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Cross-Platform LAN Gaming Suggestions? 51

darkstar2a writes "Back in the boom years, a bunch of us would crash the empty customer service department for some fun LAN gaming. Nowadays, though, we use our own computers, and have a significant ratio of Mac users - about 55%. This has brought up a huge frustration in finding games that work cross-platform (PC and Mac), and what exactly we need to make them work. We've only been reliably able to get the following working: Unreal Tournament (but the same game can get kind of old after hours of play), 4x4 Evo 2 (which we got cheap and was a great change of pace), Descent 3 (out of print and relatively difficult to locate.) This has to have been covered somewhere, but we've been unable to locate a resource for it. Can Slashdot Games readers help?"
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Cross-Platform LAN Gaming Suggestions?

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  • Q3 (Score:5, Informative)

    by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) * <> on Monday August 04, 2003 @11:27PM (#6612356)
    Quake 3 and its accompanying mods run fine on both platforms.
  • Blizzard games (Score:5, Informative)

    by Randar the Lava Liza ( 562063 ) * on Monday August 04, 2003 @11:30PM (#6612371) Homepage
    Any and all recent Blizzard games would work fine. Diablo, Diablo II, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, Starcraft. Many will allow LAN play with up to 8 players with just one cd!

    New Blizzard games are simultaneous releases of Mac & PC on the same cd. Buy War 3 and with the same disc play on either platform.

    Older titles are really cheap too. You can get the Starcraft or Diablo battlechests for around $20 or less.

    • Yup. The latest "craft" game is almost always a key part of our cross platform Lan parties. We've had excellent success getting the networking to work smoothly and the various machines to play nice.
  • Any newer ID game will work.
    Any blizzard game will work also.
  • Pretty much anything blizzard puts out works on macs and pcs. Diablo II, Warcraft, etc...
  • Go here already (Score:5, Informative)

    by BMonger ( 68213 ) on Monday August 04, 2003 @11:33PM (#6612387)
    MacGamer []

    It lists all kinds of Mac games and if they are compatible with their Windows counterparts.

    Tada. Case Closed.
  • Bungie (Score:2, Informative)

    Bungie was (once) known for this, too. You might try Myth--a slower pace, to be sure, but more rewarding all the same.

    For FragFest Fun, you probably won't do better than Unreal. Try getting new maps and mods to change up the fun; or try team combat.

    Can Ghost Recon be played multiplayer?
    • Re:Bungie (Score:4, Informative)

      by jeblucas ( 560748 ) <{moc.liamg} {ta} {saculbej}> on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @01:10AM (#6612888) Homepage Journal
      For FragFest Fun, you probably won't do better than Unreal. Try getting new maps and mods to change up the fun; or try team combat
      I agree. Both StrikeForce and Tactical Ops are available in PC and Mac flavors for UT. They have both been favorably compared to Counterstrike if that's your bag.

      Tactical Ops []: SWAT v Terrorists, realistic guns, damage, etc.

      Strike-Force []: all of the above, plus "pulse", a neat feature that takes into account how much gear you are rucking and what you've done recently--keeps folks from hopping constantly--pulse lowers their accuracy and makes them breathe noticeably, exposing position. Windows users click here [].

  • Quake 1, Quake 2 (Score:1, Redundant)

    by molo ( 94384 )
    I know for sure that Quake 1 works under MacOS X. There's a recent port (GPL). Getting Quake2 to run should be possible too.

  • Bungie games (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Daetrin ( 576516 ) on Monday August 04, 2003 @11:44PM (#6612440)
    They're a little old, but Myth and Myth 2 are very good for net play. Especially when you start downloading all the fan-created maps.

    I remember a really cool Pool Party one with mostly dwarves and wights. It would rain on and off, so big piles of bombs would collect when the fuses were getting put out, then the rain would stop or a bomb would manage to go off...

    Yeah, Bungie was really great back then, before getting bought out by Microsoft. Any word on if they're ever going to come out with Halo for PC like they said? And will there be a Mac version?

    • Yeah, it should be out in the next couple of months. They're just putting the following touches on it - the movies and screens of it that I've seen look great, and there are rumors of it shipping with mod tools.
  • by DiSKiLLeR ( 17651 ) on Monday August 04, 2003 @11:58PM (#6612511) Homepage Journal
    Unreal Tournament (OS9/OSX)
    Unreal Tournament 2003
    Warcraft 3 + Expansion
    Diablo II
    Quake 3
    Quake 3: Team Arena
    Jedi Knight II (this is awesome)

    Plus I am sure there are stacks of others. These are all games that I personally play on my LAN at home (I have a Titanium PowerBook, the other machine is a Pentium III XP box).

    No problems what so ever!

    Some of those games (Like War3, D2) are hybrid cd's and contain PC and Mac on the same CD. Others like Q3 are very easy to convert... just copy pak0.pak of the CD, and get the latest q3 patch off the net to get the OSX binaries. Your off!

  • Try Crossfire []. It's open source too.
    • Alternatively you could put the computers away for the night and try the Milton Bradley classic bearing the same name.

      Crossfire! You'll get caught up in the.. Crossfire! CROSSFIRE! CROSSFIIYAHH!!!

  • Other than the ones already mentioned, there's Ghost Recon, America's Army (not sure how LAN friendly it is), Neverwinter Nights (just shipped for Mac, not sure how available it's going to be for the next few weeks), Myth 3, Q3 based games (Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is a lot of fun, RtCW works if you mind the version numbering), Deus Ex, Rune (these two don't have OS X version, however).
    • I'm going to second the Deus Ex comment. Most people (I think) play it purely single player, where it is indeed great. However, it does have a multiplayer component, which is tons of fun! You have mastery in all weapons, but at the same time there is a limit on how many weapons you can carry. Plus you choose which augs you want. From my experience (I only got to play 1v1) it seems to be a little slower paced than a traditional FPS; more thinking tactically, less twitching. Give it a try!

      The one downside is
  • Three platform games (Score:4, Informative)

    by MaxQuordlepleen ( 236397 ) <> on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @12:16AM (#6612605) Homepage

    What about games that are network compatible on Windows, Linux and OS X:

    • all the Quakes
    • UT..
    • bzflag.
    • Soldier of Fortune.
    • Myth 2.
    • Freeciv.

    As far as Mac and Windows, don't forget about Ghost Recon..

    • It is important to keep in mind that since Loki expired SoF isn't network compatable via the internet. Though it is network comptable on the LAN as long as everyone sticks to 1.06 (referred to as "Gold"). Over the internet it would try to use WON, which is a service that Raven dumped in favor of GameSpy support for 1.07.
  • Neverwinter Nights (Score:2, Informative)

    by gtshafted ( 580114 )
    Bioware just released a MAC client for Neverwinter Nights!

    There are currently hundreds of mods (ranging from traditional D&D, Diablo hack fests, and even RTS ) and dozens of virtual server worlds... not to mention being able to play with your Windows and Linux buddies. []

    I think the site is currently down till tommorow though....

  • Spaceward Ho! I play it on my macs, on my windows boxes and it runs in wine or BasiliskII on my linux boxes... And the network play just needs a file share somewhere that all the platforms can reach, so one linux box can share the savefile.

  • There's a couple o' games that fall into the 'something different' for LAN play that are pretty cool. Orbz 2.0 [] and Think Tanks [] Both are pretty cool :-)

  • Play hunt. It's playable on anything with a telnet client.
  • currently on eBay, plenty of PC Descent 3

    and 1 Mac Descent 3.

    I would imagine keeping an eye out you could have a massive descent3 collection in no time for cheap.

    Also Quake 3.
    Mods are lots of fun. The original game has a nice pace that newer stradegy based FPSs lack, though I play the newer ones more often, Quake 3 can refresh. It is real cheap on eBay. And runs on ancient Hardware.

    Unreal Tornament is cross platform, but the new one needs more hardware (does it run on mac, I don't know, but assume so
  • I know people have already recommended Quake 1, but you might have been misled by their suggestions of other games alongside it, creating the appearance that Quake has an equal. Honestly, Quake 1 is all you need. No matter whether you prefer gameplay [] or eyecandy [], Quake has the hookup, and an active development community to ensure it stays that way. Hell, run the Team Fortress mod with the DarkPlaces engine and have your cake and eat it!
  • by jfisherwa ( 323744 ) <jason,fisher&gmail,com> on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @01:53AM (#6613039) Homepage
    I highly suggest Urban Terror []. -- it's a team-based (or DM) semi-realism mod that bares some semblence to QuakeWorld mixed with Counter-Strike. Very fast paced when you want it to be, but has semi-realistic weapons and excellent maps. Personally, I found that it always beat Counter-Strike in pure fun-factor hands-down.

  • So far I haven't seen anyone bring up the fact that consoles are entering into the online multiplayer community.

    Cross-platform gaming is going to become extremely important not only between Macs and PCs but also with if not today's console systems, then tomorrow's.

    I would love to see games like Halo, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, and Tetris (Why not?) played throughout an all-encompassing community including Macs, PCs, Playstations, and X-Boxes. Hell, let's get those portable systems in there too!
  • Someone mentioned Bungie earlier, but said nothing about their flagship title: the Marathon series. It was originally Mac-only (with a port of Marathon 2 to Win95), but the source was released some time ago, and there has been a massive effort to bring Marathon into the 21st century. The results can be found at the Aleph One project. They've added all sorts of things, like scriptability (not so interesting for netplay), OpenGL support, and lots of other cool stuff. They've also, quite
    • Good call. I think that the original Doom, Doom II, Hexen, and Heretic games should be mentioned too. They might be old, but they are good :)

      I have a simple website devoted to this subject which I created while organizing my own lanparty. It concentrates for Windows and Linux games, but many of those games are also ported to MacOS. l

      Infact, I'd find it likely that there are many more games that are ported to both Windows and MacOS than there are that are ported to
  • recent games (Score:2, Informative)

    by bedheading ( 175574 )
    I'm surprised I haven't seen Medal of Honor: Allied Assault or Spearhead on this list, nor Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Both are great and somewhat modern FPS that work just fine cross-platform.
  • I'm surprised (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Drantin ( 569921 )
    No one has mentioned Armagetron [] yet...
  • I gave my OSX version away when I sold my Mac, but I would guess that Heretic 2 can be played multiplayer. And you can play the adventure mode cooperatively and save the multiplayer adventure as well so you can resume your adventure where you left off. Very cool!

    ('course, it's based on Q2.)
  • Althought the second one isn't available for the Mac (so far as I know) we just picked up 6 copies of the original for $5 each from the discount bin.

    1 Mac and 5 PC.

    Besides, I love the way the Mac Marine wimpers when you pounce and bite thier head off.

  • Searching for an answer to your question, I ran across TerrForge. They have a cross-platform gaming solution, not only for Macintosh and PC, but also for console to computer. Read more here []
  • Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [], Grumpy Watkins [],

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