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Hulk Game Codes Hidden In Movie 47

Thanks to Shacknews for pointing to a Comics2Film article mentioning that there are hidden unlock codes for the Hulk videogame stashed away in the Ang Lee-directed Hulk movie that opens this weekend. Apparently, "You may see a license plate in the movie and that will be a code to open up areas in the game." The unlockable goodies include the gray Hulk often seen in the comics, but of course, the people over at GameFAQs have found the code already - don't look if you want to play along at home.
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Hulk Game Codes Hidden In Movie

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  • Show some respect! (Score:3, Informative)

    by Prince_Ali ( 614163 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @08:36AM (#6221926) Journal
    The gray Hulk is called Mr. Fixit... you insensitive clods!
  • Same with the Matrix (Score:5, Interesting)

    by keesh ( 202812 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @08:38AM (#6221938) Homepage
    The road signs in Matrix: Reloaded had cheat codes for the (piss-poor sellout) Enter the Matrix game.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @09:02AM (#6222139)
    I was going to see this movie!!!!!!! Now that I know there is a car in it, I might as well stay home.
  • Finish him! (Score:5, Funny)

    by illuminata ( 668963 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @09:20AM (#6222278) Journal
    Man, I remember Kombat Kodes being put in the credits of the original Mortal Kombat movie and trying furiously to write each set fast enough. If I'm not mistaken, Mortal Kombat the movie is where other movies have gotten the idea from. Also, simoniker you suggested that we "...don't look if you want to play along at home" in reference to GameFAQs having the codes already. Are you suggesting that we pirate the movie before its theatrical release. Shame on you! This would make Jack Valenti turn over in his pile of money!
  • by blues5150 ( 161900 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @09:26AM (#6222337) Homepage
    Up, Up, Down, Down, B, A Start?
  • by Acts of Attrition ( 635948 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @09:27AM (#6222348)
    Perhaps the oddest of the revealed codes is one that lets you remove the Hulk's trademark purple pants.

    Developers are expected to release an apology shortly.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...the gay hulk [].
  • This sounds like a great idea! To bad it will cause kids to download the movie so that they can find all the cheat codes. Because who really notices them in a movie theater after spending somewhere around $30 for two tickets, popcorn, drinks and candy. Oh and don't forget the Nachos with cheese and lots of Jalopenos.
  • Great... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Craig Maloney ( 1104 ) * on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @09:54AM (#6222617) Homepage
    As if we didn't have enough distractions with kids screaming and cell phones going off, now we'll have to deal with idiots tapping codes into their Palm devices with the volume turned up high.

    (beep)swoosh(click)tap(click)scribble(click)scribb le(click)scribble(beep)

  • by lightspawn ( 155347 ) on Tuesday June 17, 2003 @10:36AM (#6223040) Homepage
    If you want players to have access to these features, put them in a special, accessible menu! Normal "cheat" codes are bad enough, but when they try to make people watch the movie ( more than once?) to play the game that's just annoying. What if I'm a Hulk fan (I'm not) who for some reason can't see the movie at a theater? (maybe I have to take care of a disabled family member etc). What practical purpose does limiting access to these features have?

    If you're going to talk about completing games without cheating etc, then saved games could contain a flag indicating whether a player's ever used any of the cheats.

    Remember, some kids/people are not internet savvy enough to find the codes by themselves (yes, I know your 5 year old nephew is smarter than you, but that doesn't apply to 100% of kids, and some don't have internet access) and for them access to these features could mean the difference between being able to complete the game and being unable to complete it. Didn't you ever get stuck on a nasty end of level boss or whatever? Don't want to admit it? Fine, how about somebody you know?

    These codes are starting to make me angry. And you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
    • You don't NEED to use these codes. AFAIK they're just add-ons and specials, like getting the gray hulk. They're not required to beat the game.
      • You don't NEED to use these codes. AFAIK they're just add-ons and specials, like getting the gray hulk. They're not required to beat the game

        GMMSKIN - Invincibility
        FLSHWND - Regenerator
        GRNCHTR - Unlimited Continues
        HLTHDSE - Double Hulk HP
        MMMYHLP - Half Enemies' HP
        TRUBLVR - Level Select

        You don't NEED to use these codes. Some people may.
    • Remember, some kids/people are not internet savvy enough to find the codes by themselves (yes, I know your 5 year old nephew is smarter than you, but that doesn't apply to 100% of kids, and some don't have internet access) and for them access to these features could mean the difference between being able to complete the game and being unable to complete it. Didn't you ever get stuck on a nasty end of level boss or whatever? Don't want to admit it? Fine, how about somebody you know?

      Well, they can cope with

    • Might be an urban legend but I seem to remember a code where you had to hold down all the directional and action buttons, the two top edge buttons and the trigger then move the little joystick to the left with your nose. Can't remember the game but I believe it was on N64...

      • Might be an urban legend but I seem to remember a code where you had to hold down all the directional and action buttons, the two top edge buttons and the trigger then move the little joystick to the left with your nose

        That sounds highly unlikely - I'm not even sure the N64 hardware can report opposite directions on the d-pad held down at the same time.
  • Now, think: you came to watch a movie, but now you have to pay attention or you won't get the bonus code for an extra level in the videogame! Are they trying to force us to play the game or watch the movie? I wonder. I've said it once and I'll say it again, that movies destroy video games and this one on hand is doing so as well. Unless you come to the movie with a pen and paper you're out of luck. It's kind of a cute idea but I prefer to watch and enjoy the movie, not pay attention to every road sign or l
  • Now I'm going to have to download a better copy. This workprint probably doesn't have the resolution to pick out a code on a license plate. Though maybe it does, I'll go and check.

    For the humor-impaired, this is a joke. I'll end up seeing the movie opening day, and I'll never play the game. And of course the workprint has enough clarity to see a license plate number if it's meant to be noticed.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
