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GameCube (Games) Entertainment Games

Dyack Talks Metal Gear Solid - Twin Snakes 20

Courtesy of PlanetGamecube, we have their recently-typed-up E3 interview with Denis Dyack, the boss of Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness), who are currently working on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for Gamecube. This enhanced remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for Playstation is due out for Xmas 2003, and Dyack gives some hints as to how the original's content may be enhanced - "If you think about the first game and how it's all set up, and then think about the dynamics of the second game, it should be a completely new experience."
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Dyack Talks Metal Gear Solid - Twin Snakes

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  • MGS 2: Sons of Liberty was lambasted for it's endless cutscenes but was jaw droppingly gorgeous at the time.

    MGS 2: Substance is actually very good. The full Sons of Liberty game, PLUS a whole pile of extra missions, not to mention a ton of VR missions. Awesome stuff. (And the soundtrack is fantastic.)

    And then they announce this, a remake of the original from the PSX. Am I the only one intensely disappointed with this? I mean Substance is a good idea, take the original and add tons and tons of stuff on top
    • by Babbster ( 107076 ) <aaronbabb AT gmail DOT com> on Friday May 23, 2003 @04:31AM (#6022277) Homepage
      Lame? Offering one of the best games that ever hit the Playstation (I would argue that it's number one, myself) in a new, upgraded, expanded form? I don't think that's lame at all.

      It's particularly "unlame" because they've ALREADY announced a true sequel in "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" to be released next year. Add to that what is apparently going to be a very short development time (at least relative to when they made the announcement) giving us what could be called an "extra" Metal Gear Solid before the end of this year, and your assessment reads as foolish whining.

      • Love to know how the fuck my comments were modded a troll. Thanks idiot mod!

        It's lame because it's remaking an existing product. Just like "The Italian Job" remake will suck hard, remakes are a sign of bankrupt creativity.

        MGS 3, sure, I'll be there. I LOVE Metal Gear. Don't get me wrong, the original is a classic, as is SOL.

        Instead of wasting time and resources on remaking an existing title, especially when there's a better one out there (the sequel), make a new damn game.

        What next? Sony porting the ori
        • I first played Metal Gear Solid after I had finished MGS2, and even though the first game had poorer graphics and more limited gameplay mechanics, I thought it was a superior game on the whole. A remake of MGS would be incredible and I will probably buy a Gamecube just for this.

          Of course, what I would really love to see is a remake of Final Fantasy 7. That would be truely amazing. Probably will never happen though. Square isn't that kind of company

    • Substance was a pretty weak remake IMO. VR missions and some small missions do not make a game. Every single complaint I've heard about Sons of Liberty was about the game's pacing and the story. Metal Gear Solid is a much better game, so it's a better target for a remake

      I expect Twin Snakes to be as much of a Remake as the Resident Evil remake was: The main story and main areas stay the same, some areas are added in, and the graphics and cutscenes are improved. I really liked how RE and RE0 games on the G

  • Great article. I wonder when will consoles get to the point, where personal computers are now, quality- and speed-wise. I think, that as soon as they achieve that goal, they will really start to push gamers' PC's out of the market. (Lindows, anyone?) Great reading though.
  • VR Missions (Score:3, Interesting)

    by quandrum ( 652868 ) on Friday May 23, 2003 @07:13AM (#6022697)
    Anyone remember the seperate VR Missions game that came out after MGS? I really hope they include that. I almost had more fun doing those than playing the real game...
  • I'll be the first to admit I adore Metal Gear, and maybe not every gamer currently playing games is familiar with the playstation title, I don't see why it is necessary to remake the title at this time, especially for the Gamecube, which has a relatively limited market within the United States, which is odd, considering that the Metal Gear series has always sold better in the USA, when compared to the sales of the series in Japan.

    That being said, I'll seriously consider getting myself a Gamecube if only

    • From what I've seen in the preview videos and such, this game will have the same STORY, but it will be very different in form and process. I believe it'll probably be more difficult ("European Extreme", please?).

      Besides, I still play MGS1 from time to time, and I keep finding myself wishing I could do have the things I can do in MGS2, like aim for the head, tranq someone, or hold them up.
  • by Painaxl ( 673056 ) on Friday May 23, 2003 @10:25AM (#6024026)
    Remaking MGS is great, don't get me wrong. I played through it on the PSX, then on the DC using Bleemcast (which was quite cool, I might add). It is, easily, one of the 10 best games out of the far too many that I've played in my lifetime.

    I just think they remade the wrong game.

    The original two Metal Gear games (MG2 for the MSX, not Snake's Revenge, bleh), while frustratingly hard and not graphically beautiful, had interesting plots and are referred to in the Metal Gear Solid series. Metal Gear was the first game I had for the Nintendo (my cousin gave it to me when I was 8), I hated it. I later read a book in the young adult section of my library that was a novelized version of the story and loved it (I really would like to find it again, but don't know who released it). I went back and played the game years later and loved it. MG2 was never released for a major console, just the MSX computer system. It had the first radar utility and was also very good story wise. It's a quality premise and with a nextgen system around it, both titles would shine.

    Just think that if you really want to get a new generation of gamers into a (potentially) very good game that they haven't already played, you need to go a little farther back.
  • by Devir ( 671031 )
    Why not go back to the 80's and pull up the original "Metal Gear". This is the NES original that started the whole Solid Snake thing in the first place. Give it fresh new graphics, and put it on the GC.

    When Metal Gear SOlid came out on PSX, no one I spoke with even heard of the original.

    • I would certainly be up for this. Metal Gear was a blast. I think the problem, though, is two-fold: Moving the game from 2D to 3D (they would have to do it so as to sell a good number of units - 2D action is just too niche) would require rethinking (reimagining, if you will) every level of the game. Plus, there's less incentive because the original Metal Gear just wasn't even close to the hit that Metal Gear Solid (and 2) was. As you yourself pointed out, few people even realize that Metal Gear was a
    • You are absolutely right that the original Metal Gear games should be remade, but the NES version (released in 1988) was not the original. That honor goes to the MSX2 version, released in 1987.

      The MSX2 game was an excellent game, already featuring later elements like "Procure On Site", the codec, the adventure elements, etc. The NES game was just a shoot'em-up that had the Metal Gear name pasted on to generate some sales.

      If you haven't played them yet, go and download the MSX2 ROMs and a decent MSX emul

  • Let that boy have a decent hair cut. Don't bring back the mullet! Well mullet or not I'm weak I'll buy it.
  • by dbretton ( 242493 ) on Friday May 23, 2003 @03:03PM (#6026695) Homepage
    here []

    Looks promising. However, Konami should shoot the guy who thougt that sliding text phrases all over the preview would "enhance" the trailer experience.

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