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Classic Games (Games) Entertainment Games

Redesign The Classics With Tile Molester 16

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the recent release of Tile Molester, which the author describes as "..a multi-format, user-extensible graphics data editor that lets you create, view and edit graphics in arbitrary binary files, with a particular focus on binaries for game consoles." It's written in Java, so "can be run on any platform that has a Java Runtime Environment installed", and the site gallery has some example graphics rips, including the often-ripped Zelda, and the less often hacked-with classic Deluxe Paint - other platforms thought to have editable data include Amiga, N64, and even Playstation.
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Redesign The Classics With Tile Molester

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  • by kurosawdust ( 654754 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @10:55AM (#6204537)
    incredibly offensive. I would've gone with "pedotile," personally.
  • Left-over tiles? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Bagels ( 676159 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @10:56AM (#6204541)
    Interesting - in their gallery of shots, I noticed that some of the text tidbits for Zelda 2 had been left as Japanese - would that suggest that there was something in the Japanese version that didn't carry over to the US? I know that on many of the old cartridge-based games, certain things on the cartridge never got used - for example, the old classic Chrono Trigger has a quite nice song in it called "Singing Mountains" that never got used in the game - so maybe they're just leftovers that never got used in either the Japanese or the American editions of the game.
    • Hmm...

      Maku is to sow seeds.

      Nabii... Doesn't ring a bell. It's in katakana though, so It's probably engrish.

      Fukku... Also in katakana. Perhaps not appropriate for localization?

      Yes, lots of things get cut from games, but are never removed because re-ordering your resources would break a lots of things you care about.

    • by edwdig ( 47888 )
      Zelda 2 had some text clips that were translated but not used. There was a bug where if you were in the town where you learned the upward thrust skill - I think it was Darunia - you could get to a secret town. Cast the jump spell, and jump on the roofs of the houses. From certain roofs you could jump high enough that link would overlap with the status displays at the top. While overlapping the status, cast the fairy spell. You'll start falling, and land in another town. Some of the people there would say th
  • About DPaint (Score:3, Informative)

    by sICE ( 92132 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @12:59PM (#6205178) Homepage
    When i switched from the Amiga to the PC, I really missed Deluxe Paint, I finally found a version for DOS. If you liked it too, there's a similar win32 version called ArtGem []. Though it is discontinued and not available for download on RLVision website, googling around you can find mirrors for version 1.3.

    From the developer:
    "ArtGem is a fast and powerful allround image editor, similar to classic DPaint but with the quality of Photoshop. Use ArtGem to scan, resize, merge & retouch your photos, create graphics for your website or to draw icons, sprites and textures for game & multimedia productions. View pictures and convert between different formats. Includes hundreds of high quality imaging tools. Supports JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP & 15 other image formats. Work with filters, selections, gradients & layers in the dynamic realtime interface.
  • No offense, but... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Man In Black ( 11263 ) <> on Sunday June 15, 2003 @02:34PM (#6205832) Homepage
    Hacked roms are generally lame. I mean, there's enough garbage NES roms out there without all these Super Mario hacks that give Mario an afro, or turn him into Luigi or other lame effects. And I can do without Ikari Warriors turned into some Afghanistan conflict.

    If you really want to make a game, then make something new. If you lack coding abilities, then instead of just changing the graphics, use a level editor or something. I'd have a lot more fun playing a SMB hack that changed the levels instead of one where the Goomba's were turned into Saddam Husseins.
  • it's not really the same, but this reminds me of what a couple of guys have done with NHL 94 [], which I may add is the best hockey game ever made ;)

    Although it's basically just hex editing to update stats, it's still pretty cool.

  • I've been working on a program like this for the last 2 weeks or so. currently, it's a terminal-only program, written in C and only works with NES games. It works for Linux and OSX as well as many flavours of *nix/ BSD, and *should* work for DOS, however I have not been able to get VisualStudio to compile my code. arg.

    The next stage of developement is to be Cocoa for OSX. It's all opensource as well. Check out the sourceforge [] project. Also the project page. []

    I feel kinda de-motivated now that this has be

Thus spake the master programmer: "Time for you to leave." -- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"
