Blizzard Removes 400,000 More Battle.Net Accounts 95
Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the announcement that Blizzard has removed over 400,000 more accounts from their online gaming service, due to cheating. This comes after earlier similar action in June closed over 112,000 Diablo II accounts - this time, it's been announced: "In keeping with our aggressive stance against cheating, we have permanently closed 276,000 StarCraft accounts, 86,000 Diablo II accounts, and 41,000 Warcraft III accounts." It's also mentioned that has "identified the Diablo II accounts with which a 'map-hack' program is being used", and banning is threatened if players don't stop, another sign of Blizzard's continuing, active anti-cheating stance.
How long until a new map-hack? (Score:3, Interesting)
Even though I know that new hacks will come out, I am really glad that Blizzard is doing something about this. They seem to be responding to this [] previous article on online gaming.
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
KeyGen doesn't work on (Score:2)
This seems to be the case. Generated keys don't work on
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
keeping track of keys. (Score:1)
Re:keeping track of keys. (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:2)
As I understand it they only have a couple of people working on battle net. So hand analysing seems unlikely.
Oh, as far as tracking point a to point b times... Interestingly the concensus is that getting tagged causes this... yet I've been "tagged" even without using mapping features. Thankfully, since I cannot play public games anymore This isn't a problem and private games are uneffected.
Frankly the only people sufferin
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
There are lots of reasons for being tagged. You used to get tagged if you would hit too many monsters too fast. I saw this in full effect with a whirl wind barb I had... Very retarded.
You'd think they would go after the people doing the malicious hacks, not the people doing self helping or hacks that actually help others, wouldn't you? Shows where their priorities are.
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:2)
Think about it this way... if you get rid of the old timers the people that still play a lot and you leave in all the botters/hacks/pk then it becomes a lot harder for the noobs.
As you start shedding more people in the game, more people leave because there is no one to play with without being pk'd. No reward for lot
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
That should be simply enough for them to have done it already?
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
As I've said, they aren't detecting it. This is FUD, and they just banned groups of botters.
Re: (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:1)
So, at least up to 9-17-03, they could detect maphack users.
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:2)
Frankly, I use maphack specifically because I got drop hacked and killed a few times... There really is no other way to protect yourself... I don't see blizzard doing anything about this...
Shrug. Frankly I find it a little unusual that the last go round people that had never botted got cut and others that bot all the time wer
Re:How long until a new map-hack? (Score:2)
One of the blizzard reps did say on their website that they were in the process of trying to make the acount wipes happen more often
400,000 Scum Bag Subsidy (Score:4, Insightful)
What more, it takes a serious degree of selfishness and dedication to cheat, these scum are often heavy users.
Guess who's going to end up paying more?
Re:400,000 Scum Bag Subsidy (Score:1)
Re:400,000 Scum Bag Subsidy (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:400,000 Scum Bag Subsidy (Score:1)
I know many people who have multiple accounts. Heck, there's been times I forgot what my old account was and simply made a new one.
It's likely that far, far fewer than 400k users were affected by this.
Is this a good thing? (Score:1, Insightful)
For Warcraft 3, if someone thinks you're cheating, they simply e-mail blizzard, send a relevant replay and viola, your account can be terminated without notification or chance to defend yourself. All we need now are the legions of bad/new warcraf
Re:Is this a good thing? (Score:2)
Re:Is this a good thing? (Score:2)
Re:Is this a good thing? (Score:1)
Do you really want them to? (Score:2)
Re:Is this a good thing? (Score:2)
Blizzard has said that false reports will not get you banned. They seem to be well aware of this issue.
Re:Is this a good thing? (Score:2)
Ah ha! (Score:5, Funny)
I knew I wasn't THAT bad.
Going after the wrong people.. (Score:3, Informative)
Now I know someone is going to jump me for running bots period, but before you do consider the competition. I'm playing with (and against) a ton of people with hacked items. It's virtually impossible to find or trade for good items that are legit on unless you're running a bot or duping/hacking. Legit items (unided) carry a ridiculous pricetag because the problem of cheating and duping is so bad. But instead of fixing a dupe/hack problem that has been rampant in d2 for *years* Blizzard finds it better to go after people who are trying to compete against the dupers/hackers.
Let me ask, who is doing more harm? The guy who runs a bot for a few hours to improve his chances of finding an item that doesn't suck or the guy who puts together a 100% illegal item and then uses it to run around PKing others or generally gaining illegitimate advantage in other ways?
Got on bnet today and saw the same people trading occy rings and ccb garbage. These people are without fear, because Blizzard seems more interested in harassing those who use maphack or a pindlebot. They feign a desire to keep people from cheating, but the most rampant cheaters remain totally unpunished. These people ruin the closed economy, and by doing so take a good deal of enjoyment out of the game for a large majority of users. No d2 player likes having to fork over extra stuff just because they want an unid'd item so it doesn't get deleted on them. Unfortunately, because of Blizzard's totally lax stance on the real problem this is the way the d2 economy works.
I really love d2, but if Blizzard keeps going after small frys instead of the big cheaters I'm just going to toss my copy of d2, and I certainly won't be looking to buy/play any other Blizzard games.
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Also, I was using d2jsp w/ pwnage pindle. It worked really well but was a supreme bitch to setup.
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
I don't play anymore, so this doesn't effect me in the least other than to scoff at the fact that they are doing this for PR and to conserve bandwidth... What better way to do than get rid of the "undesirables", even though they're leaving people that are even worse to go along their merry
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
As far as deleting people with dupes and hacks, yeah, I'm 100% for it. If Blizzard could nerf the illegitimate item
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Botting will never stop in V 1.09, since your pwnage pindle just kicks ass, and could only be stopped by changes in gameplay.
I'm looking forward to 1.10 - CDB might just actually happen if doing multiple boss runs is nerfed enough ;o)
Why Blizzard is scum (Score:3, Insightful)
Some games recognize this (Open Source and community-driven games are particularly good here) and try to minimize the amount of drudge work a player must do, if he so desires. MUD clients contain triggers. The roguelikes derived from Moria contain the Borg, a built-in-bot and a
Re:Why Blizzard is scum (Score:3, Insightful)
Everybody understands that, when you're in somebody's house, you play by their rules or you're not welcome to play at all.
Well, when you're playing on Blizzard's Closed Battle.Net servers, you're in their house. If you don't like their rules, then you can play Diablo II off-line.
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Funny, instead of trying to cheat, but not cheating as bad as the others, I quit for a while, then came back and played legitimately. I play the game to play and enjoy it. If I don't enjoy the game, I stop
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
I don't think you understand how bad it is. The SoJ is no longer a form of currency, the "Occy Ring" is. The occy ring is an oculus combined with an SoJ so you get a +3 skills
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:5, Insightful)
So you cheat, as defined by the game's creators.
But you don't cheat in that way? What gives? Doesn't seem like you have an issue with playing the game on your own terms. Why don't you dupe if it's such a long standing issue that's simply not punished?
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
a) botting
b) duping
c) item hacking.
The item hackers are by far the worst, because they end up with items totally outside the bounds of
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
If it's going on on open then I have no sympathies since you chose not to log in to the secure servers.
Sounds like... (Score:1)
Really man, good ethics say that a lesser wrong is still a wrong. I don't see how you can possibly think Blizzard had no right to boot you, nor do I see how you can possibly think it's "unfair" to boot you. Either way, you played the dirty game and you paid for it. I'd give you a cookie, but instead I'll just tell you to go buy one yourself, as it doesn't sound like you can do anything for yourself.
Re:Sounds like... (Score:4, Informative)
As far as good ethics.. Blizzard has shown a distinct lack of ethics in effectively lying about their stance on "cheating." The only "cheating" they care about is any activity which might cost them some money. They're entited to feel that way, but ethically speaking they should come out and admit that they don't care about people cheating as long as the cheaters don't add any load to their servers. When Blizzard shows me good ethics, I will be more than happy to exercise good ethics in my dealings with them. For a long time I was a religiously ethical Diablo 2 player. Then I learned that Blizzard just didn't care, and that anyone who didn't help themselves was going to be screwed as far as playing/enjoying the game, because Blizzard didn't have any interest in fixing what was wrong or even letting anyone else fix it either (bnetd). So until the time comes (if it ever does) that Blizzard is either honest with their customers about their motives, or their motives change, I will do what I can to continue enjoying the product I paid for, even if Blizzard doesn't care for it.
Re:Sounds like... (Score:1)
Money related or not, Blizzard is showing more effort than many games online which is good. Constantly I see folks selling their exploited items on StarWars galaxies, problems that stil
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2, Insightful)
But as for cheating, all cheaters of all sorts need to be banned. I'd go so far as to
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:1)
Fixing the economy is not really a matter of adding more legitimate items into the economy, it's a matter of reducing the items in the economy to their 'natural' state. By using a bot to 'counter the flood', you're also reducing the rarity of certain legitimate items, thereby hurting the economy in much the same way duped items do. The simple fact is that it's probably a lot eas
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
I played Diablo II (a _lot_), and I finally just kicked it. It was nothing but hunt for items, and make a character to exploit whatever new patch came out recently. I never hacked except for MapHack, which I got rid of after a few months. I picked up the game again about a year later, playing hardcore mode (1 death = character gone), and map hack kind of defeats the purpose there. That lasted about 3 months (felt carpal tunnel coming
Re:Going after the wrong people.. (Score:2)
What gives, you hypocritcal cheater?
Damn! (Score:1)
active anti cheating stance? (Score:2)
now it's just huge mass deletions of people who have come to except the cheating to be be a norm(and thus,not being cheating really since everyone does it)
Re:active anti cheating stance? (Score:1)
Unfortunately, that doesn't work so well, since not everyone interested in StarCraft or Diablo 2 is interested in WarCraft 3 (and they also banned WarCraft 3 players).
If they had a StarCraft 2, Diablo 3, and WarCraft 4, then I could see that theory meshing with this announcement.
Re:active anti cheating stance? (Score:2)
oh well, they could care a shit for the customer but doesn't really feel like that..
Re:active anti cheating stance? (Score:2)
Preferred servers (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Preferred servers (Score:1)
Enemy-Territory has punkbuster with it, and it seem to do fairly well. I have seen some folks who seem to shoot a little too acurately, but they might simpley be their connection or something. But, there are some servers that do not use punkbuster which I avo
from the do-we-really-need-subjects? dept. (Score:5, Funny)
Now that's what I call bad weather!
Call me cynical (Score:1)
You know that a large portion of those banned accts will result in new sales.
Is there some kind of appeals process?
Some way to try and prove you weren't cheating or maybe a light weight?
Or even that they (blizzard) may have made a mistake?
Good to See (Score:5, Funny)
Really, though, Blizzard really needs to tighten security on Battle.Net: I know I won't be buying their online game, knowing their record on security.
Re:Good to See (Score:1)
Once again (Score:1)
Once again, Blizzard > *
This gives me some hope for WoW [], even though from the screens I've seen it's not a graphical style I prefer.
The reason it gives me some hope is because I'm comparing it to SOE's record regarding bans in Star Wars Galaxies. Sooooo many dupers, griefers, and assorted other cheats and exploits that people have discovered and used, in direct contradiction to the EULA, and yet SOE continues to sit on their hands.
I have a lot of respect for Blizzard's actions. It takes some cajone
Re:Once again (Score:2)
Re:Once again (Score:2, Interesting)
mmm (Score:2)
Hidden agenda? (Score:1)
but when you think about it banning so many cheaters (including the "lite cheaters") doesn't really harm Blizzard and in reality gives them an chance to resell those old games.. You don't pay a fee to play on BNet.. and the majority of players on Bnet are playing older games which aren't really flying off the shelves...
Re:Hidden agenda? Are you out of your mind? (Score:1, Informative)
Excuse me? Do you even bother to look at sales charts? Diablo II (and Lord of Destruction expansion) was the #7 selling game for Sept 1-7, 2003. It has bee consistantly in the top 20 selling games for the past FOUR YEARS.
Re:Hidden agenda? Are you out of your mind? (Score:1)
Where are they on the list...
Ah ha! (Score:1)
Diablo 2 and cheating (Score:2)
Re:Diablo 2 and cheating (Score:5, Insightful)
Just because you don't call it cheating doesn't mean it's not cheating. By the rules, IT IS CHEATING. You can't decide what the rules of the game are. If you create it, then you get to decide. Since you didn't you either do what they say, or you're a cheater. There is NO grey area here.
Since D2 is a game that involves very little skill just a lot of mouse clicking, there is little lost; you are playing in the same 4 (or 5) areas over and over again, fighting the same exact monsters.
Then don't play.
Maphack actually increased my enjoyment because I didn't have to spend as much time playing the areas I do not like since I could navigate out of them quicker.
So because you cheated and got to the final goal quicker, it made the game more fun. Well, because someone else cheated and got the coolest items in the game, they had more fun. What's the difference? It's still *cheating.* Stop pretending you're better than all the other cheaters. Just because you do it at a lower level doesn't make you any better.
A thief that robs a bank or steals from a grocery store is still a thief.
about time (Score:1)
umm...bnetd? (Score:2)
The pisser here is that if bnetd had not been shut down, folks would be able to run their own servers and write/employ mods for their servers like UT's CSHP to detect and prevent cheating (is there a website for this? I couldn't find one that I can link to). Unfortunately, this is a case where bad copyright law stifles innovation and usability. I hate to say it, but if this severly hurts Blizzard, I wouldn't shed any tears.
Only one real reason they did this. (Score:3, Insightful)
They have a MMPOG coming out soon. They did not thing about this kind of shit for 2 years.
MMPOGS as in DOAC/SWG/EQ don't handle a little hack as well as something like Diablo/warcraft/starcraft. Blizzard has always had the out of "free service" we do the best we can.
They will charge for Worlds of Warcraft. They need to show "we are serious" about cheating. LOOK what we did! It cost them nothing and was a great PR move. Even if it was 2 years late, mark my words you will see it in print to prop up the hipe on WOW.
They did not do it to stop cheaters in Diablo/war-starcraft. They did it to sell there new game because they know people in that area of gaming will not live with it, they will leave. Unlike the people that play currently on BNET. No one pays to play in a hacked world....
Re:Only one real reason they did this. (Score:2)
One day when I have more time to type I will spell/grammer check my posts....until then!
That's what I figured. (Score:1)
A fine example of what happens when the "1337 h4xX0r" kiddies get out of control would be Ragnarok Online []. Because of botters (some of them running a dozen or more at once), the market is saturated with rare items that sell for monetary amounts that only other botters could possibly afford due to the global devaluation of the games curran
To bad... (Score:1)
I wonder ... (Score:2)
Number of accounts before the banning: X
Number of accounts after the banning: X-400,000
Simple, right?
However ...
About 90 days ago, Blizzard released a beta test copy of the 1.10 patch - and anyone who uses it cannot play on I wonder how many of these 400,000 accounts were automatically purged due to lack of use?
Mine should have been automatically purged in the previous few days, for example.
Maybe their math accounts for it, but I wonder, was it really
Number of accounts before the ban
Is Blizz paying the price this morning? (Score:1)