Are Game Guides Dying? 93
Thanks to GameSpot for their guest GameSpotting feature discussing whether the print-based game guide is a thing of the past. According to the piece: "As long as there have been games, there have been game guides to help players beat them. Over the years they have evolved into slick, glossy (and thin) books with tons of valuable information and high-quality screenshots and maps... Guides make tough games easier. But are they worth it?" The author references a videogame-store friend laughing: "Why buy a game guide when I can just download the FAQ for free?" Is there any new presentation of paper-based game guides that might make you tempted to pay for them, or are they truly dying out for good?
online faqs have major plusses.. (Score:5, Insightful)
they're also available when you need it (just one googling away).
most importantly they're updated with various bits of little tidbits usually. the official kind of booklets can fail you miserably if there were some last minute changes to the game, or bugs. paper versions also aren't usually made by some mad gamer, which can be a plus as well as a minus.
also forums provide nowadays most of the information that such booklets would be useful for.
Re:online faqs have major plusses.. (Score:1)
Not true at all. (Score:3, Informative)
The game goes gold. Then it is sent to a publisher who has rights to the game. They, in turn, have a group of hardcore gamers who are also litterate (things like capitalizing the start of sentences, proper comma and semi-colon usage, etc). They get to play through the game before anyone else, with the catch that they have to play through it completely and also write everything down. They take screenshots, and in
Re:Not true at all. (Score:3, Informative)
Why start so early? The key
Re:Not true at all. (Score:2)
So they hope at least. There are times that the offical guides are just plain wrong about stuff.
Prima guides... (Score:2)
There is NOTHING in that guide that is accurate anymore. Ore locations have changed drastically, system security ratings have changed drastically, EVERYTHING is different.
Even if things hadn't changed, the guide had nothing but a brief summary of all systems in a single region of the game. Considering that the game has 5-6 different starting regions, the guide sucked to b
Re:Not true at all. (Score:1)
Spoken like someone who never saw the guides for games like Master of Orion 3 or Outpost.
I did see that guide. (Score:2)
Re:online faqs have major plusses.. (Score:2, Informative)
It'd take another game like that, with another guide of that quality, for me to buy one. Otherwise, I'll just stick to gamefaqs.
Oh, and to the comments below about screenshots. I've seen some faq's that link to self
Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:5, Interesting)
When I bought Warcraft 3, I bought the strategy guide as well. Mainly because it was on special, and I've always condemned them, but figured it was about time to see if I was correct in my disgust.
And I was. The guide is mostly useless. There's guides to the single player games, stats for all the units etc... The ONLY part of the guide that is any use if the 6 pages devoted to multiplayer strategy. The stats are kind of interesting, but as soon as Blizzard released a patch, it's game over for the stats being useful. Now, with Frozen Throne out, the build times and costs have changed, which means most of the guide is now useless.
On GameFAQ's you can find a wealth of information, and it's fluid. When Blizzard change costs etc... The author can update it.
Game Guides are a horrible idea whose time is coming to an end thankfully. The question remains though as to whether the game companies will do the decent thing and start providing a decent manual, or if they'll just give up and essentially let the fans write the manuals.
If you bought any game in the last few years, think back to how many came with a decent manual. Very few I bet.
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:2)
At least with console games, I almost never read the manual. Any game that doesn't teach you how to play at the start is poorly designed. Fortunately, there seem to be very few games like that.
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:1)
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:3, Insightful)
That's also bad design. Most games either have the tutorial as a seperate section of the game, have some method of skipping it, or have it as fun as the rest of the game.
Never Mind, I know how to read.
Reading a manual is almost never fun. A good game will reduce the amount of time spent doing things that aren't fun. Reading numerous help screens, like in some Final Fantasies or Dark Cloud 2, is
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:1)
Of course, some games have cool sundry manuals. Gran Turismo 2 has a handy little guide on proper racing technique. It's a good little read, but you don't have to read it.
I think any game should be easy enough to pick up without any tutorial so you can learn as you go. Of course, there are exceptions to this.
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:1)
One thing I've noticed with Blizzard, lately, is that (especially with the new games, notably WC3 and Diablo 2) they have tons of information on their site. Most of the statistics you could ever need are on there, and are updated with each patch.
From that point, it's just a
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:2)
This cracks me up. Game guides these days are rubbish - they use large fonts, thick borders and reprint the manual mostly, and provide very little extra information. They should be released a few months after the game comes out, after a patch or two so the game stabilises, and all the strategies have come out.
Re:Why I hate the Game Guides (Score:1)
No, they're not (Score:5, Insightful)
What I want to know is who's watching those 'cheat code' segments of video game shows and G4's 'cheat' full half-hour. I mean, watching it hoping one of the games you own ends up there and then going to the web site and printing the codes? Why watch in the first place?
On another note: are "are X dying" articles dying? I haven't seen one in a few days.
Finally dead (Score:1, Insightful)
The slight benefit of even greater mobility than the laptop is lost once you factor in the $9.95 (or more) price tag.
Game guides are not dying! (Score:2)
Re:Game guides are not dying! (Score:1)
I wish! That'd make them worth buying!
Seriously, though, guides have been worth buying ever since the game publishers/authors themselves got involved with the production of the guides.
Back in the day, you'd get a bunch of basic information in the guide, regarding things like stats for the units and things like that. Nowadays, you *have* to buy the guide, which is really just a glorified version of what the manual was supposed to be in the first place.
Guides shou
Re:Game guides are not dying! (Score:2)
It gets worse. The guide for the Dreamcast version of half-life is probably a collector's item - it was published, then the game was scrapped just before completion (beta copies can be found floating around the net). I always wondered what exactly happened between the game publisher and the guide publisher after t
Re:Game guides are not dying! (Score:1)
not with frequent balance changes.... (Score:4, Interesting)
then you get into the whole realm of strategies which are very much an evolutionary thing, changing dramatically over time, particularly with each balance change introduced.
Re:Armchair Wall Street Brokers (Score:2)
Um, if you're playing PC games, aren't you *ALREADY* at the computer? Just a thought.
Re:Armchair Wall Street Brokers (Score:1)
Sierra Cheat Books (Score:1)
Re:Sierra Cheat Books (Score:1)
Multiple Perspectives (Score:5, Interesting)
Invisiclues (Score:5, Interesting)
They used special pens to reveal hidden answers so you couldn't accidentally read something you didn't want to.
There were some great red herring questions to keep people honest, too.
Of course, they are all Online [csd.uwo.ca] now, too...
I still buy them... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I still buy them... (Score:3, Insightful)
Poor Quality Guides for Poor Quality Games (Score:1)
Sometimes this has to do with the type of game being covered. Game guides are very handy for most RPGs, but for Racers and Shooters, they don't have much to add. But even when the game offers a gold mine of potential content, the publisher get
Price will kill the Guide industry (Score:4, Interesting)
I have console gaming friends and I would always be printing out GameFAQ guides and cheat codes for them. Once they found out they could just ask me for the content, they stopped buying the crazy guides. Half the time they are so gaudy you have trouble reading the damn things due to lack of contrast!. i.e. Dark page with dark print or very tiny print.
I use GameFAQ constantly! I generally try not to use it until I've beaten the game on my own but sometimes you get stuck on something really stupid and can't figure out how to get past it. I look up what I need and I go back to the game. This mostly happens with poorly designed levels that are darn near impossible to understand without a guide.
The future of game guides (Score:4, Interesting)
1. Selling the guide on its own.
2. At a later date, when sales of the game and guide have dried up, bundling them together (perhaps with a DVD or soundtrack CD) and selling them as special editions, gift packs, etc. Third-party guide publishers generally don't have this option available to them, so the shelf life of a guide is relatively short.
George Broussard of 3D Realms has already talked about preventing third-parties from publishing guides to Duke Nukem Forever, by not allowing them to use screenshots. (Sure they can still publish the guide, freedom of speech 'n' all that, but who's going to buy a guide without screenshots?) That would suggest 3DR intends to produce their own guide at some point, and if a big developer like 3DR starts the bandwagon rolling then we can expect to see a lot of other developers piling up on the back of it. And quite right too.
Re:The future of game guides (Score:2)
You're talking about DNF. Other games have bolted from the 3DR stable while DNF is still being preened.
Well obviously I speak on behalf of Slashdot and its entire readership. Oh no, hang on, I don't. And besides I'm not predicting the death of anything, merely a change of direction. And I'm not even predicting it, I'm saying it's a possibility. So there! :-)
Re:The future of game guides (Score:1)
The guides most definitely are being produced with cooperation of the game companies, since they tend to hit the shelves weeks, if not months, before the game itself is available. Personally, I think this is a horrible practice. The guides should be based on the product that's on the shelf, not some late beta version... I'm sure many remember the infamous "Outpost" whose guide described features that didn't even exist in the ga
Re:The future of game guides (Score:4, Funny)
This also suggests that 3D Realms intends to produce a game at some point, too! =)
Re:The future of game guides (Score:3, Funny)
I don't think we have to worry about printed guides for DNF. By the time that that vapor-ware comes out everything shall be delivered in the "plug in the back of head" matrix-style.
Guidebooks vs. FAQS (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Guidebooks vs. FAQS (Score:1)
Considering the cost of paper/ink, and the average length of a FAQ you're still below the $2 range - especially if you print duplex, and only those areas/chapters you need.
Granted, it won't be in color, and the maps (if any) won't look as nice, but does that really matter? If the
Re:Guidebooks vs. FAQS (Score:1)
I think I may submit a FAQ to Gamefaqs just so I could sue your pants off.
Re:Guidebooks vs. FAQS (Score:2)
If he was printing it out and distributing it (for free or for cash), then he/she would require the copyright holder's permission.
Re:Guidebooks vs. FAQS (Score:1)
I like having the books for most of my console RPGs, but when it comes down to it, many of them never had guides or the guides are hard to find (hell, I paid almost as much for one of the FF guides as I did for the game).
Why buy? (Score:4, Interesting)
Dark Cloud 2 springs to mind. If you have never played it, the game boasts a number of very deep side games and a robust item crafting system that could take you years to completely chronicle yourself. Having a reference for fish breeding, and inventing can save me from a lot of boring repetitive experimentation. While I think the fishing is neat, I have no desire to spend 40 hours doing it. Am I cheating? I guess but I prefer to think of it as speeding through something I don't find as entertaining in favor of spending more time beating monsters with my wrench.
Most games however are not this complex, A typical FPS has you wandering through a fairly straight-forward maze shooting and killing things and looking for some way to open a door at the end of it. Do I really need a guide to tell me that in order to finish the Last stage of Halo I need to drive really fast and not hit obstructions? Is it any mystery that I am supposed to shoot everybody I see when playing Red Faction 2?
Are guides dying? Not anytime soon. While the store charges you $15-$20 a piece for them, keep in mind that they only pay about a dollar a piece from the publisher so the huge markup balances any losses incurred from unsold stock. Besides, every on-line FAQ that appears in the first week of a game's release is plagiarized straight out of a guide anyway. If guides were gone, the FAQs would shrink up as well.
Re:Why buy? (Score:2)
For long, complex games a guide can be invaluabl
Cant let that slide AC (Score:2)
Let me save you the trouble, the first FAQs will go up about 2 days after the guides ship to stores. These people are not playing the games through to completion, they are ripping out of guides. Simple as that.
In all my years of sailing the 7 seas, I have yet to meet a pirate that writes FAQs. Does it happen? Im sure once and a while for some very popular games a few d
Screenshots (Score:3, Insightful)
Like I said, I haven't bought a guide in a while, but if I'm already at the store, and I happen to remember that I'm stuck somewhere in one of many games I play and then put on hold, I definitely might check out the screenshot. Screenshots of items and enemies might be useful as well, as in the text FAQ all you're getting is the general description and then it's up to you to match that mentally when you actually encounter it in the game.
Re:Screenshots (Score:3, Interesting)
But sometimes the ASCII is better. For example, in GTA: Vice City there are hidden packages to be found. I had the print guide version, but all it shows is a screen shot and a general description of where it is (e.g., on top of building X). But the GameFaqs guide actually made it easier to find things. Instead of just saying it's on top of building X, it told you how to get there, which is sometimes no
Subject. (Score:1)
Now it's clear to me! (Score:1, Funny)
My first clue that they were dying.. (Score:3, Insightful)
If I have to go to the computer to get the information anyway, why not just use one of the free faqs available? Why pay my money for a slick, colorful guide with little valuable information? I am pretty sure that was the last guide book I ever purchased.
In the future they will probably just skip the printed material altogether and charge you $5.95 to access the same information on their website.
Re:My first clue that they were dying.. (Score:1)
Most of the information in the FF9 book that you bought is also on PlayOnline, with the information you went to the site to find inserted in the proper places. Basically, the entire book is free on the site plus additional content, all you have to do is register.
I printed the thing out and it came out at about 2-3x as many pages as the book I spent $2 on (yes, two dollars, so not too much complaining, but then again, I was hoping to get all of the information, since I get guides ar
hmmm let's see (Score:1)
Yeah, well, right now I'm in a bit of a monetary crunch so I've been downloading FAQs and printing them out, because I can get paper for about $10 for 2500 pages, vs. a guide for $10-20, but, for the most part, when the guide is e
Re:hmmm let's see (Score:1)
Re:Maps. (Score:2)
Can't wait (Score:2)
One might argue that they look prettier and more professional than a FAQ but often the content itself is very lacking. A good example
guides (Score:2)
She said it's just a better experience to have a book there beside her when she plays, where she can flip the pages. I can't argue, but I can definitely see that the days of A Link To The Past (where you needed the guide if you wanted to find every heart) are long past. Now, the guides are no longer necessary, they're just for convenience.
good riddance (Score:1)
However, the devs figured they could make the extra cash by selling a $15 game guide that was seemingly necessary to suceed at a game.
Oh, and btw - most game guides are crap. Essentially reprinting information from the manual or ingame help with LOTS of oversized image and white space. Needless. Most of the useful information in these game guides (espececially those from Prima) can be distilled
Are Game Guides Dying? (Score:1)
Seriously, I never understood what game guides are good for, it's like watching someone else playing that game.
Besides, todays games are made for mainstream audience - and the mainstream does not want to read it wants to play. NOW.
Online Game Guides! (Score:1)
Game guides and FAQs (Score:1)
Of course they aren't. (Score:3)
I can't count the number of illiterate gamefaqs exist on the net. There are so many people who failed grade 8 english who like games, and they all seem to like to try and write guides.
For PC games the guide can be outdated, but for most console games, it's the most complete guide you'll ever find.
How many people out there are willing to spend 60+ hours on a game, and then write it up all for free? There are lots of people who'll write complete FAQs for SW: KOTOR, but how many complete guides exist for Hey, you, Pikachu?
There are 2 uses to a guide. The first is the most obvious: when I get stuck, I will look it up in the guide. I do this sparingly, so as not so spoil anything. Cool guides that work to not spoil it (like Brady's Wind Waker guide), are even better. Once I've beaten the game once, and the game offers replay value (again, Wind Waker does this, as does KOTOR), I will play through the game with guide in hand. I will find everything, I well check all the side quests, I will do everything I humanly can. If I really consider it done and I really won't want to play it years later, I even get extra from my local video game store when I trade in the guide with the game.
Fun with EB Employees! (Score:3, Funny)
They've learned not to ask me anymore...
No need to worry. (Score:1)
Game Guides are dying (Score:1)
Yet another crippling bombshell hit the beleaguered Game Guide community when
Consoles vs. PC's (Score:1)
Console game guides are wort
For the art... (Score:1)
They'll still be around... (Score:1)
I Like Paper.... (Score:1)
FAQS (Score:1)
FAQS are made by people who love the game they are writing about and are doing it for free. I think that is reason enough not to ever buy another game guide again. Besides that: they suck. What i like best about FAQS is the fact the you are sometimes able to find reference for little tidbits that you would never have noticed if you did'nt read about it.
I also think that gamefaqs has
Something that would get me to buy game guides (Score:2)
I don't buy guides, but I'd buy maps (Score:2)
The problem is, they don't sell the maps without the useless book...
Final Fantasy IX killed game guides for me (Score:1)
Are they dying? Not any time soon. (Score:1, Interesting)
I think most everything has been covered. Online FAQs have the limitation of (a) being text-only, and (b) not being able to start the FAQ until they get the game in stores. However, they have the advantage of being EXTREMELY easy to update. As a corollary, if it's a good writer, mistakes will be corrected fairly quickly.
I think some of the posters here have forgotten the REAL reason game guides won't die out any time soon: tech savvy. When I was 6 years old, I wouldn't know enough about the Internet t
Game Guides (Score:1)
My idea (Score:1)