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GameCube (Games) Entertainment Games

Now You Can Bonk On Your Gamecube 32

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a Gamepro article announcing Gamecube remakes of classic HudsonSoft games, including Bonk's Adventure (BC Kid) and Adventure Island. According to the article, "Bonk and Adventure Island are the latest in Hudson's new Japan-only GC budget library. The series is set to debut in Japan on July 10 with the release of two games: Star Soldier and Cubic Lode Runner." Sadly, there's no news on US release dates yet.
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Now You Can Bonk On Your Gamecube

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  • by limekiller4 ( 451497 ) on Wednesday June 04, 2003 @07:29PM (#6120087) Homepage
    Look, she already wants to do it on the couch, the bathroom floor and the stove. LEAVE MY GAMECUBE OUT OF IT!
  • i can see where this piece of equipment would come in handy. better than a pet, even!
  • I had this system and thought it was AWESOME. Came out before Super Nintendo and Genesis, and was supposed to be the first console in the 16-bit generation. (even though it wasn't really 16-bit grafix, it had two 8-bit processors or something)

    I admit I liked SNES better, but when TG16 was the only one out there, it was cool!! The games came on little reader cards about the size of a credit card.

    Bonk was honestly one of the greatest games I remember, and it would be really cool if those old school ones c
    • Turbo Express (Score:2, Interesting)

      by swat_r2 ( 586705 )
      When I was 12 I lusted after the Turbo Express handheld TG-16, which I believe was the first handheld with equivalant power of the home console. It was insanely priced (around $300 back then) and with my Paperboy budget is was waaaay out of reach.

      I remember those good old days, with the TG16 and Genesis out before the Super Nintendo, the console wars back then were impressive and sadly the TG-16 couldn't handle competition from Sega and Nintendo.

      Remember Splatterhouse? Next to Bonk that was one of the g
      • You're right, TG-16 was a great system, and was way underrated. I'm surprised that anyone bought a Genesis when the TG-16 came out before it, had better graphics, and better games. I guess it's a testament to the power of advertising...
      • I remember that handheld!! That thing was awesome! I never had it either, but wanted it soooooooo bad ass.

        I dont have an xbox, but after reading this thread (and forgetting TG16 even existed for about 8 years) I downloaded an emulator.

        It's called magic express. Trying to find ROMS as I type.
    • (even though it wasn't really 16-bit grafix, it had two 8-bit processors or something)

      I believe it had an 8-bit CPU and a 16-bit Graphics chip which still doesn't make it 16-bit.

    • I'm trying to remember other games I had for it, but can't, wasnt there one where you had a chainsaw in a 2d side scroller or something...can't think of the name... It was Splatterhouse (as swat_r2 hinted at). --loq
  • US Release (Score:3, Informative)

    by gmhowell ( 26755 ) <> on Wednesday June 04, 2003 @09:03PM (#6120485) Homepage Journal
    Go back and reread the link. There is info on US releases: there won't be any. This is part of Hudson's value line that is only to be released in Japan.

    Glad to see the new editor is just as illiterate as the old ones.

    (Moderators, yes, one for informative, one for interesting, one for flamebait, and one for troll would be correct. Since that all evens out, go mod something else)
    • Re:US Release (Score:3, Informative)

      by simoniker ( 40 ) *
      Depends on how you read the phrase 'Japan-only', surely? I took it to mean that they're currently only being released in Japan, but that doesn't mean to say a US publisher wouldn't pick it up somewhere down the line (like, say, Conspiracy has been doing with some of the Takara games recently.)

      But thanks for the polite reply pointing out my deficiencies, anyhow :)
      • But thanks for the polite reply pointing out my deficiencies, anyhow :)

        Any time. Just glad to see that you are 'one of the boys':)

        Personally, I wouldn't hold my breath on an official US release.
  • Bonk's Adventure and Hudson's Adventure Island were great games but what really caught my eye in his article was this:

    The series is set to debut in Japan on July 10 with the release of two games: Star Soldier and Cubic Lode Runner.

    Cubic Lode Runner? What is that? I've loved Lode Runner from the first moment I played it and I've owned just about every version ever released but I've never heard of Cubic Lode Runner. The world needs more Lode Runner.

    By the way, if you're a fan of the game, you'll enjoy t

    • Mario 64!? You mean there's already been 63 other Mario games? What's going on here!?

      Cubic = Lode Runner on the Gamecube. Duh. :P
    • Perhaps they finally realized that the Cubic principle is perfect [].
    • I am also a big fan of Lode Runner. The original games that is, including Championship Lode Runner (actually finished it and got a certificate, heh!!).

      I never liked the newer versions. I hope Cubic Lode Runner will be good as the classics. I can't find any screen shots of the gameplay except the box art.

      Cool Web site. Too bad it hasn't been updated lately.
    • I saw an article somewhere on Cublic LR, it is supposed to have both 2D and 3D levels. And a level editor!
  • by p3t3 ( 217687 ) on Wednesday June 04, 2003 @10:12PM (#6120796)
    you can pre-order the imports of these from for $30 each. they also have some smallish pics of the cover art you might want to check out even if you dont do the import thing.

  • I LOVED Bonk... I bought it the first week it came out on the TG-16 and beat it the second game I played of it... but I STILL love to play it. It's not a complex game, and it's obviously not a terribly difficult came, but it sure is a ton of fun. I also have the sequel on the TG-16 which wasn't bad, but was much harder. And now... my son loves Bonk too, he's got my TG-16, and a SNES, and NES set up in his room (he's 6 and I think he should appreciate the classics), and he actually chose to spend some of
  • Hudson was a major publisher for the NEC Turbografx-16. The majority of the U.S. game library were derived from them. Many of their games were really cool. They also handled many of the Turbo CD games, especially the great port of Ys Book I and II.
  • I got a TG16 back when I was around 12, and I still occasionally play it. My opinion is that the main source of it's troubles was the single controller port. Yes, you could get a tap, and then play up to 5 player games (which was awesome - at the time, systems were limited to 2 player mostly)

    Even though many console games are one player only, you need to have two ports to sell a system.

    Bomberman on the TG16 has never been surpassed (in my opinion) by another bomberman game. I tried Bomberman64, and wa

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
