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Zelda Bundle For GameCube Confirmed 99

Thanks to IGN Cube for confirming that the GameCube hardware will soon be bundled with a Legend Of Zelda bonus disc, containing multiple classic Zelda titles. According to the piece, which comes with "recently released artwork to retailers" as proof of the (pre-Xmas?) bundle: "The disc will feature The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and a demo of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker." It's currently unknown if the disc will be offered stand-alone, though IGN speculatively "...hope we'll also see it as a bonus for those who order The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords."
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Zelda Bundle For GameCube Confirmed

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  • by rkabir ( 575053 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @12:16AM (#7150462)
    I'm not a Nintendo fanboy, but the games they make *are* good. I wonder if bundles like these are enough to boost sales of the GC... If the price cut wasn't good enough... what is?
    • The price cut was enough. IIRC, sales quadrupled. Go figure. :)
    • Are these effective?

      Why not? At under $100, I think I'll probably get a GC in the next year or so. Being able to run the original Zelda on a several-hundred-megahertz modern RISC CPU is just the icing on the cake. The original Zelda was one of the few games that had tremendous replay value...but I'm really not sure why (story, characters, simplicity, I suppose).

    • I've never bought a console system in my life (i've always been a PC gamer), but this deal along with the price cut might just make me give in. If it works for me, it's bound to work for a few others, right?
  • Zelda 3? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sirmikester ( 634831 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @12:18AM (#7150477) Homepage Journal
    Too bad they didn't include Zelda 3 in the package. That was the best zelda in my opinion, however the games included are good... I think it would be neat if they remade zelda 1 and 2 with updated graphics, sort of how Square did with its Final Fantasy re-releases for the playstation.
    • Re:Zelda 3? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @12:48AM (#7150651)
      I think it would be neat if they remade zelda 1

      They kind of did that with Zelda 1. BS Zelda [] (more info) [] is a version of Zelda 1 with updated graphics - but it isn't the full game, and some of the maps (including the overworld) have been edited. It's also only available as a ROM.

      But if Nintendo wanted to release a version with updated graphics, they'd already have most of the sprites.
    • Oddly enough, If they offer the disc as a bonus for ordering the four swords, as mentioned in the article, you will be getting A Link to the Past, aka Zelda 3.
      • Not quite.

        Link to the Past/4 Swords for the GBA was two games. 4 Swords GC seems to be just the one game - the multiplayer part. Nowhere has Nintendo mentioned re-re-releasing aLttP.

        So to get your Zelda 3 fix, you still need either a GBA or SNES.
        • Actually, I happen to own Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords. It is both games. The single player portion is Link to the Past, and the multiplayer portion is The Four Swords, which is really nothing more than a pseudo coop version of the actual game. However, this does not change the fact that the game is still Zelda 3.
          • That's the GBA version. The GC version is just the multiplayer, no LttP.

            It's unfortunate that the two games have become known collectively as 4 Swords, rather than as two seperate games on one cart.

            I think Nintendo needs to point out that it's not just the same game they released for the GBA, and that it doesn't include LttP like the GBA version did. (Although, if it does include this bonus disc for preorders, I think that more than makes up for it.)
            • That's news. The last I heard about this was that it was more or less a GCN port of the same game. I guess it's just a multiplayer version of LttP now. /me shrugs.
    • Zelda 3 is currently being sold as a GBA port. That's why it's not in the package.
    • By Zelda 3, do you mean "LOZ: A Link to the Past" for the SNES? If so, then I agree that it's possibly the best Zelda game.

      As for it not being a part of the package, it's probably because the game is available for GBA. Wouldn't make sense to give away something they're still selling.

      As far as remakes go, I would love to see Zelda 1 remade. What the new 3D zeldas are lacking IMO is the size/difficulty of the original dungeons.

    • sort of how Square did with its Final Fantasy re-releases for the playstation.

      Ah... hate to break it to you buddy, but they didn't do much to the FF re-releases. Well, they updated the FF1&2 re-relases graphically, but they took those graphics from the Wonderswan Color port they made. The PSX versions of FF4-6 and Chrono Trigger are basically the same games running on top of a shitty SNES emulator.

      • Umm, that's going a bit far. I'll grant you your statements about FF Anthology (FF5+FF6) It was the first attempt. No updated graphics, no new cutscenes, and a lot of shitty performance issues with the menus. It did at least come with some nifty art gallery stuff, and a fully translated FF5. But don't judge the other two games based on it, because Square fixed almost all of the problems once they had a little bit of experience porting these games.

        FF Chronology (FF4+CT) is way above Anthology. It had many o
        • All the Playstation FF remakes (1-6, we didn't get 3, but I'm pretty sure they did that for the PS too in Japan) added in a shiny intro and ending FMV, and that was it. No cutscenes were replaced. CT added new anime cutscenes for some of the plot scenes, yes. It also added in an ending movie that helped tie the game to Chrono Cross. Anthologies and Chronicles (not Chronology) did have some extra art and stuff, and some minor gameplay fixes (like the addition of a 'run' button for the FFs.) I don't know abou
    • They didn't include A Link to the Past because you can go to the store and currently purchase it for the GBA.

      They are probably hoping that those who want to complete the collection will invest in either a GBA or Gameboy Player.

      Oh, and I must say Link to the Past for the GBA is a nearly flawless recreation of the SNES version, with only a few minor changes.
  • Wow (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @12:20AM (#7150489)
    GCN + Game Boy Player + Bonus Disc + A Link To The Past + Wind Waker = Holyfarkingcrap, some of the best gaming in the last 20 years in your hands.

    I'm a little disappointed that Link To The Past (or even Ura Zelda, which was on the other bonus disc) wasn't being included, as most of the sales of the GBA port that they're going to get have probably been sold. With the addition of that game to the bundle, only two little CDs could've contained SIX great Zelda games (as opposed to "only" 5).

    Even though I already have a Cube, if a hardware order is the only place to get it, I'd be tempted to get another one.
    • Re:Wow (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Vaevictis666 ( 680137 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @12:48AM (#7150650)
      I'd wager that a Link to the Past isn't included because it's still selling well for the GBA. OTOH, I wouldn't mind seeing Link's Awakening - now there was good old portable fun.
      • There's going to be at least one more original Zelda game for GameCube - it will be to Wind Waker what Majora's Mask was to Ocarina Of Time, I'd expect. That gives them a nice opportunity to release yet another pre-order disc with Link To The Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle Of Seasons and Oracle Of Ages on it. I'm indulging in pure speculation here of course.

        The disc announced today has "Not For Resale" clearly printed on the packaging but that's unlikely to deter anyone. The Wind Waker pre-order disc was o
    • by Ondo ( 187980 )
      GCN + Game Boy Player + Bonus Disc + A Link To The Past + Wind Waker = Holyfarkingcrap, some of the best gaming in the last 20 years in your hands.

      I'm a little disappointed that Link To The Past (or even Ura Zelda, which was on the other bonus disc) wasn't being included, as most of the sales of the GBA port that they're going to get have probably been sold. With the addition of that game to the bundle, only two little CDs could've contained SIX great Zelda games (as opposed to "only" 5).

      Oracle of Seaso
    • Time to buy somebody a gift is what I'm thinking. "Here's a GameCube, there are lots of great games out there. Oh no, I bought it for you before the bundle came out. Sorry."
    • Throw in a Hori digital controller [] and you're totally set.

    • Actually, I don't think they're including the game boy player anymore. They're replacing it with this promotion- the picture of the package in this article [] says nothing about the game boy player.

      That would be sweet-ass, though, if they did put that in there too.

  • Well... (Score:1, Funny)

    by Drakin ( 415182 )
    There's another reason that I'll wait for the next run of GC bundles to come out before buying...
  • anyone remember the "other" zelda games? on the jaguar I think, weird horrible unfun games.
    • The other Zelda games were on 3DO actually, a system which the gaming industry would probably like to 'forget' about. The Jaguar was actually quite a decent system - despite having what is probably the worst controller ever, easily worse than the current 'bundled' Xbox controller. Some of it's more memorable games were: Cannon Fodder Alien Vs. Predator Flashback NBA Jam (it had my favorite revision of it) There were others but there's work to be done and talking about the Jaguar is probably a waste of ti
      • It wasn't the 3DO, either, it was some freaky Panasonic game system. There's information to be found on E2, but it's late and I'm not in a linking mood.
      • Re:left out some (Score:4, Informative)

        by k_187 ( 61692 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @01:26AM (#7150802) Journal
        No, the other zelda games were on the CD-i. The first CD based system that had a bunch of "edutainment" crap and cost like your left arm (literally, you had to chop it off)

        Linkage []

        you get the idea.
        • Did you really just post a link to a geocities on slashdot? I understand that it is the games section but still...
          • With the exception of a mirror link on a highly-loaded story, links from the /. comments section rarely get more than a few dozen clicks. It's really not a very big deal.
      • by lpp ( 115405 )
        You know, for a moment, I read that as:

        memorable game were:
        Cannon Fodder Alien
        in a
        Flashback NBA Jam

        Momentarily, my head was spinning with autoexploding acid drooling aliens going toe toe with Rastafarian space hunters in an old time NBA hoops match starring Moses Malone and basketball stars of yore. A match to be remembered for all time.

        Yes, indeed, that would have been quite a memorable game.
    • waving hand

      You don't need to see those games.

      Those aren't the Zelda games you're looking for.

      Go back and play Wind Waker again.
  • This is so awesome. Now I can have both N64 Zeldas on my Gamecube? I'm there, as long as I can buy it seperately..
  • by RevAaron ( 125240 ) <> on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @02:22AM (#7150967) Homepage
    Man, just when the gf and I finished getting all the games in this collection- she just bought Majora's Mask, and I bought her Ocarina of Time for her birthday in April. Great games, OoT is probably the best- game- ever- at least as far as both of us are concerned. It'd be great to have all of them in one place, though.

    And a friend of ours is going to buy a GCN this week- but probably too early to get in on this deal. Heh- we convinced him to get a GCN. Why do humans do that? It's not like it'll benefit us, and hell- we don't even have one ourselves. (roomate does, and so did former roomate) But, it's like Mac vs PC. Except in this case, the "Mac" is cheaper than the "PC" analog. We believe in the supremacy of the platform, we believe in Nintendo. Nintendo has soul, spirit, personality- MS is "M$" and Sony is Sony, just big companies who see something profitable in gaming.

    Yes, we're early-mid-20s. Raised on the NES, jealous of friends whose parents got them an SNES. Bought an original GameBoy [1] with hard earned kid-money. Can you blame us for loving Nintendo, having given us so much electronic joy in our youths? What did MS give me- at that age, they gave me DOS. And that's about all I've recieved from them. And Sony? Sure, younger brother got a PSX for Xmas in 1996 or so, but it wasn't a member of the family in the way an NES is.

    6 or 8 months ago, I bought a Dreamcast. It was a steal at a piddly $40 on []. It was a lot cheaper than getting another NES along with the games I still didn't have, were broken, or couldn't find anymore in storage over at grandma's house. So now, on one CD (with only a couple dozen MBs taken up) I have a good 400 NES games, ones I'll never play and ones I'll play over and over.

    [1] And still have it- the GB itself and ~10 games for $20 to first person who emails me - revaaron {AT} hot_mail DOT com. Eh, fix that to get the email addy. Ok, maybe that's too much- make an offer. If it comes down to it, I'm willing to let it fo for free plus shipping, as long as the recipient plans on actually using it. :)
  • I agree with most people...having Link to the Past (the original, not the GBA port with all it's weird changes) would have perfectly rounded out this collection. But shitfire, Zelda 1? The glory that is the original Legend of Zelda, with saves again (the battery in my cart died years ago)? I already own a GameCube, but I desperately want this disc, if nothing else but to have another version of the original Zelda.

    Shit, this will be the first time a whole new crop of gamers will see the joys and wonder of Z
  • I just got a GC last week! WTF?!?!?

    I sure as hell hope they offer it separately or else there's gonna be a bunch of seriously pissed off Zelda fans.

    • I got mine a year ago, can I be seriously pissed off too? I mean come on. Hardware manufacturers can and will change their bundles with little or no notice. What should they do, give six month's notice so nobody will buy their hardware until the announced bundle comes out?
      •'s the possibility that it may not be offered separately from the console. Which is *really* annoying. Kinda like only offering that last Zelda Master Quest disc if you had pre-ordered Wind Waker.

        Lots of people would buy this game. Some will even buy a new console to get it. But those people are extremely rare-- it's baffling why nintendo does this. They could sell these Zelda re-release discs at full-price and spend their evenings rolling around in big roomfuls of money.
        • I picked up the OoT disc (the pre-order bundled disc for Wind Waker) for ~$20 used. The question is, though, how many people are going to actually be bringing these in so you can find them? I didn't find out about the previous Zelda disc until I saw someone bringing it into a store to turn in. At least this time I know about it, though it'll probably still be fairly hard to find (I doubt any kind of 'not for resale' marking will stop used copies from being available).

          I'd still rather that they put the disc
        • I bought the bonus disc they bundled with Wind Waker on eBay for like $15 (new + still shrink-wrapped) when I forgot to pre-order. Hopefully, if they don't sell this one separately, I can pick this up there too...
    • there's gonna be a bunch of seriously pissed off Zelda fans.

      And we all know what they're like []!
  • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @07:38AM (#7151789)
    Will the NES games just be straight ports, or will they involve a graphical and aural overhaul, making them 2.5-D and look like something out of SSB Melee?
  • I'd almost buy a gamecube... Zelda and Mario are the only things good for the gamecube at the moment...
    • Yep, the only things. Besides Super Smash Bros. Melee, Metroid Prime (2002 game of the year), Super Monkey Ball 1/2, Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibur I/II, F-Zero GX, Animal Crossing, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, and Enter the Matrix. (OK, just kidding about that last one)
      • Soul Caliber I is not available on the Gamecube. That's a Dreamcast exclusive title!

        Don't be a liar in the future please.

        • Yep, you're right.

          As I don't own Soul Calibur (any version), I didn't realize that only II was out for the GC. I guess the hype a while back wasn't for the first one, but for just the discussion that it was going to be out on the system.

          But what's with the snotty "Don't be a liar in the future please." going on here?
          • That's snotty? You told a lie. I was telling you (more of a suggestion really, although I did not phrase it that way) that you should not tell lies. The implication was that lying is bad. Good luck with overcoming your penchant for lying!
            • lie [] - to present false information with the intention of deceiving. As Saige's comment was not intended to decieve, he was not lying. Q.E.D.
              • How do you know what his intentions were? Saige was attempting to make a statement about how great the Gamecube is by naming quality games available for it. It is well within the realm of possibility that he was padding this list in order to get people to buy Gamecubes, at which point it doesn't matter if Soul Caliber I is available or not - because he's already lured the person in. You have no proof that there was no deceit involved.

                Furthermore, you should never link to with a definition bec

                • No, SHE was not intending to present false information. As I said in my previous message, which should have been clear, the mistake was completely intentional.

                  Life must suck when you automatically assume everyone has the worst of intentions for their actions then act like your assumption is proven fact.
                  • Well then, there it comes from the horse's mouth. Regardless though, you still told a lie, as based on the second definition which I cited. My argument holds.

                    And your statement that I assume the worst about everyone is based on your knowledge of me gathered from any and all Slashdot posts of mine that you have read - this amuses me to no end. Good luck with being a male.

    • Metroid? Pikmin? Resident Evil? Soul Calibur II w/Link?

      Need I go on? I could...

    • Depending on your genre preference, I would highly recommend F-Zero GX, Ikaruga, Eternal Darkness, and Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (although you'd be better off holding out for RS III, which includes everything from II).

      Viewtiful Joe [] also looks to be an excellent game, although I haven't played it yet.

      Mario Sunshine is good, and IMO Wind Waker was excellent (although too easy), but there are a lot of other top-notch games available for the cube.
    • "Zelda and Mario are the only things good for the gamecube at the moment..."

      On the flip side, Zelda and Mario are available on the system.

      I mean, even if what you just said were true (I feel there are more "must-have" games for GCN than either of its two main competitors), I can't see why Zelda or Mario wouldn't be justification to buy the console.
  • I'm surprised that Link to the Past wasn't included. It was just released a few months ago on the Gameboy Advance, so if you have a Gameboy Player you're going to have to get your SNES fix that way. Which honestly doesn't sound so bad.

    The Super Nintendo had some of the best games for any system ever, and the GBA is really bringing a lot of these back. I think I'll pick up a Gameboy Player just so I can relive some pure gaming goodness.
    • I'm pretty sure Link To The Past will be on the Four Swords GC game that is slated to come out shortly.
      • Why would you think that? Has Nintendo said anything to that effect? I thought GC Four Swords was a game unto itself, an upgraded and enhanced (Wind Waker-ized, but still 2D) version, not simply a port of the entire GBA cartridge.
        • I think you're right - I've heard nothing about the full cartridge being ported, only Four Swords. The GC version is designed to have four players playing with four GBAs connected to the GC. The party is seen on the TV screen, but if you wander off from the rest of the party, you're on the GBA.

          That's not a bad idea for the GC/GBA connectivity, IMHO.

  • Congratulations (Score:4, Interesting)

    by (trb001) ( 224998 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @09:30AM (#7152435) Homepage
    Nintendo just convinced me to purchase a Gamecube. Between being able to play the old favorites (NES Zeldas), Gameboy favorites (the WHOLE library) and giving it away with a new, dirt cheap ($100) platform, they have officially won my business.

  • All right! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Unknown Kadath ( 685094 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @01:03PM (#7154397)
    I give up! I'll buy a GameCube!

    Now I just need a TV....

  • I already have a gamecube, but I just want the first zelda game. They better make this available for those of us who have already have a GC.
  • Time for some objective analysis...

    From the article:
    "From the available artwork, it looks like this disc will be included as a pack in with new GameCubes..." (emphasis mine)

    IGN doesn't know crap about it other than the fact that new art has been released to the retailers. Everything else about how the game will be available is pure speculation on their part. Period.

  • Already have a GC (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Clomer ( 644284 )

    I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I really hope that they release this as a stand-alone product. There are lots of Zelda fans, myself included, that already have a GameCube. I went so far as to pre-order Wind Waker so I could have the OoT Master Quest. Heck, that's the main reason I got a GameCube: so I could have that preorder disc.

    Nintendo, keep this in mind, there will be a lot of angry Zelda fans if you don't release this as a standalone product. If you don't... well, hopefully I'll be able to

    • You could probably score a fair amount of money by buying a bunch of these bundles and reselling the systems and the games separatley- sell the GC for a little below the street price and make up for it by selling the collection disk, which will probably go for a good amount, separatley.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
