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Game Boy Advance SP Sells 1.1 Million in U.S. 339

clu76 writes "An article at Business Wire indicates that Nintendo has sold 1.1 million Game Boy Advance SPs since hitting the shelves less than 10 weeks ago. The article goes on to say, 'The new model has sold at a rate of more than 10 per minute, non-stop, since launch.' Two new colors of the popular handheld have also been announced: Flame (red) and Onyx (black)." I'd attribute this to the SP being the first Game Boy to have a screen that's viewable in total darkness, as well as not requiring batteries. Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?
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Game Boy Advance SP Sells 1.1 Million in U.S.

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  • Sure... (Score:5, Funny)

    by ScriptGuru ( 574838 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:54PM (#6151610)
    Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?
    I'll take it.
  • by Rosyna ( 80334 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151628) Homepage
    When the Backlight is on the screen gets all hazy from too much reflection and glare from it's own internal light. Also, let's not forget you have to pay extra to get a headphone jack. That extra accessory makes the GBASP a little less portable than the previous incarnation.
    • by ubikkibu ( 544498 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:03PM (#6151750)
      Agree about the $9.95 headphone jack--it should have been included, and is a bit awkward when plugged in.

      Disagree about the backlit screen. I play inside, outside, everywhere, and the SP screen with backlight on or off is even clearer than the standard GBA screen. If it's really hazy for you, perhaps your unit has a problem? I have a silver and a gold SP and they are both crystal clear.

      Also got a Japanese GameBoy Player for my GameCube. Sa-weet! I love playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age on my 40" Sony.
    • by Abcd1234 ( 188840 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:08PM (#6151817) Homepage
      Please, note, this is NOT a backlight! I repeat, NOT a backlight! The GBA SP has a FRONT light, just like the Afterburner.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:13PM (#6151858)
      Backlights are placed behind the screens whereas frontlights are placed in front of the screen. The GameBoy Advance SP uses a frontlight. It's a common mistake.

      For some reason, people also seem to think that all backlit screens get washed out when viewed under front lighting. That is also wrong. Transflective LCD technology has been around for over a decade. My Newton uses a transflective LCD (a rather nice one, I might add) and it was discontinued over five years ago!
    • The headphone jack is like $7, and mine came with a set of bud earphones. The only drawback is not being able to listen through the headphones while charging.
  • old GBA? (Score:5, Funny)

    by SHEENmaster ( 581283 ) <> on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151629) Homepage Journal
    Send it to me! The NetBSD port is only a few days away. I could patch in a keyboard and a numeric coprocessor and a hard disk and wifi/wired ethernet...
  • by SlashChick ( 544252 ) <erica AT erica DOT biz> on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151637) Homepage Journal
    "Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?"

    Boy, one would think the Slashdot editors had never heard of eBay. [] :P
  • Too damn small! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Chris_Jefferson ( 581445 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151638) Homepage
    While I do like the GBA SP, and it's screen, I'm sticking with my GBA and AfterBurner ( ) internal light (which is in my opinion as good as the GBA SP light), just because I can't use the GBA SP without getting cramp.. I'd live nintendo to release a new GBA SP about 50% bigger, then those of us with larger hands (or it seems normal man-sized hands) can hold it without cramp!
    • I bought a pair of hand-grips that mount to the thing and make it roughly the same width as a PSX controller. It seems to help out quite a bit, at least for me (and I bought the old larger XBox controller because the S controller that came with my XBox just isn't comfortable to me).
    • Re:Too damn small! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by ubikkibu ( 544498 )
      Really? Not to sound like a fanboy, but I've had an original GBA and recently upgraded to the SP. All the cramping I eventually would get from the original GBA has gone, and I put in hours at a time. It certainly looks like the new unit's ergonomics would be worse, but that's not been my experience.

      I did prefer the old GBA d-pad (joystick) a bit, however. The SP one still makes a bit of a clicking noise, although the action is just fine.
    • Re:Too damn small! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by ubikkibu ( 544498 )
      Also, I've used the Afterburner with the original GBA, and it really doesn't compare to the SP lighting. The AB light had several dim spots and washed the colors out somewhat, and I don't notice much of that at all on the SP.
    • Plus I like how the old GBA takes AA batteries. Much easier upkeep compared to prying the thing open and replacing the internal.

    • My hands are a bit larger than average, and I find the GBA SP infinitely more comfortable than the original GBA. My hands used to cramp within minutes from the GBA (and generally my neck, too, from the awkward contortions necessary to see the screen), while I can hold the GBA SP for at least an hour before it begins to get uncomfortable.

      My wife, who has much smaller hands, is also perfectly comfortable holding the GBA SP. I can easily accept that it would be uncomfortable for someone with gorilla hands,
    • just because I can't use the GBA SP without getting cramp.. I'd live nintendo to release a new GBA SP about 50% bigger, then those of us with larger hands (or it seems normal man-sized hands) can hold it without cramp!

      Christ! What's Slashdot coming to?

      It's been like 45 minutes with no penis joke posts...

  • More on colors (Score:5, Informative)

    by generic-man ( 33649 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151644) Homepage Journal
    Here's a high-resolution picture [] of the two new colors. Unfortunately, you won't be able to buy one until September [].
    • Re:More on colors (Score:3, Informative)

      by gid ( 5195 )
      If you think the look GBA SP or plain old GBA is a bit too blah, check out [] for hella cheap stick on skins. No need to buy a new one just for a new color anymore! Heh :)
  • Use it? (Score:5, Informative)

    by sporty ( 27564 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151646) Homepage
    Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?

    Get some rechargable batteries and a lamp. Use it. You'll live.

    Or use your m4d h4XX0r1ng skilz and get an afterburner lighting kit for it.

  • by irving47 ( 73147 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:56PM (#6151649) Homepage
    Very nice. So I guess it runs off the pure power of geek? Or have they nailed that whole zero point energy conundrum?
  • by Almost_anonymous_cow ( 671896 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:57PM (#6151657)
    I think it would be intresting to see how many of those purchases where new or old gameboy users simply upgrading.
  • by evilviper ( 135110 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:57PM (#6151662) Journal
    I'd attribute this to the SP being the first Game Boy to have a screen that's viewable in total darkness, as well as not requiring batteries.

    No batteries, eh? So they finally accepted my idea for the nuclear reactor power pack...
    • No batteries, eh? So they finally accepted my idea for the nuclear reactor power pack...

      Why do you think they finally justified a backlight? =]

  • I love my GBA SP (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SweetAndSourJesus ( 555410 ) <(moc.oohay) (ta) (toboRehTdnAsuseJ)> on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:57PM (#6151663)
    My only real problem with it is that the hinge doesn't act as a switch. That seemed like a no-brainer to me. Close the GBA, it turns off. Instead we get a goofy little switch on the side.

    Oh, and the headphone adapter. What the hell is up with that?
    • Re:I love my GBA SP (Score:5, Interesting)

      by FroBugg ( 24957 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:03PM (#6151751) Homepage
      Well, sometimes I like to be able to close it while my game is paused, so I can drop it in my pocket for a minute or two to do something without having to worry about saving games or anything like that.

      It would be nice, though, if the just the screen turned off when it closed to save a bit of power.
      • by robbway ( 200983 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:14PM (#6151877) Journal
        Here are some other reasons:

        -sleep mode which is a low-power consumption mode available in some games
        -game link, where the gameboy is mostly inactive, like on Legend of Zelda
        -mp3 player attachment

        But like FroBugg said, the screen's light should go off automatically, though you can turn it off yourself.
      • Maybe it does and you just can't see it, cause IT'S CLOSED!

        I bet you still try and 'catch' your fridge's light by surprise.

        Lemme give ya a hint -- if you unplug the fridge, then open the door, it'll be too occupied wondering about the loss of power to turn the light on!

        That would be an obvious feature, tho, in seriousness. Maybe they'll fix it in SP2 ;)
      • I like to be able to close it while my game is paused, so I can drop it in my pocket for a minute or two to do something without having to worry about...


        - Your boss seeing you?

        - That cute chick at the bus stop thinking you're a kid?

        - Dropping it while you wipe?

        - Which is it?

    • Not really. I was in the middle of a game of MegaMan and Bass but I had to take a shower and didn't want to play the GBASP in the shower nor did I want to start all over from the beginning of King's tower. So I just plugged 'er in and closed the lid while I took a shower. Although I do wish it fell asleep when the lid was closed like the PowerBooks/iBooks.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

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    • Re:I love my GBA SP (Score:5, Informative)

      by alphaseven ( 540122 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @03:39PM (#6153515)
      Oh, and the headphone adapter. What the hell is up with that?

      From an interview with Kenichi Sugino [], the guy behind the design of the GBA SP:

      Q: One of the main complaints people have about the SP is its lack of built-in headphone jack. What was the reason behind removing it?
      KS: Well, you can use headphones with the SP if you plug in an adapter, of course. In the beginning we planned to include the jack, but from a purely physical standpoint, we just couldn't get it in. (laughs) If we put the port in, then that's that much cubic volume we can't use for other parts of the GBA. We were worried, of course, how people would respond to that, but when we looked at our research, we found that the percentage of people that use headphones with their GBA is actually pretty low. It's low, but there are people that use them, so we decided to build the system with the majority of users in mind and, at the same time, also accommodate the rest of the people that play it with the adapter. It was a compromise, you could say.
      Not sure that I buy that but there you go.
  • Old GBA use (Score:5, Interesting)

    by scot4875 ( 542869 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:57PM (#6151667) Homepage
    Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?

    Save it for use as a controller for your Gamecube for when Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles comes out. It's rumored to *require* a GBA for every player.


    • But apprently the GBA isn't used for much [] (skip to the last paragraph). If Square has a brain, they'll axe the requirement.
    • Re:Old GBA use (Score:3, Informative)

      The most recent beta versions let you get to everything without the GBA (except for some shiny subgames) although it looks like if you are going to try for 4-player split-screen it's going to get awful crowded if you force it to display stuff on the screen instead of on a GBA.
    • Save it for use as a controller for your Gamecube for when Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles comes out. It's rumored to *require* a GBA for every player.

      I love Nintendo as much as the next guy, but if that were true I would certainly hope it didn't turn into an industry-wide practice for lots of games. No doubt such games would have their market, but I don't know how long folks would be able to swallow having to buy several very different units before going "Hey!"
      • I'd agree, sort of, but I can also see the logic behind it.

        It's a multiplayer game ... so just have everyone bring their GBAs when they come over to play. I have a feeling that that's what Nintendo and Square are thinking, rather than having one person buy 4 GBAs so that people can come over and play on them. I think it'll work well enough within my circle of friends, since most of them have GBAs, but probably not for everyone.

        Even still, I do plan on getting an extra GBA just in case (besides, my gi
    • Didn't you hear? Now they require a separate Gamecube and TV for each player (in addition to the central one, of course).
  • Hmm (Score:3, Informative)

    by jandrese ( 485 ) * <> on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:58PM (#6151672) Homepage Journal
    Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?
    Install an Afterburner [], plug in your headphones, and laugh?
  • GBA SP Rocks (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Microlith ( 54737 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:58PM (#6151676)
    I got mine back in March, shortly before I came to Japan.

    To say the least, it's worth the money. Even more so if you (like I) owned zero consoles before it.

    The thing lasts forever with the light on, and even longer with the light off. And it's very, very small. Only downside might be the attachment you have to buy for the headphone jack but the sound isn't really that important.

    Nintendo did an awesome job with the SP. Now if only they had 4 buttons instead of just A and B...
    • Now if only they had 4 buttons instead of just A and B..

      What about the "L" and "R" buttons?

      I like my "old style" GBA, alot more comfortable, and is it that hard to find a light to play it near? I haven't done the mod only because I haven't had the need to.

  • Old GBAs (Score:2, Interesting)

    by FireMyst ( 4693 )
    With Nintendo pushing connectivity with the GameCube, I have commited the life of my original GBA as a controller for the GC. My SP is a little small to use for a controller for a console, and this way I don't have to hook/unhook the GBA every time I want to leave the house. I don't play the GameCube in the dark, so the lack of lighting is not a problem.
  • Those numbers seem a bit high, but what do I know.
    I think EB locally, maybe even globally, was offering them for $49 with the return of your current GBA. Not a bad deal.
  • I've been wanting to get a GBA SP for the longest time, but couldn't bring myself to buy a Silver or Purple one (yes, I know its officially blue).
  • Give it to a child you know and them start stealing his games that his mom buys him. also, when you are playing the child you can fiddle with the lighting and make it so he can't see the screen while you take him to school in some head-to-head action with the gameboy advance link cable.
  • I wonder... (Score:3, Informative)

    by PainKilleR-CE ( 597083 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @12:59PM (#6151698)
    I simply wonder how many they would've sold if they could keep up with the demand. It took me 3 weeks to get a GBA SP, and then I had to get the blue one (I wanted the silver one), or face another 2-3 weeks unless I got lucky (and no, I haven't seen a silver one in the ~1 week since I got mine). The worst part is that everyone I asked pretty much knew what I was going to say by the time I got the words Game Boy out of my mouth, but they had to wait for the SP because they have so many of the old GBAs on the shelf and would love to get rid of them.

    Everyone pretty much said that they get a shipment of 12 of them every couple of weeks, 6 of each colour, although sometimes they come in seperate shipments. They also have no idea when they will receive them (except for a couple of the larger retailers like WalMart which gets more regular shipments, though the shipments are the same size).
    • Cosctco. earch.asp& srch=gameboy&Search.x=0&Search.y=0

      At my local one they have the big pack with games and books and all kinds of stuff.
  • by aTMsA ( 188604 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:00PM (#6151701)
    Of course, I prefer it now that I've modded it with the afterburner and dimmer chip(and a battery).

    My hands are somewhat big and i find the grip on the SP model too small and awkward, the old model is a bit bigger, but with the afterburner, i actually think you're better off(the dimmer chip has different levels of intensity, and an auto-off feature, very handy if you leave it turned on because you can't save at that moment).

    By the way, i think Nintendo has done wrong requiring an adaptor for headphones, because in both the old GBA and the SP the speaker is practically useless.

    • The original GBA's speaker was far better than the GBC's, though. It's almost as good as the speaker on the original GameBoy! I haven't tried the SP, so I don't know where its speaker stands yet.

      And IIRC, Nintendo released a translucent green GameBoy Pocket in Japan that had a light. It was called the GameBoy Light or something similar.
  • A great guy (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:00PM (#6151711)
    A great man I know bought an SP and left his GBA at work for bored people to play (this is a receptionist job with very slow times). He is unto a god.
  • by Echo5ive ( 161910 ) <> on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:01PM (#6151721) Homepage

    Save it. Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles uses a GBA hooked up to your Gamecube as a controller.

    Some people will shout that they did this just to sell more GBAs, but it all makes sense, really. A Final Fantasy where the game pauses every time one of four players need to change equipment?

    This method also encourages you to talk to each other during the game, since you only see your own stuff and need to tell the other players that you're low on healing potions or whatever.

  • Hmmm... (Score:4, Informative)

    by st0rmshad0w ( 412661 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:01PM (#6151724)
    "Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?"

    Mutter curses while throwing it in the dumpster on your way out to get the newest version, now with Tint Control®. Gotta stay on the bleeding edge you know.

    Seriously tho, Toys for Tots or something along those lines would be a nice this to do with "out-dated" game systems, just make sure you pack the games with them.

  • Must be popular since it looks like both and have sold out of the units!
  • by Microlith ( 54737 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:02PM (#6151739)
    I've been in Japan since April 1st, and the black GBA SP is all over the place here.

    I'm suprised Nintendo is waiting until September to release it in the 'states.

    The red one is nice looking though. I'll stick with my silver though.
  • and the you'll be able to play mariokarts again. ahh mariokarts the best game ever invented.
  • The SP is too small for my hands, you insensitive clod!

    On the plus side, the original Xbox controller fit my hands quite nicely. :)

  • by burgburgburg ( 574866 ) <`moc.liame' `ta' `60neksilps'> on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:06PM (#6151787)
    I hadn't realized that "red" and "black" were so last week that they couldn't serve as product color descriptors.
  • by JWhitlock ( 201845 ) <(John-Whitlock) (at) (> on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:07PM (#6151805)
    Nail it to a picture frame, with the caption "If you are going to be an early adopter, occasionally you are going to throw away your money".
  • Deving (Score:3, Informative)

    by Chris_Jefferson ( 581445 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:09PM (#6151823) Homepage
    The GBA has the advantage that it is a very easy machine to do home development on. Grab yourself a flash cart and get going. I should put some references in now.. instead I'll just say any of the top ten links from goodle under "gba development" are good. If you can't be bothered to search for it deving is probably too much hard work for you.
  • Total darkness? (Score:5, Informative)

    by moronga ( 323123 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:09PM (#6151824)
    I'd attribute this to the SP being the first Game Boy to have a screen that's viewable in total darkness

    What about the Gameboy Light? []
  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

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  • Wha? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by eodmightier ( 208901 )

    I'd attribute this to the SP being the first Game Boy to have a screen that's viewable in total darkness, as well as not requiring batteries.

    Eh? Mean extra batteries?

    Amazing how Nintendo can continue to dominate the handheld gaming market year after year. One of the major points about a gameboy (be it the original or the new advaced ones) is that they don't suck down the batteries like some of the other flops (gamegear? could you even play all the way through a game without having to swap batteries).

  • by damieng ( 230610 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:21PM (#6151937) Homepage Journal
    I guess this means we're not being left behind again. I've got my black one right here and I'm pretty sure red is available - both since their UK launch.

    I haven't felt this honoured since Silent Hill 3 turned up... or when we got the English version of Shenmue II.

    Yay, go UK!
  • The APA reports that ADD/ADHD cases have increased at an astounding rate... ...Educators worldwide report a drop in GPA... ...President G W Bush has not been available...

  • hmm in the spirit of past hacks..

    port winCE on to it?
  • Why, turn it into a web server [], of course. There was an earlier slashdot article on it here [] . I mean, what better use for a game boy advance than a web server, especially now that it's replacement has arrived.
  • Why not donate the old GBA to a less-fortunate child? Not every thing has to be about "What's in it for me".
  • I've had a backlit GBA and an AC adapter for a year or so now. I bought a kit [] for backlighting, and found an AC adapter that fits into the GBA battery well at BestBuy. Is this the most elegant solution? Absolutely not, but its functional, and I really only play GBA on plane trips.

    Nintendo intentionally released the non-lit GBA first so people would buy two GBA's. I'm happy with my GBA and I certainly don't intend to buy one twice.

  • Install your own internal light, and use rechargable batteries. Run the batts dead, swap in a new pair. The SP users are tethered to the cord until the internal battery charges.
    Our family has all 3 (no original, but GB, GBA, GBA/SP) - The SP has a nice form factor, but with the afterburner in place, the GBA is also very nice, and in fact the button positions make it a little nicer for gameplay. Doesn't fit in the pocket as well, is all.
  • Turbo Express.... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by 222 ( 551054 )
    In never fails to impress me with how excited people get over these "innovations" in portable gaming. Those familiar with the turbo express have been enjoying a complete backlit screen with 16 bit ( we go) graphics in slick black package for years. The turbo express also boasted a tv tuner and the ablility to share games with the standard console, a feat so impressive you actually have to see the Hu Cards to believe.
    My beloved street fighter 2 even looked better on the turbo express than it did
  • ... I love mine. Not suprised they sold that many, when I went to get it the first three stores were sold out. Had to get blue instead of platinum when I finally found it, not that it matters.

    Can't wait for Advance Wars 2 btw, Advance Wars was a hell of a lot of fun. Besides the games it's easy to code for, and just an all around fun little machine.

  • "I'd attribute this to the SP being the first Game Boy to have a screen that's viewable in total darkness"

    That is not true, the GameBoy Light was the first GameBoy to work in the dark. It was Monocrome Indiglow screen.

    Check it out here:

  • Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?

    Play games on it?
    Sell it on eBay?

  • Anyone got ideas for what to do with an old GBA?

    Give it to an unemployed computer scientist.. i happen to know a few..
  • by Divide By Zero ( 70303 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:44PM (#6152199)
    is that it solves all the problems of the original GBA.

    I would have got the original GBA, but I'm hard on my hardware, and screens get scratched. The "clamshell" design of the SP solves that problem.

    I also hate buying batteries or battery packs. The SP solves that with an internal Li-Ion battery that lasts as long lit as the GBA could go on a set of alkalines without a light (ten hours) and longer unlit (eighteen hours).

    The Castlevania games that every review site ever said "Get a halogen lamp and don't move while playing this" are no longer valid now that the SP has an even front-light (that does make the screen a bit bluer, but still very playable). I don't have to go third-party (sketchy) or trust my own skills (sketchier) to avoid getting dirt in the screen when installing a light.

    It's also small. I've got enough crap in my pockets (cell, keys, PDA, etc etc) that I needed something a bit smaller than the GBA. At three inches square, the SP fits the bill.

    Yes, the lack of a headphone jack is annoying, but I can play without sound and rarely lose anything. Unfolded, the form factor's similar to the original Game Boy, and I can play it just fine. I guess I have small girly hands. Lucky me.

    The SP is replacing old GBAs ("MOMMY MOMMY BUY IT FOR ME" is a popular one, but far from all) and is increasing the userbase to adults who can drop a hundred bucks on a toy. I just wish they'd premiered with all four colors - I would have preferred black to silver. Oh, I'm sorry. ONYX to PLATINUM.
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @01:52PM (#6152282)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by KAMiKAZOW ( 455500 ) <> on Monday June 09, 2003 @02:34PM (#6152711)
    Slashdot geeks propably want to run the GBA Web Server [] on it. :)
  • by haggar ( 72771 ) on Monday June 09, 2003 @07:37PM (#6156538) Homepage Journal
    Keep it, damned! In a few years it will be worth more than the new one. It's how these things go: the original Jaguar E-type is the most coveted one, the original "breadbox" Commodore 64 is the one that has some value, unlike the newer Commodore 64-II (flat box), The Apple 1 motherboard is much more valuable than any Apple II, and the original Apple II is more valuable than the IIc or IIgs, and finally, the Sinclair Zx-80 is MUCH more valuable than the newer ZX-81. Etc etc etc....

    Newer and improved technical goods almost always have less value as collectible items, than the models that entered the market.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
