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Games Entertainment

Investigating Infinium Labs 257

the web writes "By now, the whole world has heard of Infinium Labs and their infamous Phantom Game Console, but what do we really know about what could be the next big gaming console or the people bringing it to market? At this point, we know little beyond what they've been willing to share. We haven't seen the console outside of a few 3D renderings, we haven't seen the facility where they claim beta units are being built, and we haven't seen the Infinium Labs base of operations." Our own Roblimo has found some reality to the Phantom console.
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Investigating Infinium Labs

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  • I'm a skeptic. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <slashdot@grub.net> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @10:59AM (#6995263) Homepage Journal

    from the link: "Infinium Labs is an industry-leading global entertainment and interactive game company."

    How on earth can you be an industry leader when you haven't shown anything yet? Hell, I could claim "GrubCorp(tm) is an industry-leading global purveyor of anti-cancer drugs and massage oils." without having gotten off my lazy ass to do anything.

    Don't be suprised to hear that they're planning to get more investors in the near future..
    • They ARE industry leading, if you count "vaporware hyping" as an industry. ;)
    • Re:I'm a skeptic. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by citizen6350 ( 699527 ) <keless@sCHEETAHkyesurfer.net minus cat> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:05AM (#6995336) Homepage Journal
      As am I. If they actually are going to put out a product, they're going about it the wrong way. Their trumped up press has died away. Meanwhile, they arent feeding the gamers any reasons to keep interest other than saying, "trust me guys, it's really cool." They're starting to sound like that guy who sends you links to stupid websites, and while you're waiting for it to load hes saying "its the best thing ever" and after you've seen it you realize you just wasted 40 minutes of your life on an idiot. 40 minutes you'll never get back. My message to Infinium Labs: Dont be that guy. Everyone hates that guy.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      According to research at an English university, you can attract potential customers by lying.
    • BitBoys Glaze 3D (Score:4, Insightful)

      by FileNotFound ( 85933 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:24AM (#6995530) Homepage Journal
      Remember that? Bit Boys Glaze3D was promised to be the Voodoo2 killer, then TNT2 killer. They released outrageous benchmarks and cool screenshots, photos of the chip, specs etc. In the end they had NOTHING at all.

      Yeah thats what this is. BS

      It pretty much the same thing "It's comming!" "It's better!" "It's faster" "It's revolutionary!" "It'll change the world!" "It's ALMOST DONE!"

      In the end it's all BS.
      • Re:BitBoys Glaze 3D (Score:3, Informative)

        by msgmonkey ( 599753 )
        Actually I knew a guy who actually did some work on the original card (cant remember what it was called).

        From what I can tell the main problem was that these guys where mainly software people from the Demo scene with little experience at making actual silicon. They had demos' in FPGA form but these were not near the finished product because you can only do so much with an FPGA. So in the end alot of their claims where based on simulated/calculated performance.

        I dont know if they actually did get to make
      • Re:BitBoys Glaze 3D (Score:3, Informative)

        by shplorb ( 24647 )
        This is all according to my brain, which sometimes muddles things up, so I could be completely wrong:

        They did design the Pyramid3D - of which actual cards were produced and publicly demoed. The chip was manufactured by ST Microelectronics and had basic 'pixel shader' functionality - rather ahead of its time.

        I remember reading about how it was to be demoed at Assembly one year (even offered as a prize?) and downloading a PDF about it from the manufacturer along with a demo video.
        • i remember seeing the demo at assemblies one year, iirc no, it was not offered as a prize.

          and iirc they have some patents/ip on the environment mapping used on gfx cards.
          companys web site:

          as for hardware.. it takes a _lot_ of money to start producing stuff. and i don't think it would be very wise to enter the market even with so fierce competition if you can't start with HUGE marketing and manufacturing funds.

          now they're a pure r&d company according to their website_ **
      • Re:BitBoys Glaze 3D (Score:3, Informative)

        by 10Ghz ( 453478 )
        Glaze3D was not fake. They had prototypes up & running but it suffered from overheating. So they canned the project, took the best tech from Glaze3D and started fresh with Avalanche3D. That project was proceeding well when Infineon (their fab) announced that they are exiting the eDRAM-business (which was vital to Bitboys). Infineon fabbed prototype-chips for Bitboys and paid compensaton for breach of contract. Bitboys took the money and went and designed this [acceleon.com]. BTW that chip is ready, and available for l
    • Here it is:
      Infiniium [amherst-systems.com]

      (They just left out an i.

      Would've had a better picture, but agilent's website seems to be down. :)
      • Actually the Infiniium is an oscilloscope family from Agilent Technologies. It was originally named Infinium before Agilent split from HP but the spelling had to change because of a trademark dispute over the word "Infinium." In fact, I suspect if these guys ever come out with a product, their company name will have to change.

        The link you provided is just a partnership of Agilent's.
    • Why is everyone suddenly called XYZ Labs? When I hear that I get the impression of lots of guys in white lab coats and I'm pretty sure thats not whats going on with these guys.
    • by telstar ( 236404 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:48AM (#6995741)
      Easy... They've secured exclusive rights to Duke Nukem Forever. 'Nuff Said.
    • from the link: "Infinium Labs is an industry-leading global entertainment and interactive game company." How on earth can you be an industry leader when you haven't shown anything yet?

      The same way every movie studio talks about their latest "blockbuster" movie, even though it hasn't been released yet. Or the music industry hyping someone's "latest hit single" that will be released next week.

      If you haven't noticed it yet, just pay closer attention. It is really sad.

    • Even the folks here at Slashdot know this business plan doesn't work:

      Step 1: Announce Game Console.

      Step 2: Don't Show Up to E3.

      Step 3: Don't Show Up to GDC.

      Step 4: Announce Unveiling, but still don't show the console.

      Step 5: Don't have an office, and don't have prduction facilities.

      Step 6: ???

      Step 7: Profit!
    • by LiberalApplication ( 570878 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @12:10PM (#6995971)
      How on earth can you be an industry leader when you haven't shown anything yet? Hell, I could claim "GrubCorp(tm) is an industry-leading global purveyor of anti-cancer drugs and massage oils." without having gotten off my lazy ass to do anything.

      The statement, "Infinium Labs is an industry-leading global entertainment and interactive game company" simply states that they are both leading an industry, and that they are a global entertainment/interactive game company. It doesn't state that they are leading the global gaming industry, it could just be that they are leading *an* industry. Any industry. Pick one. Like elbow sharpening or lobster training. Oh, and they make games and have an employee in Namibia. :-)

    • OMG, 3DRealms just announced that Duke Nukem Forever with be the Phantoms launch title!
  • You're right (Score:4, Insightful)

    by LorneReams ( 597769 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:01AM (#6995278)
    This whole thing feels like a pump and dump from the very beginning.
    • Re:You're right (Score:4, Interesting)

      by benzapp ( 464105 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:10AM (#6995379)
      Are they a public company? What is their symbol? which exchange?
    • Re:You're right (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Chazmyrr ( 145612 )
      Odds are it's an excuse for him to pay himself obscene amounts of money out of the venture capital. As long as he can keep the burn rate low, he can milk it for a pretty penny.
    • I'm impressed ... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by s20451 ( 410424 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:36AM (#6995637) Journal
      The best way to read the NewsForge article is that Tim Roberts trolled Roblimo. I'm impressed ... trolls, take note.

      Read the HardOCP article first, then the NewsForge article. When Roblimo said, "He's renting high-end office space in Sarasota, Florida," soda nearly went shooting out of my nose. (I won't spoil it for you, read the articles.)
      • Re:I'm impressed ... (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Roblimo ( 357 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @12:56PM (#6996378) Homepage Journal
        Infinium signed a lease on some downtown Sarasota "class a" space with much local fanfare, including articles in the dominant local daily paper, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. And RoBrady, the company that did the physical console design (which I saw with my own eyes) is in the phone book and easy to find.

        But as far as I could see, the only thing *important* about Infinium was that they were trying to build an online, "on demand" game delivery/sales system. And, as I said in my article, I expect other entrepreneurs will soon figure out ways to provide that service better/faster/cheaper than Infinium.

        I suppose, one day, I ought to go look at Infinium again and see what progress they've made, if any. Might even take my camera this time.

        - Robin

        • by s20451 ( 410424 )
          Yes, and when HardOCP called that office building, Infimum was not listed as a tenant, and the 8th floor (where the offices were allegedly located) was vacant.

          HardOCP also sent a photographer to the address of the company's alleged headquarters, and found a strip mall.

          Sorry, man. I think you got taken.
      • Read the [H]ard article.

        Honestly, I don't think that Rob's article does the situation justice; the write-up at [H]ardOCP really does some great investigative reporting, and I think they are right on the money.

        Not to mention the economic side of things... so this 'company' has raised $25 million in cash. Who cares? Microsoft loses 10 times that amount on the Xbox every quarter. So, this console would be entering a market where there are already three big players [struggling] to hold on.

        Entering t
    • This whole thing feels like a pump and dump from the very beginning.

  • Spammers (Score:5, Informative)

    by Mwongozi ( 176765 ) <slashthree@davi[ ... g ['dgl' in gap]> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:01AM (#6995287) Homepage
    I know that they've been spamming me, using my e-mail address harvested from SlashDot. (I use slashdot@...)

    Even if I was in the market for a game console, I definitely wouldn't buy from a spammer.

  • by PD ( 9577 ) * <slashdotlinux@pdrap.org> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:01AM (#6995289) Homepage Journal
    That ought to tell you something right there.
  • by Cutriss ( 262920 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:02AM (#6995306) Homepage
    This in direct contrast to the GameSpy editorial [gamespy.com] Slashdot linked to two weeks ago.

    I guess it's not hard to figure out where some of that $25M in capital went...

    For reference, Steve didn't note it in this article, but he and Kyle have run a previous "insight" into the mystery behind Infinium Labs, and when he called the Big Cheeze to ask him about the non-existent offices, the guy threatened to press charges against Kyle.
  • by Tibor the Hun ( 143056 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:03AM (#6995314)
    We'd like you to be aware of a great opportunity, and wish to send you an updated and improved catalogue of our other products,if you send a dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield...
  • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@ y a h o o . c om> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:04AM (#6995316) Homepage Journal
    a 400 hundred dollars console that you will need to pay 10 bucks a months(per game?) to use.

    Gee, I'll sign right up.
  • by Dr Reducto ( 665121 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:04AM (#6995319) Journal
    I scoured my game magazines to find info on the Phantom, and I came across my GameInformer that covers this years' E3. They have an interview with the CEO or President or something, I forget.

    What i learned though, is that they are thinking about just selling them on Ebay, or other distrobution channel, since they don't have major support. The big thing though, is that they want to make the system available with different amounts of RAM or HD space. This is a huge no-no for consoles. Consoles should *not* become PC's, with regards to upgrading.
    • Well, extra hard drive space would be fine since it wouldn't really affect performance. I remember the N64 had a 4meg expansion pack that would give nicer textures in some games. If I recall correctly it didn't do well. Maybe they would have the games choose its own display setting based on amount of ram installed. Seems a bit silly.
      • Actually, the N64 ram expansion pack was the one console addon that did sell well.

        Donkey Kong 64 was the first game to require it, and due to it being Nintendo's big holiday title when it came out, came bundled with the memory upgrade for free.

        Zelda: Majora's Mask required the memory pack. Perfect Dark also required it. Well, you could do a 2 player deathmatch with no bots without the memory upgrade, but not much else, so it effectively required it. Considering both of those games sold in the millions, I'
  • by Jooly Rodney ( 100912 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:05AM (#6995339)
    ...has some Fair And Balanced(tm) Phantom coverage over at their site [penny-arcade.com]. From their comic archives:

    Dude, Woah [penny-arcade.com]
    I Hate The Stupid Phantom [penny-arcade.com]
  • by deadmonk ( 568008 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:05AM (#6995341) Homepage Journal
    OK, so it's an Xbox made by a different company - although it sounds like they're doing the impossible and writing even more draconian licensing terms than even MS..
  • by -Grover ( 105474 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:07AM (#6995349)
    Roll with me on this...

    Up to 3.0 GHz processor with 256MB DDR RAM
    - High-performance nVidia video card
    - High-performance Intel motherboard
    - Dolby Digital(TM) 7.1 Surround Sound
    - 100+ Gigabyte internal storage device
    - On-board RF wireless modules
    - S-Video, RCA or component video and PAL
    - 10/100 baseT Ethernet
    - 1 wireless controller
    - Wireless keyboard and mouse
    - 2 USB ports
    - 4 controller ports

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a proprietary box that has all these features have a COMPAQ logo on it?
  • "what could be the next big gaming console "

    So could anything, and yet even XBox with all M$ wasn't the "the next big gaming console". I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.
    • by stratjakt ( 596332 )
      It's simple.

      Quote specs and buzzwords till you're blue in the face. Only a handful of nerds and fanboys care.

      The games have to be there. The games aren't there for xbox - MSFT has failed it.

      I own all three consoles. Generally in the PS2 or NGC scenes, there's a new "big game" every month or so. One day people are all jazzed about GTA3, the next all jazzed about FFX, the next all jazzed about Devil May Cry. Same for NGC - today its Zelda, tomorrow Wario or Metroid, etc, etc..

      Contrast with Xbox, whic
  • So what? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:09AM (#6995377) Journal
    What, you dorks seriously thought it was all a big hoax or scam?

    So these guys think they can package PCs as consoles, and sell a subscription based service.

    Good luck to them. They'll fail.

    PC games and console games are practically a world apart. As a rule, console games don't play well on a PC, PC games dont play well on a console.

    Not only do they have PS2/NGC and Xbox to compete with, they're doing so with an inferior product, and one that customers have shown repeatedly they DONT WANT.

    People want to go to the store, buy the game, and own it. They don't want to "liscense" it. They dont want their libraries limited by how much space this thing's hard drive has.

    This is DIVX for the game industry. It'll be stillborn.

    What would be a killer plan, though, would be to revamp the "Sega channel" idea, but do it like this: sell an adaptor for xbox or ps2/ngc with hdd addon, broadcast playable demos on the channel 24/7. No monthly subscriptions - that will kill the idea, people HATE monthly fees. People would rather pay 500 bucks upfront than 10 bucks a month for a year. Think of the channel as a form of advertising. Have publishers pay to have their latest demo broadcast. Hell, you could piggyback the demos on G4 or TechTV or something, come up with a standard so that you could broadcast for different consoles and PCs...

    Ah well, no point in getting all worked up about it. It'll be a long, long time before execs "get it". They're so horny over the idea of a constant, predictable revenue stream that subscriptions offer, they cant see straight. Xbox live is tanking, as will Phantom, as will the uber-mega-next-gen-only-5$-a-month-for blah blah scheme.

    • Re:So what? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Kenja ( 541830 )
      Er, Console games play better on a PC then on a console. I have a Playstation 2 game pad hooked up to my PC and the console ports that are out there play much better and have better graphics for the most part as well.
      • Re:So what? (Score:2, Insightful)

        by stratjakt ( 596332 )
        That's your opinion, and sales figures seem to bear out the fact that you're in the minority.

        I like my big TV, and sitting on the couch. I like the lower resolution, it makes images look more natural.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • However the consoles are often limited in other ways then rez. For instance, Tony Hawk 4 on the PS2/XBox has distance fog. On the PC however you can turn the fog off and see for miles.
    • ... as will the uber-mega-next-gen-only-5$-a-month-for blah blah scheme

      It's spelled, "S-t-e-a-m." =)
    • Re:So what? (Score:5, Informative)

      by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:33AM (#6995607) Journal
      >> Xbox live is tanking,

      You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

      Xbox Live recently turned 1 year old. Its 500,000 subscribers put it on par with the height of EverQuest's popularity, and it is maintaining a growth path that is expected to double that figure in a year.

      "Tanking". Heh.

      • Re:So what? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by stratjakt ( 596332 )
        Yeah, it's doing so well they're going to jack up the cost [xboxxtreme.net] to stay afloat.

        And 500,000 subscribers is far shy of what they expected. Hell, even the box hype on the starter kit promises "millions". I'm sure a lot more people will start paying 7 bucks a month to play online when PS2 and PC offers the same thing for nothing.

        So you bought xbox live, and you're a fan - good for you. I was a fan of Dreamcast, yet I can accept the fact that it was a failure.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Umm Xbox live failing.. How stupid are you? It launched a year ago with only 4 games, now its has 10 games and they all suck or have a pc equal. And they still managed to get 500,000 people. Umm thats not a failure. And halo 2 is around the corner.

          Selling something that is free. Thats what I call marketing.

      • Wait wait - so you're telling me that the X-Box live is a portal for FIFTEEN games - and it's ALMOST as popular as ONE PC GAME?

        Wow, it must be doing AWESOME. That sure teaches me.

  • by Milican ( 58140 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:15AM (#6995429) Journal
    I'm running WinXP and using IE to browse the site. So I want to download the video and I get prompted to install an ActiveX object... umm... NO! Its just downloading a video and we have HREF tags for that. There is no way in hell I am trusting some company I have never even heard of to install an ActiveX object. So blow me Phantom!

    • Better than my luck...

      I'm running Mozilla 1.4 on OS X and I get... A BLANK PAGE for the infiniumlabs.com splash page. Gotta love silly FrontPage 5.0 IE proprietary "features". With interoperability like that I don't even want to think about their crap product.

      And fyi for super gamer geeks, never heard of the company before. I doubt the WHOLE WORLD has heard of it considering seemingly only your niche (and not even half at best of your niche) has heard of it. So give it a rest.
  • by gillbates ( 106458 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:18AM (#6995454) Homepage Journal
    Perhaps the reason why no one has actually seen an Infinium game console is because their still searching for the Unobtanium necessary for the 3 THz processor required for its Blazing Fast Graphics Subsystem(tm).
  • Here's the URL to the Hardocp article on this guy.


    Lots of bankrupcy and debt..
  • nVidia != nVidea (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Milican ( 58140 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:27AM (#6995558) Journal
    They spelled [url="http://www.nvidia.com"]nVidia[/url] wrong in their video. Verified this in their windows 250k and 500k streams... haha... look for NVIDEA... its about 2:40 into the video... made by gamers? Not the video becasue a true gamer would know how to spell nVidia...

  • Infinium Labs basically is to hardware what Veon Prism [facc.net] is to software. Have you gone to their site and seen the video? The thing only exists as a 3D rendering, as apparently does their Test Facility [i-0-i.com]. The company is virtually nonexistent or at least nonviable, and the Phantom is a non-product. It's beyond vaporware... I don't even know what it is.
  • It runs Windows XP, this means it runs the RPC service that the recent worms are having fun with that you can not kill. So, how long will it take to send the correct malformed data to the RPC service to cause your own code to run allowing for a remote command prompt.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:29AM (#6995576)
    Throughout all this sordid affair, I've found one thing more shocking than the actual company and it's non-existent product.

    Huge gaming sites are surprisingly tolerant of it.

    So far, the only people who've flat out said "This thing is a joke, a lie to sucker stupid venture capitalists out of their money with flashy marketing for a product that doesn't exist" is Penny Arcade. I just don't see with so much evidence against them that people aren't flat out saying "We refuse to cover this. We're not stupid enough to give you what you want, the hype you can use to steal even more money". If all these huge sites collectively decided to stop covering this "company" and its "product" until they provide some *solid, concrete reason* to give them coverage, maybe they would finally just fade out of existence, like all the other companies this shmuck has been a part of.

    * - These reasons would have to include a working prototype and an actual business plan rather than a business theory.
  • In latests news .. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ciupman ( 413849 )
    .. it was discovered that the phantom console will be in reality a virtual game console inside the famous MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies ... That virtual console is being developed as an addon (imagine it as a game inside a game, this was a very popular concept in those late Sinclair 48K games). The development of this addon was due to major complaints of the the MMOPRG users - ".. there's nothing left to do!! We want more ..." . Gamers will be able to trade micro games inside (Tomb Raider is being talked ..) an
  • by EZmagz ( 538905 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:33AM (#6995609) Homepage
    In fact, it sounds like the beginning to a bad episode of a dective show on CourtTV where a bunch of investors get fleeced out of millions of dollars while the suspect is nowhere to be found. Honestly, this guy has a pretty suspect track record. No successful companies to date (all bankrupt, dissolved, etc.) really. The part that I loved was when HardOCP actually sent a photographer to the address listed for Infinium Labs, and it ended up being a fucking PO box at Mail Boxes Etc. Then a few months later the address changes to a ghosted office building where one would suspect Michael Douglass to pop out a la "The Game" or Vid Diesel's boss a la "Boiler Room".

    Basically, save your money...you're probably better off investing in SCO than this company.

  • o/~ It's beginning to smell a lot like vapor..
  • by softspokenrevolution ( 644206 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @11:36AM (#6995631) Journal
    So, they're selling a computer where you can only get games from them. In order to get those games you have to pay a monthly subscription fee, boy does it sound like a great idea, think about it.

    There are no media drives (beyond the HDD) wher eyou could import software garner through a third party onto it (with the exception of USB drives, I seem to recall it having USB capability). Now, since the only way you can get games is through your dedicated broadband connection to their servers, they can really charge whatever they want for the software, heck they could even charge more than SRV if they wanted to, because you can't just go out to the store and buy Pong if you want to play it on your phantom, you have to buy it through them.

    From teh standpoint of a greedy corporate entity, this isn't a very hard thing to do, hire some cheap labor to screw in pieces. Get some technicians to 'help' people install their console and proceed to make a good deal of money thanks to their total control over what the product can do (by controlling what software you can put onto the product).

    Of course the fact remains that the person who runs it, at least as described by Penny-Arcade, and every article that they've been linking to, is totally sketch. It also remains that their listed office is a PO box in Mailboxes Etc.

    In all seriousness, if you want your company to be treated like an adult you have to have an least the veneer of legitimacy, because unles you've established yourself in the market you're after, you can't go around making big claims and then not back them up with some demos (which wouldn't be that hard to fix up throw a couple of units at some EBs, give them some top-shelf games and let the kiddies play till their brains explode). After all, they're just selling a computer.

  • ...the biggest news of all, and that is that this new game console's first game release is Duke Nukem Forever!!!

  • "Infinium Labs" will say there's been a prototype for over twenty years, and that it's supported Linux for twelve.
  • If the [your favorite old system here] came back out today, I would go get one. Why? Not because the graphics are particularly good, but because the games are really fun! That's what a game system is for... fun games. If the graphics are great... great. If not, who cares? I just want to have fun. Mario will never die!
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday September 18, 2003 @12:02PM (#6995890)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I am forced to wonder with the major problem being /.ed can cause for a site... if they would do the same for another site which was not part of the OSDN.
  • They harvested the spamtrap address i use here on slashdot and started to spam me. I've posted copies to NANAS if you dont believe me.

    http://groups.google.com/groups?q=btfh.net+phan t om &ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&btnG=Google+Searc h
    (be advised of the link munging, if you cant get it to pull up, go to groups.google.com and do a search for the terms btfh.net and phantom, and you'll find it.)

    I promptly firewalled the /16 they're hosted on and sent out nasty grams to the hosting company in ques
  • How long will it take before MS realises that they are selling WinXP at a bulk rate to a competitor to the XBox and just kills the company off?

    After all, they didn't hesitate to terminate the UK cellular telephone company who was making a WinCE based phone when they realised that they could get a better deal in Korea, if they stole Sendo's IP by bankrupting them.

    They didn't hesitate to screw with Sharp's Windows license when they started to ship the Zaurus.

    I don't expect this company to have a bright fut
  • Fictional reality (Score:3, Insightful)

    by bigbigbison ( 104532 ) * on Thursday September 18, 2003 @01:25PM (#6996587) Homepage
    When I read the Hardocp article, I kept thinking that this is like something out of some heist movie. The guy's life is just too fictional in quality to beleive. Going from one failure to the next but still staying one step ahead of people catching onto the fact that all he is is a con man. wild stuff.
  • huh? (Score:3, Funny)

    by interstellar_donkey ( 200782 ) <.moc.liamtoh. .ta. .etaghgihtap.> on Thursday September 18, 2003 @02:31PM (#6997186) Homepage Journal
    Are VCs stupid? At least in the late 90s, they could invest in a company which any 12 year old could see will not make a profit, and take some profits at the IPO.

    This simply won't work for obvious ways.

    Consumer: So, this box will cost me $400.
    Retailer: Yes
    Consumer: And basically all it is is a PC made with off the shelf parts.
    Retailer: Yes
    Consumer: And there's no CD drives or external way of transferring data
    Retailer: You can through our service
    Consumer: Can I open it up and put in my own hardware?
    Retailer: No. If you do you will be in trouble.
    Consumer: Well, I guess that's OK. It's just going to be a game box. It can play games right?
    Retailer: Oh yes. Lots of them.
    Consumer: And I can play all the games I want for $9.95 a month?
    Retailer: Oh no, some games are included with the subscription price; others will cost you extra money.
    Consumer: Which ones will cost me extra?
    Retailer: The good ones.
    Consumer: So for $9.95 I get to play all the crummy games I want, and the right to pay more for ones I'd actually want to play?
    Retailer: You also get targeted commercial content.
    Consumer: Ooo... that sounds interesting. What exactly is that?
    Retailer: Ads.
    Consumer: So for $400 and a $9.95 a month, I get a computer I can't touch, all the games I've never heard of, lots of ads and the privilege of paying for the good games, which I could do at any store with an X-box or Playstation while actually getting the physical media? Sign me up!
    Retailer: Sounds great! While you're here, can I interest you in some volcano insurance?

  • by achacha ( 139424 )
    "proprietary encryption scheme for data stored on its hard drive"

    $5 says it will be broken a day after it ships. WHen I hear proprietary and encryption I think "security by obscurity" and we all know how well that works.

Thus spake the master programmer: "Time for you to leave." -- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"
