Polybius Game Urban Legend Resurfaces 81
Eric Greif writes "I've just discovered information on an odd arcade game from 1981, only released in some backwater suburbs in Portland, Oregon. This game
was called Polybius and was apparently featured in a recent article in GamePro
magazine. This game boasts strange effects on the players of the game, such
as various forms of amnesia, as well as behavior and mood changes." GamePro say that " Credited to a company called Sinnesloschen [German for 'sense-deleting'], Polybius... was an abstract puzzle game... one arcade owner claimed that black-coated gentlemen would periodically come to collect data - but not coins - from the machines." Snopes.com call Polybius out as a hoax, correctly, but after all this recent attention, does anyone know who devised this elegant spoof, and when?
I forget... (Score:1)
Try Neal Stephenson... (Score:1)
i started it... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:i started it... (Score:1)
collecting information from arcades... (Score:4, Funny)
I kind of doubt Pac-Man is a training simulator for anything, though.
Re:collecting information from arcades... (Score:2)
Re:collecting information from arcades... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:collecting information from arcades... (Score:2)
Last Starfighter prototype (Score:1)
Funny that you mention The Last Starfighter, as it was an unreleased game for the Atari 800 [atariprotos.com].
Re:collecting information from arcades... (Score:2)
I F'ing loved that movie!
correctly (Score:1)
Where's your proof?
Re:correctly (Score:2)
Erm, you can't always prove something was hoax, trying would obviously be an exercise in futiity in many cases ('as any fule kno').
You can however use that organ called the brain to make a rational judgement about the likely hood if it being real.
If this doesn't set your bogon detector to maximum altert, you need a new one.
Re:correctly (Score:2, Insightful)
Snopes doesn't really go into it true but it doesn't take a hell of a lot of investigation to call this out as bogus.
First, search around the internet and there is a certain monotony to "reports" of this game. For the most part it is clearly the repetition of some blurb someone wrote that has just gotten pasted hither and yon. There is no supporting evidence, no credible, attributed first-han
Just a wild guess: (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm reminded of Iain Banks's novel Complicity [amazon.com], in which the protagonist spends rather too much time playing fancy computer games. Banks, who obviously has the same problem, invented some extremely cool games for him to play, including one which sounds like Civilization, only much more imaginative and creative. People are always asking Banks where they can buy these games. Sadly, they don't exist outside his head.
I think I have played it... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I think I have played it... (Score:2)
I remember that! (Score:4, Funny)
10 minutes on Google Groups (Score:5, Insightful)
Page hasn't changed in a while... (Score:3, Interesting)
http://web.archive.org/web/2000030322484 4/http://www.clickto.com/coinop/GamePage/Polybius. html
I assume the URL has been broken by /. string filters...
About "Sinnesloeschen" (Score:5, Funny)
Anyway. The "s" in the middle of the word is a Fugen-s that connects word parts the same way a dash does; usually, if you use a dash, you don't need an "s", though the rules can be complicated. In theory, you have a legal noun now (das Loeschen), but you probably would say die Sinnesloeschung instead. It isn't exactly wrong this way, but is sounds strange.
If they had wanted a cool name, they should have gone for Sinneserloeschung, which is more poetic (IMHO) and implies that the senses slowly die. Or, of course, there is always Sinnestod, the "death of the senses" -- I'd have gone with that.
Kinds reminds me of the recent beta-7.com hoax. (Score:1)
Worst...Story...Ever. (Score:2)
It's fake...obviously. The "guys in black suits not taking the quarters"...which would have belonged to the arcade owner is an obvious giveaway. I realize that there isn't a lot of game news right now...but maybe if Slashdot would post some links to reviews...maybe we could have something that's possibly on-topic.
Why aren't we allowed to mod stories?
Electronic Mindcontrol in 1981? :\ (Score:1)
So where is it??? (Score:2, Insightful)
Where's the ROM? Or, if there's the ROM, how do you emulate it? (You just don't plug it in MAME...) And even if you have the ROM, where's the damn hardware? It's been a while since year 1981 - anyone can make a ROM of a game, call it "Polybius" and make people think that's the real mind-erasing game thing. And it'll be even more convenient if the game won't work in emulator...
No, we need more solid evidence than vague reports. Specifically, hardware specs, full history, ROMs, whatever - but not rumors.
Re:So where is it??? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:So where is it??? (Score:1)
Re:So where is it??? (Score:1)
Yep, Fred Gray's great soundtrack. I never remembered the game's name, until I came across it in STIL. (The pieces are "Colonel Bogey march" from Bridge Over River Kwai, and Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever".)
As a game, it's definitely a game that the next generation just refuses to believe to exist. "You can't have good and appropriate game background music. And what's with that damn jeep? Cars can't jump like that! Aaaaaaargh! Take it away!" These days, if you make a war game it has to have even a lit
How naive (Score:2)
Marine doom? (Score:2)
Re:Marine doom? (Score:2)
from the article. yes, i r teh suck.
Re:Marine doom? (Score:2)
Re:Marine doom? (Score:1)
You are ruining it (Score:3, Interesting)
That being said I'm going to get this topic on the right track whether you like it or not. First of all I don't think the government does keep track of who has the highest scores at contra. With the way games are today they prove nothing about real world abilities. There are plenty of fat people who couldn't shoot a real gun straight if their life depended on it, but they could ownz joo at Counter Strike. I actually think it could potentially be useful for agencies like the NSA, CIA, ETC to test peoples logic skills with puzzle games, though most of these are a console thing and therefore would be hard to collect data from people who don't come to you.
In the future, if virtual reality ever becomes a reality, and there are very realistic FPS and strategic combat games I wouldn't put it past big brother to monitor the l33t and attempt to recruit them. [disclaimer] I might be insane, I've been playing alot of Polybius lately. [/disclaimer]
Re:You are ruining it (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, that's a far cry from your standard arcade video game. I doubt there's much value to recru
Re: (Score:2)
Re:You are ruining it (Score:2)
Re:You are ruining it (Score:1)
A vague recollection... (Score:5, Insightful)
However, posted to Usenet by yours truly:
Every mention I've seen (coinop.org, gooddealgames.com, etc) is extremely skimpy on details such as names, dates, and specific arcades. The general story at the moment is that in less than a dozen arcades in a suburb of Portland, OR in the early 1980s, Polybius was
introduced. It was an abstract action/puzzle game which did't really attract much attention to itself. However, some people who played it reported incidents of amnesia, forgetting important details about their lives, such as their name, or where their home was. Further, some reported terrible nightmares.
The story further states that most of the kids who played Polybius swore off video games entirely, and that one became a big anti-videogame advocate (some instances of the story mentioning him as a lobbyist). However, no names are given.
Lastly, at least one former Portland, OR arcade owner claims that men in black suits would periodically come in to gather data from the machine, but not quarters. Again no names given.
Examining the logic of the story, however, makes it extremely suspect. If such a thing had truly happened, then the conspiracy in question didn't really do anything to avoid attention. In fact, they did almost everything they could to -attract- attention.
Picture this:
ARCADE OWNER: Oh, hey, you must be here to look at the Polybius machine.
MAN IN BLACK: Why do you say that?
ARCADE OWNER: Because you're wearing a black business suit, stupid. This is an arcade, not a juice bar. By the way, aren't you going to take the quarters or something?
MAN IN BLACK: No. I'm getting data.
Now, if such a thing -had- happened, it should have set off warning lights all over the place.
On the other hand, my paranoid brain just spat out a possible explaination other than the "we're being obvious because no one will believe it" explaination that conspiracy theories so often use. How about "we're being obvious because some people will believe it, and we want to control what you believe?"
Fact: In 1983, video games were becoming a serious contender for consumer money.
Fact: In 1983, the public at large did not percieve video games as something to be regulated or monitored.
Fact: They do now.
Some other things to consider: Video games cannot induce amnesia or hallucinations. In fact, no form of video/audio stimulation can without exceptional chemical circumstances.
However, drugs can. Astonishingly, there are drugs which could have produced the exact reactions the children who played Polybius experienced. Many of these could be delivered via touch, or through the air to be inhaled. It wouldn't be too hard to hide a delivery system in a thing as massive as an arcade cabinet, but even that runs a risk: What if someone got hold of the cabinet?
Does everyone remember those bean-bag ashtrays that used to be all over the place? Acades were cluttered with them. Ever know of an arcade that actually cleaned them out?
It wouldn't be too hard to hide a delivery system in one of those, and no one would notice if a vapor seemed to be coming from an ashtray.
In other words, if the whole Polybius thing did happen, the whole thing is a smokescreen for political manipulation to demonize video games so that the government could control them. The game itself was a red herring.
Beware the ashtray.
Re:A vague recollection... (Score:3, Insightful)
I seem to recall learning in school about Ptolemy doing experiments with a spinning spoked wheel and sunlight. He demonstrated the effect where at certain speeds the spokes appear to stop or rotate backwards and also the hallucination of color when the wheels were only black and white.
Somewhere I have a flexi-single that came with an audiophile magazine that demonst
Re:A vague recollection... (Score:2)
For example, in our eyeballs, before the signal even goes out on the optic nerve, some edge detection is performed on the incoming optical input. If you remember the optical illusion where there is a regular grid of black squares, delimited by white lines, and you see little black sparkles in the intersection of th
Re:A vague recollection... (Score:2)
Re:A vague recollection... (Score:2)
Just thought I would throw that in.
Re:A vague recollection... (Score:2)
IIRC the kidnapped kids were basically locked inside the arcade games. I was maybe 7 years old when I read that. It scared the hell out of me.
Polybius's Business Model (Score:2, Funny)
2. ?
3. Profit!
Re:Polybius's Business Model (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Polybius's Business Model (Score:1)
1. Underpants (Alpha)
2. ??? (Beta)
3. Profit!
good stuff. ; )
Backwater? (Score:5, Insightful)
Kids, I grew up in West Michigan and live in Portland and on the scale of "who has more atavistic hicks mired in 19th century thinking," Holland Michigan and Ottawa County lead the pack.
Re:Backwater? (Score:1)
Heck in '83 before the tech boom most PDX suburbs just had a few thousand people in them, now many of them are pushing 100K populations. It wouldn't be too off target to call them backwater back then.
I don't remember playing Polybius back then in any arcade around Portland, so the obvious answer is that I must've played it and it got deleted from my brain.
Re:Backwater? (Score:1)
Another local responds... (Score:2)
I'm from Muskegon County, just north of Ottawa county. And yes, Ottawa County sucks.
But they're not completely dry, they just have more restrictions. I believe you can't by any packaged liquor on Sundays, and you can't buy beer in a bar on Sundays either (though mixed drinks can still be sold). My friend's wife's family had a liquor store just north of the county line; they made a killing on Sunday, especially when New Year's Eve was on a Sunday. (Poor store burned down a couple months ago, but they're
Screenshot debunked in 20 seconds... You try! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Screenshot debunked in 20 seconds... You try! (Score:3, Informative)
Well, I did this with gimp (using image->colors->brightness-constrast), and I saw the same thing, but I belive this is an artifact of jpg compression. You can see the same effect on the screenshots from the other games on the same page (See the "game audits" image).
JPEG is lossy compression. Sorry.
Quarters? (Score:1)
Re:Quarters? (Score:1)
And, in addition, why would an arcade owner let men in black suits "collect data" from inside a machine that he owns? Is it common practice to let people you don't know rummage around in your arcade games?
Re:Quarters? (Score:2)
It is when there's a dimensional shambler pointed at your head!
Re:Quarters? (Score:2)
it's my brother!
Re:Quarters? (Score:1)
They get them for free (or at a reduced price) and must fill in reports about how good the machine does (number of plays/replays/..)
So if a 'new' company would launch a new arcade game, it wouldn't be too strange to put it for free on location for testing.. or to have employees of this company coming around to check out the machine.
Read "Lucky Wander Boy" (Score:2, Interesting)
Mod parent up! (Score:2)
Golden-Tee Golf (Score:1)
More Polybius info... (Score:1, Interesting)
What I find to be the MOST interesting aspect is not the "amnesia inducing" properties, but if the game actually EXISTS. I ha
Re:More Polybius info... (Score:2)
Where is the evidence? (Score:3, Insightful)
Isn't that how urban legends spread? By a bunch of people repeating what they think is true without referencing any authoritative sources?
Wait one second... (Score:2, Funny)
Wait...I thought the name of that game was Everquest?