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Gaming Soundbites You Can't Forget 241

Thanks to GameSpot for their 'GameSpotting' editorial discussing game audio soundbites you can't get out of your head. The author recalls: "Just as the sound of a bell ringing made Pavlov's dogs start watering at the mouth in anticipation of their next meal, it was the sound of Street Fighter II that made me want to play." Apart from the article's classic example, "Ryu and Ken's shouts of 'Hadoken!'", what unique game audio captures your imagination every time you hear it?
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Gaming Soundbites You Can't Forget

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  • All I can say... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Only in the dark ( 83350 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:11PM (#7029977) Journal
    Flawless Victory.

    Now if it just saying it for me, instead as my friend kicks my ass for the thirteen time in a row.
  • by Phil Ulrich ( 595587 ) <phil.ulrich@gm[ ].com ['ail' in gap]> on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:13PM (#7029990)
    Kefka's laugh from FFIII, the first attempt Square made at including any kind of voice acting. Creepy clown villains... ugh. UWEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!
  • That damn game had the creepiest sound track that I've ever heard.
  • by Grenamier ( 12799 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:19PM (#7030023)
    Stay a while.... STAY FOREVER!!!!!!!

    As soon as I read the article, that popped into my head...also the score and sounds from Defender of the Crown on the C64 bring back fond memories...they put that SID to good use...
    • Quoth Grenamier:
      Stay a while.... STAY FOREVER!!!!!!!
      Hey! Don't forget
      "Destroy him my robots".
      Were there any other C64 games that had speech like Impossible Mission?

    • Yeah, baby! Impossible Mission all the way! That was the first digitized speech in a game I had ever heard.

      Here's a funny true story...

      If you played Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, then you remember the sound the damned probe droids made. If you heard one you had to jump around and look up so it wouldn't zap you from above before you spotted it.

      One day I was in a different office than I normally work in and talking to some co-workers. From behind and above me I heard the sound of a probe droid! I almost j

    • For those who were wearing a nappy when this game was out, link [] so that you too can enjoy what was the cutting edge of computer sound technology.

      I mean, it only took the PC ten years to catch up.
  • by hrbrmstr ( 324215 ) * on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:21PM (#7030036) Homepage Journal
    Make the voices stop:
    "Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!"

    "A hit?! no effect?!"

    "Swords, not words!"

    "A den of stinking evil! Cover your nose, Boo: we will leave no crevice untouched!"
    I *still* hear these things even though I haven't played BG in years.
    • Oh jeez, here I was ready to post Minsc quotes from BG, and someone beat me to it. I'm playing BG2 even now.

      "DON'T teach my hamster to suck eggs!" -- Minsc.

      "NO EFFECT?! I need a bigger sword..." -- Minsc again

      "HIII-YA!! Heh - tourists love that stuff." -- Yoshimo.

      LLiacor the sentient sword has dozens of lines ... it's damn annoying (I can't afford to get Cromwell to shut it up) but some of them are *really* funny (minsc with lliacor and amulet of power == one man vampire slaying army). And damn if
  • Affiliation (Score:5, Funny)

    by jrivar59 ( 146428 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:32PM (#7030099)
    Hey simoniker, you getting kicks on ads at GameSpot or what?

    Article 1 []

    Article 2 []

    Article 3 []

  • Dark Castle (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <> on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:35PM (#7030121) Journal
    On my dad's mac plus. I was too young to have good enough hand-eye coordination. My mom was pretty good at it, though, and the sounds were what really got my attention.

    All the grunts the main character would make. The dizzy noise that happened when you fell down. The "nya-nya-nya-nya" from the imps. The vulture squaks.

    Rad, rad game. Very fluid. Originally released in 1986 by Silicon Beach Software. More fluid, imho, than Prince of Persia. Of course... I was six.

    I think Silicon Beach eventually merged with Aldus, and sold the rights to a company called Delta Tau software, that then released a color version.
    • Not only did I mod this up, but I feel inclined to add that I spent many hours with my dad back in the day, the noise that Caspian makes when he runs into a wall is priceless, and the "nya nyas" as we called them in my house we forever annoy me whenever I hear it, or something that sounds like it.

      By the way, I loved the beginning of that game, where if you stayed on the menu screen long enough, the lightning would strike the castle.

      Also, check out the Great Hall on Christmas Day, there's a tree in the cor
  • by ls -lR ( 703136 )
    I nominate all the sound bites from Warcraft 2, just to get that out of the way.

    By the way, has anyone noticed how sure likes to link to gamespy? I mean really, almost every day it seems like there's some "top 'n' list of 'foo'" article posted, and slashdot is there and waiting with a link. You'd think there was some kind of affiliate deal going on. It's not like gamespy is some hobby site run by some kid for the heck of it.
    • Re:WC2 (Score:2, Funny)

      by aidoneus ( 74503 )
      Join the army they said...
      See the world they said...
      I'd rather be sailing. ... ...
      Will you stop touching me?
      Don't you hav a kingdom to run?

      Man that game was (still is if I'm bored) fun. I remmeber a friend of mine was a beta tester, and his copy had other great effect like, "A good review for Warcraft 2".

      If you're out there Kevin, thanks for helping me make it through that programming class. 1st Rotvig was awesome.
    • ... RTFA, the article is on *GameSpot*, not GameSpy. Besides which, there are only so many major video game news websites left out there, and only a few of those (*cough* IGN) are still mostly open to non-subscribers.
    • Done building ship!!

      Always put a smile on my face.
    • so they can link to for all I care

  • For some strange reason, I still remember the voice of an old man in the game who asked, "Want some rye?? 'Course you do!"

    However, I can't for the life of me remember anything else about that game.
    • Yeah, that ones at the top of my list, too.

      I also like some of the ones that pop up in WC3 when you click a unit long enough. Like the dark troll priest.. click him enough times, and he'll break out in a bastardized version of "Iron Chef". I snarfed all over my keyboard first time I heard that one.

    • Hahaha I totally forgot about that guy ! Damn.
  • L-l-l-look at you, hacker. []

    Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors.

    How you hope to defeat a perfect machieennnneee-chine-(sweating)-perfect-sheen.....

    (sorry that's real audio... seems some loser ripped all the sounds are real audio and everybody copied him. if I can find a wav later I'll post a reply)
  • Sinistar (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Sierran ( 155611 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @09:45PM (#7030183)

    "I *LIVE!*" ...guaranteed to make my fourteen-y/o self start sweating bullets at the machine. Followed by "I *HUNGER!*" a few seconds later as he came for you.

    The awful, dying wrrrrrraaaaaaaarrrrrrrwwwww of your icon sinking down the funnel in Tempest.

    On a more prosaic note, the continuous chika-chika-chika-chika of the frantic buying spree at the beginning of every round of Counter-Strike.
    • Agreed. As I started to read the article those were the first sounds ("I LIVE!" "BEWARE, COWARD!") that came to mind. Being an 80's arcade boy here's the others I thought of and I'm sure everyone can recognize:

      The withering Pac-Man death noise and music after the second (?) maze, Frogger's background music and the satisfying "clack" when the frog gets home, the whine of the mutants in Defender, and the satisfying silence when the screen's clear in Asteroids.

      No, the sound chips weren't always the best b
    • I made a Sinistar sound theme for my laptop a while ago. It went over pretty well in meetings -- at least among the crowd who recognized the sounds.

      Startup - "I LIVE!"
      Low battery - "I HUNGER"
      Shutdown - "RUN, COWARD!"
  • ... Duke Nukem! The sound bite in DN2, "I'm... Back." Back in the days when Adlib sound was still the norm and speech in a shareware game was unheard of. (Am I the only one who remembers this?) Or in Duke3D, my favorite line was, "Hmm... those alien bastards sabotaged the sub." (Don't bust me on direct quotes.)

    A close second would be another Build engine game: "Whooo want-a some Wang?" Still funny on so many levels. Or maybe I'm just an adolescent twenty-something.

    • Damn! Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shootin' up my ride!
    • Duke 3D:
      "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... And I'm all outta guhhhm." (Big drawl on the last "gum" :)

      When you meet the Lunar Assault overlord at the end of mission 2 (Lunar Apocalypse), Duke says "I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck". And you don't even need to imagine it, if you beat the ugly mofo (he reads the paper and whistles while shitting down the thing's neck...). A little bit too weird for regular usage, unlike the gum line, which is good for getting psyched up for a
  • There's this one sound from an 80's video game that I hear in techno songs a lot. It think it's from starcastle when you go through the space warp. But I may be remembering a totally different game.

    Somebody get this freakin duck away from me!

    • the one and only game that ever gave me nightmares - Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple II: SS!
    • hero theme from Karateka Dah da DA daaaaa...
    • All the sounds from Lode Runner
  • by ArmorFiend ( 151674 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @10:01PM (#7030312) Homepage Journal
    The commanding noises of the Ur Quaan Dreadnaught in Star Control. By abusivively using the imperious "Launch Fighters" button, I incited panic in more than one opponent, causing them to DIE.

    Actually all the sounds for Star Control I/II pretty much rocked. Go download Star Control^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HThe Ur-quan Masters [], its Free(dom/Beer)!
  • Although the game itself kind of sucks, the crude sound effects are unmistakably video gamey... hell, they still use the "dying" and "new level" tunes in commercials these days (although the kids are often holding N64 controllers...)

    And of course, there's always the Wizard of Wor's taunting, or the robots in Berzerk... "Get the humanoid!" "Chicken, fight like a robot!"
  • Resident Evil & FF (Score:3, Informative)

    by Scrameustache ( 459504 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @10:03PM (#7030325) Homepage Journal
    "What is this...blood?" -Barry
    I love thosse bad actors!

    And of course, the Final Fantasy victory sound bite...Papan pa pan pa pa pa papan!
  • by wcbarksdale ( 621327 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @10:03PM (#7030329)
    The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time featured a sort of side quest whose objective was to track down and kill all Skulltulas, who made a very distinctive scratching sound. I was playing the game so much that I started to hear that sound walking around my house...
    • I can only remember the sound the whistle (or was it a flute?) made in the first Zelda.
      • How can you mention zelda without thinking of THE SINGLE MOST IDENTIFIABLE/COOL SOUND that I have ever heard: The sound that always plays when you unlock a secret or find a piece of tri-force. I don't know how to describe it other than I think it's seven notes in some minor key. Anyway, the sound has been with the game forever and I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about.
        • oh yeah! I can still remember how excited I was when I beat the first dungeon, I about peed my pants with excitement. I felt like I was a part of the elite. That was no comparison for the first time I beat gannon though. Whenever I entered his dungeon I usually started shaking so bad with excitement that I'd have to pause and relax for a minute.
  • by alefbet ( 518838 ) on Monday September 22, 2003 @10:04PM (#7030330) Homepage
    How about the sound of the CD in your PlayStation spinning up, a subtle hint that a new enemy fight might be loading?
  • The that guy says "HUMILIATION" in Quake3. Made all the more embarassing by the fact that my girlfriend quotes it at me when I do something dumb. Grrr!
  • Gauntlet (Score:2, Insightful)

    by loftwyr ( 36717 )
    I still say them when I'm hungry

    Wizard needs food, badly

    Elf shot the food
  • You know how in StarCraft, when a freshly-cloned marine pops out of the barracks and he says his little thing that's supposed to be "You want a piece o' me, boy"? Well, ever since a friend told me his dad misinterpreted it as "You want a piece of meat, boy?", every time hear hear that sound, I think of it as meat rather then me. My friend is the same way. And now I've passed it on to Slashdot. Enjoy.
  • by dogbowl ( 75870 )
    Command and Conquer: "Affirmative!"

    The 'commerical' tune on Ms Pac Man after the 3rd board

    Parappa the Rapper: "Now turn to the left"

    and who could forget the opening song on Zelda 1 as well as the tune from level 1-1 on Super Mario Bros.

    • I've had the music from Super Mario Bros. Level 1-1, 1-2 stuck in my head now for a couple months. I'm sitting there at work, debugging or something, then all of a sudden Level 1-2 pops in (Dunna dunna Dunna. Dunna dunna Dunna...)
    • now step on the
      uh oh
      uh oh
      uh oh
      now step
      uh oh
  • Would probably be enough to trigger a zerg rush panic attack, thanks to good old StarCraft.
  • Mean Streets (Score:2, Insightful)

    by mohhomad ( 638585 )
    Mean Streets creeped me out the first time I heard: "They're in my head, they're in my head" coming out of my PC Speaker
  • ... but my Aunt's Mac had a sound on it that pavlovically attracted her into her office. It was McCoy saying "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?!"

    From a couple of rooms away, the 'l' in vulcan is silent.
  • "Someone set us up the bomb!"
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • In no certain order:

    1. As already mentioned, the C-64 "Impossible Mission" ("Destroy him, my robots" is indelibly imprinted on my mind, even after almost 20 years).

    2. The theme from Moon Patrol and the sound your buggy makes as it dies horribly again and again and again (didn't say I was good at it, did I :)

    3. As already mentioned, Gauntlet - loved those sound bytes ("Elf needs drugs, badly")

    4. Quake II (I think) with the cries of the captured soldiers when you hit the prison/research cells ("Kill me no
  • NES:
    Zelda - The entire game. I have the "open treasure" song as my new eMail notification sound.
    BattleToads - I had an old stereo hooked up to the NES. When you paused the game, you got some loud bass. I would crank up the volume when the folks weren't home.
    Tecmo Super Bowl - The injury song. It could ruin your season.
    John Madden - The funky rock music with "Madden! Madden!"
    Actraiser - I love the music in this game!!
    Ghouls and Ghosts - Again, nice soundtrack when hooked up to the old stereo.
  • (And finally they're on topic!)

    "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble-gum. And I'm all out of gum."

    And my personal favorite:
    "Hmm. I don't have time to play with myself."
  • I haven't even played the game, and it's not due for release for another month, but Viewtiful Joe's "Kenshin-a-go-go baby!" is already becoming a classic.
  • Here it goes - mostly recent games:
    • Halo 2 E3 video: 'Can you stick it?' 'You're on!'
    • Futurama [Fry]: 'This'll finance my search for a new flavor of crayon!
    • Air Force Delta: Any of the music.
    • Halo: Covenant elite saying 'Wort wort wort' when annoyed or suprised
    • Quake 3: 'Humiliation'
    • Futurama [Bender]: 'I'm addicted to shiny things.'

    And that's just what I can think of right now. So many quotes, so little memory space (Futurama, the game and the episodes, are highly quotable in particular.)

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  • ...where's the classic one we all know and love?

    Get over here!

    (For those who don't know...or love it: It's Scorpion from Mortal Kombat...)

  • Thayer's Quest [] in "attract" mode... over and over again... while I would be playing anything else.
  • Dragon's Lair [] attract loop.
  • halflife (Score:2, Insightful)

    by lordrufus ( 710036 )
    the sound of the headcrabs jumping playing that game at 2 in the morning in dark - the sound of a head crab made me empty a whole clip into thin air i got shivers watching the HL2 vids when you hear the headcrabs
    • System Shock 2 also pegs the creepometer for me.

      the many seek...

      mmmymyMY children disobey me.... This will not do.
  • NBA Jam (Score:2, Interesting)

    by incubusnb ( 621572 )
    my most memorable sound clip would have to be from the Arcade NBA Jam: "He's on FIRE!!!" it became a catch phrase and temporary phenomenon at my school when that game was popular
  • Outrun tunes from the arcade and sega mastersystem.
    Mario Brothers, Castlevania for snes.
    Ultima, Rambo, Yie are Kung fu, Giana Sisters for C64.
    Super Frog, Zool, Turrican for the Amiga.
    Duke Nukem 3D, Doom for PC.

    Too many hours wasted, in fact, i like to listen to [] to remember some of the older games.

    BTW, the first game with great music that really got me, was a platformer on the C64 called Trolls and Tribulations by Creative Software, in fact the company is no longer around. You ca
  • But this soundbite always floats in my head:
    "You can't kill me........ I'm already dead!"
  • Some of my favorite gaming sound clips come from the Dungeon Keeper series. The voiceovers at the level intros were great, as were the comments after you'd turned a happy, peaceful village into a festering pit full of your minions.

    Plus, the sequel had sound events timed to the PC's clock. A while back I was working in a town some 6 hours away from my fiancee where I didn't know anybody. Spent a lot of time reading and gaming, often late into the night. I'll always remember the shock of DK2 saying, "Don
  • ...from UT. And from "Kennedy Approach" (raise your hand if you remember, don't be too shy to admit you are old):

    "Aihr Fraenks 700 -- turn -- right -- at -- VOR -- at -- four -- thousand feet -- *krsshhhROGERsshhhh*"
  • Dhalsim was my go-to guy on the World Warrior (and totally unbeatable). My games would routinely sound like this:
  • The name whispers still freak me out to this day.

    "Lee... Leeeeeeeee.... Leeeeeeeeee... Death..."
  • I know you kids won't remember this, but

    Another visitor ... stay a while ... stay for ever!

    Oh, look a link []
  • You know the one... your computer would freeze up as the C64 used every last ounce of its power to pump out the immortal words: "Another Visitor, Stay a while.... STAY FOREVER!!!" *sigh* Thanks for the good memories!
  • Attempt to go through a door in the basement when your mission is not complete:

    Cate Archer: "We still have work to do!"

    Damn, I still get that ringing in my head with that silly scottish/british accent.
  • "I Hunger" - Sinistar
    "Aw am Gowf. Aw am hew to fave yoo" - Gorf (Supposed to be "I am Gorf. I am here to save you." Wacky speech synthesis.)
    "You the foor, Loo" - Star Wars ("Use the Force, Luke")
    The sound of eating a ghost in Pac-Man.
    The awful synth versions of the songs in Journey.
    The sound of launching to a new level in Time Pilot '84.
    Every single sound from Tron.
    Every single sound from Pong.
    "Welcome, Stun Runner." - Stun Runner
    "#@!%?" - QBert
    The dog barking in Mouse Trap (Not that many played it)

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
