Carmageddon Careens Back Onto Radar 40
Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to GameSpot's report that a new version of gory driving title Carmageddon is listed for release in 2005 by publisher SCi. This highly Death Race 2000-influenced franchise often got in trouble with censors for "sequences in which pedestrians are run over by the player", and despite suffering diminishing returns for the sequels, was a fiercely addictive title (especially in the original's rarely-tried LAN multiplayer modes.) However, there's no word yet on platforms or gameplay details for this new title.
LAN game was buggy (Score:3, Informative)
That's because although multiplayer Carmageddon was fun, it was a bitch and a half to get running!! You *needed* to drive around killing people after the frustration-fest of setting up a LAN game.
Re:LAN game was buggy (Score:1)
Re:LAN game was buggy (Score:1)
can't remember the name (Score:2)
something so huge and heavy shouldn't be allowed to travel so fast, but there you go. =)
man that game was fun!
SCi's business plan... (Score:2, Insightful)
Step 2: Having made lots of money on game, make new version with better gameplay and graphics.
Step 3: After making even more money on second game, make horrid piece of crap that looks like previous games, but which fans hate.
Step 4: Beat dead horse?
(Sarcasm aside, I truly hope this is better than TDR2000. I would like nothing better than to see this franchise restored to it's former glory.)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:2)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:1)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:4, Informative)
There is one -- if you apply the no-CD patch, Carmageddon 2 no longer complains when you run it on Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP (I've personally run it on 2000 and XP, no problem. Never tested NT.)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:1)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:1)
Re:SCi's business plan... (Score:1)
Times have changed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Times have changed (Score:1)
Not even the second game did it for me like the first one did.
How do you plan that far in advance? (Score:3, Interesting)
My gut says that either it'll never come out, or it'll be so out of date by the time it does that nobody'll buy it (*ack*Daikatana*ack*)
Re:How do you plan that far in advance? (Score:4, Informative)
These companies, of course, push the bleeding edge with their games -- they talk to video card makers, CPU makers, etc. and guess at what features will be available in N years. They then target those features for the high end of their game engine (or in the case of Origin in its hayday, target beyond those features...) while making sure that it's playable with current technology (or in the case of Origin, blatantly ignore current technology).
And, somehow, they're successful. Not to say it's perfect, not by any means, but they've generally done quite well. Better yet, while the game may want the bleeding edge hardware to run at top performance with all the visual toys turned on, other developers can license the engine and be relatively safe in knowing that when they release their game in 18-24 months those bleeding edge features will be much, much more common place.
As far as Carmageddon is concerned, are they trying to be one of the bleeding edge companies, or are they just trying to make a buck? The make a buck companies usually just use the stock engine, maybe a couple modifications, but nothing really big. There's also the middle ground - companies that license existing engines and then modify the hell out of them (like Valve did with the Q1 engine and HL).
Being on the bleeding edge is dangerous - if you mis-estimate where the edge is you can either come out with a game that requires more hardware than is available at release time, or you can come out with a game that already looks outdated (Daikatana managed to do both at once, plus be full of bugs and poor design decisions). Being on the other end can be dangerous too -- anyone coming out with a Q3 or Unreal engine based game is going to look very dated once HL2, D3, DE2, etc. come out.
Re:Carmageddon is for sociopaths. (Score:1)
Re:Carmageddon is for sociopaths. (Score:2)
Bad logic (Score:5, Insightful)
These reports use bad logic to prove their point. If a person owns a dog and wears a red shirt, and you can find a number of people who own dogs that wear red shirts, it DOES NOT logically follow that anyone who wears a red shirt must own a dog.
Here is their typical logic:
1) Determine a person is a sociopath - usually by some anti-social behavior.
2) Find their sources of entertainment which mimic the anti-social behavior.
3) Repeat with a number of proven sociopaths.
4) Provide this as conclusive evidence that anyone who enjoys that particular source of entertainment must be a sociopath.
The missing step that they don't want anyone to remember is:
Find anyone who enjoys this game. Review their life and behavior. Determine what percentage of gamers who enjoy it are actually potential or known sociopaths. Compare that percentage with the percentage of the general population who are potential or known sociopaths.
IOW, if every one of those millions of gamers who bought GTA3 was a sociopath eager to steal cars, beat up pedestrians, etc. we would have a massive epidemic of such behavior. Instead, we have a relative minority of sociopaths who are attracted to the game for their own reasons, while the majority just find it fun.
Re:Carmageddon is for sociopaths. (Score:1)
Awesome game, but don't go out driving for a while (Score:3, Funny)
It was very tough to not swerve onto the sidewalk on my way home after a day-long Carmageddon session at a friend's place. Seriously.
But I didn't do it, which is why I'm not currently in prison or the loony bin.
Re:Awesome game, but don't go out driving for a wh (Score:1)
I used to get this too... (Score:2)
I used to get this after playing lots of Crazy Taxi too... especially when an Offspring song came on the radio. Luckily I was driving a Metro at the time, so I probably couldn't have jumped a curb even if I tried.
In other news... (Score:4, Funny)
SCi claims parts of GTA contain ideas and concepts - such as pedestrian death by motor vehicle - originally developed by the company in their Carmegeddon System V software, have been illegaly incorporated in to Rockstar Games' products.
SCi has revoked Rockstar's IBSL (Innocent Bystander Squishing License) and has also sent letters to over 1,000 GTA owners warning them of the possible copyright infringement.
Re:In other news... (Score:1)
SCi instead of SCO (Score:2)
I wish I could get it to run on Win2K (Score:1)
Definently the smallest of the 3 violent games (Score:1)
Re:Definently the smallest of the 3 violent games (Score:2)
I played too much Carmageddon... (Score:2)