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XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

Tecmo Talk Dead Or Alive, Ninja Gaiden 28

Thanks to Gamers.com for posting two in-depth interviews with Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki about his Xbox-exclusive titles, one discussing Dead Or Alive Online, and the other regarding the forthcoming Ninja Gaiden. Discussing other products, Itagaki tries to claim that "..the female designers came up with more radical, more sexy [swimsuit] designs than the male designers" for Dead Or Alive:Xtreme Beach Volleyball, but then admits that the super-risque Venus swimsuit was his own creation, and stirs up trouble trashing substandard Xbox ports: "To be honest, I'm sick and tired of all these recent cheap multi-platform games. They take data coded for low-end machines, sprinkle a bit of anti-aliasing on top, and try to pass the thing off as an Xbox game. I would never do that kind of work, at least."
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Tecmo Talk Dead Or Alive, Ninja Gaiden

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  • How innovative. The guy's using sex appeal to lure in gamers. And, of course, the game stinks.

    Why do I say it stinks: Whats better?
    1: Playing a game by yourself watching animated chicks play Semi-XXX volleyball or
    2: Actually play along with REAL chicks and try keep one

    Anyways, it's summer. If you're playing games that simulate a summer game, you're really a loser.

    Yeah, this is a troll. Just as much as the game BMX-XXX was too. Think about it.
    • Despite being a troll, a lot of great points are raised in Creepy Crawler's post. Far too many games are just "Let's take a crappy game and tack on enough sex that hormonally crazed teenage boys will buy it in hordes."

      This is not to say that games with a sex component are ipso facto bad, but that you can't cover up for a lack of quality in the underlying game with sex. Now, if you've got quality, then sex is the icing on the cake.

      All this brings to mind, though, the question of why you'd amp up the se

      • Well, it's either sex or violence. Both is "preferred" by game manufacturers.

        Look at unreal tournament. The blood is just soo fakey looking, but they still add it. Turn on moregore mutator, and it just becomes comical.

        And you have to have the "sexual" element. Usually game manufacturers aim for "Jerry Springer Sexual" type. Instead they could aim for a elegant sexual appeal

        Still, sex or violence does NOT make a game. The game MUST be fun, then add eye-candy. The guy in charge of many nintendo projects ha
        • I actually have to stick up for DoA:Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Have any of you guys actually played it?

          So sure, it's a little on the voyeuristic side. But I find the volleyball itself pretty addictive, the casino mini-games _really_ addictive, and the 'dating game' side of things (deciding which girls to give presents to, and which girls to court as your volleyball partner) kinda neat. Plus, collecting things is always a good gameplay spur, and there's a whole bunch of crazed things to collect, from, yes, s
          • I actually have to stick up for DoA:Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Have any of you guys actually played it?

            Yep, and it licks an arse.

            The volleyball aspect can be played with one hand, since the computer will pretty much move the players into position for you (and I'm sure many a teenage boy has played this one handed...).

            The poolside aspect is simply to oogle at the pretty polygonal women. I will, however, admit that the hair on the girls is quite possibly the best hair I've ever seen in an video game.

  • It's weird; I don't understand the sex appeal these games have. I've been a fan of Tecmo for a long time (Ninja Gaiden, Tecmo Bowl, Dead or Alive on the Saturn, etc), but this whole Beach Volleyball craze strikes me as kitchy at best, or another indication of the woeful state games have fallen into (and society as an extension, but that's a bit dramatic :P ) at worst.

    Can someone who really finds these cartoon women sexy please enlighten me? I've approached this in the past with an open mind, and have al
    • How about having a fetish? Animation can do things that real cannot, and some guys (girls?) get off on it.

      It's the same way some people get off on B,D,S,M panty hose, foot, suffocation..etc. Also, considering that many "children" sexualities are illegal but animated children are excepted by that rule. That makes for some mighty nasty legal loopholes.

      I told somebody about that, and they liked those pictures. Why? Because they can imagine partially being there and doing things to "her".

      I prefer a real woma
      • While I understand it if it were a fetish, it is far too widespread to be confined to any small group of people. It's like saying being attracted to redheads is a fetish.

        I guess in that sense I answered my own question; it's a preference. Dumb IMO, but then again, I like redheads and many find that equally dumb.
  • by DumbWhiteGuy777 ( 654327 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @01:10AM (#6440313)
    Ninja Gaiden volleyball!

    "OMG did u c the katanas on that 1!!"
  • Wonderful... (Score:2, Insightful)

    I'd care more of what Itagaki had to say if his games had more to them than just gorgeous graphics.

    All the Dead or Alive games pretty much suck in comparrison to other fighting games (although, ironically, it is probably the best fighter on the Xbox...but considering the compeition (Kabuki Warriors, Tao Feng, Kakuto Chojin, etc.), that isn't saying much). DoAXBV had no gameplay to it, just graphics of girls in skimpy bikinis.

    Taking DoA online isn't going to suddenly make it a better fighter.

    I fear f

    • First of all, having played quite a bit of fighters myself (Everything from Virtual Fighter to Capcom vs. SNK 2), I would have to say that Dead or Alive has to be one of my favorites.

      It's not the deepest game ever, but damnit, it's easy to pick up and play and do somewhat well at (there is stil room at the top, a good player will still beat out a bad player 9 times out of 10). It's one of the three games we play in our dorm room (the other two being Halo and Midnight Club 2). And my roomates think that

      • First of all, having played quite a bit of fighters myself (Everything from Virtual Fighter to Capcom vs. SNK 2), I would have to say that Dead or Alive has to be one of my favorites.

        And having played fighting games since the original Fighting Street (Street Fighter I), as well as older side scrolling games such as Final Fight and Double Dragon (all in the arcades) I can be fairly sure of myself when I say that the DoA series is a mediocre fighter, at best. It is easy to jump in and play, yes, but the e

  • I knew it.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I happened to read a forum for DOA:VB and pretty much confirmed my suspicion of that game. They got board of it really quick, and confirmed that the re-playability was quite low.

    Makes sense, for a game that originally was going to just be a computer generated movie the volleyball part was tacked on so that they could sell it as a game.

    I find this part funny:
    "To be honest, I'm sick and tired of all these recent cheap multi-platform games. They take data coded for low-end machines, sprinkle a bit of anti-a
    • I also find it funny that the creator of the DOA girls is protective of "his girls" and doesn't like the nude patches/pics/etc, yet the hypocrite has no problem with dressing them up in skimpy outfits and using the sex sells pitch.

      Kind of like a father who pays for his daughter's breast enhancement surgery and then wants to see the final results, eh?


  • *eyeroll* (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @06:37AM (#6441208)
    "Discussing other products, Itagaki tries to claim that "..the female designers came up with more radical, more sexy [swimsuit] designs than the male designers""

    And this is important because...? So that we know he practices Affirmative Action while making cheesecake? Or is it simply showing just where the team's priorities lie when making a game?

    "for Dead Or Alive:Xtreme Beach Volleyball, but then admits that the super-risque Venus swimsuit was his own creation,"

    Personally, I wouldn't be proud of that. I think the word "silly" is more fitting here than "risque."

    "and stirs up trouble trashing substandard Xbox ports: "To be honest, I'm sick and tired of all these recent cheap multi-platform games. They take data coded for low-end machines, sprinkle a bit of anti-aliasing on top, and try to pass the thing off as an Xbox game. I would never do that kind of work, at least.""

    Yeah, what he does is completely different. He calls them Xbox exclusives instead.
  • I think it's a shame that Ninja Gaiden will likely never be released for Gamecube. Team Ninja wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Nintendo and the NES. But the again, you could say for most game companies in existance today. Thanks for nothin' Team Ninja!

    To this day, I still own an NES and the three Ninja Gaiden games, so I can play them on their native system.
    • Even worse, is that way back (if memory serves, it was before the 'Cube and XBox even came out), Tecmo had a poll about "What system would you like to see the new Ninja Gaiden on?"

      The Gamecube ran away with the votes. PS2 had about 1/2 as many, followed by the GBA. The XBox had roughly 1% of the votes.

      Gee, Tecmo, thanks for respecting your fans' opinions after taking the trouble to *ask*.

  • Where, oh where, is a revival of Tecmo's classic American football series? If they could reproduce the simple arcade approach and spot-on gameplay of the original Tecmo Bowl games, it might actually challenge the dominance of more complicated football sims like the Madden series.


    • I remember the origional techmo bowl. All nighters, leagues, best stat competitions, and the whole lat are mixed in with my momories of that game. Graphics were terrible compared to todays, but what do yo expect from 8 bit? I really don't know what about the gameplay made that game so addictive, but it sure wasnt the sound or graphics.

      some game companies have gotten lost. Content is dropping, while the games become more and more visually interesting. Play them once, and never again. It's like the movie in

  • For as much as XBox owners talk about DOA3 I see it lacking. The moves feel predetermined and it's more about presentation than skill or work.

    Seeing CvS2 on the XBox was also a disappointment with the laggy online fights and horrible controls.

    You want gaming bliss? Import Soul Calibur 2 for the GameCube and get a Hori pad for it. Now THAT'S a real fighting game.

If you want to put yourself on the map, publish your own map.
