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Game Critics Announce Best Of E3 Nominees 37

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the 2003 list of nominees from the Game Critics Best Of E3 Awards. This conglomeration of journalists from most of the major magazines and websites will announce the winners on June 10th, but the nomination statistics show some interesting trends, with the army tactical combat game Full Spectrum Warrior the most-nominated title, and the PC leading the nominee breakdown by platform, closely followed by PS2, Xbox, and then Gamecube.
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Game Critics Announce Best Of E3 Nominees

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  • GBA (Score:3, Informative)

    by snubber1 ( 56537 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @10:31AM (#6067929)
    I think its kind of dissapointing that they have a solitary GBA game listed 'Boktai.'

    So often people overlook the gameboy when lumping all game platforms together, yet it has a insane selection of excellent titles to be had and coming soon.

    Just out of E3 there was Boktai (the one they did get, a crazy light-based vamire game), Mario and Luigi (the sequel to Super Mario RPG), Advance Wars 2 (Just plain brilliant turn-based strategy), Warioware Inc. (Both original and insane minigame frenzy), and more I'm probally forgetting.
    • Re:GBA (Score:3, Informative)

      by Alkaiser ( 114022 )
      Well, you should probably look to some different sites:

      Netjak [] has FF Crystal Chronicles at #10 for their best of show, and FF Tactics Advance was #1.

      Sword of Mana and Zelda: Four Swords made their Best Surprises list, and both of their reviewers have the GBA in the top spot for the best console.

      There's [] the link for their full coverage.
    • Mario and Luigi (the sequel to Super Mario RPG)

      Incorrect. Paper Mario was technically the sequel to Mario RPG. I would imagine this would count as the sequel to Paper Mario.

      • Yah, I am aware of that, most sites seem to be billing it as such however given that it follows much more closely in style to the original Mario RPG.
        However, it is of no matter, as they games tend to be isolated in terms relating to each other story-wise (unless you count 'save the princess')
    • I picked up Warioware Inc. this past tuesday. Truly one of the most original games I've played in years.

      I do feel as if Nintendo got the shaft this year. I think their GBA to Gamecube connectivity has a lot of potential. I also wonder how long it'll be before we start seeing e-reader cards in cereal boxes.
      • I played the absolute snot out of the japanese and american versions. I like the jap version better because it didn't have that one or two word clue before the game started, leaving you completely in the dark.

        If you want to talke about gc<->gba connections, go read the detail about Final Fantasy:Crystal Cronicles. After realizing the scope and depth of what they are going to pull off will leave you with soiled pants.
      • by Zico ( 14255 )
        I think Nintendo shafted themselves. Their E3 was absolutely horrific. It's no surprise that by the time the show ended, Nintendo's stock had dropped 15 percent from what it was before the show started.

        Personally, I think they've gotta quit promoting that damned GBA-GC connectivity crap -- most people don't want it and it's like they're dumbing down games to force people to use it. A lot of people aren't just indifferent, they're downright pissed off about it. It just about killed any interest I might've h

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 29, 2003 @10:37AM (#6067977)
    Seriously, this is E3 where everyone congratulates each other. Why don't they have an award for "product that will actually ship before the next E3" ?
    • I know. 2 of the Nominees for "Best of Show" weren't even on the show floor in playable form.

      What the hell is this? This is exactly why you end up with games being Best of E3 2 years in a row without ever shipping.
      • by Zathrus ( 232140 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @12:12PM (#6068702) Homepage
        That's not a very good indicator though... HL2 wasn't available in playable form, but it's due out in September. Sure, there's probably going to be slippage, but I'd be surprised if it's not available before next year's E3.

        I agree, in premise, that the awards are absurd, but look at the industry. All of the "journalism" is absurd.
        • I don't feel that anything that isn't on the floor and playable should be listed as "Best of Show". If the general public can't play something, that means that they're afraid of it getting broken.

          Not all of the journalism is absurd...some of us still have standards...however, we're also the ones who aren't getting paid.
          • "If the general public can't play something,"

            It's not a show for the general public, and never has been.

            It's a show for journalists and buyers - and I don't think any of them failed to see HL2.

            • There's a huge difference between "saw" and "played".

              If you don't think the show's for the general public, you're also high, the vast majority of all the badges at E3 are "Exhibits Only" ones...the ones the general public gets.

              Buyers, media, exhibitors, etc all have their own're lucky if you spot more than a handful of buyers.
              • Really? I'm high?


                We don't care who see's the game from the general public. We care about the media, and the buyers. And while *you* may be lucky to spot more than a handfull of buyers, the reason for that is that they're all getting private showings, off the floor.

                Just because there are members of the public there, doesn't mean the show is for them. I would think the "E3 is a trade event, and not open to the general public" rider on all of their rego forms would pretty much clear that up,
                • by Alkaiser ( 114022 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:48PM (#6069490) Homepage
                  Yeah, and the "Absolutely nobody under the age of 18" disclaimer they stamp on there every year. I don't know if they're all from "Make A Wish" or whatever, but there are always a bunch of kids in there.

                  The "industry only" event is a sham. I understand that behind closed doors, the purpose of the E3 is to network with buyers, and try and negotiate deals with the retail chains, but the other main purpose is to inform the public about the games.

                  Otherwise, you and every other company on the show floor wouldn't bother printing out tens of thousands of fliers to pass out about your games...there simply are not that many media and buyer out there who need those little junkets.

                  I've worked 5 E3s. I can tell you that the people I've demoed the games for were not media. The people trying to grab free t-shirts are not media. On the surface, everyone wants to say this is a industry-only event, but it isn't and most of the game companies acknowledge this.
                  • The game companies that go to a bunch of effort to cater for the "public" are foolish.

                    If ten thousand people play a demo and get a flier, that's still only one tenth the exposure you get from showing it to a single guy from PC Gamer.

                    The reason everyone is looked after is because anyone who comes by may be media. Media are the important ones. "Public" matter so very little, except in terms of the buzz they can generate.

                    Now, your original point was "if it's not there for the general public, it shouldn't
                    • Now, your original point was "if it's not there for the general public, it shouldn't count" - guess what. Half Life 2, biggest buzz EVER. Kinda kicks your theory in the arse, don't it?

                      If the award was called, "Thing We Could Hype Up Most", I suppose that would make you right. If this was a film festival, that would work, too.

                      However, this is a GAME. A game that requires interaction in order to get a real feel for it. If you are giving a game Best of Show, and you can't play're a hypocrite. T
                    • Well, if that was your point, I don't really disagree.

                      Or I wouldn't, if E3 were a "complete games get reviewed by the public" show. Which it's not and has never been.

                      It's all about hyping things up. Now, your point on "Game of show" is well taken. If they were reviewing complete games, or anything similar, then I'd agree with you.

                      But they're not. Best Game of Show isn't for "best finished game" it's for "game with most potential" (these being pre-release and all) or "Game most likely to blow us away
                    • by Alkaiser ( 114022 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:02PM (#6070244) Homepage
                      I'm not missing the point of E3...I'm trying to make it obvious to the general consumer that handing out those awards for E3 basically dishonest.

                      It's like watching movie trailers and awarding the Oscars based off of that.

                      Nobody calls the award, "Game That's Going to Rock Sometime in the Future" or "Game That Will Sell the Most Copies in 2-3 Years".

                      E3 is what it is...a chance for the game companies to show off their upcoming stuff. The point of the show is clear. I don't have any beef with that, I have a problem with the majority of gaming sites that give this kind of coverage, because it isn't legitimate, and it isn't helpful.

                      Click through the past nominees of the awards, and you'll notice games that have been nominated back to back years. This is utterly stupid. If you're trying to crank up and sustain hype for 2 years before a product's launch...that's detrimental to the product's performance. There's no way it can live to anyone's expectations at that point.

                      E3 is about hype. Journalism shouldn't be. That's why I think these awards are stupid. That's why I think those awards should be based off of what is playable...otherwise you end up with Team Fortress 2 syndrome.
                    • See, you and I just see the phrase "Game of Show" differently.

                      You think the word "Game" means "Playable game" whereas I think the word "Show" means "E3".

                      That's "E3, place to showcase upcoming stuff" ie, movie trailers for games, effectively.

                      If you're saying that the average person reads "Game of Show" as equivalent to a review (ie, an Oscar) then you're dead right, and it's deceptive.

                      I think anyone who knows what E3 is, realises that it's "Game of the SHOW" and thereby the fact that it's the one that ma
                    • You have to be careful with your definitions, though; there are multiple ways of being playable. For example, Doom 3 (last year) was being demoed live. It wasn't a video. This year, it was a video. Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 were both demoed live (as in being played).

                      Now, they weren't playable in the way that you want, where the attendees can play it. But often that's not the best way to demonstrate things in a game when it is early, or if you want to keep certain things secret, or if you have rough edges
                    • ...unless you want to brand yourself as a complete and utter liar.

                      I guess the NY Times is a prime candiate to hand out these awards :)

  • From the list for best sports game they have listed "Madden NFL 2004 (Electronic Arts for All Platforms)" but I feel like the PS2 version should not be lumped in with all the other versions because online play will be exclusive to the PS2. Madden 2004 will not be playable on XBox Live and I think that detracts significantly from the game. In fact, all of EA's future sports titles will only be online compatible for the PS2.

    Although, I heard this tidbit on G4, I am assuming that the PC version will have onl

    • MS's Inside Pitch just came out and is Live compatible. Hearing a lot of mixed reviews about it tho, leaning towards the negative mostly because things like replays were taken out to speed up the online gameplay. Sounds like a rent-before-you-buy kind of title at best.
  • The Eye-Toy?! (Score:4, Informative)

    by Alkaiser ( 114022 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @12:21PM (#6068775) Homepage
    Are you f*cking serious?!

    It was roundly given "Worst Peripheral of Show" [] by us.

    What the hell are these guys thinking? They're obviously just trying to suck up to Sony. The Karaoke machine for the XBox was a far better idea. The stupid Eye-Toy had games where you were supposed to kill ninjas before they hit your head...however, you could just shuffle left and right, and KILL THEM WITH YOUR HEAD.

    • I think the Eye-Toy is cool in concept and has some real potential. Imagine integrating your own face and face of friends for custom skins, or with an online title being able to see a small Picture in Picture of your teammate instead of just voice.

      Of course, this is Sony, so maybe a more realistic scenario would be The Olson Twins Dressup Game, where your 7-13 year old daughter can play virtual dressup on herself. Just whatver you do, do not get the Christina Aguilara Expansion Disc!

      Anyway, back to
  • Best of Show (Score:4, Interesting)

    by swat_r2 ( 586705 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @12:30PM (#6068839)

    Halo 2 vs Half Life 2

    Even though I'm an admitted Halo junkie, Half Life 2 completely amazed me. Sure Halo looks shinier and has a few new features, but watching the Half Life 2 demo blew my mind. The physics engine is truly incredible, and the ability to summon your own creatures to attack definitely adds a strategic element usually lacking in FPS games. I can't wait until the mod community gets ahold of this!

    Gran Turismo 4

    As for Gran Turismo 4, I watched the Sony E3 coverage for that and I must say I wasn't too impressed. I know it's going to be all that and a pack of crackers, but there didn't seem to be much in the way of innovation. Maybe I'm starting to get tired of the all too familiar CA(R)PG genre. Some scenes definitely looked beautiful, I'm not sure if it was actualy in game footage, but the Grand Canyon backdrop was stunning - made me look twice.

    I think this has been the best E3 as far as I can remember, just a look at the list shows you how spoiled and lucky us gamers are. You know that feeling you get when you haven't eaten all day? When you go to take the first bite out of something sweet or salty and the second the treat hits your tongue a shot of saliva breaks loose from your glands like a premature shot from a Super Soaker? Well.. uhh.. got a towel?

    • Eh, it was a pretty good show, but you wouldn't know that from looking at the list.

      I'm into RPGs and strategy games, so the first eight categories meant very little to me, and even then they missed out on things like FF: Crystal Quest, and the new Defender of the Crown was really cool. Oh, and the mini-robots battle games (of which there were two, but both were cool =)

  • Hey, Just wanted to let you guys know of the new Competitor on the block, . They got the systems that will run all the nextgen games from E3, like Half Life 2 and Doom 3, etc.. Check them out. Cheers

