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Tribes Vengeance Visuals Impress 32

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a PlanetTribes post showing off a new set of screenshots (proudly proclaiming the game '29% complete') for Tribes: Vengeance, a forthcoming Unreal-engine PC FPS being developed by System Shock 2 and Freedom Force creators Irrational. The title is an eagerly-awaited sequel to a franchise once thought extremely unwell, and an earlier preview at GameSpot explains that this newly unveiled title should ship in late 2004, and will concentrate on both single and multi-player gameplay aspects this time round.
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Tribes Vengeance Visuals Impress

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  • I just went and is the server already slashdoted?
  • by ArmorFiend ( 151674 ) on Monday June 16, 2003 @10:53PM (#6219801) Homepage Journal
    What they have to show looks exactly like tribes 2 with a few better textures and individual leaves on trees. The problem with tribes 2 was not the graphics.

    The problem with tribes 2 was the gameplay -- the areas to traverse were just too huge, targets too small, and timesteps too large to ever get anything but a lucky hit. Oh and there was no way to get in a net game with players of similar skill, so if you didn't buy the game from the get-go you were screwed.
    • Doesn't look like T2 to me. But you're right. If you get into Tribes 2 (or 1) now, you will get killed in those of us that have been playing it since the beginning. The developers for Tribes: Vengance are completely new to the series. They have only been playing Tribes 1 and 2 for a few months. I'm sure they will bring fresh ideas and bring new balance to the game.
    • T:V has a few aces up it's sleeve that T2 didn't have. The Current Producer of the game is Chris Mahnken (aka Thrax Panda) someone who unlike DaveG of fucking up t2 fame actually has real honest to goodness competition experience with Tribes. Irrational also hired Michael Johnston, (aka KineticPoet) a well know community member and modder, who also has a ton of competition experience. Neither of those guys liked T2 base.

      Both of them post with some regularity on TribalWar [] and in in the Tribes On Topic Fo []
    • I would not say that if a person that bought this game now would have a hard time getting into the game. The game is basically broken into 3 groups, heavily modded MODS, Classic, and Base. Base is the original game, classic is T1 physics with T2 graphics, and the MODS are something a new person would NEVER want to go to.

      I personally play base (original T2). The reason is because I LOVE the teamwork involved. People have to take a role, and stick to it in order to win. It being repairing base stuff, c
    • eh? Yegods, a game that has a learning curve! A FPS that you actually have to aim to hit something!

      Sure, being a game like tribes won't garner a super following like even UT2k3 or the such, but the actual gameplay and fanbase that is there tends to be alot better.

      So it comes down to a fairly common question. Do the developers want to make tons of cash, or do they want to make a unique game?
      • Heh, I learned Perl and Javascript and got paid for them in less time than it took me to suck in Tribes 2.

        So: pay money to still suck after a month
        Or: get paid to not suck after 3 weeks

        Hm.... which to choose ... :)

        IIRC there was a ranking system. Its a pity they couldn't use the rank to place you in a game with others of equalish skill, ala warcraft 3. That sure would have been a better feature to implment than their lame mail function.
  • by breon.halling ( 235909 ) on Monday June 16, 2003 @10:58PM (#6219815)

    ... The engine that powered Tribes & Tribes 2, the Torque engine, is available for $100.00USD []. I believe you can use it royalty-free, 'til you've made half a million (USD). Not too shabby!

  • Amazing.. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by malakai ( 136531 ) * on Monday June 16, 2003 @11:20PM (#6219921) Journal
    I play Tribes 2 to this day. There's no more than a few thousand of us on during the night, but the gameplay and maps is awesome.

    I thought Tribes 2 team got completely shafted by the company/owner. I seem to recall their little gorup being bought out by a big group, and then discontinued. The developers somehow managed to take the source and sell it (Torque engine) for 100 bucks to anyone who wanted (so long as you make less than .5mill with it).

    This was one of the first games that allowed 60 people on a server in an open terrain evrionment with realtime mesh level of detail, and a properly coded engine that allowed structures to sit on the terrain and not let the LOD pull triangles that supported the strucutre when you were at a distance (causing things like bridges to float in other poorly written terrain LOD system).

    Nothing sense came close the the "dogfights" you have against other players as you not only ran around, but used your jet back for 6DOF. After playing tribes, any other game I play I constantly am jamming the right mouse button in reflex to 'jet out' of a situation (i do this in ET and get annoyed when i switch to an alternate fire mode).

    Tribes two was a killer game, and the engine was so easy to mod. You could inherit and override any of the base graphics through a simple script system. Do like your default hud? make your own in seconds. A little more time if you want graphics. Yet somehow it fell under the radars of most games. I don't really understand it.

    I'm really kinda upset Tribes 3 isn't using a torque engine... I don't trust that unreal can handle the massive outdoor areas, and put 60 people on a map.

    We'll see...

    • Re:Amazing.. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by neostorm ( 462848 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @12:22AM (#6220157)
      On the contrary, I don't think Tribes 2 "fell under the radar..." It was a pretty high profile game when it was released. It just failed to bring what most tribes players were expecting as a sequel. Draw distance was horrible on most maps, vehicles were over-emphasised for gameplay, and let's not forget those several patches that were released that crippled the already mediocre title.
      The engine was very robust, but the team behind it ran in the wrong direction. I was an avid Tribes 1 fan back in the day, and I immediately went back to the original after playing with T2 for a while. It just seemed to be lacking the charm and playability of the first title.

      Granted, the T3 screens look amazing. I've worked with both the Torque and the Unreal engines, and I can say that Unreal wins hands down for usability. It's a designers dream to work with, so hopefully the team can score on gameplay and we'll have ourselves another winner.

      • I never played the first [actually I did once and hated it... but then again I hated the 2nd until I got used to it]

        The constant patching was pretty annoying, but iirc tribes2 came out the same day/month? as diablo II and Icewind Dale II. So pretty much anyone who was into rpg's at all went that way rather than to Tribes.

        I'll almost certainly look into the 3rd when it arrives; though the way the franchise has been handled they'll probably try to release it right after doom3...
    • Bah! I tried it hard for a month, even got 3 people playing in one room. One of them eventually graduated to being "good", which meant he got a kill once for every five times he got killed. Me, after a month of hard trying, I had the sense to say "puck it, lets play quake".

      Though the game where you run around like a little woodchuck gathering up flags and taking them to the goal was pretty fun, I have to admit.
    • Yet somehow it fell under the radars of most games. I don't really understand it.

      Allow me to explain.

      "Battlefield 1942".

      That is all.

    • Come on over for some rest when you are tired of fighting.
    • I had to delete Tribes 2 from my PC because I was becoming addicted to it (handle: Pus of the North). Reading these posts makes me pine for the old game, but now that the weather is improving I really don't want this amazing game back on my's the best multi-player fps game I've played, bar-none.

      However, once UT2k3 came out I found the quality of player in T2 dropped considerably, and I got frustrated.
  • This looks a lot like Planetside. Better, really.

    I've been playing Planetside since beta and let me tell you, it should never have been released. It has bugs out the wazoo. The stealth suits are visibile. Things that shouldn't be stealthed but are. Kludgy [] physics []. The lag can be horrendous at peak times. When there are big problems the devs tell you bullsh*t like "disable your virus software" even though the patch two days later reveal they knew it was theirs all along.

    Now I'm blathering...
    • I bought it the day it came out. I played it for about 10 hours TRYING to get excited about the game and find a purpose. I read articles, "how-to"s and various tips in forums. At the end I realised that I spent most of my time trying to get to a battle where, after a couple of minutes, I would get killed. Frustrating, to say the least. I cancelled my subscription and I really don't think Sony can fix this mess up, no matter how many updates they put out. Truly a waste of good money.
      • Dot.Com.CEO writes:
        "I bought it the day it came out. I played it for about 10 hours TRYING to get excited about the game and find a purpose. I read articles, "how-to"s and various tips in forums. At the end I realised that I spent most of my time trying to get to a battle where, after a couple of minutes, I would get killed. Frustrating, to say the least."

        Not to be a weenie but that's simple. Join a squad. They provide a lot more survivability and they also generally provide an AMS (respawn tube). In th
      • You bought it the day it came out, and after 10 hours you got tired of it? You do realize that there was a beta, a free beta, a free beta that you had 100% chance of getting into, and all you had to do was download it from fileplanet. Since you bought it the day it came out, you must have known about the game a bit beforehand, so why didn't you just d'load the beta and see if you liked it before throwing away $50?
        • The window for beta ended about 2 weeks prior to release. He or she would have had a 0% chance of getting in at that point.

          Further, the game they released, the game that we are playing about 4 weeks into the release, is not the same game that existed in beta in some very fundamental ways.
          • I wasn't aware they stopped letting people in that early, all I remember was them extending the beta until like 2 days before the game was out. Could you possibly elaborate on "not the same game that existed in beta in some very fundamental ways." because I have the game, and I haven't noticed any *major* changes to the game.
            • I haven't minded any of the changes, personally, but they are certainly there.

              Examples range from the xp system (remember you used to have to wait in the SOI?) to things that are in the literature and promised for release but simply don't exist (orbital strikes for CR4 and CR5).

              Again, I haven't minded any changes or omissions, but some others sure have.
    • Yeah, it appears to be the same kind of crap that I heard stories about from ex-Everquest junkies, about Verant/Sony Online's policy of "deny deny deny" on just about every problem with the game.

      I don't expect Galaxies to be any better, which is why I'm sticking with Neverwinter Nights for a while.
  • by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @12:36AM (#6220197) Journal
    ... is that the game is being developed by Irrational.

    It makes me cry to see all these unused copies of Freedom Force in bargain bins. Don't make the same mistake! And of course, System Shock 2 is a Top 10 PC game of the last few years.

    Looking Glass may be gone, but thank (insert deity here) that a lot of LG talent went to Irrational (even before LG's demise).

  • by Julius X ( 14690 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @03:45AM (#6220754) Homepage
    I'm supposed to be impressed by this?

    Sorry, but IMHO these look like something a couple years old now. Sure, the sky textures are pretty enough, but other than that I don't see anything useful here at all. The game models, both landscape & character, look horrendously low polygon.

    I'm HONESTLY not trying to be a snob or flame or whatever, but after the images of Half-Life 2, this looks so.... 2000.

Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
