Lik Sang On Nintendo Piracy Judgment 16
Thanks to several readers for pointing to the official statement over at Lik-Sang.com's website, regarding Nintendo's $600,000 anti-piracy court case judgment against their GameBoy and GameBoy Advance 'backup' devices, which we covered a couple of days ago. The Lik-Sang.com statement claims that the current Lik Sang site is not involved in this court case, but goes on to reference the official statement of Lik Sang International, posted as a comment on the original Slashdot story. The statement says that LSI are appealing the decision, and further argues that "..the very same
hardware under attack is used by thousands of hobbyist users and even professional
developers for legitimate purpose. Very embarrassing for Nintendo: even the large
publisher[s].. bought
hundreds and hundreds of Flash Cartridges from my company for beta testing."
Before you moderate it down... (Score:1)
Re:Before you moderate it down... (Score:1)
This is not exactly on-topic. (Score:1)
None taken.
I am not quite sure if I follow your drift (or if it even is on-topic, for that matter). Anyway, I don't think we should discuss off-topic topics here, because we might accidentally increase the signal-to-noise-ratio of an important discussion. I am sure my journal would be much more appropriate. [slashdot.org]
Re:Before you moderate it down... (Score:4, Interesting)
Facts about the Gameboy Advance:
The BIOS is not directly readabl as the PC has to be in a certain range before memory accesses to the BIOS region read the correct data. The plan failed when people found bugs in the GBA BIOS that gave them access: one of BIOS routines would happily read the BIOS memory and return it to the calling program.
Multiboot transfers are encrypted, but there is now hardware that supports the multiboot protocol.
One might also consider the cart interface to be some sort of "embedded security" because it is not a standard interface, but this argument sounds a little weak.
As far as I know, the Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance are mostly or even fully documented for programming purposes on hobbyist websites.
People interested in pir...stea...illicitly obtaining copyrighted material in order to play games without having to purchase them can use one of the many emulators available or write the games to compatible flash rom cartridges and use the real hardware to play them. The same hardware used for flashing the cartridges also allows users to read the contents of game cartridges.
On the other hand, this hardware is also used by commercial and hobbyist developers alike. It is less expensive and makes development less inconvenient.
Don't I have the right to backup? (Score:2, Interesting)
only because of Nintendo's monopoly... (Score:4, Insightful)
comment, just because you CAN use something to dump/pirate stuff doesnt mean you automaticly do.
I can break thousands of laws with many "legal" items such as cd-burners, scanners, computers(!!),
video recorders etc etc etc. However, only because Nintendo has a monpoly in making GBA
cartridges they seem to think these units can be banned.
But really Nintendo, wouldnt the fair thing be to cut the crap and let anyone and everyone make GBA
games and produce the carts at the gba cart manufacturer of their choice?
Nintendo, maybe if you made some kind of reasonable priced development setup for amateur
developers THEN you could claim that these units are basicly used only for piracy, but NOT before
then! It would still be a monpoly BUT at least you wouldnt go around claiming that these units
are only used for piracy. A very good example of this would be www.gbadev.org [gbadev.org]!
They use these units and still you go around calling them pirates!?! Some of them make better
games at home then official games available in the stores.
Re:only because of Nintendo's monopoly... (Score:1)
games and produce the carts at the gba cart manufacturer of their choice?"
It wouldn't be fair on Nintendo if that was how they make their money from the system. It's like saying the food is reasonably priced in a restaurant, but saying you can get the wine from a supermarket for half what they charge. Sure, they could put the price of the wine down, but then they`d have to increase the price of the food.
Motiviation (Score:1)
Missing the point? (Score:2, Interesting)
If you're a legitimate developer, there are
Re:Missing the point? (Score:4, Interesting)
Licenced developers can get them but if your company needs 200 flash cartridges and 50 flashers,
would you like to pay 50$/cart for a 3rd party one or several hundred $ / cart for a Nintendo flash cart?
A big company could easily save 25-50000$usd on buying 3rd party ones. What would you do?
I myself have both Nintendo flash carts and most of the 3rd party ones and I can tell you that I
much rather use the 3rd party ones.
Also, a few years ago when the GBA first came out Nintendo couldnt provide enough of the test units.
And at that time they cost several thousands of dollars. Not only that but they sent the ones
they had to the developers in Japan first, so many of us developers in the US and Europe had to wait
months to actually get them! That is really a good way to show your developers support.