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The Sims Get Occult With Makin' Magic 54

Thanks to GamersHell for posting a new press release and screenshots revealing The Sims: Makin' Magic, the 'expansion pack finale' for The Sims. In this 7th and final add-on expansion to the all-time top selling game, "..your Sims can cast magic spells to improve their love life, wreak havoc on visiting neighbors, or put an end to their tedious chores." Oh, and in case you thought all this expansion-pack wizardry was side-effect free, "..every spell has a unique Backfire, including toad plagues, donkey heads, and lightning strikes."
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The Sims Get Occult With Makin' Magic

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  • Maybe (Score:4, Funny)

    by GallicoTheGreat ( 687860 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @10:27AM (#6400068)
    Maxis can cast a spell of their own and make the expansion less than $50
    • Re:Maybe (Score:5, Informative)

      by leifm ( 641850 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @10:40AM (#6400172)
      I could be wrong, but I believe most if not all of the expansions retailed at about $29.99.
      And if this is the last expansion does that mean they are finally going to do some real work and produce a Sims 2, rather than milking the same damn game for years?
    • "..your Sims can cast magic spells to improve their love life, wreak havoc on visiting neighbors, or put an end to their tedious chores."

      And here I thought for sure this was going to be a parody.

  • by Decaffeinated Jedi ( 648571 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @10:30AM (#6400098) Homepage Journal
    Spell-casting in the Sims, huh?

    Personally, I'm holding out for the Sims Online expansion pack that will allow me to spend all day roaming around the local countryside killing rats with my +2 Decorative Lamp of Smiting in an ongoing quest to level-up my mage/accountant.


    • I'm holding out out for the Sims Serial Killer and/or the Sims Dysfunctional Family, the possibilities there are numerous.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        You obviously haven't been creative enough with your Sims... those features have been built in from day one!

        Once I got bored with the day-to-day lives of my Sims, I saw to it that no neighbor returned alive from a visit. Who wants to be a boring stab-wound serial killer when you can force your neighbors to swim forever until they fall asleep and drown, or trap your neighbor in a room and set off fireworks until they burn to death?

        And if building individual 1x1 rooms around your wife and kids where they s
  • by anicklin ( 244316 ) <slashdot@nickli[ ]nfo ['n.i' in gap]> on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @10:51AM (#6400244) Homepage
    the Sims meets Harry Potter?

    IANAP (I am not a player) but I thought the whole point and appeal of the Sims was to be semi-realistic (which basically means that people can be who they really want to be with no tangible consequences). But really. Magic spells? Next we'll be seeing Age of Sims: Post-Industrial War Expansion pack.
    • What? You don't cast spells in your everyday activities?

      Phah! You Normal =P
    • Silly Muggle, that's exactly what the Minister of Misinformation at the Ministry of Magic wants you to think.

    • Yep, YANAP (Score:3, Interesting)

      by fm6 ( 162816 )
      The "realism" of The Sims is much overrated. Their stock of behaviors is limited, and even simple interactions can get stuck in various kinds of deadlock. If you micromanage their lives you can get them mates and fancy jobs, but that gets old quickly. I suspect most players just use a well-known cheat to award themselves lots of money and then spend all their time building fancy dream mansions. Which is sort of fun, but ...

      Magic is not new to The Sims. The very first expansionsion pack (now part of the ba

      • But... (Score:3, Interesting)

        by StarFace ( 13336 )
        ...I thought playing a lot of chess would make me the best doctor in town!

        If I recall correctly, the potions you could make were done using a huge chemistry set. There was no allusion to magic.

        The Sims started farely realistic, I mean, as much as one could in "real" time on four year old technology. They stayed pretty close to that formula with a few silly diversions here and there. The genie, a voodoo doll. When I say their formula was realism, I don't mean it actually is realistic, but it is the basic

    • You do know that you have the option of not buying the expansion pack if you don't like what it's going to put in the game, right?
  • by The Evil Couch ( 621105 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @11:02AM (#6400320) Homepage
    "... wreak havoc on visiting neighbors, or put an end to their tedious chores."

    why do I get the mental image of a Sim looking at a neighbor and a sink full of dishes and then yelling, "VAS POR FLAM!"?
    • Hours of gameplay will be added by wandering around failing to figure out that the nightshade is growing in the neighbor's flower garden.
      Not that I could ever identify with that problem...
    • *SPLUTTER*

      Or going downtown, standing in the middle of the commercial lot, and screaming "VAS KAL AN MANI IN CORP HUR TYM!"

      Which would, of course bulldoze every residential, commercial, and vacation lot in the whole damn game.
  • I wonder if these sims were in Hufflepuff
  • by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @11:08AM (#6400366) Homepage
    I can see it now....

    (Wife comes home to find husband cheating with neighbor)

    Wife: You cheating bastard!!!
    Husband: I can explain!
    Wife: Corp Por!
    Husband: (sizzle)

    I hope to god this never makes Sims Online. They'd have to rename it to

    Sims: The Return of Lord British

    • Ah. . . yes, thank you. I haven't heard "Corp Por" sense I stopped playing Ultima Online a long time ago. Thank you for bring back my vision of playing for hours on end, running around naked with my deadly poisoned noobie katana (no one ever saw that one coming) trying to find the bastards who PKed me, just so I can get killed again when I found them. Again, thank you for reminding me of those numerous hours of my life wasted on a virtual world. Oh well, I left Ultima when they split it into the two worl
      • Mabye when Ultima Online 2 comes out

        Wasn't the team that was working on UO2 diverted into developing SWG?
      • There you go reminding me of my days on UO!

        We had this group of 4 character all named Nyarlathotep, we all wore purple robes and skull helmets, and we would arrow the bejebus out of any fool that dared walk between Vesper and the dungeon of Covetousness. Ah those where the days, kill the newb, steal his stuff, dismember the body and keep all the heads in a big bag. We all lived in the same dorm so we used the phones for voice com as we pillaged, and back then, most of the people that played were on dial-
  • Oh, great (Score:3, Funny)

    by 0x0d0a ( 568518 ) on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @11:14AM (#6400407) Journal
    In the Bible Belt, one already has to put up with Southern Baptists constantly complaining about the Satanism in Harry Potter. I'm going to love the effects of this.
  • Hmmm... (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @12:08PM (#6400827)
    Is there a "beating a dead horse" spell?
  • The last one? Damn! I was hoping they would come out with The Simpranos expansion pack so I could build the pork sausage store and start shaking down the neighbors businesses.
    • Apparently there is a Mafia in Sims Online. They run prostitution(?), extortion, and assassinations. There is also vigilante justice for this. People do get kicked off for harassment, but I don't think the ways they do these things are under that.
  • The Sims: Eating Like Pigs

    The Sims: Mad Orgy

    The Sims: Criminal Intent

    The Sims: Alternate Lifestyle

    There shouldn't be any more expansion packs!

    Source: some obscure game site that is no longer online.

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