Naming Your Character In RPGs? 229
Thanks to InsertCredit for their feature discussing the player-inputted choice for character names in videogames. They discuss some of the joys of DIY character naming ("Some people will buy an RPG, only to name the characters after their favorite profane words"), as well some more unlikely pleasures ("I became obsessed with buying used Final Fantasy VI cartridges for 100 yen at a certain game shop in Akihabara, just to see what all the characters had been named.") Taking a lead from this distinctly unconventional article, what names have Slashdot Games readers entered for characters in their favorite RPGs, and why?
So here we go. Before article gets /.ed... (Score:1, Informative)
by tim rogers
One thing I've observed on any number of forums about videogames is that people can't stop arguing about what makes an "RPG" an "RPG." Some are clever enough to define the name of the genre: "RPG means 'Role-Playing Game' -- an RPG is a game where you play a role." Some people are quick to shoot this down, with much typing of words. Some people quote the significance of naming a character in a pen-and-paper RPG, and havin
Naming Things (Score:2, Funny)
Rule # 2 - pick something your team can remember
Rule # 3 - Rule # 1 is not necessarily equal to Rule # 2
Rule # 4 - Rule # 1 is not necessarily greater than Rule # 2
Rule # 5 - See Rule # 1
here's my list : (Score:5, Funny)
Half-life : King.Robo
Everquest : Cmunthen Alnawyer
DAOC : Urt Vert, Rong, Ryte
SWG : Bennt, '-'
A wise only RPGer will chose a short uncomplicated name
Azbywnwefcxxyxx-III Auctions 'Cloak of Thorns for sale'
Azbywnwefcxxyx-III is not in game
Azbywnwefcxyxx-III is not in game
Re:here's my list : (Score:1)
Only a wise RPGer will chose a game where you can abbreviate.
tell azby <foo> (or even "te azby <foo>" should be enough)
(shameless plug) Such as this one! [acc.umu.se]
Re:here's my list : (Score:2)
You can abbreviate commands... abbreviating names is hopeless. Although a good game will allow for aliases.
In Quake, UT, BF1942, and other FPS's I'm always Zathrus. In EQ I played Tularin (Ranger) and Llarn (Enchanter). The former made up from the top of my head, the latter was an attempt to do the same, but it's actually the name of a very early Rogue variant (which last time I searched I couldn't find).
Re:here's my list : (Score:2)
I always use 'Noodle of Death'. It works whether you win or lose. If I am sucking, people just see the 'Noodle' part...but when I am kicking ass, they wonder what a Death Noodle might look like...
Re:here's my list : (Score:2)
PrincessSophia [imdb.com] works fine for me, plus my girlfriend likes it...
Re:here's my list : (Score:2)
HL / CS: Souperman
Online games: Cerebus [geocities.com] (as in the Aardvark)
RPGs (electronic): Bascule [amazon.com] (from Feersum Endjinn by Ian M Banks)
RPGs (tabletop): Recent ones include Sir Cecil the Paladin, Milo the Halfling Bard (complete with squeeky voice and bad jokes - guaranteed to wind up those other players!), and Demo the iconoclastic Fighter/Cleric (Lots of DnD recently!)
Re:here's my list : (Score:3, Insightful)
She always liked not being the buff bitch.
On the other hand, my enchanter's name (Llarn) was probably the easiest to type. Which is probably why I got driven nutty by buff requests while trying to help herd cats (aka helping to manage an uber guild).
No, neither of us play anymore. So happy to be free
Short Welsh Names (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Short Welsh Names (pronuciation) (Score:2)
Here's a short guide:
I probably missed some, but those are the most common Celtic combinations.
Re:Short Welsh Names (pronuciation) (Score:2)
That kind of reminds me: Re-watching the season 1 "Angel" DVD's there was a great bit where the character Doyle had to read a spell that was in latin, but didn't know how to speak it. Angel, in a hurry to explain it, simply said "v sounds like w and say all the vowels." Not bad for a 1-second lesson in latin enunciation.
Steering back on topic... When I play R
Real story. Very funny. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Real story. Very funny. (Score:1)
You were really Ass-Hamed? What'd that feel like? I'd really be ashamed if I were ass-hamed.
not quite (Score:2)
Both of you might wan't to bone up on what a troll [man.ac.uk] in this context actually is.
Mensa is for dorks. Who wants to be in a club with Gary Bushell, Jamie Theakston, Jimmy Saville, and
Carol Vorderman.
Re:Real story. Very funny. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:That is true. (Score:2)
Alcohol has killed many, many more people than marijuana and its derivatives ever have. And hash isn't known for its violence-inducing properties. I believe the reason the original Assassins killed so fervently under the influence of hashish was because they perceived visual hallucinations as images of the afterlife, a paradise they would be conveyed to for their actions. (Much like
Re:That is true. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Your "logic" is flawed. (Score:2)
As for the definition of deadly, I submit:
Specifically, I would like to point out that marijuana has never (as far as I know) caused a single fatality as a direct result of its consumption (Discounting lung-disease as a result of combustion, et cetera; combustion is not the only means of consumption.), while alcohol-poisoning dea
Re:I just don't believe it. (Score:2)
Some test studies are also required reading, I think. You've been sucking up too much government propaganda. Haven't you ever heard of medical MJ? Marijuana doesn't have a lethal dose, doesn't cause brain damage as claimed so often, and besides short-term effects doesn't really do anything negative at all. (Smoking-related effects aside, again.)
A Drug War Christmas Carol [adrugwarcarol.com] - Se
Re:Real story. Very funny. (Score:2)
Ahem. . . you mean ***hamed, don't you?
Back in the days... (Score:5, Funny)
my favorite has got to be mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm.
[hh:mm:ss] mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm has walked into room.
> kill mnmnmnnnmnmnmnm
[hh:mm:ss] player is not in room!
> kill mnmnmmmnnmnmnmm
[hh:mm:ss] player is not in room!
> kill mnmmnm
[hh:mm:ss] mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm D - E - S - T - R - O - Y - S you with his backstab.
you are dead!
Re:Back in the days... (Score:2)
Mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm has walked into room.
> kill m[TAB]
You annihilate mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm with your slash.
You annihilate mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm with your crush.
Mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm flees from the room!
> scan
Nothing special.
Nothing special.
Mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm is standing there.
Nothing special.
Nothing special.
Nothing special.
> e
You walk east.
A Plain Room.
Mnmnmnnnmnmnmnmmm is standing here.
> kill m[TAB]
You a
Re:Back in the days... (Score:2)
This was back in the days when Gopher and Usenet dominated and Mosaic was only some crappy app with a nasty color scheme.
I played using a dialup that drops directly into telnet (not even a shell).
Those were the days...
qpqpqqqppqpqp was another favorite.
Re:Back in the days... (Score:2)
Re:Back in the days... (Score:2)
> ctrl-c
bash-2.05b$ backstab ^V
bash: backstab: command not found
Big Numbered Scrabble Tiles (Score:5, Interesting)
Another convention is to use lots of vowels (Bea Ai), lots of consonants (Kwllk), or apostraphes (T'Den, Q'Sung).
I invent names quickly with as little thought as possible, a lot of times following the sterotypes above. It's not great, but it works.
It's probably cheaper to collect monickers in chat rooms than buying Final Fantasy cartridges, though.
Re:Big Numbered Scrabble Tiles (Score:1)
Re:Big Numbered Scrabble Tiles (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Big Numbered Scrabble Tiles (Score:2)
Oh, I'm so sick of apostrophes in character names. So damn sick. My goal in life is to make the most popular RPGs so I can design them so that all characters with apostrophes in their names immediately get eaten by the biggest dragon ever conceived.
My usuals (Score:3, Interesting)
Anything online that is long enough to actually fit, I use 'RevRagnarok' (gee, look around this post). That's just become my online alter ego. http://www.revragnarok.com/ explains the reasons - basically, Ragnarok is just such an interesting story, etc, and I am also a legally ordained minister. Many of my friends now refer to me as "Rev" in Real Life(TM) and even at work (which can get embarassing).
For some of the console games, just "Ragnarok" fits. Or some shorter form. Then when they say (in games like FF8) that we need to get to the Ragnarok I think "But I'm right here ppl..."
RevR or even RR is used sometimes, like when I am very limited. Just, contrary to my evil friend's obsession, never 'Rag' or 'RevRag'!
Some previous ones:
absorto (in middle school a spanish->english dictionary said it meant 'mentally lost')
X-Phile (loved that show early on)
- RR
Re:My usuals (Score:2)
My favorite was one of my old screw-around characters on an old MUD, revhacknslash.
Re:My usuals (Score:2)
I use Pxtl, 0gre (with zero) or Detritus Metropolis.
Re:My usuals (Score:2)
Nomination (Score:2)
'Cause you know it's gonna be a slow news day.
Fun times (Score:1)
In pen and paper RPGs, I used to play as "Arcaidia", "Algernon", "Moebius"... Whatever comes to mind.
Online I'm either chrish (my user ID at work when I started using IRC) or Taffer (a derogotory name from Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age).
Re:Fun times (Score:2)
CarpelTunnelSyndrom (Score:5, Funny)
"XXX was killed by CarpelTunnelSyndrom."
Everyone gets a laugh on that one.
Zelda (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Zelda (Score:2)
MrGrey (Score:2)
So now when I play RPG's I stick with the name I had used for so long.
Other names I use are
Mithrandil (Hobbit/LOTR references)
Liam (Just a good Irish name)
Nimrod (Nimrod is Biblical, check out Genesis - he was a great hunter in the site of the Lord)
The scary thi
Re:MrGrey (Score:1)
Don't you mean Mithran dir ? (You're probably thinking of the -(n)dil ending in Elendil, Valandil, &c., unless you're mixing Quenya and Sindarin (-(n)dil is Quenya, Mithrandir is Sindarin)). Does Tolkien ever use Mithrandir in The Hobbit? I can't remember myself.
>Nimrod (Nimrod is Biblical, check out Genesis - he was a great hunter in the site of the Lord) [Emphasis mine]
Hmmm, do you remember if Genesis mentions the URL for the Lord's site?
Re:Tyrion Xavier lives! :D (Score:2)
in irc recently
seccy : hey seccy.co.uk hasn't been registered shall I register it?
maht : if you like
seccy : dunno, i don't have anything to put on it
couple of minutes chatting
seccy : you bastard Griff, you bastard bastard bastard
of course, griff, (who works in an ISP) had quickly regged it
DAoC (Score:1)
For some reason though, i got mobbed by loads of angry wolves, and not a single bystander offered to help me out
Not mine, but funny (Score:5, Funny)
His name, of course, was Verizon.
I just called my game Schnark. No good reason...just liked it.
You would be amazed how many different ways you can spell Legolas...
Oh well... back to playing my Troll Shaman.....
Xerxes (Score:1)
from the movie Highlander (Score:1)
Ultimate nerd (Score:4, Interesting)
Can't get much more nerdy then that.
Re:Ultimate nerd (Score:2)
My *other* name (not Slime-dogg) is "Molybedenum." I was a chemistry addict in high school, but all "Molybdenum" names were taken everywhere. Mine sounds better, and has a nicer connotation.
If I need more character names than that, I replace the "l" with an "x," and get a nice Magic card reference in there too.
Re:Ultimate nerd (Score:2)
Where did I go to high school ?
Name them after medicines (Score:1)
Take the easy way out (Score:5, Interesting)
How about a link? (Score:2)
Help those who are lazier than you! (maybe even yourself at a later time.. ). Provide a link!
Shameless Plug: IGS Games [igsgames.com]
Re:Take the easy way out (Score:2)
1. Type randomly on the keyboard
Example: asdiugbisdnmi;jqwefasdf
2. Crop out about 3-6 letters out of the middle, avoiding vowels.
Example: gbsdn
3. Insert random vowels whereever necessary to make the word pronounceable.
Example: Gobsidon
4. Make any minor adjustments.
Example: Gobsidion
5. If unhappy, return to step 1 and try again.
Heh. Gobsidion sounds kinda cool actually...
my list (Score:2)
Bowazon: Pincherz
Paladin: Stabyte
Werebear: Krunchin
ThrowBarb: Great_Throwdini
Female Wookie Medic: Ykkoni
FFIV vs ST:TOS (Score:2, Funny)
Re:FFIV vs ST:TOS (Score:2, Funny)
Edward gets WHAT?!
Man, I just got edward, he's like, the best player ever, and you are telling me he gets kicked out?! AND SOON?!
I hate people who ruin video games, next thing you'll tell me is that tifa, maybe even aeris, is gonna die or something.
Not just that (Score:2)
shady (Score:2)
*So you see, it has nothing to do with Marshall Mathers III.
Depends... (Score:2)
Then sometimes I'll get a bug up my ass and name a character with speed boost "Delivery" and give a last name as whatever race it is. My bonedancer (summons skeleton pets) I called "Dry Bones".
I may not always make it "appropriate", but I try to
Planetarion (Score:2)
If you don't want people taking revenge for things you did in the last round, each round you need to think up a new pair of names every 2-3 months when a new round starts.
In the past, I've been:
Andy_R of Just a Planet
The Ambassador of The Embassy (claiming diplomatic immunity whenever I attacked!)
Mr K of X$X (sho
Re:Planetarion (Score:2)
'A box full' of 'Sharp objects'
'In the club with a bottle full' of 'Bud'
'Mouthfull' of 'Seaweed'
'The Beard Full' of 'MailBoxes'
'My Mouth is full' of 'Warm Juice'
'stuck in a gal full' of 'retards'
'cds full' of 'pr0n'
'My Pants Are Full' of 'Skid Marks'
'Full' of 'Sex'
Nonsense Sylables (Score:2)
I never liked coming up with names anyway, so this way I can use the syllables as building blocks and come up with something that might sound original. Makes for nice throw away names, which is why I can't remember them a few years later. For all I know I've been using the same one
Best name generator around (Score:4, Interesting)
No, this one is better.. (Score:2)
wu-tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with (Score:2)
there's nothing better than seeing that ghostface killa just did 120 HP of damage, or that ol dirty (or big baby jesus, or dirt mcgirt) just bought a new gun.
Just to stoke the ego (Score:2, Funny)
"Hello God, it's been so long since we've spoken..."
Sachs Dolmar (Score:2)
My Names: (Score:2)
CashCarSTAR (tSP song)
DarkPaladin (my original)
Karmakin (Newest one and my current fav)
For single-player games, I never change names if the name is set, with one exception. In Chrono Trigger, I rename Frog to Glenn to clear up some sillyness, as well as so I can actually have a character with my own name. (And such a GOOD character, in every way)
When I need to create names, I use generic names, in order to facilitate easy gameplay. In Wizadry for the SNES, for e
single player stuff (Score:2)
The only RPG's i've played in memorable history were the Baldur's Gate series, and the original SSI Gold Box AD&D titles.. and in every one of those, I named my characters by their classes. The fighter was called "Fighter", the Cleric/Fighter/Mage was called "CFMU"
Re:single player stuff (Score:2)
Boring but true... (Score:2)
Changing Often (Score:2)
For example - during one game of Bond multiplayer we had Alliyah, Dale Ernhardt, and Enis Cosby all running around. It's pretty funny, in a very sick way, to read "You just killed Dale Ernhardt"
In Quake at the office I have most recently been Nate-Sucks, Steve's A Fa
Neocron (Score:2)
I think my fav nicknames from Neocron at the moment are there is a guy called "anima" and a female char called "anima's sex toy". (Mind you I am in a clan with someone called "clitoris" and someone else called "Fur lined mixing bowl" but there you go.)
Actually I got mentioned in the Neocron month [neocron.de]
Let's get Old School... (Score:2, Funny)
The best I ever came up with was a party of seven dwarves. They were Deadly, that bunch. They were the Seven Deadly Dwarves. Lusty, Slothful, Gluttonous...the whole crew.
Of course, you can't get past the second dungeon with a full party...but it was
the best (Score:2)
Oddly enough... (Score:2)
The greatest handle I've ever seen (Score:2)
Hello I'm Johnny Cash
Still the best ever.
Named after... (Score:2)
Some guy: "Where do you live"
Me: (after some thought) "I come from the fair forest of Kelethin".
Some guy: "No really, where do you live? See, I live on the lake and was wondering if you were a neighbor."
Legacy naming... (Score:2)
Around Ultima 1 or 2 I thought up a main character name that ended up sticking around for the rest of my gaming days. It became my on screen personality, and even though every game had seperate characters, themes and storylines, my same guy lived through all the Role Playing adventures available.
Around Final Fantasy 1 I realized I needed some supporting characters to journey with my main character, so I decided on some satisfying names to com
Re: (Score:2)
Let's see... (Score:2)
2. In old AD&D stuff, the name of whatever class they were ("FIGHTER", "CLERIC", etc.)
3. In Quake 1, "a hairy old man" was fun when using the Thunderbolt (I'll let you do the math).
As for Final Fantasy 3/6, I've heard of at least one person who named everyone "Kupo". Not quite as good as calling everyone "Kefka", though.
With a name like Golan... (Score:2)
Bonus odd but true story:
I played Zelda on the SNES in the early nineties and as I said above, I used my real name. When I was done, I sold the game to a video game store. A few years ago I got nostalgic so I went to a used game store and bought a used copy of Zelda to repl
Use an online RPG name generator (Score:2)
Unless you already know what you want, you basically need something thats interesting to tell a story about. Just randomly throw some right-sounding syllables together, and then add some random details.
Since its harder to think of random stuff than stuff that somehow makes sense, try a free online name generator [igsgames.com]
whatever goes contrary to the other names (Score:2)
I played Half-life, CounterStrike and America's Army for a while, and everyone was named something like "31337 r0x0rs" "Ass kicker" "Snipe at night" "-=-Army=-=Ranger-=-"
So I chose "Gigglesworth". This offended many players, because I didn't chose some violent ass-kicking name. I often got told something like Ass Kicker says: "Gigglesworth??!? WTF kind of 'name is that? Your gay".'
However, the best players were the one's who did
Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (Score:2)
When my wife started her save game using her (feminine) name, only to find that her character would be addressed by this name, she was fairly upset with me for not warning her!
Note to RPG developers: when allowing us to pick a name, let us know it will be used as our name in the game!
l33t names (Score:2)
Stafoo (pronounced version of 'stfu')
It's fun PKing people while on a character with a retarded name... It seems to piss people off 10x as much.
Diablo 2 nickname stuck (Score:2)
For some reason, it suck, and so now I am [H]olyGeekboy in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3, and Unreal Tournament 2003. It makes no sense for those games, but it's still kind of unique, like all those soccer moms in California who spell seemingly normal names with q's and apostrophes all over the place.
by anyother (Score:2)
Lief (as in Lief Erikson) or Rhetoric are my favorites for male characters, and Arachne is my favorite for female characters. Monsterous characters get named "Speaker to Animals" (on those rare occasians it fits) or "Oberon" (my cat's name) Wizards I always name Yzap, because that is the most wizardly 4 letter name my friend and I could come up with when we played Final Fantasy 1 for the first time all those years ago. . Ro
well... (Score:2)
(or what was the default nethack player name... was it nick danger or something?)
Re:well... (Score:2)
With every new version of Nethack, I name my first character that.
Ahh.. Egotism (Score:2)
In Diablo2,
Weredruid: Frank, as in Frank the Wereguy from HoL
Barbarian: Porkchop
Claw Assasin: Wolverina (vs. my freinds bear druid, Sabertooth)
And, Jereth the necromancer.
In UT2k3 I'm either Rev. Omestes (as in the obscure Orphic myth), or Anthroporraistes. Both of which are other names for Dionysus, which was one of my old BBS handles. I was also Zagreus in several muds, as well as Werewolf and Sadim: the God of Decay(Midas ba
Well... (Score:2)
Of course, with modern online games, this has become pretty much impossible - all those names are taken before you can even log on. I tried a few things but none stuck.
Until last year when Warcraft III was released. I'd shortly before bought my One Ring [noblecollection.com] and cooked up an elvish (Quenya) moniker, "Cormacolinde" (it means "Ring Bearer"). I used that name, and started playing a lot. I liked
Bar codes. [WeIsCHRIS] (Score:2)
[WeIsCHRIS] Christopher Walken
[WeIsCHRIS] Christopher Reeve
[WeIsCHRIS] Christopher Robin
[WeIsCHRIS] Christopher Lowell
[WeIsCHRIS] Christopher Lloyd
"I'm Christopher Reeve, not walkin' (Walken)."
And Walken would reply, "I'm Christopher Walken, not robbin' (Robin
I Like Pie (Score:2)
End Boss: "I'll kill you! I LIKE PIE!"
Guy: "Quick, I Like Pie, get the magic ingredients!"
Re:Give them usefull labels (Score:2)
Erik The Cleric
Piter the Fighter
Izard the Wizard
Granger the Ranger
Melf the Elf
Mork the Orc
Funk the monk
Keef the Thief
you get the idea....
no better way to annoy a buch of people that take the whole naming process seriously
Re:Paranoia RPG names... (Score:2)
I still GM it from time to time, and it's one of the most best evenings as far as RPGs go. Those that still play RPGS and have never played it, do yourself a favor and find it.
Favorites of mine from that game included:
Re:Groan (Score:2)