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Games Entertainment

E3 Game Critics Awards Announced 14

Thanks to several readers for pointing out the E3 Game Critics Award winners have been announced, speculating on the most promising titles from the nominations announced a couple of weeks back. The big winner was Half-Life 2, with a total of 4 awards, including Best Of Show, and Sony's Eye Toy and THQ's Full Spectrum Warrior also picked up a couple of awards each. You can also check out previous winners to see how well the critics' crystal ball has functioned in the past.
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E3 Game Critics Awards Announced

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  • From the subject I assumed that there were awards for good game journalism. Singling out the reporters that cut through the marketing hype to reveal what was really good and what was tripe.

    It seems there are millions of game reviews, but hardly any reviews of game reviewers. Everyone knows who's side "Nintendo Power" magazine is on, but certain supposedly impartial mags are actually in the corporate pockets.
  • by ddd2k ( 585046 )
    I can't believe Starcraft Ghost didn't win anything, it looks damn awsome...
  • Yikes (Score:2, Insightful)

    Half-Life 2 already cleaning up on awards? I feel bad for the games being released around the same time... If anyone's foolish to do so, anyway.
  • Nine out of the sixteen awards are for games i couldn't care less about. Realistic racing, skateboarding, and a ton of FPSs. I'm glad the show itself wasn't as boring as the awards.
  • Personally, I was rooting for the new Racing Sim. It looks incredible [] and GT3 was as realistic a driving/racing game as has been so far unleashed upon this Earth.

    I'd take it over Half-Life 2 any day of the week!

  • Go to [] for some screenshots and video.
  • I just find it really telling - and very depressing - that in the reasons for why these games where chosen as the winner does it never (with the exception of Eyetoy) say that the games were really fun. All I got out of the E3 page was a lot of heavy panting over "awesome" graphics - "Just look at the way the trees move"!! and A.I.

    I could honestly give a f#%& if the trees move realistically or not. I swear to god, a couple of years ago if they would have shown a trailer for the Final Fantasy movie an

  • Going over old games, the picks seem to be a combination of great successes (Metal Gear Solid 2, Half-Life, Soul Calibur, Halo, Tony Hawk, Gran Turismo, Splinter Cell...) and spectacular failures (Sims Online, Majestic, Black & White, Dreamcast...) and a LOT of games that get awards for 3 years in a row (Star Wars Galaxies, Neverwinter Nights)

    It seems as if this is really about the hype machine, and how the games/products were PRESENTED, and not how good they actually are or could be.

    It's too bad that

