Microsoft Looks To Cut Xbox Costs 42
Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to The Register's article on Microsoft's resolution to reduce the cost of goods sold in its Xbox division. This news is a byproduct of Steve Ballmer's recent internal Microsoft memo urging greater competitiveness, but the article elaborates a little - "Microsoft makes a significant loss - thought to be over $150 - on each Xbox console it sells... significant steps have already been made in slashing Xbox production costs, including moving manufacturing to China from Hungary, and replacing some components with cheaper alternatives." But this is about reducing Microsoft's financial loss per console, not reducing the amount the consumer pays, so, as the article indicates, "..further [Xbox] price cuts seem unlikely in the near future."
Curses! Foiled again! (Score:3, Funny)
"Made in China" (Score:3, Funny)
So They've Had Cheaper Components? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:So They've Had Cheaper Components? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:So They've Had Cheaper Components? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:So They've Had Cheaper Components? (Score:2, Informative)
Hmm... (Score:4, Interesting)
Looking at the PS3 specifications I believe that there's no way in hell MS will be able to even close to Sony. Until broadband gets common enough for MS to use their streaming content plans to dominate the market, I think Sony is going to be giving a merciless beating. But once they start streaming content I have a feeling that they'll start to nudge Sony off to the side. That's when they'll be able to flex their monopolistic muscles at full power.
The PS4/X-Box 3 battle is going to be very interesting, methinks.
Re:Hmm... (Score:5, Informative)
Close by wrong. They are trying to reduce the cost of producing the X-Box, not reducing the cost to the comsumer (ie. they'll loose less money).
Read the last two sentences of the article.
Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Sony, ... can, maybe, SUE ms in Belgium, now! (Score:2)
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:2)
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:2)
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:1)
Nah, spongebob's right. The GameCube almost certainly costs less than what it is sold for, and the PS2 might (I've seen conflicting numbers on this, but I think they're probably making a little money on each one sold). But that's _now_. Earlier in their lifespans, both cost more to make than what they were sold for. So, nobody's going to complain about it when all the console makers do it.
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:1)
Microsoft and Sony were selling the PS2 and X-box at about a $150 loss at the beginning of their consoles lifecycles. Sony, having been doing it for longer, brought the price down (though prolly still losing money), while Microsof
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:2)
Either way, the console manufacturers are getting their money back in the long run anyways. If it cost them more to do it than they made, how could gaming be Sony's most profitable business?
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:2)
Re:Sony, Nintendo, ... can SUE ms in Belgium now! (Score:1)
It's not illegal in the US if the market strategy in use shows a return based on the ownership of the item being sold at a loss. In other words, MS (and every major console maker) expects to make $X p
Money (Score:4, Interesting)
Sony made a profit [] of $964 million for the fiscal year. "Sony (SNE) shares are down 40 percent this year, following declines of 8 percent in 2002, 35 percent in 2001 and 51 percent in 2000. " []
Nintendo made a profit [] of $553 million. Their shares are also down, at around 35%. Not bad considering the competition.
Re:Money (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Money (Score:2)
I'd say the plan worked once MS actually starts making money off of the XBox instead of losing boatloads of cash. The tombstones of console companies is written with the epitaph "We we were second place!" Sega comes to mind as an example.
Re:Money (Score:2)
From Hungary (?) to China? (Score:1)
Did Microsoft shift production from Mexico to Hungary? If so, why?
Re:From Hungary (?) to China? (Score:1)
X-laptop (Score:4, Interesting)
I never understood why the Xbox's design seems to be that of a PC scaled down, when it seems like it would make more sense to design it as a laptop minus the LCD screen. It would also greatly reduce the size of the Xbox. Laptops today have processors well over 1GB, and on-board 3D graphics chipsets that are just as good as the Xbox's.
Or is it just too expensive to manufacture the Xbox this way?
Re:X-laptop (Score:3, Informative)
Re:X-laptop (Score:2)
Thing is, laptop design and manufacturing is orders of magnitude more expensive than typical PCs. The motherboard design has a completely different approach, as there are other elements to care about, like the type of packaging for the chips (TSOP and such), the thermal design, power consumption, case design, etc. Then there are things like Pilot Runs and Engineering Verification Tests, which are three or four steps for a
Screwing Microsoft (Score:2, Funny)
Hmm... maybe I should buy one after all >:)
True profit loss (Score:1)
Re:True profit loss (Score:2)
Of course, I don't see the reason for the story in the first place, except as an excuse to point out once again that Microsoft is losing money on Xbox consoles (something that was part of the MS plan from the beginning). Any hardware manufacturer is going to look for ways to cut production costs - those who don't ar
Re:True profit loss (Score:2)
It's news because the reason they're doing going to such lenghts to do so at this particular time is the _huge_ losses they're taking, far in excess of what they predicted, and the shareholders, and t
Re:True profit loss (Score:2)
Don't miss the forest while staring so intently at this one Microsoft tree.
Re:True profit loss (Score:1)
It just seems like everyone around here wants to ink the Xbox's death and destruction. Kinda reminds me when the Dreamcast was a major competitor.
Re:True profit loss (Score:2)
Sort of [], but you'll have to pay.
Re:True profit loss (Score:1)
It's a slightly older (~1 year, possibly older because I remember seeing it in the print version around the time XBox was released) article, but it is free. You could probably price out the major parts for yourself from the listing, but overall it's still going to be an estimate without MS releasing the prices they're getting for the parts. Then there's the whole manufacturing process itself...
Recent price cuts in Australia (Score:1)
As of 30 May 2003, the prices of both Xbox [] and Playstation 2 [] in Australia dropped to AUD 329, from AUD 399 previously. (You can get a Gamecube with Metroid Prime for under AUD 300. Of course, the 'Cube isn't marketed very well and has struggled here.)
That said, most of the shops here would sell you a console with a big pile of stuff bundled in: Gamecube plus Metroid Prime; PS2 plus movies; Xbox plus Halo (still), Amped (still) and discount vouchers.