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Halo PC FAQ Updated, Developers Interviewed 37

Thanks to several people for pointing out that the official Halo PC FAQ at Bungie.net has been updated. This relatively new FAQ includes info on a playable demo ("shortly after the game is released") and Mac version ("..in the capable hands of our friends at MacSoft and Westlake Interactive.. scheduled for a near simultaneous release with the PC version"), as well as previously-released info such as PC multiplayer-exclusive Fuel Rod Guns and Rocket Launcher Warthogs. In related news, Shacknews put out an interview with Gearbox president Randy Pitchford a couple of days back, offering a bunch of extra information on the PC debut of this originally-for-PC title.
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Halo PC FAQ Updated, Developers Interviewed

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  • Split Screen (Score:4, Insightful)

    by funkhauser ( 537592 ) <zmmay2 @ u k y .edu> on Thursday June 05, 2003 @02:55PM (#6125958) Homepage Journal
    Halo multiplayer is just fantastic, and I'm sure it'll be great on the PC as well, but sitting in the dark at your computer seeing lame morons type "H4 H4. I 0WNZ0R3D J00!!!" over and over again just can't beat sitting in front of the TV with your buds playing split screen Halo. There's always the LAN party aspect, but I'd rather have four people bring four XBoxes than 16 people bring 16 computers to play 8 on 8 team games on Sidewinder with all the vehicles on. :)

    • Split screen is the worst thing EVER invented. And FPS on consoles are the 2nd worst thing. Its about time they bring this to the PC, now I can use a MOUSE.
      • Bah. Who cares about the control? Using the analog control is probably worse than using a mouse for aiming, but for actually moving around, the analog stick beats the hell out of a keyboard. Split-screen isn't really a big deal either. For one, it's a necessity of console multiplayer, but if you're playing with multiple systems, it becomes much less important, since separate teams can use separate TVs. The key though, is that console gaming is simply a hell of a lot better for getting together and playing s
        • "Using the analog control is probably worse than using a mouse for aiming, but for actually moving around, the analog stick beats the hell out of a keyboard."

          Oh yeah the whole, "push the stick to one side and wait while I rotate around" sure is superior to flick the mouse to the side to turn around in a fraction of a second.

          Face it, the analog control sticks on ALL consoles are not fast enough and don't give enough precision when compared to a mouse/keyboard combo.
          • Read what I said: The analog stick is superior to the keyboard for actually moving around. I agree, the mouse is faster and more precise for aiming (and that includes looking) but for making precise movements, the analog stick is superior. That's less important, but it's one advantage that mouse/keyboard folks often overlook when bashing control pads. You can't edge out from behind cover very well by pressing 'D' (or the right key for left handed folks), because there's no way to differentiate between a lig
            • Re:Split Screen (Score:3, Insightful)

              by WatertonMan ( 550706 )
              And of course people miss the point that the accuracy of the mouse might be a tad *unfair*. I mean have you ever shot a gun with the accuracy you can shoot with a mouse even while under pressure? Damn. We make Clint Eastwood as the "Man With No Name" seem like he can't shoot straight.

              In some cases just because controls provide more accuracy that doesn't imply the game is more fun or more playable.

              • Yes! You are my own personal Slashdot hero. :)

                As far as Halo goes, I've had times when a faster response time on the analog stick might have saved me, but those few times aren't that big a deal considering the hugely engaging multiplayer modes that Halo has. And really, it was my own damn fault: I could've just upped look sensitivity for my character instead of keepign it at the default.

  • by etherlad ( 410990 ) <ianwatson&gmail,com> on Thursday June 05, 2003 @03:10PM (#6126124) Homepage
    Rocket Launcher Warthogs, eh? Is that like Warthogs with rocket launchers, or rocket launchers that launch [bungie.org] Warthogs [bungie.org]?

    Damn, would I buy that game.
  • It was originally a Mac title, not a PC title. It was Mac first, then PC. Then bought out by MS to because a XBOX only title. Now its back to a XBox and PC/Mac game.
    • That's not true. It was originally a title for Macs and PCs (a cross-platform title). You simply think that it was originally for Macs because that's the platform it was publically shown off for first. Or did you forget that it is possible to write cross-platform code?

      Don't you love it when people make up facts to suit their worldview?

      • Oh well scuuuuuuuuse me. The point of the post wasn't to get your panties in a bunch but to show it was not originally a PC title as the thread said. Which I am correct about.

        And what makes you think it wasn't originally for the macs and going to be ported to the PC to be released at the same time? I would think thats how it was since it was never shown running on PC hardware until very recently.
        • No, you're not correct. As I said before, you're making stuff up based upon incomplete information. There were builds before MacWorld 1999's public debut. And Bungie had started doing cross-platform development before that with the Myth series.

          And maybe, just maybe, a person employed by Bungie might know what he's talking about.

          • Unless you want people flooding Bungie with copies of your ridiculously cocky comments, smarten up.

            Yes, we're all very impressed that you work there, but grow up and stop acting like a child.

            For the record, several gaming sites still refer to Halo as originally being a Mac exclisive. While I don't doubt that you're correct, try to be a bit more forgiving of people next time.
          • Well if you are truely a Bungie employee I see that the MS purchase of you guys truely has turned you all into assholes like all your fans thought it would. Way to be sellouts, you should be so proud.
  • It looked kick-ass in 1998 (or was it 99) when it was demoed at MacWorld Expo - the weapons, large maps, vehicles, etc. But now it's just old news.

    Being a huge fan of the Marathon games, Myth, and the other Bungie offerings, I was excited to see what Bungie would make with Halo. But it's been so long since that demo at MacWorld, and Bungie being bought by Microsoft, "Yes, we're making it for Mac/PC", "No, it's going to be XBox Only", "We may make it for Mac/PC, but XBox first", "We just don't know about ot

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