12 months, it should meet the minimum sys requirements (mine is closer to 18-20 months old). good luck with this, I guess I'll just have to stick with Quake 1,2,3 and the original UT for now.

    p.s. i managed to kill one of the bots on novice skill with the flak cannon! amazing!

    p.p.s. shouldn't this be in the apple section, not the games section?
    • first off, i f-ing hate the slashdot games section color scheme.
      So do I. Slashdot editors, get rid of it! Please!!!
    • if you bought your computer in the last 8-12 months, it should meet the minimum sys requirements

      hmm....Mac users always claim that even though the specs appear lower, they are actually a lot faster than PC's. Funny thing is that you have to have an almost new Mac to run this game that I can run just fine on my 1.2 ghz machine that i built 2 years ago for under $700.

      • Most mac users don't play that many games. Secondly, that claim only holds true for OS 9, OS X has alot of "eye candy" that slows office & non game applications way the hell down, even with a $400 video card.

        As for apples older than 12 months old, apple released their 733mhz desktop system in February of 2001 []... it just took a while for Apple's laptops to break the 700mhz barrier (for marketing reasons). Granted, that model came with a 16 meg video card, but also a 4x AGP bus, so you can pick up a 32
        • I have to disagree. I'm a gamer at heart. I'm also now a hardcore Mac user, since switching to a Powerbook last year. I decided to move could finally use UNIX in a nice environment (very useful for my CS degree!), and not having to use an absolute brick of a laptop.

          I've played Warcraft 3 and Medal of Honor and such. It's not that Mac users aren't gamers, they actually just can't play any games. The 3D isn't fast enough, no-ones making the games that we all want (*coughcoughcough*Star Wars: Galaxies) withou
          • I'm a gamer at heart too. I did download and play the game 5 hours before you even posted this, didn't I? :) I suppose i wasn't clear when implying that most mac people don't play games on their mac simply because the games aren't there, causing a catch-22, no market for games on macs because the market doesn't exist (for the most part, aspyr would disagree).
      • I just have to say one thing to that. I have a 400mhz g4 with a radeon 8500 and 448 megs of sd-ram and I have to say that while the fps is low on my computer it stays at around 20 through out the whole game. I would love to see a PC with a 400mhz processor power this game.
        • Hmm, there is definately somthing to be said for the 8500 then. On a powerbook I have the neutered version of a Radeon 7000, as near as I can tell. It is probably the major downfall for my portable gaming experience. How does one achieve 448 megs of ram, instead of the traditional 512?
        • I've got an Athlon 1800+, with a ti4200. Paid about $500 for the whole box.

          I get 60+ fps with everything cranked up. And if I only want to run 600x800 (why would I?) I get 90-100 frames.

          But on the other hand...I've been playing the game for months now, and I've got so many to choose from...
  • "- but what other games would you like to see ported to the Apple-icious platform?"

    Maybe this.

  • Port this: (Score:2, Funny)

    by Paddyish ( 612430 )
  • HL2 (Score:2, Interesting)

    by rastachops ( 543268 )
    It would be great to have Half-Life 2 on OS X... HL is the one major game that I wish was on OS X, but thats old now, so it'd be better to plan ahead and make HL 2 available within say 6 months of HL2's release.
    • Yes, goddamnit! I still don't understand why the first Half-Life never made it on to the Mac, it doesn't make any sense. If *any* game, anywhere, would turn a profit on the Mac, it would probably be Half-Life. I mean, the Sims would probably be the first choice of suits everywhere to port to the Mac, but I think Apple users are a fairly different audience. Please, PLEASE port HL2 to the Mac!
      • There was an attempt to port it to the mac, some third party did the port, but it didn't pass Valve's quality controls, and they wern't able to get the network code (highly optimized on the PC end) to work properly. Thus it was nixed. Considering how quiet Valve has been about HL2, it wouldn't suprise me in the least if they announced a simotanious release for PC and mac, just to capture that much more of the market.
  • My old games Win98 based machine is now an 800 MHZ paperweight according to most "minimum games requirements" these days - while my newer Powermac has been working fine. (Heck, my Powerbook runs Jedi Knight II great.)

    So since there are plenty of Tom Clancey games ported to the Mac (Ghost Recon, etc), there's no reason why Splinter Cell shouldn't be either.
  • If they ported BF 1942 I could get rid of my PC once and for all...

    Oh and maybe Halo with tools (yeah, right!)

    What the Mac gaming community really needs is another break out title that is Mac first or a concurrent release. Another Marathon would be good.

    I'll shut up and get to work.
    • Amen to that... BF1942 for OSX just might push me over the edge and make me buy a new G4 (or G9 by the time EA finds someone to port it).. We all know how much EA likes us Mac people...
  • Neverwinter Nights. When they say that there is a Mac port on the way, I think they're lying ;)

    Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, why is every single newspost I see about this convinced that there are only 4 maps? There are actually 5: 2 DM (one outdoors (shiiiiny), one indoors), 2 CTF (CTF-Citadel and CTF-Orbital2 or something like that, space-station-esque), and one BR.
  • Minimum specs... (Score:3, Informative)

    by Visigothe ( 3176 ) on Thursday May 08, 2003 @11:18AM (#5910922) Homepage
    It seems that the minimum spec is a bit high, as I am able to play the game at quite a high FPS [well over 30+] on a G4 450DP with all the goodies turned onto full. Granted, the sound is probably offloaded to the second processor.

    One catch to this though.... I have a "non standard" video card for my machine. It's the OEM GeForce 3 card that I stuck in a few months ago to play WarCraft III. As long as you've got a good GPU, you should be golden. It is a fun game once you configure the settings [for some reason the mouse is set to *amazingly* slow and useless by default. Once I changed it to somewhere in the 16+ range, I 0wn3z]
  • It seems there's something of a vicious cycle going on, I (and pretty much every one of my gamer friends I've asked) would gladly switch to macs if there were more games and software in general that was supported, as they're superior for so many applications (especially multimedia). However, I don't think software companies will start giving macs the treatment they deserve until they're widely used outside schools and the graphic arts industry.
  • Why not just get a PC if you need to play these games so badly? Obviously there is no support for gaming on the Mac platform and there never will be.

    You can build/buy a pretty decent PC setup for $1000 or so that will run most/all current games and you do not have to wait 6 months to play a slower version of the same title. There is no reasonable complaint that MAC users can give as to the crappy game support. It was never there in the past, so why would it be there now? It is a dead issue. I think

  • The way to get more games to come to Macs is to buy every one that you can, like I do.

    I'm also Lectrick, the guy who originally put up the torrent file, so I like to contribute in general =)
  • For news on this and a bunch of other ports to Linux and OS X, go directly to the source: the .plan of Ryan Gordon (AKA icculus) []. Former Loki employee, personally responsible for over half of the Linux ports of commercial games which have come out since Loki's demise. How the guy manages to do it all, I'll never know.

Life is a game. Money is how we keep score. -- Ted Turner
