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Classic Games (Games) Entertainment Games

Classic Gaming Expo Exposed 18

Thanks to GameSpy for their report from last weekend's Classic Gaming Expo in Las Vegas. As the article points out: "There's a huge focus on the 'homebrew' market, a clique of game makers that program 'new' classic cartridges from their basement", and additionally highlighted is "Seth Barken's Blue Wizard is About to Die (from Rusty Immelman Press), a collection of poems spanning over 20 years of gamedom, from the days of Defender and Robotron, all through the '80s, and up till Metal Gear Solid" - this apparently includes Megaman haiku, even. There's also a photo gallery from the convention, including some classic machines.
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Classic Gaming Expo Exposed

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  • by Stargoat ( 658863 ) <> on Friday August 15, 2003 @10:25AM (#6705602) Journal
    If there are Mario poems, there should be slashdot poems.

    There was a place called /.
    It had a great many crack pots.
    They all visited sights,
    Which had many frights,
    Because the equipment there wasn't ubber hot.

    Commander Taco
    Leader of those at Slashdot
    He slashdotted you

    Cowboyneal option
    Keeps us laughing and happy
    The polls are funny

    There once was a troll post
    It sprang to life on this host
    It was very rude
    Something very lew
    Then due to modding it was toast.

  • My haiku (Score:3, Funny)

    by EarwigTC ( 579471 ) on Friday August 15, 2003 @10:42AM (#6705726)

    Seventeen symbols
    In Japanese makes haiku
    Not twenty-two, Seth

    • Plus he got the title wrong. For me the following was much more common:

      "Green Elf shot the food"....

      (followed by curses at whoever happened to be playing the elf at the time)

      • I occationally will say "Red Programmer needs food badly!" before heading out to lunch, much to the dismay of my cubemates.
  • by drivers ( 45076 ) on Friday August 15, 2003 @11:45AM (#6706171)
    Spring of Megaman
    Was good - II, III, good games all
    The rest were no good
  • Homebrew Games (Score:5, Informative)

    by TheAlchemist ( 89319 ) on Friday August 15, 2003 @12:04PM (#6706310)
    If you're interested in learning more about homebrew games for classic systems, we have a wealth of information over at AtariAge []. You can learn about games currently being written in our In Development [] section, browse our rarity guide [] for 2600 homebrew games that have already been released, discuss homebrew programming with various homebrew authors in our forums [], and purchase new homebrew titles in cartridge form in our online store []. Atari 2600 programmer Andrew Davie is writing a comprehensive 2600 Programming For Dummies [] tutorial for those who are interested in what makes the 2600 tick and want to try their hand at programming this beast. And several homebrew authors have released commented source code [] for their games, also helping to pave the way for those who would like to program these classic systems.

    Right now we're holding a CVDRUM Splash Screen Contest [], which lets anyone submit entries for a splash screen to be included in the upcoming ColecoVision CVDRUM [] homebrew release.
  • So, did this Classic Gaming Expo take place in the real world or in the Matrix? Looking at those green tinted photos is making me woozy...
    • Re:Matrix? (Score:2, Informative)

      by gyrojoe ( 600717 )
      It's a new initiative by Gamespy. They are editing all of their screenshots/photos and giving them a green tint in hopes to make them match their site theme.
  • I recently played XKobo, a very addictive yet simple game, that reminds me of old classig games. But I haven't found a homepage or much more info. They're listed at the Happy Penguin [] site.
  • Good ol' Ms. Pac Man.

    No matter where I go, if there's a Ms. Pac Man I am somehow compelled to play it. I need to get one for my home. :)

An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"
