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Duke Nukem Not Out In 2003, Manhunt, GTA, More.. 42

Thanks to several readers for pointing out Take Two's financial results for Q2 2003, as the owner of the Rockstar, Gotham Games, and Gathering labels had a 58 percent increase in profit, largely due to Rockstar's massive Grand Theft Auto franchise and the new Midnight Club 2. The accompanying earnings conference call had a question about Duke Nukem Forever coming out in 2003, which the CEO answered: "for this holiday season.. no.. we're just hopeful that the team in Dallas will finish it." Also trailed was "a significant Xbox game" from Rockstar to release in Q1 2004 (GTA, anyone?), and that one of Gathering's (PC?) titles is using the Halo engine. Finally, there was another mention of Rockstar North's mysterious Manhunt - an even darker, more twisted game from the GTA developers?
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Duke Nukem Not Out In 2003, Manhunt, GTA, More..

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  • by CaptainStormfield ( 444795 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @06:22PM (#6071558)
    When I skimmed the headline and missed the "not."

    Wake me when Duke is coming now. Now that will be news!
    • Nothing to see here. This is just the annual announcement that Duke will not be released this year. It's a tradition, dating back to 1998, which will be with us for years to come. I feel like we should start having annual Duke parties where we dress up and stuff. Maybe with a theme based on the most recent rumors about the game. Could be fun :)

    • Perhaps they are trying to port it to HURD and will release Duke Nukem Forever together with the HURD release.

  • according to SCO there are 1-2 lines of code that appear in Duke that they claim rights to. So until this is settled the game is on hold.
  • Why do I feel this has something to do with competition? I can see at least two winning titles which is Doom3 and HalfLife2 at the horizon, so my guess is that they don't have enough eye candy and/or technology to acually get people to buy it.
    • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:28PM (#6072489) Homepage
      That's the problem with relying on other people's engines in long development cycles... When you have been in development since 1997, you either have to dump your engine repeatedly, or ship before you get stale with an under-polished game. Either way your engine will be behind the engine of your competition, whose last iteration will be competing with your next release... a tough act to follow for a AAA title.

      Doom 3 has an excellent engine (judging by the leaked alphas), and HalfLife 2 will probably just rock too. For years to come games will be based upon these engines. Whatever the Duke kiddies have up their sleves, it had better be slick or else they are going to have a hard time competing with them.

      Of course, after 6 years of active development and the somewhat unenthusiastic comments of those working on the project, I would be willing to wager this is one project stuck in the bad type of development hell, and whose eventual release will not be met with much acclaim.

      Next big thing, please.

    • Or Duke Nukem Never?

      Seriously though, at least they haven't come out and said that they'll make us their biotch (JR Style).
      I sometimes wonder how good/crap could DNF actually be? I mean they must have spent hundreds of thousands (millions?) for a game that has lost all consumer interest except that which is a morbid case of ("I wonder how bad it could be?"), it has no momentum... Is there any chance this game will be popular? Or better, any good?
    • Funny, in the racing world "DNF" means "Did Not Finish". Hmmm....
  • If EA owned Rockstar the PC release of GTA3 would have been a massively multiplayer game like no other. But no, Take2 owns Rockstar, so we're stuck with zero multiplayer. Shame.
    • Are you implying that it's Take Two's fault that multiplayer isn't in GTA yet? Or that they aren't interested in multiplayer at all?

      Well, they are probably working on it, and if the AWESOME multiplayer in Midnight Club 2 is any indication, they are doing a great job of it too. Why is MC2 a good indicator? Say that I'm comparing apples and oranges if you like, but am I the only one who sees any similarity between MC2 and GTA3 in terms of the way the cars work? Sure, MC2's a tad more complicated in term

    • GTA3 and VC don't have MP for a reason. Rockstar's net code just plain sucks. Ever played a GTA1/2 MP game with a ping over 100? The lag is pretty bad. They also have to deal with spawning cars, which is OK for only one person, but it gets complicated to make sure multiple people are all seeing the same cars in the same place. Because if Bob gets into a car that only exists on Bob's game, and is inexistent on Joe's game, that's not a good thing.

      A very appropriate quote, from Donny in Gone in 60 Seconds (th
      • But EA got their crew in there and made that game multiplayer. Why? Because subscriptions make you a shitload of money. Single player games are the biggest waste of development time possible. Unless you get a super hit (which GTA3 is, I'll admit) you're going broke. Even with a superhit, you can turn it into a rediculous amount of money (see UO), and even with a sucky game you can do that (see Everquest).
        • So you are saying that they should make all games multiplayer, even if it's going to be crappy, just to save money on development costs? Great strategy.
    • EA owning Rockstar would be bad for us Xbox'ers.... EA doesn't like Xbox Live for whatever reason so any online components would be left out of the Xbox versions of their games. As for the articles' comment about a big game for Xbox early next year, if it's Vice City I hope they upgrade it to take advantage of the hardware in the green machine, I wasn't impressed with the PS2 graphics.
  • Who thought it would? really?
  • Take Two estimates fiscal-year sales to be $975Million!

  • or does that Manhunt website really suck. Sure, teasers are great and all, but they don't do any good when a website just gives you a full page-can't click anywhere-boring flash show that could have been in pure HTML for what it was worth. And yippie for the second page as well. Some people have to learn that a 10 second teaser on tv or a magazine ad with just a line of text works better than doing this sort of thing on the internet.

    Internet = interact
    TV and print = passive

    or maybe I'm just stupid and di
    • (Sorry for the redundant post) Check the pop-up ad. It's actually pretty clever- but I would hope everyone's come to expect this sort of thing from Rockstar by now- look harder next time!
  • I would like to point at that Eternal Darkness spent five years in development and was AWESOME.
    So... it might be pretty cool.

    I do think it would be pretty interesting if they released several Versions of the software like they did with Lameduke.
    Just so you could see the progression through
  • They got you covered for that new pc man, they got all the newest hardware, great warranty, and low prices... not to mention they will run all the nextgen games, like maybe even Duke4.. If it ever comes out that is. Sigh. Check em out, Cheers

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