Splinter Cell Developers Defect, Ubisoft Objects 66
Thanks to GameSpot for their story discussing a legal battle brewing in Canada between Ubisoft and Electronic Arts over 5 key developers on Ubisoft's Splinter Cell stealth game series, recently departed to work at the new EA Montreal. Apparently, Ubisoft have tried to legally enforce a clause that "...limits the ability for those who sign it to work in the North American game industry for a period of one year after leaving the company", presumably concerned that this alleged 'poaching' would set up a competing product to their important franchise. However, Jeff Brown of EA raged pointedly: "It seems that Ubisoft thinks of Montreal as a plantation - any worker who dares to escape the Ubisoft plantation will be hunted down by lawyers and forced out of business."
Well. (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Well. (Score:1, Funny)
Not easily enforced... (Score:2)
The 'escaping' staffers are pretty much in the clear...
Re:Not easily enforced... (Score:2)
EA and plantations (Score:3, Interesting)
When Richard Garriott left EA/Origin, he had a "no compete" clause in his contract that said he couldn't work for a company that competed with them for a year. Pot calling the Kettle black?
Re:EA and plantations (Score:2)
Non-compete (Score:5, Insightful)
Somehow I've always avoided signing these. It's not that employers have not given them to me to sign, but I usually tell them I need to take it home to look over (with the rest of the paperwork). When I return with the stacks, I bring everything but the non-compete. You'd me amazed at how many companies don't really pay attention to wether or not you really sign. It's only when later down they line that they go to look at your file that they realize that it ain't there.
Re:Non-compete (Score:1)
Re:Non-compete (Score:2)
Re:Non-compete (Score:2)
Re:Non-compete (Score:1)
weird (Score:1)
On the other hand, finding a job as a programmer is quite hard nowadays, so with this 1 year condition added, I doubt anybody will work for them.
Re:Plantation (Score:1)
I don't know about them chickens, but I do know about the (Montreal) chicks! Ask anybody who lives in or has visited Montreal and they will all tell you how hot, friendly and approchable the women are around here! Yes, I live on the island [gouv.qc.ca] myself.
Believe me, you cannot spend a year in Montreal and stay a virgin, even if you are a computer nerd!
Ever wonder why "Je me souviens" (translation: I remember) is written on ou
Like it or not... (Score:4, Insightful)
UbiSoft should also demand full disclosure by the effected employees of all communication with EA over the period...After all, if the product was discussed prior to their actual hiring, as is often the case, UbiSoft may have IP claims over the idea...and legal remedy against EA for using "Ubisoft's" IP.
Outside California, employees looking to form a new company or jump ship in mass usually have to take very careful percautions. This sometimes means that they will actually "sit out" of the industry for the full year plotting the new company or working at a partner's company in a different capacity.
Worst part about it is that they don't have jobs at UbiSoft anymore...even if Ubi gets them back. All Ubi is going to have them do is pick and train their replacements! Sucks, but they got caught and that's how these things go. They can still quit the company, but you know Ubi will be attaching that clause to any reference checks that come into their offices for the entire year and forwarding a notice from the lawyer.
Frankly, EA should have known better. Especially if EA has thier own employees sign them. I'd suspect that EA plans to cover the legal expense to win, and then of course force the programmers in to an even LONGER contract at EA. After all, while Ubi may be a "plantation" EA has just blackmailed/extorted the programmers into only being able to work for THEM. Seems just as bad to me.
At my shop, rather than sign individual non-competes [other than directly working for another shop at the same time!] the boss has non-competes with the other bosses of nearby competitors. They agree not to poach each others employees. It mildly bites, but it's a very narrow industry, and things like IT and Office work don't really fit the aggreement anyway, and have plenty of other options.
Re:Like it or not... (Score:2)
See Microsoft poaching Ken Lobb from Nintendo of America and Peter Moore from Sega of America.
It appears Sega and Nintendo had no such non-compete clauses. Microsoft, on the other hand, stirctly ensures every employee signs a non-compete agreement when they are hired.
Re:Like it or not... (Score:1)
non-compete (Score:2)
Re:non-compete (Score:2)
I'd have probably responded, "if it's unenforceable, then it's worthless, so you won't mind if I don't sign."
So then they may backpedal, and then I might ask, "so... the part about it not being enforceable, was it the truth?"
At that point, of course, I'd already be looking for the exit, or ask to speak to the head of HR to confirm facts. It's quite possible that only one HR flunky is lying, but if it's the company line, you really don't want to work for t
This is Why the Lawyers want them! (Score:2)
Re:This is Why the Lawyers want them! (Score:2)
Sorry, but you can't force someone to work outside their chosen profession/occupation for a year just because they don't work for you anymore, at least not over such a large geographic area as the whole of North America. Such clauses will generally be void at common law as unreasonable covenants in restraint of trade, and will probably fall foul of the local anti-trust statute(s) as well.
The concerns you mention and the examples cited (poaching sales lists, etc) are valid, but there are separate areas of l
Re:This is Why the Lawyers want them! (Score:3, Informative)
There are 4 sides here: State, worker, Ubi, and EA.
Ubi has all the cards. The valid signed contract with the workers.
The workers have nothing. They appear to have flagrantly violated the contract.
The state has two interests. First to uphold[or not] a legally valid contract presented by Ubi. Second, to keep workers working and not on welfare.
EA is a wild-card because they are not actually mentioned in the contract, but could smooth things ov
Re:This is Why the Lawyers want them! (Score:3, Informative)
Firstly, the non-compete clause may not be valid, as I outlined above, in which case UbiSoft has no cause of action (in layman's terms, "a leg to stand on"). The court can sever a portion of the contract and leave the rest intact. Secondly,
I don't know, but I HEARD (Score:2)
Maybe all this recruitment means the new Sims expansion will be the best one yet!
Re:I don't know, but I HEARD (Score:2)
It's not like they need to poach though. The video game sector is doing better than most, but there are still pleanty of people looking for work. The only reason to try and steal talent from another company is if they think those people have some specific knowledge that wo
Non competes are very nasty ways to cheat people (Score:2)
Think about the typical technical career (i'll use electrical engineering because I am familliar with it). You have a minimum 4 year education that causes the recipient to rack up severe debt. After they are in the work force they have run like hell just to get back to even with their compatriots that went into something directly from their
Re:Non competes are very nasty ways to cheat peopl (Score:2)
If it was one or two developers, I'd tend to agree with you, that hey, they need a job maybe they were getting the axe. But EA went after 5 developers all on the same project! A exagurated example would be MS hiring Li
Re:Non competes are very nasty ways to cheat peopl (Score:2)
Let me give a few situations.
1. Your'e working for a company, you want more benefits, or a raise. You joined the company while the economy was doing badly, now that its doing better you have the option to leave. Unfortunately you were (tricked,forced,compelled) into signing a noncompete.
2. Your'e a member of a small team of developers that have created a product that is making the company tens of millions of dollars. You feel you and your team members
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Human rights? (Score:1)
I'm pretty sure that in canada, its illegal to force someone to give up a basic right (in this case, the right to work).
By 2 cents, if some other company offers you twice as much for work and you don't even have to move (which is why EA opens a office in montreal) than good for them.
Also, from what i heard (from working there and from people who have worked there) work conditions where generaly not that good at Ubisoft (there was an underground union called "UbiFree"
Re: (Score:2)
Why I'm being so disagreeable! (Score:3, Insightful)
Non-competes have to be very strict in industry and geographic area to be enforceable. IP assignment is also limited to ideas at work or directly related to your industry. It's a bit harsh to read um, but in the end they are fairly reasonable.
This is why industry moved down south and west! Everyone wants to be the shining flame, big pay, big stocks. But it's also a carefully made effort to slash and burn and undercut the workers. After all, in all of the "right-to-work" states, the pay is half what it is up here for the same job. While it appears that the worker has tons of rights, the employers really have them all...Who do you think sets up all these crazy "employee spy" programs we all hate, drug testing, crazy employee "behavior" policies, etc...After all, you have the "right" to leave their jobs right! [not!]
Realize that what EA is doing is what Microsoft was doing to small software companies in the 90's. EA is actively trying to edge out the other game makers. Again, being really big is cool...being mean about it isn't.
What if your company had the "Big Deal" closing soon, everyone was working on it, it would feed the company for the next whole year. Great! Now the lead sales guy gets a huge offer from a MegaCorp competitor, He takes his contact list...particularly the "Big Deal" ones and instead, uses those contacts to stear the deal away from your company at the last minute. A year of work, and most importantly ALL YOUR JOBS! is on the line here because 1 worker ratted the company out! That's what's happening here...and it sucks!
Parent is internally inconsistent (Score:2)
Fact Michigan, has and continues to have high levels of unemployment, because of the high levels of unionization. 7.4% Unemployment in august 2003, if that isn't a great argument against unions I don't know what is. By youre own statements the industrys moved south and west ( this ignores the move to Tennessee). Do you think moving an auto plant is the same as moving a call center ? There has to be one hell of a motivation for a company to relocate that kind of operation.
Re:Why I'm being so disagreeable! (Score:2)
Letting any one business deal account for more than 5-10% of your revenues is very risky. Then again, all business is risky. Suck it up.
In the sales person's case, it could just as easily have gone south if the salesperson had not closed the Big Deal, right? Like, what if the Big Dealers backed out, through no fault of the salespe
non competes suck! (Score:2)
BUT in the gaming industry i dont see how this applies. Someone fill me in!
Non competes are necesssary (Score:2)
Re:Non competes are necesssary (Score:1)
That is the high water mark of quality video gaming. It will remain unmatched for years to come, my niggaz.
Talking about UBI soft. (Score:1)
And yes, this is not really relevant.
But wait a minute !
Canadian law (Score:2)
I know Bioware, for example, is very careful about this. The non-compete agreement you sign with them would let you work in Red Deer if you wanted (Red
reverse it a bit (Score:1)
As Good As Their Word (Score:2)
When did it become a viable business model to violate an agreement if the penalty is less than the benefeit? Does consumer opinion count for nothing these days? Sure, breaking contract will only cost you $50,000, and you stand to gain $120,000 by doing so, but doesn't that create a negative consumer image with the public?
Or don't morals matter anymore?
Morals (Score:3, Insightful)
Even if you already have a job, some executive can get a bright idea and the next thing you know, some HR droid is giving you an agreement to sign. You don't have to sign it, just pack your things and turn in your badge if you don't like it.
Re:There's an easy out for Ubisoft. (Score:2)
On another note, sounds like EA also makes employees sign non-competes! If it's so important to EA [or any other employer] then why do the companies poach like this....After all, how loyal will these people be? If they broke one contract for more $$$ why not break another one? Along the same lines, why can't your employer can't continue to "shop" for cheaper workers every 6 mon
EA. The real evil empire? (Score:2)
Of course, 5 years later they spit you out Westwood style, chewed and used. Westwood should serve as notice to anyone thinking about applying to EA as a programming peon. EA is the JP Morgan
Corporate Marauding (Score:1)