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25 Most Overrated Games of All Time? 242

AriesGeek writes "GameSpy is running the 1st of a 6-part special on the 25 most overrated games of all time. From the article: 'Over the next several days GameSpy is taking a tour through the 25 most overrated games of all time. It's not a pretty list. It's a tale of tragedy where hype gets out of hand, or good licenses and great ideas fail to live up to expectations.' You think Zero Wing will be on there?" As with previous charts, predictions for the Top 5 are welcome, we'll run another story at the end of the week to see how people did.
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25 Most Overrated Games of All Time?

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  • The Sims (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SoCalChris ( 573049 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:34PM (#6968153) Journal
    I could never get into that game. And I certainly don't have any desire to purchase all of the $20-$30 add ons they produced for it.

    The Sims didn't have the same interest level because I have no desire to have a second fake life I need to take care of. I don't want to worry about going to work, reading, excercising, etc... in a game when I have to worry about that in real life.

    Games like Sim City on the other hand would let you use your imagintation, and allow you to do things that most people will never get to do in real life are much more entertaining in my opinion.
    • Re:The Sims (Score:5, Informative)

      by superultra ( 670002 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @06:38PM (#6968898) Homepage
      I didn't expect to see The Sims mentioned at all in a discussion of overrated games. Of course, I'm going to (safely?) assume that you're a male, and that you usually play games.

      That said, The Sims influence on games simply cannot be overstated. Why? Because for the majority of females that play it, it is quite possibly the first and only game they've *ever* played. I worked full time for EB for three years, and the Sims brought in more non-gamer females than any other game in the history of the store. Someone's buying all those $20-$30 add ons because each one rules the sales charts every month, even if that someone isn't you.

      So, on a personal level, I think one could say they didn't like the Sims. I'm one of them. But I think there's a huge amount of people, mostly females and mostly non-gamers, who would argue many of the points in your post.
    • I too never really got into it. Part of it is the mundane nature of the subject material. Games in which you pretend to conquer the world, assassinate the head of the KGB, or plunder loot from a dragon are exciting. Pretending to scrub a toilet is not.

      Women I know are fascinated by this game, and I'd be willing to give it more of a try, but like you have no desire to buy so many expansion packs. Most games that spawn several expansions periodically come out with cumulative versions that include the or

  • Daikatana anyone? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by xmurf ( 236569 )
    And splinter cell should be there. Once you replay the game and the pretty graphics have been seen, you notice the poor AI and the horrible collision detection.

    I once clipped through a guard while going up a ladder. The guy didn't notice me. I then jumped on his head. It's a good thing we didn't clip then, I might have hurt my balls.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:40PM (#6968236)
    It had great graphics and an innovative interface but Black and White did not deserve a 10 from Gamespot. (They game a 9.7 to Metroid Prime, their highest rated game in recent memory). The game was supposed to revolutionize the entire industry and reviewers were scarred that they would miss the badwagon.
    • Black and White deserved a 10 for concept (something Molyneux is great at) but about 6-7 for execution. While it's cool to have a Giant Cow avatar covered in custom tattoos, it really didn't play well. It was also unbalanced, so playing 'black' was much easier than playing 'white'. I suspect Fable might turn out the same way, but I can always hope...
  • by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:42PM (#6968262)
    ...and all its derivatives (Doom, Quake, etc.)

    Enough, already. Stop the madness. Think of the children - won't anyone think of the children?

    Why do we need all these _new_ games? Everyone knows gaming was perfected with BZFlag. It's a scientific fact!
  • Ooh... another one (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Randy Wang ( 700248 )
    If we're talking mindless viole- I mean, fun, lets nominate Soldier of Fortune II. Again, slow graphics, poor storyline, and plenty of gratuitous violence. Not worthy.
  • Random Predictions (Score:4, Interesting)

    by MajikMan ( 453619 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:50PM (#6968399) Homepage
    Tao Feng
    Enter the Matrix
    Unreal 2
    Resident Evil (even though I love the game)
    Sim Copter
    • by ( 629916 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @07:13PM (#6969206) Homepage
      DDR is not overrated. Here in Hong Kong this game was a big hit. I got addicted to this game too and lost some body weight because of it. If it didn't get popular in your place, it was probably a cultural thing.
  • by PurpleBob ( 63566 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:52PM (#6968426)
    Games: (The) N most foo games of bar (optional meaningless question mark)

    We've had about one of these per week by now, right?
    • GameSpy's ad department must just looooove slashdot. Hmmm. Funny, that.
    • Even worse, no matter the value of bar, most of the games end up being games that came out within the last couple of years (with few exceptions).

      I guess all media is guilty of these types of lists. I've seen shows on TV that chronicle the top 25 "history changing" moments and most all of them are in the 20th century. Too bad that our media outlets are too often short-sighted.
  • by alphaseven ( 540122 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:53PM (#6968443)
    Specifically Dragon Quest VI. I kept hearing all this hype about the Dragon Quest series from Japan, how it was suppossed to be even better than the Final Fantasy series, how there's some law against a game in the series being released on a school day.

    Got a rom of DQ VI (it was never officially translated into Englsih so you have to use a fan translated version) and boy was it boring, I put about 35 hours into, got to the job system and played around to that, then gave up. The combat system was simplistic, the characters uninteresting. Not as good as FF VI or Chrono Trigger, the other big 16-bit rpgs.

    Maybe I'll give it another go someday, but it just didn't live up to the hype for me.
  • by EvilMal ( 562717 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:55PM (#6968462)
    Gamespy has a really crappy way of protecting stuff for the future articles.

    Screenshot for game #1 []

    Just change the last number in the URL for the other 2-20 games.
    • by realdpk ( 116490 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @06:13PM (#6968636) Homepage Journal
      Indeed. haha. Here's the list from what I can guess.

      #1 - Black and White
      #2 - Metal Gear Solid 2
      #3 - Matrix Reloaded
      #4 - ?
      #5 - Quake3 mod?
      #6 - ? I remember seeing the ads for this one though.
      #7 - Final Fantasy 7
      #8 - Tomb Raider (probably most recent)
      #9 - Donkey Kong Country
      #10 - Halo
      #11 - ?
      #12 - Halflife mod?
      #13 - ? I remember this one too, don't remember name
      #14 - SimCity? Er I mean Dead or Alive 3
      #15 - ?
      #16 - Mortal Kombat
      #17 - ? Max Payne maybe? I dunno
      #18 - ? Alice
      #19 - ?
      #20 - ? Everquest? Heheh. Nah..

      I'm sure plenty of folks can fill in the blanks..
      • I am pretty sure #4 is Daikatana.
        #19 would be a game from Derek Smart's ill fated Battlecruiser series, I believe.
      • Don't know #4, #11, #15, or #20 either.
        #13 is Battletoads
        #17 is The Getaway
        #18 is American McGee's Alice
        #19 Homeworld maybe?

        • #19 Homeworld maybe?

          Hell, I hope not. Homeworld rocks... the only reason I'm not getting HW2 tomorrow is that I need to get things done this month.

          Personally, if Master Of Orion 3 isn't on the list, I'll be pretty stunned.

      • #15 - Dungeon Siege
      • #6 is Blinx: The Time Sweeper
      • #5 - looks like Quake2
        #9 - doesn't really look like a Donkey Kong game, but I don't know what it could be
        #11 - dunno
        #12 - Unreal 2
        #15 - some Baldur's Gate game/clone (BG2?)
        #18 - American McGee's Alice
        #19 - maybe Battlecruiser 3000AD?
      • I'm sure plenty of folks can fill in the blanks..

        Id presume the blanks are all "Microsoft Internet Explorer", as i just keep getting that little file with the red cross thing like when an image doesnt load.

        That said, all the others seem to be the same... hmm...

  • Final Fantasy 7 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Gothic_Walrus ( 692125 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @05:58PM (#6968496) Journal
    This game has been hailed repeatedly as "The Best RPG of All Time" ... if you listen to fanboys. The game itself was okay, but that's all it is. FF7 didn't bring anything revolutionary to the RPG genre. Hell, there are other, better RPGs even within the Final Fantasy series. The only things that FF7 did truly right were being one of the earlier RPGs released for the Playstation and being the recipient of millions of Square's advertising budget.

    Okay game? Yes. Best ever? Not by a long shot.

    • Re:Final Fantasy 7 (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Kyouryuu ( 685884 )
      I would have to disagree. While Final Fantasy VII was not the greatest RPG ever, it created the fanboys we know and loathe. In short, it brought the RPG genre popular acclaim and acceptance. That certainly makes a game influential.
      • The most popular game in the series is never the most apreciated by the hardcore...In any case, I like FF7. I don't see the problems that the other people have with it, save for the whole lack of difficulty, thing...but to be honest, the other FFs didn't offer me much resistance either.

        In any case, the graphics in FF7 alone forced everyone else to step up to be considered in the same league. If your RPG didn't look stunning now, nobody else wanted to play it. It was a move that would ultimately bring ab
      • I agree with that, being one of the fan-- err, "boys" who became an RPG nut after playing FF7.

        On a related tack, I would think Final Fantasy VIII would be the FF on the list. It seems like that game had to outdo FF7 in every single way, as seemingly everyone was expecting it to. It did in some areas, and didn't in many others.

      • Fanboys were created by brainwashing the mass-market. It was the first Final Fantasy to have large amounts of advertising outside of Nintendo Power, and drew large amounts of non-gaming, Role-Playing-newbies to the genre.
        If you were to pump a few million in US advertising for any of the other Final Fantasty titles you would suddenly find them to be the most classic between gamers and non-gamers alike.
    • Re:Final Fantasy 7 (Score:4, Interesting)

      by ( 629916 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @07:20PM (#6969321) Homepage
      FF7 was so highly rated at that time because of the following reasons:
      - Its graphics was way ahead of all other RPGs at that time. It took years for someone else to match that level.
      - Its music was great, and it was a huge step from 16-bit consoles.
      - It kept the great RPG elements and didn't try too hard to add new stuff. FF8 tried too hard by eliminating magic points, level ups, weapons, money etc, and it failed. FF7 simply feels like a great classic with a new face.

      It is probably not the best RPG of all time, but it was the best RPG at that time. And I still love it.
    • It seems to me that just about every FF game has been way overhyped, at least the ones I have seen here in the US.
      1 - The 8-bit FF on the NES, wasn't exactly revolutionary, it was just another swords and sorcery RPG, ala Ultima. Though, I don't recall much hype at the time, I may have just missed it.
      2 - On the SNES brought us a lack of control over the party (ok, I could switch between the premade characters, bleh), and a melodramatic storyline, the goal of which seemed to revolve more about the main cha
  • My top 5, off the top of my head:

    5. Halo - Fun, sure... but nothing new.
    4. Quake III - Better graphics, uninspired gameplay
    3. Black and White - I love Molynieux (sp), and appreciated what he tried to do. I am REALLY looking forward to his next games. But Black and White kinda sucked.
    2. Final Fantasy 7 - Same old, same old...
    1. Myst - yeah.
    • Re:My top 5 (Score:3, Interesting)

      by superultra ( 670002 )
      I'll go with most of the ones of your list, save Halo and Myst.

      First of all, Halo wasn't really "rated" at all. As I recall, when I bought the Xbox along with Halo (one of those infernal bundle deals) the day the xbox hit shelves, the press hadn't been very kind to Halo. In fact, the prior E3 press completely trashed it, citing poor framerate issues, weak gameplay, corny plot and dialogue. The list went on.

      2-3 years later (has it really been 3?) and Halo is still *the* reason to own an Xbox. What's mo
  • Outpost on PC (Score:2, Interesting)

    by stylerm ( 707522 )
    If anyone remembers Outpost and the previews/reviews it got I'd think youd understand. I got burned by it. I hope it makes the top 5 and lives forever in infamy.
    • You mean, Outpost, the game that PC Gamer gave an "Editor's Choice" award to, and then a mere 3 years later, presented it with the "Worst PC Game of All Time" award? Yeah. That was a lot of hype. Fortunately enough, they had a demo running at Fry's so I could tell it sucked before buying it...I had a lot less money back then, and that would have been a vicious hit to my income.
  • It's nice to see the most overrated games, but what about the most underrated games? I would be genuinely interested in good games that weren't marketed strongly enough.
  • Then Rise of the Robots, by an absolute mile. Robot one-on-one fighting game. Banging on about their clever new AI system that responded fantastically well to player input, absolutely gorgeous pre-rendered graphics.

    Except that you could get several levels in by taping the koystick in the top right corner and the fire button down. Very, very, poor.
    • Add to that horribly long load times...

      ...and the whole "music by Brian May" thing, which only played over the menus, not while you were fighting, made this game hugely overrated for the time....

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 15, 2003 @06:26PM (#6968773)
    Hmm asking for suggestions for what slashdoters think are the most overrated games ever, how is this not going to turn into a mod-for-trolling-a-thon as opinions clash? I mean, by definition an overated game would be one receiving undue acclaim right?

    Anyway, Let me say a few of mine:
    Halo: Now hold up before you set fire to me, I loved Halo, it was one of the only games I played on X-box for a very long time. I have never regreted spending the $50 on my copy, and i have never regreted The LAN parties I have attended in which Halo was the top attraction. But, the fact is that despite what a lof of people seem to beleive, it is not the best game ever. Half-life had a better single player, and better multiplayer. In short, great game, but not the "best game ever"

    Everquest: Popular? yes. A good game? No.

    Splinter Cell: yeah, a cliche trial and error exercise in futility with a bad camera but very impressive lighting effects is the game of the year? please.

    Final Fantasy 7: This is the best RPG ever? ever play Fallout? ever play Deus Ex? Arcana? Final Fantasy 4 (2 in the US)Balder's Gate? there are plenty of RPGs that run circles around this game. many of them aren't as pretty as FF7 was in the day, and most of them do not feature a blonde haired blue eyed white dude with giant hair and a even larger sword, but i assure you there are better games.

    That is all.
  • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @06:44PM (#6968962)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • #1 mario sunshine : ...and the levels were hard
    Oh, my? You mean I will actually have to COMMIT MYSELF TO SOME EFFORT in order to beat and enjoy the game?
  • by superultra ( 670002 ) on Monday September 15, 2003 @07:04PM (#6969131) Homepage
    A few words in defense of Myst, The Sims, and Halo. They are prevelant in the threads here, and they may very well end up on the top 25 on gamespy (but I doubt it).

    First of all, there's a definitive PC slant here, while my guess is that Gamespy will most likely lean towards the console side in their list.

    Secondly, I think it's easy to automatically dislike games that are extremely popular, such as Myst, The Sims, and Halo. They make easy targets, and in a very underground-esque kind of way, it's cool to dislike what's, well, cool. But merely because we dislike something doesn't mean it's necessarily overrated. I really dislike GTA3, but I can't deny its impact nor the fact that it may very well be a good game.

    Likewise, and in regards to Myst, I'm not a fan. But Myst single-handedly opened the door for CD-ROM as a viable storage format. Yeah, it also opened the door to an onslaught of FMV and wannabees, and Myst isn't exactly a shining example of design brilliance. It's a slideshow with clicking But it isn't *that* bad, and what's more is that it brought in a tremendous amount of non traditional gamers, more commonly known as "females."

    The Sims has done exactly the same thing, and in many ways is the spirital successor to Myst (without the technology push). In fact, long before GTA3, The Sims, very much in the vein of its predecessors, was pioneering open-ended, emergent, sandbox gameplay. More than that though, is that the game is largely played by moms and girlfriends and daughters and sisters; *not* by the guy who just got home from a 72 hour straight LAN party to sit down to play 3 more hours of Battelfield 1942.

    Myst and The Sims are mass appeal titles, but merely because they are mainstream doesn't mean they're overrated. I would suggest that their importance in gaming cannot at all be overstated, and would go as far to say that there should be far more of these games. Even if I don't like to play them.

    Halo is very much the same way, but on a smaller scale. It's a PC first person shooter...for the console. That alone is significant, and it also explains why it's making the slashdot overrated lists posted here. In college dorms everywhere, Halo replaced Goldeneye as the 2:30am procrastination technique. It revived co-op gameplay. But to many of you, it's just another PC FPS (albeit, you would argee, a fun one). What should prevent Halo from being in any overrated list is its multiplayer. To us, this is nothing new. But to console gamers, Halo is *the* original multiplayer shooter, not Team Fortress, or Quake, or Counterstrike. And there's nothing wrong with that.

    My advice? Step out from the standard Doom-Lineage (Doom to Half Life 2)/PC covering and look around again. Mass appeal does not (always) equal overrated. Use Black & White as a paradigm for something not being what it ought to have been, not Myst or The Sims.
    • In college dorms everywhere, Halo replaced Goldeneye as the 2:30am procrastination technique

      Whoops, we forgot. Someone add Goldeneye to the overrated list, quick!

      To us, this is nothing new. But to console gamers, Halo is *the* original multiplayer shooter, not Team Fortress, or Quake, or Counterstrike. And there's nothing wrong with that.

      Well, I guess I'm not the only one who can't remember Goldeneye for more than two seconds. But seriously, if you're calling something the original multiplayer shoot

    • Would someone please explain to me the point of Myst? I spent all of 30 minutes playing it ten years ago. Needless to say it didn't grab my attention.

      Reviews at the time kept raving about its great graphics and calling it revolutionary. I don't understand what was so revolutionary about high-res stills that loaded from CD every time you clicked on something.

      Probably like a lot of people here, I found Myst random and pointless with pretty things to look at, kind of like, oh, everything that is beloved b
      • First, Myst was easy to install. You stick the CD-ROM in and it installs itself in your brand new Win95 install. Other games required you to screw with autoexec files (I still have nightmares about DOS4GW.EXE).

        Myst was easy to play. You click, and something happens. You click on the side of the screen and you move.

        Myst was pretty to look at. Oh sure, it was a slideshow, but to those outside of the computer culture, a pretty picture is a pretty picture. To us, we don't see a pretty picture; we see a
    • I think we've having trouble agreeing on a definition of "overrated" here. I took it to mean the contrast between the hype and buzz surrounding a game, and the actual quality of the game itself. You mentioned some figures about sales and pioneering "firsts" to defend games like Myst and The Sims and Halo. But to me, those very figures are actually part of what makes the games overrated.

      The Sims and it's spinoffs have sold millions and millions of copies. It's been featured in mainstream news mags like
      • They're boring to us. That doesn't mean they're overrated. I suppose on a personal definition, sure, but I don't think that's what we're necessarily going for here (otherwise any game - Deus Ex, Moonbase Commander, Live for Speed, whatever, would be up for grabs). So while press is certainly an indicater of overrating (cf. Daikitana, Messiah, etc), sales - a direct indication of how many people purchased the game - is not. I'll admit that it certainly can be, and Enter the Matrix is a good parardigm for
  • My predictions (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Prien715 ( 251944 ) <agnosticpope@gmail.cTEAom minus caffeine> on Monday September 15, 2003 @08:23PM (#6969894) Journal
    1) Black and White: Cool technology. I bought it, took it home, and was bored in 3 hours. Most damn repetitive gameplay ever created. Which leads me to number 2....

    2) Diablo 2: Hey look! It's a hack'n'slash. I can gain levels and I can kill lots of mindless enemies with my friends. I failed to see the appeal to the game when it came out, and, except for a brief moment, I still think it's extremely repetitive and mindless.

    3) Everquest: See Diablo 2. Except here, you mulitply all the time factors by 5. Ability system is slightly better.

    4) Metal Gear Solid 2: I hate to say this, cause I thought it was a great game, but after playing the first one, it didn't seem all that revolutionary. There's a pop-backlash against this game which had a good (albeit out there at times) story and solid gameplay which was in a class of its own with the exception of the first game.

    5) Final Fantasy 7: Good, one of my favorites in the series. It managed to combine new technology in a good way (usually smoothly integrates FMV for the most part rather than the "Oh look, we're doing a movie" like many other RPGs, opening sequence is a good example). Ability system solved the problem of using unused characters (although at the expense of individuality) and had a deeper ability system than gaining levels and completing two quests (I'm looking in your direction FF4). Good storyline (other "old school" FF fanboys tend to dislike to sci-fi feel of the game compared to previous games, and then complain it was unoriginal). But like I said, it doesn't matter what's good or bad, only what people think. And for those of you wondering. I played the original when it came out, and have beaten every one since with the exception of 8.
  • People... "Overrated" means a game that was, in the end, bad... but everyone said it was so good.

    People here keep putting "Enter the Matrix" and "Outpost" as great examples for this list. Those games were POORLY RATED, PLAYED BAD BUT SOLD WELL and LOWLY-RATED AND PLAYED BAD, respectively. Outpost was never said to be great. It was a flop. Done. It wasn't "overrated"

    These games, and many others you are suggesting, deserve a place in the "25 most dissapointing games ever," but not "25 most overrated g
  • TSO (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) * <> on Monday September 15, 2003 @08:46PM (#6970077)
    If we're talking overhyped at all in context with the article then I firmly vote for The Sims Online.

    Jesus Christ! It was on the fucking cover of Newsweek!!

    People were expecting hundreds of thousands of subscribers to the service, they saw it bridging the gap and getting "regular folks" into online gaming.

    And what happened? Nothing.

    Few signed up for it, lag was everywhere, mobs formed in the game and overall it was boring! Who wants to play a game online just to chat with other people? At least in Everquest you get to hit things with swords.
  • What about Shiny's pre-Enter The Matrix Messiah? There are others that are less recent, but for the life of me I can't recall which. But Messiah was supposed to be God's gift to gamingkind...

    Of course, there are the vaporwares like Prey and (yes, any sentence with vaporware must have...) Duke Nukem Forever.

    And it's quite possible that Half Life 2, although I doubt it, may really blow. Maybe Gamespy should hold off on their #1 until they play HL2?
  • I doubt most people will agree with me on this one, but Mortal Kombat was very overrated. I honestly think the appeal of that game grew more from the "Oo it's got blood, I must be more mature!" aspect of it than the "Wow, this is so much better than Street Figher 2" rationale.

    It's all opinion, of course. I just never felt like I was really strategically fighting with anybody in that game, more like "who can hit the buttons in the right sequence?" I have Simon for that. :P
  • Boring boring boring. Didn't stop it getting almost perfect scores in reviews, though.
  • 52 Card Pickup & Soggy Biscuit

    Oh. Video Games?

    #1 - Atari 2600 Pac-man. A poor, rushed, half-clone of the arcade version pissed off a lot of sugar-shocked kids.

    #2 - I'd have to go with Call to Power: Civ 3. It was the first game that I was sorry I bought.

    #3 Duke Nukem Forever. Yes, it's not out yet. Seriously - DNF better wank me off for the amount of crap I've had to listen to. I've been teased less by high-school girlfriends.

    #4 Duke Nukem Forever. Make that two times.

    #5 Outpost - I was lucky enough to have this hyped to me directly from a Sierra rep. I also remember a exceedingly high rating from a 'reputable' PC mag.

    #6 Michael Jackson Baby Drop - great for those with flash and without Bejeweled.

    #7 Karate Champ for the Apple II - I actually bought this, copied it, returned it, played it, deleted it. Wasn't worth pirating, or hyping. I just thought I'd throw it in there.

    #8 Myst - I thought I turned my screen saver to 'Starfield'? I beat on this one because they won't let it die.

    #9 Diablo II - I was addicted. I played it all the way through. Hours and hours. Hey, I get to do it all over again! Nethack for people who like to know how movies end before they see them.

    #10 Slashdot - What good is Karma when you're maxed out all the time from insightful posts like mine? Trolling is fun, but still waiting for the good gameplay patch.

    Best games? Nethack, Rescue Raiders, Quake 1&2, Fallout, Ultima Underworld, Civ 2, Simcity 2000, Castles (by Atari- find this rom!), Comet and Cyclone (pinball), RTCW(demo:), GTA 3, Defender and some cyber-robot football arcade game that I remember from Pop's Arcade in Minneapolis. ahh, good times...

  • I know this isn't a serious article, really, but they could at least be a little more informative. I am not a fan of the Battlecruiser series, but even I know that it was initially released way earlier than the developer wanted. It literally was not finished, but the publisher released it anyway. Why not at least mention that when talking about how buggy it was?

    Likewise, why not mention that it was the EA marketdroids who chose to put McGee's name in front of Alice, and that he went on record many times sa

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
