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Knife-Licensing Sensation Sweeps Counter-Strike 50

Thanks to Shacknews for passing on the bizarre news that Valve's currently-beta Counter-Strike 1.6 release has an official knife license (PDF doc). An excerpt from the press release reads: "The new Counter-Strike knife is based on Mick Strider's award winning bowie. It is an integral design that started as a 1/2" thick slab of 6AL4V titanium. The edge is press-fit Stellite.. ..the handle is fossilized mastodon ivory." There's also a link to a an in-game screenshot of the knife, looking both sharp and shiny. We're looking forward to seeing how Valve can top this licensing masterpiece... suggestions?
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Knife-Licensing Sensation Sweeps Counter-Strike

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  • Why should I care? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    We're looking forward to seeing how Valve can top this licensing masterpiece... suggestions?

    This is news?

    Yay, a new skin for the knife. Why should I care? A virtual knife is a virtual knife, it doesn't have any of those high quality carbon-steel mentioned on the webpage.

    Hate to tell you this, but it's hardly a masterpiece. How much did Valve pay for this "license"?

    What's next, McDonalds happy meals?
  • It seems that Turd Ferguson [] doesn't like the new knoife skin that much. Not sure if I like it either.
  • by molo ( 94384 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2003 @08:18PM (#6167054) Journal
    The knife is nice looking alright.. but it doesn't fit. The guy's hand has half as many polygons and shittier textures. Its neat that they are adding real-life objects, but it doesn't mesh with the game. This could be a nice prototoype for the next generation though.

  • "I'm not sure I like this artoicle."

    I agree!

  • Advergaming (Score:5, Insightful)

    by neostorm ( 462848 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2003 @08:29PM (#6167128)
    This is just another example of advertising intruding into the gaming scene.
    It's a good thing CS doesn't have the text notifications of player deaths, or else the in-game messages would all read:
    "So-n-so snipes 1337gunR"
    "Iggy scores a headshot on ~playa4_lif"
    "D00d has hacked n00b to death with his 'Award Winning Bowie knife' (now only 24.99 at"

    What bothers me is what it may mean for Valves development approach on a larger scale. Will Half-Life 2 have WinXP PCs in all the research labs you fight your way through? Will the Invading aliens from another dimension drink Sprite?
    This approach only insults the players and reinforces the idea of a general lack of creativity in most American game developers.

    • There's a line in between advertising in games and realism in games. I'm pretty sure counterstrike hasn't sold out quite yet, yet they still provide an awesome realistic game...
    • Re:Advergaming (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Well, I'm not bitching, Strider knives happen to be top of the line (but they don't beat Mad Dog.) Kind of like Surefire flashlights - - theres a reason thats $450. So the Stider knives - - aren't exactly beating them in cost, but I'd hardly call this a sellout to corporate America. (btw, lightfighter has an excellant reputation, ordered from them twice myself.)

      I dont really understand what all the commotion
    • Will the Invading aliens from another dimension drink Sprite?

      No, but they'll drink 7-Up [] and eat Reese's Pieces [], or whatever [].
  • by moosesocks ( 264553 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2003 @08:31PM (#6167138) Homepage
    Heh.... holding the knife like that, the terrorists are sure to lose their thumbs very quickly
  • I don't get it (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 10, 2003 @08:47PM (#6167226)
    I look at the picture, and it's some bad photograph of some twit holding a knife over his shoulder. I can't see any detail, and it certainly doesn't look like counterstrike. Unless you're supposed to hold this thing while playing counterstrike or something?
    • Re:I don't get it (Score:1, Redundant)

      by bobbozzo ( 622815 )
      Yeah, and it's not the same knife as the one in the PDF. (the one the guy is holding looks like a kitchen knife to me.)

      This seems like a perverse attempt at a joke to me.
    • by 7-Vodka ( 195504 )
      It's a joke. When i looked at the story earlier there was an in game screenshot of the knife.

      The dude who was hosting it obviously noticed the slashdotting and replaced it with a smaller picture of his boyfriend in his most seductive pose while cooking dinner last night.

    • The screenshot seems to be.. a screenshot to me? Did they switch it to something else and then switch it back again? This is highly confusing.
  • Iâ(TM)ve had a server parked at home waiting to get updated with the 1.6 version of Counter Strike. When the hell are they going to get around to re-opening the beta? Or even better, releasing the bloody thing? Yes â" since I would be hosting I could get in the beta â" but I enjoy playing with folks Iâ(TM)ve gamed with for a couple years now would be SOL. They shut it down in January, and never heard a peep since.
  • I think Shacknews already got in trouble for putting a.) a picture up from in-game that they didn't have the right to and b.) the pdf from the game.
    As such, they've already replaced the 'in-game picture' with a quite silly picture of someone with a kitchen knife and the pdf with a one-page info-sheet on the knife (not a license). However, the pdf *does* have the screenshots in it.
  • I mean the guy on the cover of the game and in the PDF. I see this guy all the time. Is he the Mascot or one of the coders? Those glasses fail to make me scared of him.

    Or maybe I am just not hip enough

  • by Anonymous Coward
    So yeah, V1.6 has a new knife, new knife action (quicker stab and more of a sliding alternate attack for it)... But, in the meanwhile, they changed the names of all of the guns to generic, fake names... The heralded "sig" (you hear the word and it strikes fear), now has some stupid name... Almost all of the weapons have changed.

    I like the new CS. Official, and officially smart, bots (100x better than any community coded bots, and more versatile), de_aztec is changed a bit, and new GUI... I'm held back
    • We'll see how it goes. I'm paciently awaiting HL2...

      Really? - I think your the only one!

      Hell, I wan't it now dammnit!

      As for Counter Strike, I think it's a shame the textures and model polycounts are still so low.

      A Pentium 200 with a 3dfx Voodoo card is more than adaqute for Counter Strike, but there are hordes of gamers with decent equipment (2+ Ghz systems, with ATI 9500/NVIDA 5600's and upwards) who'd like to be able to get some decent use out of there expensive hardware.

      I've got an AMD 2600+ and a
  • I know everyone's been hanging out for the official CS line of camo pants and flak jackets! Maybe a licence for a better pair of glasses for that guy in the pdf too, you won't get any terrorist respect looking like a dork, no matter how snazzy your knife is.
  • Top this... (Score:3, Funny)

    by AntiGenX ( 589768 ) on Tuesday June 10, 2003 @11:02PM (#6167985)

    We're looking forward to seeing how Valve can top this licensing masterpiece... suggestions?

    Hmmmmm maybe a licensed MP5! Last time i checked (and I did) it was hard to get a license for a class 3 firearm in my county. Not to mention finding a pre-ban mp5... If valve could help me with licensing... W00T!!!!

  • Sold! (Score:1, Troll)

    by Man In Black ( 11263 )
    Boy, I never was very interested in Counter Strike before... I mean, the game looked okay, and sounded fun and all, but it was just missing that certain something. And now I know what it was! An official knife license! If only Daikatana had this knife, maybe it would have been the success that CS is sure to be! This will obviously make the game much, much more fun, and sales are sure to go through the roof now!
  • How about Valve including the world famous Victorinox Swiss Army Knife [] in a future release. I mean, you could even use it as a mini flame thrower []!

  • Dang, maybe I need to download the 1.6 beta..! And, someone needs to tell them that they did the blood splatter on the sharp edge of the knife the wrong color.
  • Decided that the knife works so well in-game and looks so cool that you just *have* to have one? Better be prepared to cough up about $450US. []

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