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Duke Nukem Forever FAQ Updated 57

Thanks to several readers for pointing to a significant update to the Duke Nukem Forever FAQ over at PlanetDuke, which isn't 'official', but is linked from the 3D Realms site. The FAQ collates handy information such as the current engine choice ("DNF will be using an extremely enhanced version of Epic Games' Unreal engine"), release date ("DNF will be released 'When It's Done.' What this means is that 3D Realms will not release the game until they are sure it is the best first person shooter ever"), and the labyrinthine publisher list for the game ("Take 2 Interactive Software is publishing DNF. Prior to this.. [it was] Gathering of Developers... Prior to that, their publisher was Infogrames (now known as Atari), who bought out GT Interactive.. [who] had bought the rights from FormGen.")
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Duke Nukem Forever FAQ Updated

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  • Soon (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 29, 2003 @03:17PM (#6326357)
    There won't be anyone left who played the original Duke Nukems
  • But... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by skinfitz ( 564041 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @03:19PM (#6326367) Journal
    ...3D Realms will not release the game until they are sure it is the best first person shooter ever.

    Yes but each time it's delayed and a new game comes out that might be considered "the new standard" - i.e Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Quake 3, then surely they have to return to the drawing board to make something even better?

    Blimey - no wonder it's been delayed.
    • If this is true, what the hell will they do when Half Life 2 comes out????

      At this point, THAT game appears that it will set the new standard.....
      • Yeah, and also (Score:5, Insightful)

        by forged ( 206127 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @03:40PM (#6326455) Homepage Journal
        Also DoomIII, etc. I'm just sick of hearing more rumors from DNF, it's been way too long. Leave it to rest already.

        Kind of like the IETF's philosophy has been famously summarized [] as "We reject kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in rough consensus and running code."

        And Linus to add, [] "I have the numbers for the current practice being BAD. You show me yours to back up YOUR claims. Until you do, you're just spouting opinions and hot air."

        I like both very much. I'd love to see it when it's done, but until then it's just hot air.

    • Re:But... (Score:3, Insightful)

      And of course don't forget the second coming of Half-Life and the third installment of DOOM.

      After those come out I think the only way that Duke could ever be the "best FPS ever" would require it to literally have the second coming of christ in every box.

      Either that or one of those genii's that gives wishes. "I wish for Doom 3, Half-Life 2, and a G5"
    • Re:But... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @06:17PM (#6327200) Homepage
      ...3D Realms will not release the game until they are sure it is the best first person shooter ever.

      3D Realms will not release the game until their publisher gets fed up with footing their bill without any resulting product. 3D Realms will be forced to foot their own bill, and go broke or finish. See Ion Storm for more information.

      And also some comments by Joe Siegler: "If we had wanted some quickie piece of crap, it would have been out ages ago. It takes time to innovate - it doesn't take any time to shovel any old crap out there. Since we are not a publically held company, we aren't beholden to the same things that some big companies hold their development teams to, hence we can afford to take the time to make a quality product. Besides, once it's released, no one will care how long it took, they'll care that they have a cool fun game."

      Quality products have been made, recieved sequals, and fallen into squallor in the time that 3D Realms has been working on this title. Quality takes time: 3 years. But quality also takes luck. In the now 7 years of development that Duke Nukem Forever has been undergoing, 3D Realms could have released 3 FPSs, one of which might have had that elusive magical all-togetherness that makes games great.

      You can't simply throw more development time at the problem of quality... at some point you need to throw out what you have done and start over. You can do this as the DNF people have been doing and release nothing, or you can release what you have done, and move on with your life.

      • Re:But... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by illuvata ( 677144 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @06:29PM (#6327279)
        the reason 3DRealms is able to not produce anything for years is because they already foot the bill themself. DN3D was so succesful that they can still make money with their rights to it, and its characters
        if they would be funded by a publisher, they probably would have been forced to release something years ago
        • Re:But... (Score:4, Interesting)

          by silentbobdp ( 157345 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @07:08PM (#6327468) Homepage
          Don't forget that they also get money from Max Payne, for whatever it is they do for that title (has anyone figured that out yet?)
          • from 3DRealms max payne site []:

            Q: So let me get this straight, I've read articles on Max that mention Remedy, 3DRealms and The Gathering of Developers. Who's doing what?
            A: Remedy is developing the game, all technology, editors, art, sounds, the story, etc. have been done at Remedy office. 3DRealms is taking part in that development by helping out on content and gameplay matters, Scott, George and everyone at 3DR are outstanding hardcore game developers and we really dig working with them. The Gathering is
      • Re:But... (Score:2, Insightful)

        by neverkevin ( 601884 )
        But quality also takes luck

        That is crap, you shouldn't rely on luck for quality. You have to put the time in and do the work.

        Of course I don't believe 3D Realms stratagy on DNF is good for their bottom line. But you have to respect them for trying to innovate. However, I think the fact that it has taken them so long says more about the FPS genre then it does about 3D Realms.
        • You can't rely upon luck for quality, but you can't take it on faith that hard work will pay off. I don't know of a single game developer that doesn't put in 60-80 hour weeks, doesn't want their game to be the greatest ever, and doesn't sweat the small stuff. But the fact of the matter is that many games get released that had tremendous years of effort and the backing of some of the greatest minds in the industry and still aren't very good. MOO3 comes to mind. It was a highly polished, highly intricate
      • Check you facts man, 3DRealms has ALWAYS footed the bill for development of DNF, thats why they are allowed to get away with taking 2 million years for development.

        They restared from scrach after the 2001 E3 Video, so if you want to be nice you *could* say that it has only been in development for 2 or 3 years, and clal the rest research.

        While I can't wait for the day they release this game, it is nice to see that there motivation seems to be quality rather then just pushing it out the door like so man
  • I don't believe this...I mean, isn't DNF the vaporware standard?
  • It's news when a FAQ gets updated?!

    Hey I took a dump today! Film at 11.

  • Damn. (Score:2, Funny)

    by Ath ( 643782 )
    They will only release it when it's the best first person shooter ever?

    Does that mean now that they have seen Half-Life 2 they are gonna start over again?

  • by Ummagumma ( 137757 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @04:27PM (#6326659) Journal
    I've just released the "Second Coming of Christ" FAQ - I'm sure this will happen before Duke Nukem Whatever is released....
  • DNF (Score:3, Informative)

    by Rip!ey ( 599235 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @04:34PM (#6326704)
    Can we please drop this pretense that DNF stands for 'Duke Nukem Forever'. We all know that it really means 'Do Not Finish'.
  • So.

    What was the change to the FAQ, anyway?
  • They have decided to let us know they are still working on it. Seriously I think all the 3dr guys must think the world is full of idiots. They should have cancelled this project years ago! Without being trollish, the guys at 3dR have made the public wait long enough that there is zero possibility that this game will sell any units or make any money at all. Because they kept falling behind the real pros with tech, 3dR has lagged and lagged this project to the bitter end. There is no possibility that this wil
  • by Tsuzuki ( 442471 ) <komala.mac@com> on Sunday June 29, 2003 @05:58PM (#6327122) Homepage
    You forgot the foot. I was looking for it as soon as I read the headline. :)
  • definate (Score:4, Funny)

    by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @06:00PM (#6327136)
    This game is like that 32 year old guy you knew in college. You know, the one that was still living in a frat house, was still taking basic studies classes and was always certain he was going to graduate even if neither he nor anyone else had any idea when.

    If Duke Nukem Fornever ever actually comes out, the gaming community will be robbed of one of it's biggest longest running jokes.
  • by tprime ( 673835 ) on Sunday June 29, 2003 @06:18PM (#6327209)
    For a game that will be released When it's finished , 5 years ago I would have been excited at any new development... Now, I will be willing to plunk down 50 bones When I care.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 29, 2003 @07:09PM (#6327476)
    It's now "Duke Nukem Whenever".
  • by Prien715 ( 251944 ) < minus poet> on Sunday June 29, 2003 @10:04PM (#6328147) Journal
    A little known fact is that the "Forever" in DNF stands for the legnth of the development cycle.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 29, 2003 @10:05PM (#6328151)
    Q: How long will it take?
    A: Read the fucking title.
  • by tankdilla ( 652987 ) on Monday June 30, 2003 @01:06AM (#6328804) Homepage Journal
    "Ok team, we're going to use all capabilities of directx 8 to make this the best fps ever."

    ...months later....

    "Guys, directx 9 was just released, back to the drawing board. This is gonna be the best shooter ever, we're going to push the limits of gaming to new levels. DNF will change the world"

    ...and still later...

    "They just released directx 10! Everybody start over, we're going to make sure this the best damn game ever.

    I mean seriously, they're using an extremely modified Unreal engine, and now that the beautiful Unreal 2 engine is out, they're probably trying to change the game to use that instead.

  • Where do they get the scratch to keep the company going? Takes a lot of money to pay people to do nothing...just ask Eidos about Ion Storm...

  • by Anonymous Coward
    This isn't a "significant" update to that FAQ. I used to check that site, until I found that they'd announce an "updated FAQ" every month or so, with no real updates.

    The only new material on this FAQ is stuff that's turned up in discussions here at /. And the only reason _that's_ up there is because of the recent "25 Worst Moments of Gaming" article. Otherwise, no screenshots, no system specs, not even an "official word" from 3d Realms.

  • This just announced: 3D-Realms has admitted that they completed the Duke Nukem Forever computer game about four years ago. They were correct when they said that it would be the best shooter game ever, because they were instantaneously addicted to the game. They have been playing the game non-stop for the past four years, having become so entranced that they have missed all 57 release dates.

    Ladies and Gentleman, this is what the pool was in the story of Narcissus.

  • Anyone got any idea how much this game has so far cost to make? I'm interested to see wether they will go minus or plus on this even after selling a couple of millions of copies. Unless 3DRealms is 1 person, then this game must have had a damn expensive development cost...
  • Whenever I read something about DNF it reminds me of Party members in Orwell's 1984. The telescreen announces a 24% increase in the production of razors in the latest five-year plan and the drab, blue overall-clad party members believe every word of it while shaving with dull slivers of iron.

    I imagine 3D Realms employees sitting at their PII 300Mhz workstations (they've been working on the same bloody game for 7 years, after all) when Broussard runs out and announces, "Comrades! Comrades! We've just update
  • Why aren't people just coming out and calling it what it is: Duke Postponem Forever

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
