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Galactic Conquest For Battlefield 1942 Released 38

An anonymous reader writes "The first public alpha of Galactic Conquest, a Star Wars mod for Battlefield 1942, has been released. It features Imperial troopers fighting against the Rebels on Hoth. You can choose from several infantry classes (sniper, light infantry, heavy infantry, anti-armor, and support), each of which is given a Star Wars feel. Useable vehicles in this version include snowspeeders, AT-STs, TIE fighters, TIE bombers, the Millennium Falcon, and various Hoth turret installations. Go give it a try if you're interested." Here are some mirrors for this 293mb unofficial (and possibly Lucas-baiting?) mod from Gamers Hell,, AusGamers, and via BitTorrent.
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Galactic Conquest For Battlefield 1942 Released

Comments Filter:
  • Cool (Score:4, Informative)

    by Tirel ( 692085 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @05:43AM (#6594797)
    Looks like team fortress classic in the star wars universe. But as it was with TFC it will be with this mod, the gamers will either make it great, or make it horribly lame. Keep that in mind next time you start the game up only to shoot your team mates into the back.
  • by trompete ( 651953 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @06:31AM (#6594866) Homepage Journal
    than the Desert Combat mod. Granted: the DC mod is a lot of fun, but it is way too easy for newbs to just be special ops. All of the DC weapons are way too accurate, making the machine guns as accurate as sniper rifles in the regular version. Also, anybody who can fly airplanes and helicopters owns whoever is on the ground in DC, which makes being ground forces rather useless.
    The point to all of my rambling is that I hope that this mod attracts seasoned players and does not require one to fly in order to survive.

    - A long-time BF1942 player.
  • Tie fighters.. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @07:35AM (#6594944) Homepage Journal
    Don't fly in atmosphere. Though personally i don't care much what characters look in game like bf, what matters more is the balancing of them. Vehicles were always a bit like arcade spaceships in bf though.
    • Re:Tie fighters.. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by TuringTest ( 533084 )
      Tie fighters and atmosphere? I remember some of them at Cloud City, chasing the Millenium Falcon.
      • IIRC those were special modified TIE fighters, don't ask for a source tho.
      • by Cyno01 ( 573917 )
        Decipher's card lore is official SW universe. Read the top sections on these (one) [] (two) [] (three) [] cards. I swear, i know more about the SW universe from playing this game than reading all the books.
        • ok the place i remembered it was from some book, can't say really if it was one of zahns books, though iirc it was the mini-novel that came with tie fighter(pc game) in which some tie fighter burns upon entering it (haven't read it since we bought it though).

          though i strongly suspect there are various sides to this story, because sw universe is so whored up(by lucas too) AND some developers just do as they wish(like these that did this mod, i faintly remember seeing them in some df or jk game too, but i ca
          • episode 2 has some star destroyer looking things on surface too
            Again from the game... Victory Class Star Destroyers [] are able to operate in atmosphere.
          • ok the place i remembered it was from some book, can't say really if it was one of zahns books, though iirc it was the mini-novel that came with tie fighter(pc game) in which some tie fighter burns upon entering it (haven't read it since we bought it though).

            Anything can burn up on entry into an atmosphere, though. The ability to operate in the atmosphere has nothing to do with it, so much as the way you transition into it. It's like saying an amphibious vehicle can't operate on land because they weren't
  • by DrSkwid ( 118965 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @08:04AM (#6594980) Journal
    If I was Lucas Arts I'd be pretty miffed too.

    When it comes to downloading music p2p is not "right" as in "under all circumstances this is okay" but it is an expression of the public's dissatisfaction with years of price cartels and a way to hit back it being "ripped off" even if their thoughts are "hey I can get it for free".

    I think Josh said it best [about making fps mods] :
    Step Two: Pick a Hot Property

    You have to base your mod on something, and nothing works better than somebody else's copyrighted property. Heck, George Lucas isn't going to mind if you steal his beloved characters for personal use. Neither is old Tolkien, who is probably burning in hell for writing such blasphemous nonsense. Here are a couple suggestions for possible mod material:

    Star Wars
    Harry Potter
    The Matrix
    Lord of the Rings
    Dragonball Z
    Denver the Last Dinosaur

    GPL people want copyright to have teeth to protect the work of the people but for copyright to crumble when it infringes in their right.

    I don't a Star Wars mod is fair use. Lucas Arts is in the Computer Game business. I think it would be less infringing if it was "Sienfeld" mod becasuse I doubt Jerry has any plans along those lines.

    • by fuzzybunny ( 112938 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @12:21PM (#6595673) Homepage Journal

      I won't argue with you on the "fair use" bit--I don't really know or care. Suffice it to say that Star Wars _is_ a pretty deeply ingrained bit of popular culture, like Star Trek, or Mickey Mouse, or Betty Boop or whatever.

      Regardless, if Lucas were to shut this down, it'd be cretinous to the extreme. It doesn't compete with the Star Wars mmormpgmorpgf or whatever it's called (connect, shoot shit up, quit, as opposed to connect, spend 80 bajillion hours running around looking for Jabba's Magic Spleen), and would turn away a lot of casual Star Wars fans (such as myself.)

      In much of the same way that Paramount's ham-handed approach to shutting down Star Trek fan sites a few years ago made apathetic non-consumers out of otherwise potentially enthusiastic types, Lucas Arts' doing a nazi on things like this mod (which is taking an age to download!) would be a bit of a stupid move, coming hard on the heels of two utterly lackluster films in the franchise.
    • I'ts fan art. If the mod went retail then I would object to it, but right now, telling me that I can not create a starwars modifictaion is like telling a child that he can not draw a storm trooper.
  • awesome! (Score:2, Funny)

    by nocent ( 71113 )
    This looks like an awesome mod! So good that it'll probably get shut down by George Lucas. After all, Lucasarts is probably planning their own multiplayer game.
  • for a popular engine?

    "If'n they buy the other game for the engine, they're not spending dough on George Lucas! George Lucas can't have that now."

    If'n I buy doughnuts, I don't spend money on George Lucas either.

  • Now all we need is a Battlefield 1492 mod...
  • I haven't gotten the chance to play it yet but it looks like the dev team really went all out on it. Check out the screenshots on the site; all the models are really pretty good quality. The AT-AT is a particular favorite.

    This is a great idea from what I can tell so far. I can't wait to get home and play the battle of Endor or Hoth!
  • This mod has potiential, but the graphics for most models are weak like guns. Even the interior base in the mountains are ugly. I love the snow landscape. Hopefully, the mod will be improved a lot later on. I will leave the mod uninstalled until it gets better. Back to Desert Combat and Eve of Destruction mods. :)
  • I'm not sure I'm gonna download it but hey if I read some impressive reviews then I might. Come on people, let us know.
  • I don't own BF (crappy PC), but I'd love to see screenshots of this mod. Anyone got a second to spare posting them so I can check it out?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Screenshots... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Iscariot_ ( 166362 ) on Saturday August 02, 2003 @04:30PM (#6596512)
    For screenshots, check out this [].
  • Greetings,

    Just been playing with the mod for 3 days now. First impression is it didnt live up to the hype that was put forth but alot better than some 0.1a releases. Im glad to see a modern SW'esque game I dont have to pay 15$/month to play.

    Lets start with player models. They are fairly well done. They look like they fit the enviroment very well. You can tell these are people from the SW universe. Some of the animations need to mature more. Mostly small things like they dont hold some weapons properly. Gr
  • Who thought of this, Harry Turtledove? [].
  • Link [].

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