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New Xbox, PS2 Budget Titles Announced 38

Thanks to GameSpot for their list of the newest set of budget Xbox titles "in the second wave of Platinum Hits". The titles that already have, or shortly will retail for $19.99 include Dead Or Alive 3, Hitman 2, and Medal Of Honor: Frontline. There also seem to be some new additions to the extensive PlayStation 2 Greatest Hits line-up due, although it's difficult to officially verify, with Final Fantasy X (currently), plus Sly Cooper, Ratchet And Clank, and Kingdom Hearts (in the next couple of months) all apparently dropping to $19.99.
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New Xbox, PS2 Budget Titles Announced

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  • FFX is definitely on the list. I saw the Greatest Hits version for $19.99 at Best Buy in Omaha, Nebraska.
  • FFX (Score:3, Informative)

    by IIRCAFAIKIANAL ( 572786 ) on Thursday August 21, 2003 @11:13PM (#6762023) Journal
    I saw FFX last week at EB here in Calgary, AB, Canada as a greatest hits title.

    Makes me wish I didn't pay $60 CAD for it back in January :)
    • Are you kidding? I borrowed a copy from a friend and lent it to my sister (a full-fledged adult, BTW) who promptly gave it to her brother-in-law. I had to shell out $45 (used - what a discount!) for a copy of FFX to get back to my friend. It was probably part of Square's karma incentive program to discourage people from borrowing their games.

      On topic, if Kingdom Hearts and R&C are budget now I'll be running out to get them ASAP (I'm a sicko who only feeds his Xbox with full-priced games these days)

    • Keep paying full price for video games. I will wait until a million of you do so, and then pick it up once it hits the bestseller list. ;)
      • I'm a budget gamer too, but be careful -- if you only buy best-selling games, you're going to miss out on a lot of great stuff. Cheapskate that I am, I was waiting *forever* for Rez to drop below $30, but it disappeared from the shelves before that happened. Used copies are scarce except on eBay -- which is no place for a cheapskate.
  • Greatest hits... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by eWarz ( 610883 )
    IIRC for a game to achieve this status it has to sell at least a million copies. Then sony automatically makes it a greatest hits title, or did they change this?
    • by stuph ( 664902 )
      No, I wish it were.. FFX has been a great selling game for a long time, since it came out.. it's sold far more than many (most?) "greatest hits", but it was still selling well at the 40-50$ price it was at, so there was no reason to drop it.. i guess sales slowed down a bit
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I honestly wished such "Greatest Hits" lines actually reflected sales figures. But instead, we get titles like Goldeneye and Halo which stay at full retail price for well over a year, and well after the rush has died down.

      I honestly can't see why Microsoft is waiting until Halo 2's release (or at least this holiday season) to drop Halo's price below $50 (in the US). A drop to $20, on a product that has already become extremely profitable, would easily spur enough new sales to make up for any "loss" in pr
      • by Babbster ( 107076 )
        One "good" reason not to drop the price of Halo is that it would compete (among those who don't have Halo already) with the many FPS games that have been released fairly recently and are still being released at a decent clip for the Xbox.

        Personally, I don't see why anyone gets upset about Halo staying at $50. If it's a good enough game that someone wants to play, then it's probably worth the $50. If it's not, then as stated above there are plenty of other FPS games to look at on the Xbox. Even more imp

    • IIRC for a game to achieve this status it has to sell at least a million copies. Then sony automatically makes it a greatest hits title, or did they change this?
      I believe a game has to sell at least 400,000 copies and be available for more than nine months. And as someone else pointed out, it's not automatic.
      • I think its really around 500,000 (nice round number) and available for 6 months but I'm not sure exactly. But it WAS decreased from 1 million copies. I remember reading a news report about it years back when the PS1 was still Sony's main machine. Its definately not automatic. If it was the list of Greatest Hits would be about twice as long as it is now.
  • by Babbster ( 107076 ) <aaronbabb@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Thursday August 21, 2003 @11:48PM (#6762156) Homepage
    At EBGames.com [ebgames.com], the only PS2 game out of the ones listed in this story that is budget right now is Final Fantasy X - it's even on their PS2 front page [ebgames.com].
    • That's because it's the only one that's currently a "Greatest Hits" title. Do you really think that EB would want to tell you that a title is going to be going down in price before it's time? They want to make as much money off a title as they can for as long as possible. If they say it's going down, people might not buy it until the price drops.
  • by simoniker ( 40 ) * <simoniker@sl a s h d o t .org> on Friday August 22, 2003 @12:16AM (#6762323) Homepage Journal
    I didn't post this in the article, cos I had to find it from a few different sources, but:

    This thumbnail index [ebgames.com] on EBGames.com clearly has a red-striped Greatest Hits version of the Kingdom Hearts box. The Kingdom Hearts page used to have it too, but they changed it back.

    Also, last month Amazon.com accidentally released Greatest Hits packaging [cgno.com] for Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, ATV Offroad Fury 2, SOCOM: US Navy SEALs. I also found an obscure release list or two listing Sly Cooper for Greatest Hits release in September.

    If anyone can find all of this info in one place, with actual release dates, it'd be great.
  • Halo? (Score:3, Informative)

    by the_riaa ( 669835 ) on Friday August 22, 2003 @01:12AM (#6762562) Homepage
    Hasn't Halo sold enough copies to be a platinum title? Or is Microsoft just refusing to deem it such because they still sell too many copies at $49.99 and dont want to lose $30 in potential revenues?
  • About a month ago a friend of mine bought FFX for 17 dollars, and I wanted to pick up Kindom Hearts but it was still 50. I was quite annoyed as he has insane luck. Turns out he had to take it back, and now KH will be 20 soon. Take that *name witheld*!!!

    Also it's quite the coincidence that me and said friend were discussing this very incident yesterday.

  • Is there an answer by now to the question: What is more successful - PS2 or Xbox?

    Technically xbox is supposed to be superior to ps2 (it got an HD - unlike the ps2 where you have to buy a slow memory stick), but xbox is evil and got no spirit (and no emotion engine), so I figured. So who's leading?
    • Re:Success rate (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      In america

      PS2 is leading with Xbox, then GC.

      The difference in consoles between xbox and GC is less than a million

      Globally, there's a HUGE gap in the PS2 lead. GC has 2nd place, and xbox is 3rd.

      And for the record, the Japanese do NOT like the xbox.

  • Went into work yesterday and discovered that, here in the UK, Kingdom Hearts has gone platinum. Can't verify the rest in the list, as 1) I'm off today! Woohoo! and 2) Kingdom Hearts is the only game on the list that I actually had to look at yesterday "in the line of duty".

    Slightly offtopic, but I really wish there were a video game shop that only catered to /.ers (people who have a clue). All those idiots who think they can run *any* PC game on their 3 year old system needs a whacking with a power supply!
  • Is also greatest hits at only 19.99. Plus it has the addition of two new characters and other goodies. Can't go wrong for that price.
  • I bought Hitman2 and Kingdom Hearts for $45 each not too long ago...but long enough that I couldnt return them for a price swap. Curse my bad timing!!

    At least I can finally buy FFX and DOA.
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday August 22, 2003 @09:18AM (#6764633)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I've held off getting a PS2 for some time now, because there just wasn't anything that I was dying to play. My Dreamcast suited me fine during the PS2's debut, and the GCN and Xbox have kept me busy since then.

    Lately however, there have been a few games that really caught my attention. Namely the RPGs, like Dark Cloud and Final Fantasy X. How do these games stack up to games like Morrowind and Kotor? I know the combat systems are obviously different etc., but keep in mind I also really dug both Golden
  • I've been dying to buy Kingdom Hearts since borrowing a friend's when it was new, but it has been particularly stubborn in the price-drop department. I hope the Greatest Hits version still has the neat shiny cover. I'm kind of like a crow in that respect.

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
