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Nintendo's E3 Press Conference Summary 42

Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference earlier today in Los Angeles revealed a whole lot more forthcoming goodness for Gamecube and Gameboy Advance, spanning Zelda, Mario, The Sims, Pacman, Metroid, and more - here's a summary. Don't forget to check our previous, briefer story about Microsoft's press conference, and watch out for a round-up of Sony's press event later this evening.
- Gamecube and Gameboy Advance connectivity was showcased both with the Pac-Man prototype, produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, as mentioned a couple of days ago, plus a new Miyamoto-designed surprise. This is a Gamecube-based, 2D topdown multiplayer-orientated update of the GBA Legend Of Zelda:Four Swords. The hook? You must connect your Gameboy Advance as a controller, and can then move your character from the Gamecube screen to the GBA screen in order to receive secret messages and commit skullduggery that only you can see.

- there's also a new Gamecube title called Zelda:Tetra's Trackers, in which you need to run around getting stamps from pirates (!) Again, this title seems to rely on private messages being sent to a GBA controller, while in competitive multiplayer modes, for a lot of the strategy.

- Will Wright of Sim City/The Sims fame appeared onstage alongside Miyamoto and announced Gamecube and GBA versions of The Sims, with connectivity between the games. It seems Nintendo are really pushing the GC/GBA interactivity angle this year.

- Hideo Kojima also appeared to talk about Metal Gear:Twin Snakes, which we mentioned a little while back. Interestingly, it's confirmed this Gamecube exclusive is being developed by Silicon Knights, of Eternal Darkness fame.

- the version of Namco's Starfox shown also included ground-based over-the-shoulder multiplayer combat alongside conventional flight-based tussles, a cool but distinctly unexpected development.

- Resident Evil 4 seems to be exclusive to Gamecube, amongst several Capcom exclusives for GC, and there was a short video from its creator.

- Super Mario Advance 4 for GBA was announced, and it'll be a conversion of the much-loved Super Mario Bros 3.

- Factor 5's Rogue Squadron 3 was shown in video form, and it was mentioned they're working on another Nintendo-exclusive title that will be announced soon. Rumors appear to be that it's a Gamecube version of Pilot Wings.

- overlooked game of the press conference? Puzzle freaks will, uhm, freak over the Nintendo Puzzle Collection for Gamecube, including Dr.Mario, Yoshi's Cookie, and Panel De Pon (Pokemon Puzzle League, minus Pokemon), all with simultaneous 4-player modes.

- the ending highlights video included very brief preview footage of Metroid Prime 2, looking very good, as well as many of the other previously-mentioned games, including Advance Wars 2 and Sword Of Mana for Gameboy Advance, plus F-Zero, 1080 Avalanche, and The Hobbit for Gamecube. And we haven't even mentioned Custom Robo, Kirby's Air Ride, Donkey Kong Country GBA, Pokemon Coliseum, Pikmin 2, Geist, Mario Party 5 and more, augh..

If you're looking for screenshots and movies of these titles, recommendations would include Gamerfeed or IGN Cube - other good media-heavy site suggestions welcome, though.

Slashdot Games will be on the show floor for all 3 days of E3, and will be giving hands-on impressions of the biggest games in all the major booths, including Nintendo's, so keep checking the page for regular updates.
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Nintendo's E3 Press Conference Summary

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  • Resident Evil 4 seems to be exclusive to Gamecube, amongst several Capcom exclusives for GC, and there was a short video from its creator.

    Capcom announced that the Resident Evil series was going to be exclusive to GameCube when they announced RE for GC in the first place.
  • "This is a Gamecube-based, 2D topdown multiplayer-orientated update of the GBA Legend Of Zelda:Four Swords. The hook? You must connect your Gameboy Advance as a controller, and can then move your character from the Gamecube screen to the GBA screen in order to receive secret messages and commit skullduggery while only you can see."

    Sorry if I'm missing it, but is this a 2D topdown Gamecube game or a GBA game that relies heavily on the Gamecube? Multiplayer only or is there also a solo quest? I was expe
  • I think not... I had an interesting(read: asinine) argument with someone once when I was still working at Software Etc. They said that by late 2003 Nintendo would be bankrupt because of the gamecube.

    I always loved uninformed customers like that guy because they show how little the public really knows about the game companies or how much of a fan following the 'other' systems have.
    • Exactly, many people fail to realize just how loyal old-school Nintendo fans are.
      • Or just how much money Nintendo is making. At the press conference it was revealed that GameCube and GBA combined hold 60% of the hardware market, with the GameCube having a sell through of 1.3 millions consoles more than the Xbox.

        Nintendo is making money on the GameCube, unlike Microsoft with the Xbox. Plus they have 5 billion dollars in the bank at last check, so they're set to go under, it won't be for a very long time.

        There's a really good breakdown of the presentation [] over at PGC []

      • That's true, but Sega had quite a few old-school fans, and they're obviously doing great. I mean look at thier systems...

        errr....wait a minute.

        But seriously. It doesn't take much for a company to quickly lose it's fanbase.
    • I think not... I had an interesting(read: asinine) argument with someone once when I was still working at Software Etc. They said that by late 2003 Nintendo would be bankrupt because of the gamecube.

      As somebody who owns both a Mac and a GameCube I am happy to find more and more similarities between the two systems: Processors by IBM, graphics by ATI, going out of business constantly...
  • P.N.03 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by moncyb ( 456490 ) on Wednesday May 14, 2003 @12:36AM (#5952017) Journal

    What about P.N.03 []. Was there any mention of it? I've been waffling whether or not to buy a GameCube, but when this game comes out, I will probably buy it.

    • That looks nice indeed. Also on my gamecube radar is Viewtiful Joe [], and later this month (?) the U.S. release of the Gameboy Player [] so i can catch up with all the 2D goodness I've been missing out on (I hate 2 inch screens).

    • It's already released in Japan and I think there's been a US release date for a while. So yes, it's being released.
    • Got a chance to play the Japanese version yesterday. The game looks gorgeous, but the gameplay is not what I expected. It's not really a "third person action" game, but more like a shooter. It has more in common with Panzer Dragoon Zwei or Sin and Punishment than it does with Devil May Cry or Tomb Raider (hot chick main character aside).

      It was fun, but I hear it gets repetitive. I didn't get to play it long enough to find out. The main character, Vanessa, does these sexy little dance moves while she is fig
      • It's not really a "third person action" game, but more like a shooter

        I think this may be a strength, not a weakness. Maybe it's just because I'm tired of some of the situations with action / RPG / adventure type games. Like where you've missed that one item which will take you to the next level, so you have to go through the level several times pressing everything to find it.

        The camera takes some getting used to, but after I got the hang of it, I didn't have any problems.

        This seems to be the case with

  • Panel De Pon (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Enrico Pulatzo ( 536675 ) on Wednesday May 14, 2003 @12:45AM (#5952068)
    aka Tetris Attack, the best SNES game of all time (puzzle anyway).

    Looks like I'm gonna have to start saving now, so I can afford the extra controllers...
    • Parent is straight-up 100% correct on this. The POkemon Puzzle League version plays just as well (with a few extra modes), and is available on the GB / N64, but any iteration of this game on any console is mighty good news. If you love puzzle games and haven't tried it yet, look for Pokemon Puzzle League on the GB - the only 'current' version on the market. Of course, if you have the original up in the attic, a Super Famicom ROM is also an option...

      Definitely a classic.
      • it was already said, but tetris attack is just a sprite swap of a 3rd party game called panel de pon. it is easliy one of my favourite puzzle games and i am happy to see it re-released, esp with 4 player support. i hope itll be beter than THQ's tetris fiasco. "People of tetrino, UNITE"
  • Hmm (Score:3, Interesting)

    by blitzoid ( 618964 ) on Wednesday May 14, 2003 @01:02AM (#5952119) Homepage
    I would sell my soul for a 'Super Mario Bros. All Stars World + Mario Kart'. The original All Stars for the Super Nintendo had SMB1, The Lost Levels, SMB2, SMB3, and later on they released the 'World' version which also contained Super Mario World. Seeing all 5 of these games PLUS the Kart games (Even just Super Mario Kart for the SNES would be fine) would put in a Nintendo generated heaven.
    • All of the Super Mario All-Stars games are already available on the on the Game Boy Advance, in some form:
      Super Mario Bros is available for the Game Boy Color (and therefore the GBA) as Super Mario Bros Deluxe. It also includes the so-called "Lost Levels" (SMB2J).

      Super Mario Bros 2 is available for the GBA as Super Mario Advance.

      Super Mario Bros 3 is going to be available for the GBA as Super Mario Advance 4.

      Super Mario World is available for the GBA as Super Mario Advance 2.
      Also, the tracks from Super Mario Kart can be unlocked in Mario Kart Super Circuit for the GBA. And Yoshi's Island is also available for the GBA as Super Mario Advance 3, although it's not one of the games you mentioned.

      So you can get All-Stars on the Game Boy Advance, it's just going to be spread across a lot of cartridges. You'll never see them all on one cart though - Nintendo do exist to make monkey after all.

      Personally, I think there's a better option: Just play them all on my decade old SNES...
  • Hrm... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Wednesday May 14, 2003 @01:19AM (#5952188)
    This makes either the GBA or the GCN the first console to host two Metroid titles. There are also quite a few other franchise spin-offs here (two games new games with the "Zelda" name, a few intersting Pokemon titles, etc.). I'd wager there are more new franchise titles this E3 than any other.

    I wonder if they're quickly trying to beef-up the GCN library to make up for its relatively short life-span, what with the way Nintendo is reminding everybody that they won't let Sony beat them to the market with a PS3.

    Speaking of which, whatever became of Yamauchi? If nothing else he made a good saber-rattler. :)
    • Metroid titles (Score:1, Offtopic)

      by lightspawn ( 155347 )
      This makes either the GBA or the GCN the first console to host two Metroid titles.

      No, that would be the Dreamcast [].
    • This makes either the GBA or the GCN the first console to host two Metroid titles.

      That honor would go to the Super NES, which had Metroid II for Super Game Boy and Super Metroid for Super NES.

      However, the release of GameCube Game Boy Player at the end of May means that the GameCube already has three published Metroid titles: Metroid II for Game Boy, Metroid Prime for GameCube, and Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance.

      • However, the release of GameCube Game Boy Player at the end of May means that the GameCube already has three published Metroid titles: Metroid II for Game Boy, Metroid Prime for GameCube, and Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance.

        Ok, if you want to get REALLY technical, you can throw in the original Metroid into that... making it a four? How does the original Metroid fit in? It's a bonus in Metroid Prime -- if you complete it and link to Fusion, it's unlocked.

        Also, since it is a GameBoy player, it will
  • sad (Score:2, Insightful)

    It's unfortunate that most of nintendo's offerings are simply repackaged versions of existing games.. Take the mario advance series, which is just a rebranding of mario games from the past. Instead of making new or original games nintendo is just milking it's old franchises... sounds like something Disney would do...
    • Re:sad (Score:2, Interesting)

      by n0wak ( 631202 )
      No, rather, it sounds like what any big game publisher would do. It's sad and unfortunate, but that's the nature of the industry -- rehashes and sequels.

      The only difference between Nintendo and, say, Microsoft is that Nintendo has two decades worth of games to draw upon. Microsoft barely has two years... but that doesn't stop them from trying! (Halo 2, Project Gotham Racing 2, Amped 2.. and I guess Doom 3 and Counter-Strike too, among others).
    • by Kirby ( 19886 )
      Er, instead? Am I the only one who's playing Super Mario Sunshine or Zelda: Wind Walker?

      Try, in addition to pumping out new games, they're also rehashing old games.

      Nintendo isn't Microsoft, we don't have to bash them just because it's a thread about them. :-)

      And Disney does release a new movie every summer, in addition to all the mostly-awful direct to video crud. I quite enjoyed Lilo & Stitch.
  • by Drakker ( 89038 )
    All I can say is, wow! So many great games! How will I be able to afford all those great GBA games, then buy a gamecube, and buy all the great GC games?

    I've been dissing consoles for a while now, cuz of the Sony effect (no gameplay, all videos), but Nintendo is really pushing the industry back were it belongs: in the gameplay departement.

    I'm starting to have fate in consoles again! (actualy, only in the gamecube and gba for now, but sony will have to get their act together and release games with good game
    • Re:Wow! (Score:3, Informative)

      by Zico ( 14255 )
      Drak, you should start following E3 more closely. Nintendo's been getting their ass handed to them. Nintendo's big stories out of E3:
      1. Try harder to force the GBA-GC connector down people's throats.
      2. Yay, we paid EA not to abandon the GC!
      3. We're working on a successor to the GC which will be out in 2005, but really, we're still focused on the GC. Seriously.
      4. You're not gonna see Mario shooting hookers, but hey, we're not a kiddie console!
      5. Sure, other consoles besides the GameCube might be getting MGS *3*, but
      • Cut n paste of your points and what I think.

        1. Try harder to force the GBA-GC connector down people's throats.

        I don't have a problem with that, I think it's a great idea. I can't wait to play the games using it.

        2. Yay, we paid EA not to abandon the GC!

        I never play EA games.

        3. We're working on a successor to the GC which will be out in 2005, but really, we're still focused on the GC. Seriously.

        Well, looking at the current GC lineup, I'd say that they are doing a good job.

        4. You're not gonna see Mario
  • ...if they can convince retailers to stock more of the GBA-GC connectors. It took me two months to find one in a local store.
  • Despite the fact that a GameCube price drop seemed imminent (many rumors were flying as well as reports from retail employees claiming to have recieved new marketing kits with the GameCube priced at $99, Xbox at $150 and PS2 at $150 - the PS2 did drop to $179 []), Nintendo confirmed it would not be dropping prices as reported by Gamespot [].

    Here's the relevant bit...

    he company proceeded into a Q&A session with the press, but not before ruling out rumors of a price drop for the GameCube and reaffirming the

  • It seems Nintendo are really pushing the GC/GBA interactivity angle this year.

    ...because that appears to be the only "connectivity" we are going to see. :(

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
