Looking For God In Videogames 110
Thanks to MSNBC.com for their article discussing the use of religion in videogames, both overtly Christian titles and those just addressing the subject indirectly. As the article comments, "Before 'god mode' or 'god games' there were 'God games' -- low budget, PC floppy disks that married evangelical Christian thought and scripture with simple game play. The boundaries between the holy and the secular were simpler then... Today, the lines have grown fuzzier." The piece also points to religious overtones in MMORPGs: "In EverQuest, the massive online multiplayer game, new players are asked to pick from among the religions native to the land of Norrath. One of Norrath's deities, 'The Nameless' has triggered talk on discussion boards over whether 'Nameless' could be understood as the Jewish Yahweh. Some [Christian] evangelists have even used EverQuest to proselytize to fellow players."
Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:1)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:2)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:2)
It should also be noted that I don't know what I'm talking about and that this is just a vague recollection from an undergrad mythology class I took a while back.
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm fluent in hebrew, and that's not even close to the translation of the hebrew sentence "I am that I am" (but that's still a nice theory)
My favorite theory I have heard (and the one i lean to) on YHVH's name is this. Take a look at these 3 hebrew words (and how to spell them in phonetic english)
HYH = Past
HVVH = Present
YHYH = Future
Therefore, YHVH, or G-d, is a combination of the 3... a code for "Past, Present and future." Those who have studied gods and mythology will understand that the G-d of the Bible is a "Gd of time" as opposed to Zeus, Ra, etc, who were "gods of nature," thus making the YHVH (G-d) name a good candidate for some sort of time-relevence.
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:5, Insightful)
Christian writers have a long tradition of using both Yahweh and Jehovah. Do not worry about it so much, but understand who it is that you are going to offend. To observant Jews (and others), seeing it in print or hearing it pronounced is offensive in the same way that a pornographic picture would be. The prohibition against taking God's name in vain is taken seriously. That should not be laughed off. Faith is a scarce enough commodity in public discourse these days that a little respect for it is not going to hurt anybody.
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:4, Interesting)
Ok I hang out with religous Jews.
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:2)
hebrew names in English (Score:2)
Re:hebrew names in English (Score:2)
General rule-of-thumb, most hebrew names ending in "el" will be spelled "aleph-lamed" because the name derived from "of G-d"
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:1)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA. When does the real Age of Reason start so we can delegate religion to the dustbin of history?
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:1)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:1)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:5, Informative)
[Zachary, I'm talking mainly to my fellow Gentiles. I know you know all of this. I hope you're not too offended at all my uses of the Almighty's name. My only intention here is to promote interest in and knowledge of the Father among the goyim.]
The name of God, which is not the same thing as "God," appears in the original Scripture as the Hebrew letters: yud heh vav heh. These are all consonants, as the Hebrew alphabet does not have vowels. The vowels are implied. As Zachary alluded to, nobody remembers what the vowels are supposed to be.
Therefore, transliteration is really not the best way to derive a pronounceable word for God's name. If you insist, Yahveh, not Yahweh, would be the best guess. Word substitution has been much more popular throughout the ages. Christians use "the LORD," while Jews use Adonai ("to be" in Hebrew, I think) or HaShem ("the Name"). I'm surprised Zachary didn't suggest Adonai since it's used in both Jewish and Christian circles.
As I touched on before... The word "God" does not linguistically derive from YHVH (Yahweh/Jehovah/Lord/Adonai/HaShem), but from Elohim (pronounced Elo-HEEM). But yes, semantically, we can say that Yahweh = God, since Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad -- the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:2)
> the Hebrew letters: yud heh vav heh. These are all consonants, as the Hebrew alphabet does not
> have vowels. The vowels are implied. As Zachary alluded to, nobody remembers what the vowels are
> supposed to be.
Personally, I go with Larry Gonick's "Cartoon History of the Universe" and think it should be "Yahoo-wahoo".
Chris Mattern
No "W" sound in Hebrew? (Score:1)
Maybe that's true in modern Hebrew, but not ancient Hebrew [qwest.net]:
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:1)
Re:Why the word"YAHWAH" is not what you mean (Score:2)
proselytize (Score:4, Funny)
Re:proselytize (Score:2, Funny)
You're not meaning to say you had to go to a web site to look it up and copy the definition into a post you're making about someone joking about you needing to look it up are you?
Re:proselytize (Score:1)
Re:proselytize (Score:2)
Re:proselytize (Score:1)
Re:proselytize (Score:1)
Re:proselytize (Score:2)
Cool (Score:2, Interesting)
There's a clear trend of online communites, especially MMORPGs, beginning to mimick regular society more and more closely. I see missionary work in virtual communities as a natural progression of this.
OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:5, Interesting)
Some jerk starts following me around blathering about his god and how I'm not going to his heaven and basically talking about his personal relationship with Jebus.
At what point do I have recourse in this? I'm going about my business, and PAYING to do so, and I don't want to hear it.
Can I complain to the operators of the service? Can I smite the moron for annoying me? Or is my only option to log off or leave because some dumbass is ruining my time online?
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:4, Insightful)
I have noticed, however, that there are a lot of people in whom any mention of God or other religious topics leads to an instant feeling of revulsion. As a fellow atheist, I blame it on our hard-wiring. It is something that is terribly important to overcome. It is easy to lose out on a lot of life that way.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
I have noticed, however, that there are a lot of people in whom any mention of God or other religious topics leads to an instant feeling of revulsion.
For some of us, that comes from being in close quarters with obnoxiously religious people for some extended period of time. I can't stand people that can't keep their damn religions to themselves. If they want to have a relationship with whatever they believe to be a god, then fine. Just don't try to drag me into it too.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
I try to avoid retail spaces after early November. The assumption of xtian holidays annoys me.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1, Funny)
I bet you're fun at parties
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
No, I don't. At least not unless they bring it up.
it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:1, Insightful)
IMHO It's too bad that the people in the few denominations of Christianity (or any other religion) that are obnoxious about spreading their views ruin it for everyone.
As a Christian myself, I have become more and more annoyed at the overly religious people who think everyone needs to think and believe the same as them. Not too long ago I was approached by
Re:it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:2, Insightful)
I've read a fair bit of C.S. Lewis, but I've yet to come across something along those lines in there. What (book, chapter, page?) specifically are you drawing this conclusion from?
Re:it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:1)
Re:it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:1)
Re:it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:1)
Preach on sister Ladykat!
Besides, Christ was an alien.... I have been watching UFO stories all day on History. "And as they still went on and talked, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them. And Eli'jah went up by a whirlwind into heaven". Chariot of fire my ass... sounds like how stupid people would talk about a flying craft
Re:it's too bad about the obnoxious minority... (Score:1)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously, though. How can this be tolerated behavior?
If someone walks up to me on a street that we each have an equal right to use, that's one thing. If I'm paying for the right to be there, doesn't that also (er, at least in the case of most reasonable services) give me some recourse when something as off-putting as THAT happens?
For readers who can't empathize, I guess a decent analo
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:3, Interesting)
In my experience, there's a similar level of distaste.
Actually, I take that back. The first time a guy tried to hit on me, I was kinda flattered, which is something I've yet to experience with those who feel compelled to give witness.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Christians have a world view that they (we) believe is real. The simple belief is that if you do not have a relationship with Jesus, then you will go to hell (a very un-fun place). By telling you about Jesus, they are actually trying to HELP you. For them to do otherwise would go against their world view.
But I do freely admit that a lot of people go about it in completely the wrong way.
Also, keep in mind that religion is all about the truth. You believe that there is no
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:3, Insightful)
I have a world view that people should leave me alone when I tell them I'm not interested in listening to them. For all the random people that walk up to me when I'm waiting in line to see a movie or knoc
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Amen. At least being hit on by a member of your own sex is still being hit on. And those guys tend to take "no" for an answer better than most Jehovah's Mormons.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:3, Interesting)
"When you understand why you deny the existance of all gods but the one you worship, then you will understand why I deny yours as well."
(Para-phrased quote by Stephen F. Roberts)
I try not to be smug when I say it... =]
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
I find them to be not hostile but rather curious
about my beliefs and such.
My favorite question is
"How can someone as smart as you believe in God?"
But I am not an in your face kind of person, maybe that's makes a difference??
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
You can put
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
There are systems in place to take care of the annoyances of other players in the game. Ignore them, ask them to stop, and when they don't, report them as harrassing you.
Personally, I think you've just become a tad too sensitive about the whole thing. That other person has just as much right to be there as you do, and has as much right to utilize the system as you do. They are using it for a different purpose th
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
If that is tolerated behavior, I can't imagine wanting to spend time or money in such an environment.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
Yeah, you'd just treat it like someone constantly asking you for money or equipment. Most games offer commands to completely ignore someone, and if they're a constant nuisance, you can report them.
But I don't think you'll find it to be a problem with your gaming sessions, should you choose to join. Just looking at it from a numbers perspective makes such a situation highly unlikely.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
You've never been on a New York City subway, have you? =)
At least in games you can use an ignore command or just kill them.
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
For years people have been saying to the religious folks that if you don't like what's on tv, radio, etc then turn it off or don't listen.
So the same thing is happening to you but the another way around. Oh the irony!!
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:2)
But, um, how do I switch the channel on Everquest? Where do I find the game that doesn't have proselytizing xtians?
Cable and radio both have outlets for entirely-religious programming in largely secular media. So far as I know there's no such thing as a secular MMORPG, and here there's evidence that at least some people want to de-secularize these games as we
Re:OK, so I'm a mildly tolerant atheist... (Score:1)
What if I followed you around asking you to join my in-game guild?
Tell the "jerk" that you're not interested, and if you were interested, you'd seek out Chrisitians in real life, not at an MMORPG. They should leave you alone after that.
All praise the cow. (Score:1, Funny)
Re:All praise the cow. (Score:1)
"eat mor chikin"
Re:All praise the cow. (Score:1)
What if I want to BE god? (Score:1)
I really loved when people got into the temple to 'reproduce'.. hehehe...
stories (Score:4, Interesting)
-Emperor Alikar who for some reason can't rember his password... *sigh*
Philosophy lab (Score:2)
To create such a sim will require precise analysis of all the relevant psychological factors.
One of the trickiest is modeling self-knowledge-- perhaps the player's character could have its own impulses that have to be understood and worked with? [more] [robotwisdom.com]
Re:Philosophy lab (Score:2)
Re:Philosophy lab (Score:1)
Re:stories (Score:1)
Re:stories (Score:2)
While a good RTS or Civ-style game based on the post-Exodus conquest of Canaan might
Catechumen (Score:1, Informative)
Um... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Um... (Score:1)
Re:Um... (Score:1)
So-called "Christian games", bad journalism (Score:3, Insightful)
The last part seems like another instance of somebody finding an arcane way to state the obvious and meaningless, prepending the phrase "existential analysis" in front of their banter, and pretending that they have therefore stated something profound and rich with meaning. Kierkegaard et al must have turned in their graves at that. Overall, the writing of the article positively reeks of "I'm on deadline for my column and thus just spouting out the following crap; I hope it gets by our editor and that our readers find it either funny or profound." I mean, is "Will firing up the game console ever be considered a sacred act?" supposed to be funny? It's positively moronic.
Not necessarily (Score:1)
> ever be considered a sacred act?" supposed to
> be funny? It's positively moronic.
Not necessarily. In many religions, perhaps most notably Zen Buddhism (which, incidentally, has no concept of a god) even the smallest everyday act becomes something sacred.
As a Christian, you are probably inclined to think of this life as a kind of dress rehearsal for the next. In other religions, including for example Chassidic Judaism, this life is where we find or (r
It's still just bad journalism. (Score:2)
Looking For God In Videogames (Score:2)
Buddhist concepts (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Buddhist concepts (Score:1)
What I want to know is... (Score:1)
[sound of rocket launcher being readied]
Let's find out...
The devil (Score:2, Insightful)
But surely if this guy is a Christian, he will have to admit that according to his religion, the devil is one of the strongest "characters"? I mean, he's possibly the second-strongest being in the universe, second only to the Big Guy in the Sky.
I have nothing but contempt for these pick-and-mix religious types.
(Although the thought of fighting for the soul of a "troubled teenager" kinda tur
Re:The devil (Score:3, Funny)
Tried that, been there. She dumped me.
Wind Waker (Score:2)
Re:Wind Waker (Score:1)
Seriously, has our culture (as a world, mind you) fallen so far that we are now unable to separate reality from fantasy for the hours spent playing a video game-- for even a moment? Lots of great literature would be lost if it were judged on its political-religious correctness factor; specifically the Greek and Roman myths. The rest of the world should not be pu
God does not play dice... (Score:2)
Re: "Gott wurfelt nicht!" (Score:2)
God not only plays dice with the universe, but sometimes throws them where we can't see them.
--Stephen Hawking
Time to reactivate my station account (Score:1)
Alright, come on and proselytize to me in the PK arena!
(/me is an aggressive antitheist - quit believing or quit breathing!)
The Nameless (Score:1)
In short, they don't work ver
Nice (Score:2)