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Konami, Hudson Team Up, Smash Bros-Style 19

Thanks to Nintendojo for the news that Konami and Hudson are creating a mascot-infested fighting game in the vein of Nintendo's classic multiplayer fighter Super Smash Bros. The title, called Dream Mix World Fighters, is being released for PS2 and GameCube in Japan this December, and the game will ship "...featuring such enigmatic characters as Bomberman, Peach Taro, Master Higgins, Bonk, Takao, Yugo, Rika, Simon Belmont, Dracula, and many more." But, as Video-Fenky points out, where are the Kojima-game characters?
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Konami, Hudson Team Up, Smash Bros-Style

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  • "Where are the Kojima-game characters?"

    Left out because they either suck (Raiden) or would kick everyone's ass (basically everyone else in the Metal Gear universe)

  • An IP blender (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wrexsoul ( 48981 ) on Saturday September 13, 2003 @05:07AM (#6950797) Homepage
    I'm not saying this sounds like a bad idea per se, but I can't see it as taking off either. It's just that Konami and Hudson don't have quite the stable of immediately recognizable mascots that Nintendo or Capcom have. I mean, it's not like they're going to bust out the Gradius pilot all Captain Falcon-style.

    Let's think of the Konami games of fame I can think of (I'm not even counting Hudson because most of their stuff is so old it'd only end up evoking nostalgia):

    Metal Gear Solid
    Silent Hill
    Zone of Enders
    Gradius series
    and the laughable were-beast fighter Bloody Roar

    Now perhaps either I can't imagine what a game with that kind of cast would be like or I can and it's not what I'd consider a very cohesive kind of game. Add to that the fact that the list of characters mentioned above is nothing short of esoteric, and it means that they'd be selling a game full of random odds-and-ends intellectual property rather than what Nintendo and Capcom do in their super cross-over brawlers do which is grab people's attention with easily-recognized and still-famous characters.

    Of all the companies out there that have the kind of pull to do this, I think Sega is probably the only one left I can think of. Square too, perhaps, but we all remember Ergheiz and Chocobo Racing were bad ideas. Or a great ideas, I can't decide. Let me just say that if I ever see a game where Solid Snake and Alucard are driving around go-karts is the day I stop purchasing video games.

    I think this post took a harsh turn. Let's start over: I wouldn't pay money for it.
    • Of all the companies out there that have the kind of pull to do this, I think Sega is probably the only one left I can think of. Square too, perhaps, but we all remember Ergheiz and Chocobo Racing were bad ideas. Or a great ideas, I can't decide. Let me just say that if I ever see a game where Solid Snake and Alucard are driving around go-karts is the day I stop purchasing video games.

      Whereas I would sell my family into slavery to see Solid Snake and Alucard in go-karts. Go figure. :-)

      Although I think th

      • Re:An IP blender (Score:4, Informative)

        by DarkZero ( 516460 ) on Saturday September 13, 2003 @06:44AM (#6950952)
        Although I think the basic problem here is that Konami lacks the "mascot" characters that companies like Nintendo have. Most of Konami's games are more serious and oriented towards an older audience: Solid Snake, Alucard, and the heroes from the Silent Hill series are less given to the sort of caricature that is in some respects essential for games of this ilk.

        Your prayers were answered before you even knew you had them []. The game features Dracula from Castlevania, Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid, Goemon from Mystical Ninja, Vic Viper from Gradius, and, of course, the ever-present Moai.
    • Re:An IP blender (Score:3, Interesting)

      by M3wThr33 ( 310489 )
      Wait, so even though Hudson had their own fairly successful console, they have no IP like Master Higgins, Bonk, ZONK, Bomberman or any other Turbo-Grafx 16 game they made? What about the Bomber Jetterz/Generations character? Max? Birdy? The Hige-hige Dan?

      And I'm obliged to mention Hudson is the group behind both Sonic Shuffle AND Mario Party. They know how to make a fun game.

      Also check out a game on the GBA by the name of Konami's Krazy Racers [] featuring such hits as Ninja from MGS, Mystical Ninja Goemon,
      • Re:An IP blender (Score:2, Interesting)

        by wrexsoul ( 48981 )
        Well despite the fact that Hudson has that wide array of IP, I hope you're not arguing that those characters are recognizable or anything but esoteric nostalgia for the classic gamer. I mean you pretty much summed it up by mentioning the Turbo-Grafx 16. I'm sure they know how to make a fun game, but that doesn't change the premise of the game.

        And you know, I joke about that kind of thing (Konami plus go-karts) because it's about as absurd as I can think of, yet something every company has done it seems.
  • where's Bomberman for Xbox? I've been a fan since the original, it's probably the best 4 player console game ever. I suppose it's due to the Xbox's poor sales in Japan.
  • Very cool, should turn out pretty good since Hudson I believe helped on the SSB game originally... Or I'm confusing them with HAL (Nintendo's research group)... Although i believe they did do Mario Party.
    • Hudson helped with Mario Party, not SSB.

      HAL created SSB, but they are not 'Nintendo's research group'. They are a completely independent company who happens to enjoy working with Nintendo on a regular basis (they also created Kirby).
  • I find something strangely insulting about the fact that Konami serially neglects the Gamecube in releasing its games (It's the only console with no DDR, and, despite the fact that Castlevania grew up on Nintendo, the next Castlevania is going to the PS2), and then finally deigns to release a game on the Cube... but it's a rip off of an already successful Nintendo game.

    Ah well. Since Konami also serially neglects the US, it'll probably come out here in a triple pack with an actual port of one of the Japane
  • I'm afraid Raiden would give rise to sexuality issues, people unfamiliar wouldn't be able to tell if he's a man or woman and in his frist gam, Raiden's crotch was grabbed by the president.
  • "But, as Video-Fenky points out, where are the Kojima-game characters?"

    They're probably hidden characters.

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