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Final Fantasy XI For PC Explored 35

Thanks to Adrenaline Vault for their hands-on preview of Final Fantasy XI for PC. This cross-platform MMORPG is due for PC this October in the U.S., several months ahead of the PlayStation 2 version, and features many features to excite the average Final Fantasy fan: "Each player is granted their own Mog house complete with a yellow cherubic Moogle servant... To travel great distances quickly... [a] favorite method of transportation is at near hand: the many splendored horse/chicken hybrid, the Chocobo." Another hands-on preview at Frictionless Insight brings up the interesting problem of control methods that work for both PS2 and PC: "What won't be familiar to PC gamers is the user interface. The system of menus... ties in with the need to be accessible to gamepad-type controllers. With a moderately button-intensive gamepad in hand, PC gamers will zip through menus with a flutter of finger twitching and d-pad action."
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Final Fantasy XI For PC Explored

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  • by SmallFurryCreature ( 593017 ) on Monday August 11, 2003 @07:19PM (#6671191) Journal
    I remember playing the demo of a previous FF game. It may have been 8. The hype had made me look forward to it but the interface just blew it for me. I am on a pc. A device with a multitude of input devices many with more buttons then all the consoles put together.

    Please please remember this in porting a game to this most costly of all gaming platforms. I do not enjoy holding a joystick left or right to enter my name when I got a perfectly working keyboard in front of me.

    Neither do I want to hold some pad, or use control keys to navigate through a menu structure or to manange an inventory. I got a bloody mouse. It has been used for 2 decades or so now, learn to use it.

    I mean seriously, with all the coding that needs to be done to adopt to a totally different hardware structure, can they at least use allow the use of the default input hardware on a pc?

    Midnight run for the PC did it right for me. First console port that realised that on PC's we got wheels. force feed back wheels with seperated pedals. (oh and I know that they also exists for consoles, sadly very few games apperantly, like say vice city use them)

  • Shouldn't we work on getting FFX on the PC before FFXI?
    • Re:FFX (Score:3, Informative)

      by Suicide ( 45320 )
      FFX will never be on the PC, just as FF9 wasn't.

      The port of 7 had issues with non 3DFX cards, which took forever to get fixed, and so did 8. They didn't sell too well. When games don't sell well, companies are reluctant to take another shot.

      Lets face it, if you want to play FF, then you already own a PS2. Heck, most gamers have video cards that cost more than a PS2. So why would they take the time to port for those who don't really want to play FF?
      • by Synic ( 14430 )
        Once apon a time they made some games for Nintendo and Gameboy... sadly, the real FF series has yet to return... (I'd imagine if FFX had been on the 'cube it would have been a lot more successful at launch)
        • Re:FFX (Score:1, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward
          FF: Crystal Crystal Chronicles will be a GC only release. And FF Tactics Advance will be out in september for the GBA.
  • Ebay style economy (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Fred IV ( 587429 ) on Monday August 11, 2003 @07:31PM (#6671288)
    FFXI sports an eBay-style auction system that augments the local array of NPC-owned marketplaces. Players put items on the auction block to go to the highest bidder less a small service fee collected by the NPC auction house owners.

    Nice, this sounds a lot better than the crap I have to go through to buy and sell at my current online RPG. I hope this becomes the standard way of doing things.

    Is there an existing game that uses an ebay style player economy? This seems like too good of an idea to be unique to FF XI.
    • by The Munger ( 695154 ) on Monday August 11, 2003 @08:27PM (#6671612) Homepage
      I wonder if perhaps this is to reduce the number of real-life auctions?

      With all the developers/publishers putting things in EULAs and requesting auctions to be closed, perhaps they decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I think players would warm to it a lot more than forking out real cash as well.

      Implementation could also be an interesting point. I wonder if you have to be in the game to collect on your auction, or whether you'll be able to do it via web/email. Couldn't you see merchants popping up who don't move away from the auction houses?
      • by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Monday August 11, 2003 @10:08PM (#6672115)
        I don't think it's a "we are beaten" thing. I think its a "we don't want people standing in towns 24/7 lagging the servers and shouting "WHO WANTS TO BUY MY LEATHER COD-PIECE" over and over again.

        As the system is now, you go to the auction house, specifiy the minimum price you will accept for the item and then wait. People will see the item listed, but not know what you want for it, so they enter a bid. If their bid is greater than the cheapest version of the item for sale, they get it. if it's to low, they have to try again. Its a good system because if your trying to sell a common item, you want to set your price a little low or else the other sellers will essentially cost cut. Rare items stil fetch good prices because there is never going to be more than 1 or 2 for sale at a time. There is even a "price history" that will tell you how much identicle items of the same type have sold for in the last 10 sales so the buyer and seller is more than likely going to be well informed on the true value of what they are trying to buy or sell.

        Its a great system that i hope other games adopt.
    • Star Wars Galaxies allows you to auction stuff off on the Bazaar to the highest bidder.
  • ebay (Score:2, Funny)

    by corkhead0 ( 685485 )
    FFXI sports an eBay-style auction system
    Hopefully it doesn't implement "buy it now".

    /me watches for impending lawsuit.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 11, 2003 @08:21PM (#6671577)
    I am in the beta, and I am not supposed to disclose so i am not going to tell you anything

    For example, I am not going to tell you that the game has a lot of little things that seem like such obvious good ideas, its amazing that they haven't been put to use in MMORPGs. The Auction system is one thing, but they go one further by allowing any item on your person to be set as "for sale" then as you are roaming around killing things, people can browse your wares, and even buy them or trade them. Your character can freely change his job (class) simply by going back to their home. This means that if you get tired of being a warrior, you could become a Red Mage without having to create a new character. Al of this is great and touched on in the article.

    So in keeping with the non-disclosure I can't say anything about the fact that despite all the polish and refinement in most every aspect of the game play, its horribly boring. The XP gained from fighting is seriously out of whack. Fighting a monster that almost kills me for example gives me 36xp, while a monster that I can take out in 3 swings and maybe take 5% of my HP in damage, gives me 25xp. And being in a party is even worse. If everyone in the party isn't the exact same level, nobody gets jack for xp.

    I can say nothing about how the storyline quests, that is the cycle of missions you are given by your homeland are interesting, but always the same, and not that numerous the first mission they give you will for example require you to gain about 7 or 8 levels on your own running the treadmill of kill, rest, kill, rest before you have even a fart in the winds chance of surviving it.

    Nothing can be uttered about how there is a great job system, and lots of interesting "hidden classes" that must be unlocked via quests. Of course you need to be 30th level before you can do this and that equates out to about 50 hours of mindless leveling to even get the new class, then you start over at level 1 with the new class so its another 10-20 hours before you can do anything interesting. (like kill the same goblin over and over).

    I shall not reveal that the character design and creature models are top-notch and gorgeous, despite the fact that the same 10 models are used over and over again albeit with different names (goblin thug, goblin weaver, goblin fisher, goblin goblin). The music is also really good, which is almost unheard of in a MMORPG

    Nor shall I give you my final opinion in that while it has a lot of potential, the lack of quests is going to kill it, Only those people that can find enjoyment in doing nothing but leveling are going to be able to stand it.

    I could tell you all that, but I won't
    • I played the beta for about a week and a half before I finally got bored with it and gave up. I'm not sure if it's because I was only seeing people once every 15-20 minutes or if it was the 'been there done that' feeling I got after playing Dark Age of Camelot for a year and a half. The thing that really pissed me off was that the camera control sucks. There's no way to effectively pan the camera around in battle to make sure there's no aggro coming up behind you (and when you strafe around the mob to do
      • It's definitely more interesting on a populated server. I am living in Japan at the moment and playing the Japanese version now (with the expansion). It's been about month now. If you can find people to party with to do quests and missions together it is a lot more fun, apart from the fact that levelling is a lot faster!

        In every area there's usually at least 15 people, and the more popular areas for questing/levelling can have more than a hundred.

        Also I have been reading about a lot of complaints about t

    • Hrm.

      I'm a PS2 beta tester (and from what Square has told me, they won't spank me for saying what I'm saying in this post...) and have different views from you, or at least I think I do, since I have to weed out your negatives to figure out what it is that you're saying.

      I don't know what you mean about XP. Last night I decided to start up a new job (THF for the lv15 innate for treasure hunting.... I need Gil!), and, at level 4 was getting XP-Chains solo. 100xp followed by 120xp. Oh, yeah, and I'm too ch
  • Does anyone know how much will it cost ?

    -- Sig
    Making real money from nothing on Online games
    BBC has an interesting article []about people making a real living buying and selling goods which only exist in the virtual world of an online fantasy game. A player says that he will declare to the US Internal Revenue Service in April 2004 that his main source of income is the sale of imaginary goods.
    • Squeenix hasn't given an official US Price, but it will probably be roughly what the prices is in Japan: around $10/month.

      (And if you budget $1/hour for games, ie, a $50 game should be worth 50 hours of playtime, that $10/month is a bargain.)
  • The only FF game I've ever played on PC without emulation, FFVII was a terrible port. The game looked and felt far better on PSX. People with more advanced graphics cards often got truly bizarre video behavior, making it clear that no attempt whatsoever was made to use direct3d in a compliant fashion.

    Amusingly the game shipped with a wordperfect-esque cardboard template meant to go around your number pad to show you which gamepad functions were carried out by which buttons.

    Anyone know when the Xbox Cont

    • The only FF game I've ever played on PC without emulation, FFVII was a terrible port. The game looked and felt far better on PSX. People with more advanced graphics cards often got truly bizarre video behavior, making it clear that no attempt whatsoever was made to use direct3d in a compliant fashion.

      That's because there was no attempt to use Direct3D at all in the original port of FFVII. Until 3dfx was pretty much dead, it was glide only. The game looked much better on a 3dfx card than it ever did on a
      • From what I've read [] the mouse/keyboard interface looks pretty svelte. Like a fully mousable version of Final Fantasy's traditional button-press-fest (based on an OK and CANCEL button, basically FORWARD and BACK), with Left Mouse as OK and Right Mouse as CANCEL. I'd like to see fully customized controls(and sounds like there is a good chance that we will get them), but I think I could live with the setup described in the IGN article.

        I'm glad to see that an FF game is finally getting a good PC port after t
  • NOT Gamepad Only (Score:3, Informative)

    by suineg ( 647189 ) on Monday August 11, 2003 @09:17PM (#6671863)
    I am currently in the Beta for FFXI PC version.

    You are not restricted to only gamepad. This is an option however and it is a hybrid where you can use gamepad to do your movements and your keyboard to chat etc..

    Do not be alarmed.

    Overall the game is not bad. The character models are good enough graphics. The scenery has much to be desired IMHO but this is most likely due to it being a PS2/PC hybrid where both people play on the same server meaning patches need to be somewhat similiar etc. They can't use an entirely different engine on one system and allow them to co-exist. I think a lot of newer gamers that are wowed by todays graphics will pass this one by thinking that the graphics aren't up to par and so thus the gameplay must be horrid as well.
  • I'm tired of all these MMORPG's where they pigeonhole you into being a humanoid character. I want a game where I can be a slime and get killed by a level 1 player 5 minutes in. I wanna be that bug that you kill 500 times to level up. I want to be able to survive as dragling until I'm a level 50 red dragon and then ravage the frickin' country side like Smaug out of Tolkien. I want a game where you can play as any char/creature you want. I don't just want to be the hero, I wanna be the level 70 badass bo
    • When the game designers absolutely can't keep pace with your imagination, accept no substitutes. Though now that you mention it, Slime: The RPG sounds kinda fun. Born under a rock, eat defenseless peasents but nab too many in one area and adventurers start hunting you. Find a weak adventurer or two and start leveling. Until then, I suppose we must accept the Dungeon Keeper [] series....
    • by Anonymous Coward
      The game you want is horizons mi nt=1
    • And I thought I was the only one who thought this way.

      Admittedly having only humanoid characters makes the game easier to make, but after playing your 4th game with the basic combo (humans, elves, dwarf) you tend to get bored.

      Even if the game was single-player only, I'd pick up the game just to try it. Morrowind tried to implement two "non-human" races but they had little changes in the game. What'd I like to see if a game where you're the bad guy and you have to fight the good guys. (Kill those camper

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday August 12, 2003 @08:39AM (#6674576)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion

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