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Battlefield 1942 Franchise Goes To Vietnam 38

Thanks to several readers for pointing to the Electronic Arts press release announcing Battlefield Vietnam is in development for the PC. This new title in the Battlefield 1942 franchise "..will drop players into some of the Vietnam Warâ(TM)s fiercest battles. Fighting in theatres from jungles surrounding the Ho Chi Minh Trail to the city streets of Hue, players will choose from two well-equipped forces, the United States or the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Vietcong." Hmm, seems like Vietnam-based combat games are a rather crowded genre suddenly - why now?
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Battlefield 1942 Franchise Goes To Vietnam

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  • i guess. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by cyrax777 ( 633996 )
    its to get a jump on the mod teams that are allready working on a couple of viatnam mods. instead there going to make a standalone game.
  • Why now? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The_dev0 ( 520916 ) <hookerbot5000 AT gmail DOT com> on Thursday June 19, 2003 @01:04AM (#6240358) Homepage Journal
    Why now? Because we've all been watching war on our TV screens for the last little while, and it's much more fun to live vicariously through a virtual rendition one of the world's messiest wars in the comfort of your own home. I'm looking forward to this BF1942 is awesome fune, but I dont really like the WW2 theme that much. Bring it on, I say!
  • hmm (Score:2, Insightful)

    by joFFeman ( 574971 )
    maybe because with this new fraudulent war we're kind of reliving vietnam, and there's money in games based on the same type of combat, but companies worry about being 'distasteful' by releasing Kill Saddam: The Game at the moment.

    the unrelenting patriotism should soon give way to realization, disgust, and ultimately change- at least, i hope.
    • companies worry about being 'distasteful' by releasing Kill Saddam: The Game at the moment

      Not all of them [].

      The title's different than you suggested, but the idea's the same.

  • BF Vietnam (Score:2, Insightful)

    by zoobaby ( 583075 )
    I heard about this a while back. There are already a few mods for BF that use Vietnam as a theme. However, they are not the greatest (better than I can do though). The BF engine is good and needs a few more tweaks, but this will be a very cool game and EA will suck another $50 from me.
  • Eve of Destruction (Score:5, Informative)

    by FrenZon ( 65408 ) * on Thursday June 19, 2003 @01:17AM (#6240409) Homepage
    Meanwhile, if you want to do the whole Vietnam war thing with the BF1942 engine, be sure to check out the excellent Eve of Destruction [] mod, which seems to have almost as many servers as vanilla BF. It's going to be hard for EA/Dice to compete with this.

    • It's going to be hard for EA/Dice to compete with this.

      No it's not. The team of highly paid professional game designers will most likely win out against modders of their own game. Unless the team of modders suddenly aquires a professional PR department and publisher that is..
  • Eve Of Destruction (Score:5, Informative)

    by Vengeance_au ( 318990 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @01:22AM (#6240435) Journal
    Eve Of Destruction (EOD) [] is a BF1942 Vietnam mod that has been released - its up to version .12, or as they say its "12% of what they expect the final version to play like". I've been playing it for a week now and its an excellent mod - you can tell its still got rough edges, however some of the EOD specific maps are particularly good, with dense forest fighting (something that BF1942 has none of) and great vehicles. Bonus marks for the music on loading :). I'm not sure what this announcement will do to/for this mod - I'm hoping it doesn't stop the development of an outstanding mod. EOD is already quite playable and enjoyable - if EOD is complete before Battlefield Vietnam is released, it may severely impact sales of BFV.....
    • "if EOD is complete before Battlefield Vietnam is released, it may severely impact sales of BFV....."

      Ever heard of marketing? Advertising?

      I've played BF1942 and enjoyed it greatly. I even downloaded a few mods (blood!). But until reading this Slashdot thread, I'd never heard of EoD.

      A little perspective, man: it does look great, but what percentage of BF1942 users even know EoD exists? 5%? 10%?

      Plus, a significant number of them (incl. me) would want to see the updated engine and official Vietnam scenario
      • by Grand ( 152636 )
        I actually think it would hurt the sales. One thing that EOD does right now with its maps, is make the game not so vehicle intensive. In mods like DC, if your not in a vehicle, your pretty much worthless (unless you have the stinger). Hense, half your team standing and waiting for planes on the airfeild. For me, it gets kind of old. EOD has 2 maps where there basically are no vehicles. Your in the jungle with your gun. And even with the maps with the heli's, they dont dont over power ground forces.
    • I'd say that BF Vietnam will have no problems, considering it will be using a new different rendering and sound system.

      That means much improved physics and models. Just watch the HL2 video from E3 to get yourself excited for a 64player game based on next gen engines.

      I'm drooling all over myself
  • So.. (Score:4, Funny)

    by dr ttol ( 674155 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @02:18AM (#6240646)
    When do we get the localized versions where each country plays as a member of that country..the americans can play as americans only and japanese can play as japanese, and when they fight, it's with real valor and honor?
    • So ... (Score:5, Funny)

      by vrai ( 521708 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @02:38AM (#6240715)
      When do we get the localized versions where each country plays as a member of that country..the americans can play as americans only and japanese can play as japanese, and when they fight, it's with real valor and honor?

      Somehow I don't think this would sell very well in France or Italy ...

      • Somewhere in France... "God dammit, where the hell is the 'hold on to my rifle instead of dropping it' key?"
      • I think the only people it would server are the Koreans and the Germans. The koreans because they have that reaction time such that 2ms after I've exposed one pixel, they're awped me twice and have the deagle out in case that didn't do the job. The Germans because they're the only nationality that consistently uses stratagy.

        It would be appropriate for the french to have a team, since Vietnam is the war we inherited from them

  • VIETNAM! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by grimani ( 215677 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @02:41AM (#6240720)
    Awesome! Do we get to slaughter civilians too?

    It's about time we treated napalm as a real weapon in games.

  • What the hell ? If it's Battlefield 1942, why the hell would i want to fly missions in Vietnam ? Is this some sort of Orwell thing ?
    • I think that's the key, it *won't* be BF1942 any more, it'll be BFVietnam.

      I've been wondering where they were going with the franchise, they had to do something. BF1942 was a huge success, even bigger once they got their latency issues sorted out. Then with the first expansion they proved it. The second expansion will only continue to prove these things, but they're starting to run out of changes. I mean I suppose they could try to do more battles, more missions, etc, etc, but there's only so much you
  • Bandwagon? Huh? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @06:24AM (#6241385) Homepage Journal
    Hmm, seems like Vietnam-based combat games are a rather crowded genre suddenly - why now?

    Hmmm, let's see. BF1942 came out after quite a few popular WW2 based games had already been out (MOHAA, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, etc...). So now they announced a Vietnam game, whoopee! How is that any different than the original BF1942? I really wish /. editors would keep their comments to themselves, or at least keep em in the comments area, and not in the actual news post.

    (BTW, I'm really looking forward to BFVietnam. I absolutely love BF1942 and still play almost every day. Far superior game than MOHAA or RTCW).
    • I think the reason for Vietnam games would simply be that it's the next obvious step, and is probably just becoming technologically feasible without being obnoxiously limited (ie the jungle missions in Rainbow 6).

      That, and the fact that some people don't even know anything about the Korean War (or maybe just the fact that the Korean War is becoming a little bit more touchy of an issue at the moment).

      We certainly saw a glut of WW2 games once all of the semi-realistic mods started becoming extremely popular
  • by Confessed Geek ( 514779 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @07:50AM (#6241804)

    I'm not sure. I'm not inherently opposed to the idea, but my first instinct is to say that the Vietnam war may not yet be appropriate subject matter. It was one of the most controversial conflicts in US history, and the veterans and victims of the conflict are still alive and active members of society. If the bias is towards the American viewpoint it could seriosly upset asian sales, if towards the Vietnamese then it would get slammed in the states. If they did the near impossible and made it unbiased, both sides would probably be offended.

    I fully support free speech and expression, especially in programming but are there some topics that that should be handled with kid gloves when being used for entertainment?
    • ...the Vietnam war may not yet be appropriate subject matter...

      What war is or isn't appropriate subject matter? War is hell, people die, sometimes the right people, sometimes the wrong people. War is hell, everyone knows this. Why is WWII somehow less of a hell than Vietnam was? Because a hippies protested? What a load of shite.

      And, just to be clear, veterans of WWII are also still alive. Do we dishonor them every day with our WWII movies, games and even scale model building? No, we don't.

      If the
    • I find it amusing that people only find conflicts that we lost as "inapproprate subject matter"

      Steven V.
    • It won't be that difficult to make it balanced. I think they opt for fun and balance rather than realism in this manner. I initially had much of the same reaction as you; if there's any bias, it's going to piss off many people, including me. But I believe the developers are Swedish, and they're politically very neutral. And if it IS balanced, it shouldn't piss off anyone.

      I don't know what my living grandather (both were in concentration camps in WW2, one died three years ago this August) would say about my
  • Vietnam (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Ese L0C0 ( 674429 )
    I don't think that anyone has mentioned that it is gonna have a new 3d engine...not the same one that BF1942 uses....

    Plus passengers are able to shoot and aim there personal weapons from trucks and stuff.

  • "Do we get to win this time?" -- Rambo
  • I get flashbacks of this horror. [] No multiplay, no add-ons, and it contains only one kind of enemy, some sort of racist caracature of a Vietnamese. No wonder we lost that war, the gameplay sucked.
  • What historical erros could they insert ?

    I mean, come on, in the demo, the Japanese had a Sturm Gewehr 44 (STG44), an extremely rare and expensive piece of hardware that was extremely powerful (many consider it the AK47's uncle) and avanced for its time.
    Most German soldiers never saw an STG of the war.
    My historical geek's heart is hurt everytime I see that.
  • i this one going to have aircraft? thats going to be interesting, but these aint your grandpas prop driven go-slo planes anymore ... we're talking f4 phantoms and early MiGs ... imagine being able to fly in a proper flight simulator style game against targets that were actual people on the ground ... just imagine the line up at the plane spawns for that type of thing :) also, if you can fly a phantom in BFV then ill go fill in a pre-order.

The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
