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All the (Final) Fantasy One Could Want in One Day 31

Daetrin writes "The Magic Box is reporting that Square Enix will be releasing both Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy X-2 in America on the same day. Perhaps they figure any Americans who can afford both a PS2 and a GameCube should also be able to afford putting down the cash for both games at the same time? Usually competing against yourself isn't the best business plan." Square Insider also confirms this. I'm a huge Final Fantasy nut, and I have both a GameCube and a PS2, but I'm sure I don't have the time to play both games simultaneously, and I bet there's a lot of people who fall into this same category.
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All the (Final) Fantasy One Could Want in One Day

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  • It could be that the two teams are in competition with each other for future funding and development time and this is there way of finding out wich one to proceed with and wich platform to pour their money into.
  • by devnull17 ( 592326 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @01:57PM (#6184356) Homepage Journal
    ...is November 3.
  • cuz now i have the gamecube and can get my final fantasy freak on in both arenas.

    mmmm. forbidden donut
  • Perhaps they are not competing with themselves. I, for one, will not buy a PS2, but will likely buy Crystal Chronicles for my Gamecube. I know many average families will not have more than one game console. For the families that have either the PS2 or a Gamecube, you will have a Final Fantasy game to play on that date.
  • by heldlikesound ( 132717 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @02:05PM (#6184411) Homepage
    Anyone else more excited about FF Tactics being released for the GBA?
    • One thing I was disappointed about FFT for GBA (after seeing it at E3) was the inability to rotate the map! I sorely miss that in FFT for PS1...

      Having said that I'm hope I'm wrong, as I only spent oh, 3 minutes looking at it at E3. Just too many games there (sensory overload, anyone?)

      But I'll buy it anyway, just because it's FFT. Release date is 9/8/03 btw.
    • By a long shot. :)
  • by egomaniac ( 105476 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @02:11PM (#6184457) Homepage
    I have both a PS2 and a GameCube, and for me there is no contest. Crystal Chronicles is realtime, multiplayer, and the art style is absolutely fantastic. The whole dynamic of virtually requiring constant verbal communication between players should be a refreshing change of pace from most multiplayer titles.

    If you have a significant other who plays games, a GameCube, and two GBAs, you owe it to yourself to pick this game up when it comes out.
  • by Babbster ( 107076 ) <aaronbabb@@@gmail...com> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @02:18PM (#6184517) Homepage
    It may not be relevant to the story, but actually the release date of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was determined by Nintendo of America as they are handling the publishing/distribution of that game - along with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Sword of Mana for the GBA - in North America.
  • Argh! (Score:4, Funny)

    by moc.tfosorcimgllib ( 602636 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @02:33PM (#6184643) Journal
    Must...buy...second...tv...become...ambidexterous. ..talk...like...shatner

  • boohoo (Score:2, Insightful)

    by cheezus ( 95036 )
    I'm a huge Final Fantasy nut, and I have both a GameCube and a PS2, but I'm sure I don't have the time to play both games simultaneously, and I bet there's a lot of people who fall into this same category.
    Buy one, play it. Then buy the other; it will probably drop in price after a while anyway.

    • Buy one, play it. Then buy the other; it will probably drop in price after a while anyway.

      That's the smart thing for the consumer to do. However you'll note that the end result is less money for Square Enix (it's still weird seeing/hearing that)

      Ideally they want as many people as possible to buy the game in the first few weeks, before the price starts to drop. However they're now providing really good incentive to those with both systems to wait on one of the two purchases and get it for cheaper later.

    • Yes I do agree. I would fall into this category as well due to the fact I love the whole FF series. And even though the game comes out on Nov 3, 2003 I would buy FFX2 first then wait for awhile then buy my little sister the game cube and get the other one for free. But all in all I must say I can't wait for it but there is no way no way can I play both games simultaneously If I really had the time I still would feel the same way I could only give one my full attention.
  • Bad link (Score:3, Informative)

    by phorm ( 591458 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @02:47PM (#6184765) Journal
    The first link to Square Insider [squareinsider.com] should be non-hyphenated. The article link was correct, however.
  • Crystal Chronicle sounds pretty cool, but I've always questioned whether or not X-2 was going to be any good, and I think I'm not alone. Maybe CC will hafta make up for X-2 dragging sales, if everyone is as hesitant to buy it as I am. Or maybe vice versa, who knows?
  • Sorry for bringing reality with me... but perhaps you can buy one game first... then if you happen to own both consoles by the other game later. Why on earth would you be compeled to buy both at the same time when you know you can possible play both at the same time. Square knows your gonna buy it eventually, so they don't really give a fly monkeys poop if you buy one of them before the other. They do hope that your dumb enough to buy both at the same time at the full price. Perhaps buying one at the full p
  • I own both a PS2 and a GC! I want both games! And 11/3 is a couple weeks after my wife's birthday and a few weeks before our anniversary!

    Damn it.

    Better start saving the vending machine change now...

  • If you want to buy both, why would you have to do it at the same time? This way, you could choose which one you wanted first. Better to have the choice than not to have it at all.

  • Actually, Square Insider did not confirm it, after a quick double take I noticed that they list the release date of both games as Nov 8th. Then they state that FF:CC may be pushed up to Nov 3rd, which is the date The Magicbox states they both will come out. Hrmph.
  • by Man In Black ( 11263 ) <<ze-ro> <at> <shaw.ca>> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @09:55PM (#6187770) Homepage
    They're for two different systems, I fail to see any huge competition problem. Sure, there are a relatively small amount of people with both, but so what? They're two very different games for two different systems.

    And as people have already pointed out, you don't have to buy both at once. Just because you like a game doesn't mean you have to buy it the nanosecond it becomes available, sheesh.
    • A: Why do you assume that the set of people who want to play FFCC has an insignifcant overlap with the set of people who want to play FFX-2? They are different kinds of games for different kinds of systems, but a lot of people liked both FF and SoM, and a lot of people have both consoles.

      B: I agree, there's no reason i have to buy the game as soon as it comes out, but you're completly missing the point.

      I am much less likely to want to buy both games the instant they come out if they come out on the same

  • I thought that launching two of their most awaited games on the same day was a cool idea. It's not about competing with each other or business plan. :P If you don't feel like playing both at the same time, then don't.
  • I don't know if this applies to England as well, that X-2 and Crystal Chronicles come out on the same day, just much later.
    Yeah, later. American gamers may think they're disadvantaged, missing out on soundtracks, much later release dates than Japan, and other Japanese RPGs that look great...only the publishers don't think it'll be popular enough to make money. But European gamers have to put up with all these things, plus an even smaller choice of games from overseas, a wait of weeks or even months longer

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