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Microsoft Cuts Xbox Prices In Asia 28

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a Bloomberg story discussing Microsoft's price drop to $179 for the Xbox console in Asia, excluding Japan (which is still retailing the console for 24,800 yen, or just over $200.) According to the article, "Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft is lowering the price of the Xbox to make it more competitive against Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Co.'s GameCube in Asia where it has struggled with low demand and software piracy." Some software is also being reduced in price, and the piece also quotes a Japanese analyst as suggesting: "The move may be aimed at getting ahead of PlayStation 2 before the game machine becomes fully popular in the region.. the Asian video-game market is still at an early stage and even PlayStation 2 sales are not that big yet."
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Microsoft Cuts Xbox Prices In Asia

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  • Software piracy? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by spitzak ( 4019 ) on Monday June 30, 2003 @12:39PM (#6332147) Homepage
    Just want to be the first to point out that if "software piracy" is the problem, lowering the Xbox price has nothing to do with it! Seems like Microsoft wanted to get that in there so everybody keeps hearing about "piracy". Sure software piracy is a problem, but it cannot possibly explain lowered Xbox sales. In fact if everybody stole Xbox software (and say were prevented from stealing Playstation software) then the Xbox itself would be more popular!
    • Re:Software piracy? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Acidic_Diarrhea ( 641390 ) on Monday June 30, 2003 @12:55PM (#6332271) Homepage Journal
      The article states that the XBox division is struggling with sales because of piracy and low demand. The statement that you're citing isn't saying that this move is a solution to the piracy problem but is rather saying that the XBox has not met sales figures (for reason 1 and 2) and so Microsoft is making moves to make it more competitive.

      This isn't like the RIAA going gestapo-style on people. Piracy in Asia of all sorts of copyrighted works runs rampant. It's a problem and I don't think citing it is Microsoft's attempt to scare consumers, as it appears you are suggesting.

      So, in a nutshell - the text you referenced wasn't making a link between software piracy and disappointing hardware sales. It was merely summing up the problems Microsoft has faced in the Asian market.

    • Yes, but microsoft sells the xbox at a loss, so piracy is a big issue. However, with more xboxes out there, they hope to make enough by legitamite sales.
    • Actually lowering the price of the Console will likely Increase Piracy. Here In Thailand an XBOX game (copied) cost about US$2.50 the Console (modded) cost over US$350. ,thats about what I pay for about four months rent. This is out of the reach of most Thais. If MS lowers the price of the XBOX to where more people can affored it here, then more people will be buying copied games.
  • by cloudless.net ( 629916 ) on Monday June 30, 2003 @01:40PM (#6332732) Homepage
    I live in Hong Kong and I don't think the reducing the price of the Xbox unit would attract new buyers. We need good games! Like many other game players in Asia, I care very little about Xbox's flagship 3d shooter Halo. Instead I want a good RPG like the Final Fantasy series, I want innovative games like Dance Dance Revolution. Show me some great games and I will buy the console for double the current price.
    • I'll have to agree. It just doesn't seem like FPS games are going to cut it in Japan. Sales numbers seem to indicate they love in-depth plots and customizable features that come along with the RPG genre. One game that may garner popularity is Fable. [ign.com] This game is supposed to be very RPG user friendly and may provide a needed boost to a weak genre in the Xbox game lineup. It may also benefit Microsoft to attempt to get games like Soul Calibur 2, and Virtua Fighter 4, which are both again plot driven, and
    • MS was supposed to have all the Asia-centric games done before XBox's release there, like the Shogi and Horse Racing Sim 9000 Plus Alpha type games. They only had a handful of those to have finished but none of them were ready for launch. I'm not sure how much those games would've helped XBox sales over there anyways though.
  • Not a bargain (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ubikkibu ( 544498 )
    $179 is still way too much. It's as if they don't want to sell them.

    Some good games would help, too.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 30, 2003 @02:20PM (#6333119)
    Rename it to MEGA HAPPY HELLO KITTY BOX. They wouldn't be able to keep the shelves stocked.
  • "...the Asian video-game market is still at an early stage and even PlayStation 2 sales are not that big yet."

    Uhh...what year was this article written??
    • I've posted this link [ign.com] before, but just to second the comment. In May, 44,300 units of the PS2 were sold. At $179 a pop, that would mean a cool $7.9 million in revenue for May alone. Granted, the revamped PS2 has sparked a new interest in the machine but still, if that's poor sales numbers, I can't imagine what good numbers would be. If you ask me I think Sony has milked everything they could and more out of a technically inferior console. The Asian video-game market may be many things, but it certainly
    • When you think of Asia you are probably thinking that includes Japan.
      Businesses generaly concider Japan and the rest of Asia as two different regions.
      Also it seems likely that they mean "Legal Video-Game Market". So assuming those two statements are true, You basically have South Korea Buying legal games and the rest of Asia not contributing very much.
      To back this statement up, I live in Thailand and I can tell you plenty of places to buy Copied games, But I haven't seen a single place that sells legal cons
  • is that they have a whole shitload of games that don't belong on a console. You can't play a FPS properly without a mouse. If MS would spend more time getting more games on the thing that lended themselves to consoles, they might do better.
    • You can play an FPS without a mouse. But I've only seen it done well in Goldeneye 007 for N64. And it was only done well because it was a slow-paced, realistic approach to an FPS. It was an all-out-frag-fest like Unreal. Now that game is probably impossible to play decently without a mouse.
    • How is this rated insightful?

      You can't play a FPS without a mouse. That is like saying drinking water in the desert is a good idea. duh!

      Anyway, playing a FPS on a console is possible if not a little more bothersome. Halo is a great example. You just have to train your thumbs to work the right way and then tha ass-kicking begins. It still has nothing on the mouse, but it is definitely the next best thing.

      I mean, you gonna use a keyboard? pffft!
  • Most of the XBox offerings are PC ports or games that still have a "PC" sort of feel to them. By and large Japan never seemed all that enamored with PC games from America, so I'm not sure why MS thought they'd take to XBox games. The only games that actually feel like console games on XBox are usually the sports games, which Japan is again not all that interested in. If XBox is ever going to be successful over there, they need to have a lot more titles that look and play like console games instead of US

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