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Best Of E3 Awards Announced 19

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing out that several sites have now posted their Best Of E3 awards, including Gamespy's Top 25 awards, and separate best-ofs from IGN PS2, IGN Xbox, and IGN Cube. Oh, and the Gamespy editors also found a grilled cheese sandwich to be one of their biggest E3 highlights.
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Best Of E3 Awards Announced

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  • by sweeney37 ( 325921 ) * <mikesweeney&gmail,com> on Saturday May 24, 2003 @08:25AM (#6030428) Homepage Journal
    let's not forget about Gabe [] and Tycho's [] best of. :)

  • doom3? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    doom 3 doesn't make any appearence in their top 25 list, which i thought was pretty surprising. anybody read their coverage and knows if they actually thought it wasn't good enough, or did they just think it got enough publicity last year, and is way over hyped already?
    • Re:doom3? (Score:4, Informative)

      by junkgrep ( 266550 ) on Saturday May 24, 2003 @01:34PM (#6031569)
      For IGN, D3 wasn't qualified to be in the running, because it didn't have a playable demo, just a movie. I don't know if Gamespy had such restrictions or not.
  • saddening (Score:3, Interesting)

    by r0b0t b0y ( 565885 ) on Saturday May 24, 2003 @10:17AM (#6030725)
    from the article about the grilled cheese sandwhich:

    Tucked away inside Kentia Hall -- more commonly referred to as SARS Central -- just a few yards away from the Korean Gaming Pavilion and that guy hocking Dragon Ball Z stickers was The Big Cheese.

    emphasis added by me.

    now even as a non-asian person, i find this remark to be quite offensive. in fairness to the writers of the article, the whole convention was likely dubbing the area "SARS Central" -- but that's just worse. at best it's a tasteless and inappropriate joke and at worst, it's a very racist remark. i'm really disappointed in gamespy .. i'm used to them producing higher quality articles that don't have to resort to racial slurs to keep readers reading.
    • It wasn't a racial slur. I will agree that it was inappropriate; but shit, there are lots of case of SARS in Canada too.

      SARS and ethnicity are completely separate entities but they are only linked by the abundance of Korean people (Asian areas in general) that are plagued by SARS right now. Don't misinterperate their comments as racially motivated.

      • SARS and ethnicity are completely separate entities but they are only linked by the abundance of Korean people (Asian areas in general) that are plagued by SARS right now. Don't misinterperate their comments as racially motivated.

        first, you're right .. i dunno if that comment was racially motivated or not. but its up to writers (if they are in any way professional) to make sure that kind of thing isn't even a question.

        second, according to the WHO [], south korea has had only 3 probably cases reported wit
    • by Anonymous Coward
      And the last few lines (taken out of context) doesn't make it better >)

      Maybe Activision thought he would drive booth traffic by making people run for cover. Either way, Nazi dude is a WINNER in our eyes, and the perfect wrap-up to this year's awards. See you next year!
    • Although I am not sure what prompted the writer's use of that particular euphamism, I was at E3 and Kentia Hall was the one place where I saw a couple of Asian guys (normal attendees, not exhibitors) wearing surgical masks. Creeped me out a bit, since it brought the SARS-phobia back into focus for me, which I had avoided up till then, despite the crowds of people everywhere.
    • in fairness to the writers of the article, the whole convention was likely dubbing the area "SARS Central"

      I never heard it referred to by that name, in three days of roaming the floor, and talking to a number of people (many of them game mag writers and editors) about Kentia Hall. The author must have been a member of a select group of people who not only don't realize the remark is in poor taste, they don't even comprehend that SARS jokes stopped being funny about 2 days after they started.
  • One must not forget the best gaming site out there, Game Revolution, they'll be releasing their best of any time now. /e3_blurb.htm
  • Thanks a lot GameSpy for listing 25 titles on 18 pages. Here's the list for those that don't want to bother:

    #25 - CIMA: The Enemy (GBA)
    #24 - Halo (PC)
    #23 - The Movies (PC)
    #22 - X-Men: Legends (GCN/PS2/Xbox)
    #21 - The Sims 2 (PC)
    #20 - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC)
    #19 - StarCraft: Ghost (GCN/PS2/Xbox)
    #18 - Top Spin (Xbox)
    #17 - Fire Emblem: The Sword of Fire (GBA)
    #16 - Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GCN)
    #15 - Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (GCN)
    #14 - Tony Hawk Underground (PS2/Xbox/GCN)
    #13 - Spider-Ma

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
