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Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Revealed 117

poshul the hyper puppy writes "Is Square Enix planning on doing a follow up to its best-selling game of all time? Nearing press time at this year's Tokyo Game Show 2003 - it appears a scan from the upcoming V-Jump magazine has given away Square's surprise by revealing Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Leaked by Japanese site Quiter the details say it takes two years after the original, should be released on some form of DVD media (looks like this could this be a movie, not a game?), and involves our legendary hero Cloud. So either bust out Babelfish to read the details directly at Quiter or get the news from SquareAMP: Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children." Update: 09/25 18:54 GMT by S : IGN PS2 are pretty sure that this is a direct-to-DVD CG movie, as the poster suggested above, not a videogame.
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Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Revealed

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  • A movie? (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Snowspinner ( 627098 )
    It certainly looks from the description like a movie... but after the disaster that was Spirits Within, I'd be surprised if they risked that again... especially since they shut down their movie division entirely.
  • It'll show how good the merger is between Enix and Square. I know, as a DQ fan, that I dreaded hearing tha news. After all, look how bad the FF series has gotten.

    I still will remember this.. It cracks me up

    Here lies Erdrick"
  • Another movie? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by meanfriend ( 704312 ) on Thursday September 25, 2003 @11:11AM (#7054887)
    Obviously not a theatrical release as the article says it will be DVD based.

    From the screenshots, it looks like the CGI FMV type graphics that you saw in every cutscene from FFVII to FFX.

    Reminds me of those ebay auctions where someone ripped all the CGI out of the FF games, then converted them to VCD. You could practically get the whole storyline without even playing the game...

    In any case, it doesnt need to cost $130 million to make yet only bring in $32 million [] like FINAL FANTASY:THE SPIRITS WITHIN.

    Square-Enix should take all the FF remakes (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles), FFVII-FFIX and bundle this movie in some sort of deluxe PS2 edition (all on DVD of course). They'd sell millions of copies...
    • You do know that most Playstation2 and all Xbox games come on DVDs, right? It doesn't stand for Digital Video Disc, by the way, it stands for Digital Versitile Disc.

      Why would they specifically mention that it comes on a DVD? Seems weird to me, but this is from a Japanese magazine.
      • Actually, it doesn't stand for a damn thing. After all the arguing back and forth, DVD is not a TLA.

          The keyword is "versatile." Digital Versatile discs provide superb video, audio and data storage and access -- all on one disc.

          The DVD Forum being the consortium of all parties involved in the standards for DVD, I'll take their word on it. That doesn't mean that DVD never meant Digital Video Disc, but it's unlikely (then again, they may not have thought up the name until after announcing the acronym anyway), as the original designs were intended for multimedia u
        • Well, it sure as hell ain't an ETLA!
      • The scan itself(which I translated in a post below) Says specifically that it's a "motion picture". It's possible that it's some machinema-type thing that will only play on PS2's, but I doubt that - why limit your market unnessecarily, when pre-rendered video is much better?
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday September 25, 2003 @12:25PM (#7055628)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Square-Enix should take all the FF remakes (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles), FFVII-FFIX and bundle this movie in some sort of deluxe PS2 edition (all on DVD of course). They'd sell millions of copies...

      Not unless they put some more thought into Chronicles and Anthology - let's face it, the first editions were horrible. I don't think I've ever seen less responsive controls in a video game. :)
  • Cloud (Score:2, Funny)

    by Txurlo ( 555886 )
    Don't know about you, but the first thing I did with FF7 was to change Cloud's name.

    He will be 'Mondongo' forever in my mind =).
    • At a friend's suggestion, I named Cloud 'Psycho'. It was pretty funny to see the dialog, "Nice to meet you x, I'm Psycho!"..

      • Re:Cloud (Score:2, Interesting)

        by jx100 ( 453615 )
        I gave all my characters their last names (or their real names, as with Red XIII and Cait Sith). All the "Mr. Cloud"s turned into "Mr. Strife"s, which made a lot more sense. And I just found "so nanaki's name is nanaki" really funny.
        • And I just found "so nanaki's name is nanaki" really funny.

          I did that too on my second time around, but I didn't even think about what would happen later in the game when they discover his real name -- I just thought that Nanaki was a much cooler name than Red XIII. When I unexpectedly saw that line however, I just burst out laughing. Great stuff.

          Another fun thing to do is name all of your characters in FF2(j) to violent exclamations like "DEATH", "SMASH", etc. First thing that happens in the game is tha
        • I did that in Chrono Trigger, too. It made for some priceless dialogue.

          "I am not Glenn, I am Glenn!"

          "So you mean Nadia is Princess Nadia?"

          "R66-Y? You can come up with something better than that!"
          "How about... R66-Y?"
          "That's perfect!"

          • My little brother's name is Zack, so we quite inadvertently stumbled across "I'm not Zack, I'm Zack!" or something like that. We had to wait until I played through the game with the characters default names to understand what was going on in that one part.
    • Ever since Final Fantasy IV (II in North America), my main character's name has been Cecil.

    • My wife called him Sharky, and refuses to call him by anything else.

      Coincidentally, she named Tifa "1+1 Dood", Yuffie "Squeaky", Red "Meat", Cid "Flagbutt" and, *smirk* Barret "Mr. T"

      I was mortified and howling with laughter at the same time. Square would never be the same.
  • I've been waiting for one ever scince I finishd FF7! Yeah that was only about a year ago but.... Hey! Its hard to wait!
    • Re:Sweet! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by May Kasahara ( 606310 ) on Thursday September 25, 2003 @12:16PM (#7055547) Journal
      I wasn't.

      Don't get me wrong, I love FF7; but I don't see how it would warrant creation of a sequel, be it another game or a DVD. The end of the original game, no matter how ambiguous, wrapped up the plot quite nicely. This new "Advent Children" thingie just looks like a case of Square milking the cash out of its most sucessful game.

      Maybe it will be good... who knows? However, at this point, I must remain skeptical...

      • Maybe it's just me, but I thought the end was wide open....

        I mean doesn't it basically end with everyone sitting there staring into something big happening pretty vaguely.

        I thought it was about as conclusive as the end of The Graduate. Maybe it's just me.
      • "The end of the original game, no matter how ambiguous, wrapped up the plot quite nicely."

        It did? Then maybe you can explain to me where Jenova and the Cetra came from, and why either of them or their ilk won't be coming back in the future (near or otherwise).
        • I agree with all the replys, yeah it was rapped up a lot better then most, but still was unfinished, what about the whole cloud sephiroth clone thingy? I never quite got that, maybe I just missed it. But it could turn out terible, and if it does, FF7 will never be the same...
  • "should be released on some form of DVD media (looks like this could this be a movie, not a game?)"

    Looking at the bottom picture on that magazine cover, if that's a movie then they should have used voice actors rather than two text boxes.

    Here's to hoping it's a game...
    • I believe the bottom, in-game looking screenshot is just a picture of Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation 1, to provide some context - if you squint, you can see '97' (the year FF7 came out) in the text.
  • Final? Fantasy (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Does it strike anyone odd that a game named Final Fantasy has so many sequels.
  • A game? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Jack Comics ( 631233 ) * <jack_comics@post ... Nrg minus author> on Thursday September 25, 2003 @11:25AM (#7055028) Homepage
    Wait a minute... I thought all Final Fantasy releases were movies. You mean to tell me they were games? Huh. Weird. I was wondering why Final Fantasy X required a game controller...
    • Game, movie, when it comes to the Final Fantasy series, is there really much difference? It seems that you spend more time watching melodramatic cut scenes than you do actually playing the game.
      • The difference is you have to slog through hours of boring fights using an incredibly limited and backwards combat system to get to the somewhat interesting plot points. And it costs 40 dollars instead of about 20 or less for a DVD.
    • Its a shame so many gamers think this way about the Final Fantasy series now. Prior to FF7, FMVs were a far away dream and the storyline was something YOU took involvement in rather than watch it unfold in a movie. Anyone remember in FF6 (3 for the uneducated) the part when you had to escape the floating island before it collapsed and you could chose to wait for Shadow or leave without him? Yeah, THAT was cool unlike more recent games where your allies just magicly managed to time your rescue perfectly.
  • If square is smart, they'll publish FF7-2 on not only PS2 but XBOX and GC. They'll make alot of money. I traded in my PS2 last year for an XBOX and i'm not up to shelling out 200 bux to play one of my favorite RPG's of all times sequel.
    • It may make you happy, but releasing it for all three systems definitely wouldn't be a smart move on Square Enix's part. You have to remember, every system has different hardware capabilities and very different code bases--developing the game (assuming that's what it is) for all three systems simultaneously would be prohibitively expensive, especially considering that the Xbox has a market share in Japan approaching zero, and the US Xbox demographic isn't the type noted for playing Final Fantasy.
      • the US Xbox demographic isn't the type noted for playing Final Fantasy.

        Tell that to the 250,000 people that bought Knights of the Old Republic in the first 4 days. KOTOR isn't all that much different than Final Fantasy, except that it has the Star Wars name attached (which doesn't mean much, thanks to Jar Jar).
        • You mean all the kids who were saying

          "D00d, KOTOR is teh sux!!!!111 U can't battle enemies, you just watch. This game is teh ghey!!!!111"

          I thought it was pretty funny since it is the only game for the Xbox that looks like I'd like it but it is definitely not a fit with the current Xbox demographic.
        • Tell that to the 250,000 people that bought Knights of the Old Republic in the first 4 days. KOTOR isn't all that much different than Final Fantasy, except that it has the Star Wars name attached (which doesn't mean much, thanks to Jar Jar). The only real similarities between Kotor and FF is that they're both called role playing games. Other than that they're quite different, both in style and execution. If you ask me kotor is the best console rpg i've played since Square's SNES glory days of FF6 and Chro
    • The Japanese game companies aside from Tecmo don't give two shits about the XBox. It doesn't sell for dick over in the land of the Rising Sun. The XBox is for American gamers who want to play PC first person shooters while sitting on their couch instead of at their computer desk. The XBox is great for what it is, a platform for computer games without having to buy a new video card every six months. Don't expect a lot of variety from the titles being released.
  • Who wants to start taking bets that English version will have Barret's dialogue thrown through the the T'inator? []

  • Okay, now, maybe it was just me, but some of those screenshots are CLEARLY game graphics. I mean, the ones on the bottom left. There is no way that's going to just be a movie. Even if it is, I won't believe it until it comes out.
    • The shot in the bottom left that you refer to is a shot from the original FF7, right at the end of disc 1. You know the scene.
    • This one [] and this one [] That just doesnt look anything like high quality CG to me. I mean, unless someone around here knows Japanese and can give a decent translation, and not the gibberish Babelfish produced, then I don't see any reason to believe that the word DVD assures us that this is just going to be a movie.
  • You may or may not have noticed that Sephiroth was portrayed in the picture. If this is indeed Sephiroth and is not a flashback and the game or movie or whatever does indeed take place two years after FFVII I will be SOOOO pissed. Then again it would be really easy for them to piss me off with something like this, or really easy to make me cream my pants.

    On a side note, why is it that flamebait directed towards FF is rarely modded as such?

    • Re:Sephiroth (Score:2, Informative)

      by Dsal ( 685711 )
      I think the red japanese text around that Sephiroth pic says "about Sephiroth... does he live?!?".. or something to that dramatic effect. The stuff at the top left says "Cloud vs Sephiroth... AGAIN?!?"

      The screen at the bottom left is just talking about FF7 when it first came out, and how it sold like over 3 million copies worldwide blah blah blah. It's just a screen from FF7 and not an gameplay screen or anything.

      The other text on there seriously implies it's a movie and not a game.
      • Not that I don't think the whole thing is fake anyways, but like I said no way should that bastard be alive. Thanks for the translations. Of course I openly admit that if it is real I will buy it regardless of how much of a dissapointment it is simply because it says FF on it.
  • Gimme gimme gimme. I am a Square fanboi damnit, and FF7 was damn-near perfect as far as their line of games goes. (And contrary to GameSpy's FF7 bashing, no, it was not my first FF game. My username should be sufficient evidence of that.)

    I loved that game. The characters, the airship, the story, the minigames (yay snowboarding!) I pretty much liked everything except the silly Materia system, but then I've never been a fan of "equip-to-learn!" systems. It irritated me in FF6 too.

    FF4 is how learning magic s
  • ...the large print in the poster says something to the extent of "More than a game, look at these super-new images!" It seems to imply that it's a game. I'd do a more thorough job of translating, but I'm at work.

    Regardless of what people are saying, it's most likely a game. Remember that FFX and FFX-2 were both games that were released on DVD media. There have also been rumors of a direct FFVII sequel floating around for some time. Nomura himself has commented on it. It's a game, it comes out next ye

    • I also recall that an FFX movie came out (on the FFX International version, I believe) shortly before FFX-2 was announced. Like this new FF7 movie, it was a sequel that took place after the events of the oridinal game. Leads one to further speculation...
    • "Gamu o koeta", the phrase there, could also mean "beyond a game"

      Nowhere in the text there does it mention it being a game, only that it's coming out for DVD. They mean DVD is the platform and not just the media.

      If you look on the Quiter site, the heading of the news usually has the platform in front of the heading title. There, it's listed as "DVD" while other TGS coverage entries are listed as "PS2"

      All signs points to not a game but a straight to DVD movie.
  • by Kelz ( 611260 )
    If it is a game... SQUEEEEEEEL!

    This text to offset caps
  • Can anybody tell me what the deal is with that psychotic looking pirate in the bottom, right corner in the pink box? He also appears in the top, right of the magazine logo.

    Pirates aren't supposed to shoot the bird, they're supposed to wear them on their shoulder.

    It seems out of place and makes me think it's a hoax but then I'm not familiar with the Japanese culture. Can anybody translate the box?
  • Aeris (Score:2, Interesting)

    by hackwrench ( 573697 )
    Alright, it appears no one has asked the question, so "Will they resurrect Aeris?"
  • ... when a new squaresoft game is announced. So many people believe that square is incapable of making decent games anymore, only to be proven wrong (in my opinion) when new games comes out. I just got one peice of advice for ya'll... wait until you've played a game before you talk shit about it.

    *waits not-so-patiently for a new game to devote my life to... SoulCaliber2 is getting old...*

  • I think if it was a game they would have tacked the -2 on it and make a new logo as per tradition. But you never know with square, they are taking more risks more than holding on to traditions lately.
    I look forward to it, whatever it turns out to be. It'll be nice to see these characters brought to life in today's CG.
    Of course if it is a game, you can look forward to your characters not having giant cubes for hands :)
  • Has anyone noticed that Cloud and Sephiroth look alike? It's hard to tell from the small picture of Sephiroth but if Square makes them look alike, they may appeal enough to my fanboy-ness to make me forget The Spirits Within.
  • "it appears a scan from the upcoming V-Jump magazine"

    If those pictures are what the movie looks like, I'll wait for the paperback, thanks.
  • Yaaay, my Japanese skills are finally useful for something! A rough translation of the linked image (sorry about the bad grammar and the exclamation marks... the original isn't written very well, either :P) -

    Pink text in upper-right: That Final Fantasy VII's story appears on completely new DVD!!

    Yellow text near middle: See ultra-new footage that goes beyond the game!!

    Pink tox with white text in lower right: (Something something) CG movie lets you enjoy the later story!! In a world 2 years after

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