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First Person Shooters (Games) GameCube (Games) Entertainment Games

Geist - Nintendo's FPS To Watch? 37

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to N-Sider's in-depth coverage of the forthcoming Gamecube FPS, Geist. This title was shown at E3, but the article goes into a lot more detail than most about the game, which is being co-developed by N-Space and Nintendo. Geist is described as "..a hybrid title that combines the fast-paced action and perspective of a traditional first person shooter with stealth-based game play and a unique new mechanic: the ability to 'possess' other characters in the game." Perhaps not unique, since Shiny's Messiah did something similar, but with competitive-looking graphics and multiple ways around problems ("while watching people play the demo, I noticed no one person played it the same"), it's possible that some of the developer's earlier titles may be improved upon.
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Geist - Nintendo's FPS To Watch?

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  • Looking good, but... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Bagels ( 676159 ) on Friday June 13, 2003 @11:19AM (#6191603)
    This game looks quite good visually, and it's got an intriguing premise - possessing various people to advance further - but I must admit to being a bit wary about it, given the company's (n-Space) long and rather unimpressive list of previous titles, most of which seem to be rather forgettable movie licenses or sequels:

    Mary-Kate & Ashley: Crush Course (2001)

    Danger Girl (2000)

    Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)

    Mary-Kate & Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall (2000)

    Die Hard Trilogy 2 (2000)

    Rugrats Studio Tour (2000)

    Duke Nukem: Time To Kill (1998)

    Rugrats: Search for Reptar (1998)

    Bug Riders (1998)

    Tigershark (1997)

    • by ronfar ( 52216 ) on Friday June 13, 2003 @11:41AM (#6191831) Journal
      See, but you never played Mary-Kate & Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall (2000), it's actually a very bloody first person shooter, sort of like Postal. As I recall, they got in a lot of trouble for that one, so the sequel was more what you'd expect from the title.

      I remember the one scene quite vividly, "I'll see you in Hell, Mary-Kate." "I'm Ashley!!!" blam, blam, blam!!

      Well, actually I never played it, but that was the gist of it I got from glancing toward the cover briefly once while I was at the mall. Maybe I was just having a psychotic episode...

      • Well, actually I never played it, but that was the gist of it I got from glancing toward the cover briefly once while I was at the mall. Maybe I was just having a psychotic episode...

        No, that about sums it up.

    • I wouldn't be too worried about it, as Nintendo is helping also with the development. Rare was a strictly average developer before Nintendo bought a stake in them and started helping out. Look what they pulled off during their days with Nintendo.
  • Screens (Score:4, Informative)

    by jmays ( 450770 ) * on Friday June 13, 2003 @11:22AM (#6191629)
    Screenshots here. [] I have been looking for a decent console FPS for awhile now ... this one looks promising. For me it really all depends on the controls!
    • Re:Screens (Score:2, Interesting)

      Looks like Red Faction a bit, which is definately a plus! (right FURY?) I often wonder how people play FPS on console, because after GTA's 3rd person success, I'm thinking first person is not nearly as good. Look at Enter the Matrix, for example. There is a title that switches in and out of first person, but the bulk of it is in 3rd person (following Rockstar's example with GTA3 & Vice). This is the right way to do games for console, IMHO. The wrong way? Take a look at Quake 3 for PS2. OUCH. Same with U
    • Re:Screens (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Gr33nNight ( 679837 )
      If you dont have Metroid for the GameCube, you owe it to yourself to pick it up. I have never liked an FPS for consoles, and am an avid lover of PC ones, and this game just kicked ass. The controls are fluid and simple to learn. Great stuff.
      • I wouldn't actually call Metroid Prime an FPS. I still dislike the idea of FPSes for consoles, but if they released Geist and it used the same control style of Metroid Prime, then I'd buy it. If they stuck to it being a pure FPS, I'd pass.
        • Well, me and a couple friends argue about whether Metroid Prime is a FPS or an FPA (First Person Adventure). I stand that it is an FPA, since it relies on exploration than just shooting and killing. Regardless, it is still a kickass game that deserves to be in every gamers library.
  • Bored (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Sevn ( 12012 )
    Bored bored bored bored! I need something new.
    A brand new concept. Something nobody has ever
    done before. As much as I LOVE FPS games, I've
    found myself playing more single player style
    stuff like NOLF2 and RTCW over again just because
    it's more fun. The idea of being able to possess
    someone is great and all, but it's not enough.
    Someone should take away all the inter-server
    barriers and create an online FPS
    based on that principle. I've proposed
    this before in the form of a Stargate SG1 mod
    for UT2003k with a starga
    • Re:Bored (Score:3, Funny)

      by zulux ( 112259 )
      Bored bored bored bored! I need something new.
      A brand new concept. Something nobody has ever
      done before. As much as I LOVE FPS games, I've

      Ring..... ring... rin.....


      It's 1983, we'd like our C-64 back if you could possibly spare it.
      • Re:Bored (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by Sevn ( 12012 )
        You are gay right? Gay as in, picky about something
        I'm obviously doing on purpose by choice. Is it
        really such a big deal that you'd gay up my post
        with your gay reply? Get a life. For your own sake.
        • Re:Bored (Score:1, Offtopic)

          by zulux ( 112259 )
          Is it really such a big deal that you'd gay up my post
          with your gay reply?

          You use the word "gay" as a verb - is there somthing you'd like to tell us?

          I'm obviously doing on purpose by choice.

          We'll, at least you have the courage to come forward.

          • There you go again. Please stop being so predictable.
            Pray away the gay zulux. You know full well I'm
            using the word 'gay' in the common "same thing
            as lame" meaning. I'm sure you've been called it
            enough times to know.
    • Sevn: NOLF was better than its sequel IMHO.
    • >>> Bored bored bored bored! I need something new.
      A brand new concept...

      Yeah me too.

      I need a real sequel to Jet Set Radio.

      No, JSRF doesn't count. It was sooo dumbed down.

      And I need NiGHTS. It's time to revive it.

      Well... I guess I'll have to keep waiting...
  • Title? (Score:1, Funny)

    by PyromanFO ( 319002 )
    Did anyone else see the article title and think "Wow! Nintendo is going to put an FPS on a watch! Its Game and Watch 2003!"
  • Nuff said!

    /Old timer
    • That's what I thought when I first read this....
      BTW, was it possible to ever complete Paradriod? I remember downloading a C64 emulator for it and playing through about 4 or five enitre ships, but it got really samey after that.....
  • a unique new mechanic: the ability to 'possess' other characters in the game."

    "Ti-i-i-ime is on my side, yes it is."
  • good idea (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ColonBlow ( 120356 )
    i remember Dungeon Keeper had the ability to possess its various creatures and switch to fps mode. It was a bit awkward, but it sure gave a nice variety of POV being flies and dragons and so forth. How much variety this new title brings is debateable, but it could be a refreshing idea.
    I think the real wait is for Perfect Dark anyway ;)
    • I really liked being able to go into FPS mode in Dungeon Keeper. It meant that you were able to do things like tell a creature to start sniping at someone, or just go exploring with a little imp....
      Ah, the memories.....
  • I've played it (Score:2, Informative)

    by StrikerObi ( 145657 )
    I had a chance to play this at E3. You can see my impression here []. It's a really cool game. It felt a bit early, but it should be awesome by the time it's out.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I watched through the e3 previews with some interest, especially when they mentioned you would need to possess certain characters in order to progress (reminds me of Omicron). In the video he takes control of one of the soldiers and goes up the lift, where he immediately started being shot at.

    Now in the previw the guy explained this by saying "they know you are meant to be on guard downstairs, which is why they attacked". I sort of felt worried for whatever army shoots its soldiers on sight as soon as they
  • A good fps for cube. I've been walting a long time for a inovattive fps. I've been getting tirred of bond.

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
