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Portables (Games) Entertainment Games

Sega Handheld Available.. At McDonalds? 27

Thanks to Shacknews for pointing to the McDonalds USA homepage, which features information about their available-from-today Happy Meal giveaway, featuring a choice of 6 simple, Sega-themed Game and Watch-ish handheld games. These include the Sonic Action Game, Tails Sky Patrol, and there's even a playable online demo for the AiAi's Banana Catch handheld, starring the lovable Super Monkey Ball simian. In the absence of any new hardware from Sega, these plastic imitations will have to suffice - they're available until July 24th in the U.S.
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Sega Handheld Available.. At McDonalds?

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  • I wonder if they are worth more than the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor...
  • by Cyno01 ( 573917 )
    Shit, we had boring happy meal toys when i was a kid, they didn't even light up or move under their own power or anything.
  • Neat stuff. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by SmallFurryCreature ( 593017 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @11:21AM (#6319701) Journal
    I am old enough to remember that games like this, although in slighly better looking casings, where full priced.

    Kinda shows how far electronics have really come now that we have disposable games. Of course the enviromental impact will be nasty. Or do you really think people will make sure to dispose of these toys properly?

    • Re:Neat stuff. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by realdpk ( 116490 )
      Would be kinda neat if manufacturers had to pre-pay for disposal costs - especially on items like this that are most likely to end up in the landfill after a short time.

      They'd pass the costs on to the end-consumers, which I personally wouldn't mind so much. I know it takes money to properly dispose/recycle products - more money than the current "just put it all in a landfill" approach, anyways.
      • They'd pass the costs on to the end-consumers,

        Well right now they're passing on the costs to the taxpayers, regardless if we cause the waste or not. It's taxpayers subsidizing overconsumption, since most garbage dumps are partially tax subsidized (with some user fees).

        I would much rather have the consumer pay for the disposal of the product. People who buy lots of stuff they don't need pay their fair share, people who live frugally can save money.

        • I don't think the consumers will pay, though - and more importantly, I don't think they'll go through the effort to divide the garbage up in to 10+ categories. That's the sort of thing a producer-funded system could handle, though, after the garbage is picked up at the consumer's home.

          People who live frugally would still save money, since they live frugally.

          Maybe some things could be exempted, like things that could go in to a personal compost bin.
      • Re:Neat stuff. (Score:4, Interesting)

        by ihatesco ( 682485 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @03:10PM (#6320799)
        They'd pass the costs on to the end-consumers, which I personally wouldn't mind so much. I know it takes money to properly dispose/recycle products - more money than the current "just put it all in a landfill" approach, anyways.

        Actually in Denmark and Germany is like that. You pay a tin-can of beer some dollars more than the norm. BUT if you get back the can, you get a large discount (even 50%) on the next beer you buy.

        Vending machine have as well a "dispose can here" slot, which give you credit to spend on your next beer :)

        • that is a fucking genius idea. I don't drink much soda, but if I were to get some money off my next purchase, you'd better believe that I'd hold onto that can and recycle it instead of tossing it away.
          • In Quebec there's machines in the grocery stores where you can feed your cans and bottles for 5 cents each (10 for the big bottles).

            In Ontario you get 10 cents for each beer bottle you bring back. Apparently The Beer Store reclaims 98% of the waste they put out, as most of the time the bottles are brought back in the original cases, too.
          • California has a nickel "redemtion value" although i'm not sure if you can actually redeem it?

            The state of sun babes and scandals.

    • You remind me of a thing... I can remember Sony's vice president being interviewed on an Italian videogame magazine (K, which sometimes used articles published from a the U.K. magazine "ACE", and some others time publishing material from the japanese magazine Login). That time Sony's VP was saying that they would have began investing in the videogame market heavily, in fact some months later came out from Sony some videogames for Super Nintendo (I remember "Equinox") and Sega Mega-CD ("Hook"). Returning
  • Yeah but, (Score:2, Funny)

    by Izanagi ( 466436 )
    Can I Super Size it?
  • already got 4 of 6 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hiroshi912681 ( 589840 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @12:53PM (#6320097)
    I had planned long ahead of time to check these out on release date... so, yesterday I went out to as many mcdonalds as I could to get as many different ones as possible.

    I'm a big game and watch fan, and I have a good collection of LED/LCD games old and new. But, if you miss your old handheld games (anyone remember Tron?), you guys should check out the simulators scene. Do a google search for Madrigal simulators and LEDHead. I don't want to slashdot them ;)

    As far as the quality/complexity of these mcdonalds toys go... they are mostly variations of the same idea. In most games, you either collect objects of 3 fields coming at you, or avoid them.. the other games that only have one button are just reflex games, avoiding objects by hitting the button at the right moment. all of the games get progressively faster as you go. (the only one I can't vouch for is the knuckles one, I played the monkeyball demo online, though) they're pretty simple, even by game and watch standards... what really takes away from gameplay potential is the fact that you're able to "beat" each game after the speed has reached the highest level. It'd have been nice if they would've let you go on forever... but it would be pointless since it doesn't keep track of score.

    They're fun little distractions, and I personally think they're the best mcdonalds toys ever. They're well worth the $1.50 it costs to get the toy alone... if anything, the batteries are probably worth more than the toys themselves =)

    They're starting to sell these on ebay already, strangely enough... one guy who's put up an auction doesn't even have them yet, says he'll have them in 30 days. =P

  • I'm impressed that McDonalds is offering these handhelds, finally a toy that won't end up stuck under a seat in the car due to lack of interest. I only wish they had this promo in Canada, i'd definitely try and get them all.

    On a side note, I didn't notice my speaker volume level and the music on that site scared the living shit out of me.
  • New at McDonald's, Sonic the Hedgehogburger. MMM, hedgehog! No seriously, McDonalds mugh be asking for trouble if they do a promotion related to Sonic, as there is a burger chain called Sonic. It could be trademark infringement.
  • The "bridge" game is sorta lame (Sonic walks across a bridge with gaps in it, you press the button to "jump" Sonic over the holes) but the soccer goalkeeper one is pretty cool.

