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Flight Simulator 2004 Coverage 24

An anonymous reader writes "Flight Simulator 2004, subtitled 'A Century of Flight' prepares for release on July 28, 2003. The screenshots (one, two, three) look awesome. Some improvements include the ability to fly old planes, graphics improvements, major ATC (Air traffic control) improvements, and weather enhancements. Included is the ability to fly in real-time weather like X-Plane. Most older FS2002 data will work with FS2004." Looks like is a good place to go for more detailed flight sim add-ons and news.
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Flight Simulator 2004 Coverage

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  • So.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by dr ttol ( 674155 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @01:38AM (#6202860)
    Instead of sitting next to Big Bob that's snoring with his next on your shoulder and the bathroom right behind you where you can hear flushing and people doing their thing for the duration of the flight, we can now replicate that experience at home with Microsoft technology..
  • by Bitsy Boffin ( 110334 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @02:06AM (#6202916) Homepage
    Looks like Microsoft included the wright flyer in FS2004, but being a proud kiwi I have to chip in and remind them that it's generally accepted that Richard Pearse flew before the Wilbur & Orville.

    While Richard himself denied this claim, he denied it based on his definition of flying, which for him meant being able to make a flight of several miles to the nearest town.

    Regardless of who was first, Pearse had the superior and well before it's time design, a high wing monoplane, with elevators and ailerons.
    • "Generally accepted" by whom? Name a third-party (non-USA, non-kiwi) authority (like, say, the Encyclopedia Brittanica) that recognizes Pearse's claim.
    • by Naikrovek ( 667 ) <{moc.gsp} {ta} {nosnhojj}> on Sunday June 15, 2003 @12:58PM (#6204867)
      prove it.

      his plane crashed into a hedge row and was later destroyed, thus no evidence can be discerned. the house he lived in is no longer there, thus no evidence can be discerned. as you said, he denied the claim himself.

      i like new zealanders. in fact if i ever move back to the southern hemisphere, i'm very likely to move to NZ, contrary to all my australian friends' pleas.

      but this claim, to me, is just some grandstanding that is based on a rumor. nothing can be proven, so how can you say he was first. what time of day was it? how far did he go? how high did he go? who witnessed it? how many witnesses were there? all this is known and historically documented for the wright brothers' flight, thus they have the crown of first flight.

      anyway, who gives a shit - people can fly now. it doesn't matter who's shoulders the current plane engineers are standing on, we're airborne.

      so DROP THE PRETENTIOUSNESS and freaking celebrate the Wright Bros' accomplishment. When you can prove your claim, we'll all celebrate it with equal vigor, so do the same for us.
  • I find that the freeware airplanes are the best part about it. Microsoft was smart in allowing anyone to create planes and scenery. I love flying the old style Connies and DC4's and such and long since forgotten airlines like Hughes AirWest, Brannif, Air Cal, PSA, Piedmont.

    I have a buddy that was an FO on the A320, and is now a captain on the 737, it always scared me when he would call and ask how to do specific things when he would fly Flight Sim!

  • by scootr1 ( 159749 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @02:40AM (#6202984)
    And, if it does, do you have to taxi over potholes []?

    Google's cached [] version
    • Dudes, this isn't "+4 Funny", this is an outrage.

      Mayor Daley bulldozed this in the middle of the night, with police protection to stop protestors. He said at the time he took the field down because of Homeland Security concerns. (expect this excuse for every fucking dirty thing for twenty years, btw) This is AFTER he promised to keep the airport open for 25 more years. After he promised never to shut down because of homeland security. He later admitted that it wasn't for homeland security (who knew!) b
  • by johannesg ( 664142 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @04:59AM (#6203295)
    Looks like a bunch of vaporware to me... ;-)
  • System Requirements (Score:4, Interesting)

    by The Moving Shadow ( 603653 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @06:26AM (#6203472)
    Funny how the Microsoft site says the minimum requirements to play FS 2004 are:

    Windows PC 2000/XP â" 128 MB Ram
    98/Me â" 64 MB Ram
    Processor:450 MHz minimum
    Available hard drive space:1.8 GB
    DirectX 9 or later (included with Microsoft Flight Simulator: A Century of Flight)
    Video card: 8 MB/3D with DirectX 7.0 or later drivers
    Other: mouse, joystick/yoke, sound card, speakers/headphones
    Online/multiplayer: 56.6 kbps modem or LAN

    But if i see those screenshots i am hardly sure if it will run fluently even anything but a P4 3,06 Ghz with some insane nVida or ATI gfx. When you really have a 450 Mhz machine you will probably settle for good old FS 98, because FS 2004 with all the eye candy turned off will look like that for sure.
  • With these fine tools, Al-Qaeda will have planes raining from the sky like frogs in no time.

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